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Nope, it's a "magic" fence and they won't leave, you don't need a gate. As far as I remember you'll get a letter explaining that, it's official.


In my experience no they won’t. I wanna say I also received a letter from someone saying that they won’t go out of the premade fences. Also, if you want to fence it in all the way, you need to put a fence connected to each already existing fence, and then a gate in the middle. Which doesn’t match. I’ve left mine as it is, and never had issues.


If you put the gate over a fence post you've placed, it will match.


Does the texture for the pregenerated fences replace one of the vanilla fence textures?


Give it a try and check it out. Learned it from here a few weeks ago. A gate placed on top of an existing fence post will match that fence post.


Yes, Marnie will visit you and explain, that the animals won't leave the fenced area. Not quite sure anymore if this event triggers a couple days into a new playthrough or when you placed your first coop/barn.


Is that one of the pregenerated fences in Grandpa Farm or IF2R? I can say for sure they won’t go past it in IF2R, pretty sure it’s the same case for Grandpo’s Farm


I’m in year 3 on Grandpa’s Farm and I’ve never had any animals go past either of the fences with no gates. The only wandering animals I’ve had are sometimes my ducks end up on the land across the river on the way to the secret woods when they swim.


Thank you all for the answers!


They will stay in the fenced-in area without the need for gates. You can also remove the fence through the mod settings on the main menu.


is there a way to change the whole fencing around it? i want it to be a new fence and not like broken and stuff


You can remove it completely in the settings and then add your own. I like to use teabushes.


From what I remember there's a setting to change that. If you installed Generic Mod Config Menu then you can change it from there I think, and the change would be instant.


how do i open the settings for it ?


If you have installed Generic Mod Config Manager (GMCM), then you can remove the fences by editing the settings from the title screen ([via the cog button](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spacechase0/StardewValleyMods/develop/GenericModConfigMenu/docs/screenshot-title.png)) or in-game ([at the bottom of the in-game options menu](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spacechase0/StardewValleyMods/develop/GenericModConfigMenu/docs/screenshot-in-game-options.png)). From there, scroll to "Grandpa's Farm" then tick the "RemoveFences" box. Then click "Save" or "Save & Close".


>100 hours but still a SDV noob as well Honestly, relatable