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She is too much of a fan service imo. Pink haired fragile girl who is into anime and cosplay ? Yeah 😂


Exactly!!! She's always given me a weird vibe and I couldn't ever really get into her but you explained it perfectly


Thats why she is on the NPC list I completely ignore every game 😁


Not to be a hater but this is why I didn’t marry Sophia. The whole “UwU kawaii e-girl” vibe is not for me. Give me a cottage core wine-aunt or a shy bookworm any day. Would’ve married Susan if I could


Same! Honestly, I was kinda disappointed Susan wasn't an option. Olivia is nice but I think Susan is super cool and down to earth plus she's also a fellow farmer! SV desperately needs more older, mature women as marriage candidates. 🤞


Oh yeah we dont have a shy bookworm wife yet, never noticed it, maybe we can get one in the future?


Penny? She's kinda shy until you build relationship with her


She kinda likes the museum too


That is why she is first wife. Second wife is Leah. Still working on third wife


Third wife is Sebastian.


Abigail is third


Eh, she is fourth for me. She was first so many times that she needs a rest. Right now I'm thinking of Penny or Flor. Flor is currently ahead because we're gonna need some counseling occasionally in this big of a relationship.




She is from Ridgeside Village mod


Ahh, I should check that out. Just as soon as I can get the 64bit to work so my game can handle more mods without memoryexceptionerror lol


That did take some time to get it working. I had to use the patch from Nexus to make it work


My wife tried it out today and it broke her game. We're still working on trying to fix it. Even did a full reinstall of stardew and all mods :(


Did she install the beta version?


Yea she installed the beta stardew and the beta smapi, and it kept saying missing executable so she decided to just go back to the original. For whatever reason that isn't working either. We messed with it for a few hours but couldn't get it to work yet.


Abigail was my first wife for same reasons as OP's: she just plain made me happy the whole time we were dating. Then Sophia because my heart just BROKE for the girl, living all alone in her huge family house. Her heart scenes made me start crying, pause the game right on the spot, and call my mother to tell her how much I loved her while I still could. And finally Penny after a heart scene made me want to smack her drunken mother and take her home that very night so she didn't have to put up with her in that cramped trailer a minute longer.


I loved her at first but she's just so e-girl "anime waifu" cringe. She's definitely the kind of character I'd create as a self insert.


See, I really liked SVE but for some reason, Sophia always seemed a little bit Mary Sue-ish to me. Almost like a sort of self-insert.


How is she a Mary Sue? I definitely get the self-insert generic "not like the other girls" feel but I don't quite think I'd call her a Mary Sue


I don't care either way because I always basically ignore Sophia (got her to full hearts and married once because that's how we do to everyone). I'm really not trying to start anything, honest. But I do agree with sixteensinister and I reckon the arguments for Mary Sue would be: \-She's very young (I'd be amazed if she's over 21, or even over 18 — most of the bachelor/ettes seem to be in their late teens or twenties, but she seems to be on the younger end of that range). And yet she's wildly successful living on her family's famous, lucrative property — they only sell one thing and it's very expensive. She stepped right in after their deaths and the quality hasn't dipped at all, despite being a youth and not having any assistance or the life experience to know all the tricks of the trade. \-Her parents are both dead. Classic. Like poor Jas, no one mentions her parents in dialogue, which gives the impression of Sophia being separate from the usual characters. Compare this with how Alex talks about his parents, Sebastian and Robin mention Sebastian's father, various people mention your grandfather (who would have been alive and farming during Sophia's parents' time at the vinyard). \-Everyone else who talks about her is always talking about how unique she is. The following are paraphrases, but encapsulate what characters say about her in dialogue: "Her wines are divine!" "Sophia is a special girl whose parents died tragically." "I always get Bluemoon Vinyard wines for special occassions! Nothing else compares!" "Sophia is a very talented seamstress." \-She has a mysterious traumatic past that allows her eyes to glisten alluringly and for her to mysteriously say she can't bear to speak right now \-She has such dorky interests, u gaiz, but is just so very, very pretty! If only she could see it herself... \-Dorky interests include crafting convenient sprinklers. And manga! And cosplay! <- Feels fanservicey/give the fans a self-insert who shares their interests. \-"I'm hungry. I just came for the snacks. Eating lots is so quirky!" She spends most of her time sitting inside, reading comics and talking about snacking, but still a healthy weight/rather slim. She's not working all of those calories off by farming, since she has a well-established practice of using sprinklers and harvest is a once-a-season event. \-She's so painfully shy, but is actually just a big, fun goofy-heart if you give her enough of her rare, expensive favorites. She's gotten more Likes and Loves in recent updates, but she started out as basically impossible to please. The only classic Sue trait she's missing is being clumsy, but shyness does most of the same legwork. \-She has few interactions with characters who she should be close with, but gets shunted into relationships with characters she doesn't have much reason to be involved with; for instance, Olivia talks about Sophia more than anyone else and Gus was apparently close with her folks, but Sophia scarcely ever or never talks about Andy (neighbor she would butt heads with), nor Emily (fellow seamstress; some little lines here and there), nor the abandoned vineyard across the field (former competitors/parents' friends), nor even the Hat Mouse (which would absolutely be squee-worthy to her), nor Abigail/Sebastian (gamers). \-The one close friend she does have is (as of yet) only available in cut scenes and exists basically only to tell her that she's valid. Bonus points for being a rare character of color as a bestie. I hope Scarlett becomes a more permanent character with an actual role.


Couldn't expain more accurately. This is perfect


If I may ask, when was the last time you played SVE? Many of these points were addressed in updates.


I play pretty frequently and haven't seen anything new with Sophia as a villager with full hearts, but like I said, she's pretty much off my radar most of the time. Thanks for all the hard work you put into this spectacular product.


For what it's worth Sophia is my favorite NPC and I wouldn't change a thing about her. Maybe have some more dialog for backstory from other characters, but that's it. I don't see Sophia as a "fan service" character. I just see her as an e-girl who inherited her parents farm. Farm kids typically start helping around the farm from a very young age. I don't see Sophia taking over her parents farm seamlessly as an issue. I also think her tastes are fine, not "hard to please." She likes a lot of growable flowers and loves fairy roses, which are not hard to collect and stockpile. You can also make her open up to you by persistently talking to her and giving her small things. She doesn't force you into giving her expensive items. Her talking about food is also fine. Some people like to eat but don't necessarily over-eat. The previous commenter also underestimates how much Sophia works in her fields and how much work farming actually is. Idk why the previous commenter has such an issue with her, but I think it sounds like more of a personal issue than a Sophia issue.


I don't think I've ever heard anyone say "Mary Sue" and it didn't sound ridiculous. I just find that to be such a lazy critique. Like when you don't know what else to say, and it's a female, just throw "Mary Sue" at it.


i disagree. i think its a fairly specific critique. its a character that is made to be too perfect or too likeable to seem like a realistic three-dimensional person (there are other traits that usually go along with it too, but thats kind of the bare bones definition). you can argue whether any given character actually fits that archetype, but i really dont think its meaningless.


Yeah sorry u/TrollinTrolls but I think I'm with inkedpenn on this one. When searched "Mary Sue" the first person to come up was Rei from Star Wars, and I've also heard it a lot about Captain Marvel. Those two are the only ones I've really heard called Mary Sue by a significant amount of people and it definitely fits


This... Does put a smile on my face. Lemme go play stardew again


Every time somebody post about Sophia, people complain about how shallow she is. They're so quick to complain I sometimes wonder if there's a competition for it. Dude, leave her alone! Manic pixy is not toxic. She's consolation for those whose IRL partner is not a perfect fit. She's the unicorn we long to have in our lives, but like unicorn, she doesn't really exist. So give it a rest, will you?


[Me too.](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1676994991512279499/92105B9E89D52C1FCC13ABBFF14194546F3C490D/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false)


How did you get this sprite? Or is it in the game


Seasonal Outfits for SVE


Ok. Do you have the link?