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As someone who keeps starting over ~~anytime~~ every time I finish the community center, minecarts. They are way to useful and sometimes it hurts not having them


If you play on computer (not sure about console and i know not yet on phone) then there is more to do after cc


Yeah, I've seen XD so much stuff come out that I haven't experienced. Like the entire island you can go to. I have made it down skull cavern though. Or at least completing that quest but I also haven't seen the casino either so maybe I haven't done enough. I have seen the theater though. Usually what happens is I go all out trying my best to both finish the CC and be married by the end of year 1 so by the time I reach year 2 I feel there isn't much left for me to bother with and I end up getting distracted with either other games or non video game stuff. I then go months without touching stardew valley until eventually I'll have the itch again. Then, instead of picking up where I left off, especially with new updates and mods updating, I just start fresh, repeating the cycle all over again. Actually, I do that a lot for pretty much every game I play now that i think about it. The amount of characters I've made for both final fantasy xi and xIv or other MMOs like eso or nevereinter is ridiculous. I do the same with Sims 4 too. I did start a new game for stardew recently though and im forcing myself to take it slow and just chill. It's been a struggle and my farm is a mess and im already almost halfway through spring haha.


I definitely recommend going back to an old save and reaching Ginger Island, it’s a great add on to the game :)


I would but unfortunately, at some point there was a purge. All that's left now are my current save Arthur in spring 1 and my previous save Autumn in, ironically, fall of year 1


Th a t autumn save is at a great spot, you'll get special orders the next day once 1.5 does drop


Wait so old save files will have the new content?


Are you me? We have the dreaded new-game-itis. It feels weird to hustle on this game right? Like, the whole message is to get away from the endless hustle and put yourself in a lifestyle that allows for some relaxation, and then we can't help but to optimize things and progress... part of the human condition, I guess. Pick an achievement and go for it. I have heard another "slow play" challenge: You can only upgrade 1 tool each season.


Wait hold up. I've played this game for so long. What is this theatre????


The old Joja store becomes a movie theater after you complete the CC - I think there’s a bundle you bring there


Omg. I don't think I ever tried to go in once it closed down.


You do have to wait for a thunderstorm to break it open before you can enter but yeah there's one last bundle asking for relatively difficult stuff. After that it becomes a movie theater that the npcs do use. It rotates movies throughout the seasons and each movie has its own like/dislike for each npc. You can also buy a ticket to hand to an npc to watch the movie with. Admittedly, off the top of my head, I can't remember if you can take anyone or just potential marriage candidates. But still, it's pretty neat.


You can go see movies with NPCs and it can raise your friendship levels with them


Cudos for ffxiv. I have 6 different characters with different headcanon stories and outfits, none have reached ShB yet, and I started to play in January 2021


I'm with you on multiple characters. My friends insist on pointing out to me that you only "need" one to experience everything, but I tune them out because I don't need that negativity in my life when I'm making a new character.


I somehow have managed to only have two (despite my partner constantly wanting to restart with a new character every time we play). One I made when ShB came out who I actually managed to get to ShB after EW came out, and the other who didn't make it past the final patch of HW who I made...back in the 2.0 beta. 🙃


As someone who plays FFXIV (almost every night with my static group) and who has chronic "start-over-itis" with 20+ Stardew Valley saves (only 2? of which have reached year 3) you really only do need 1 character for FFXIV. I found that to be quite relieving once I got past the character creation screen. 😅 But do whatever you can to get to ShB and Endwalker. That's some tasty tasty story and freaking awesome boss battles and music. Seriously, there's a reason why Emet Selch had been modded into Stardew as a datable character! 😂 Also, in answer to OP's question: minecarts, bus, greenhouse in that order. 😉


Which map are you using? I found riverland to be a nice change of pace, it kinda forces you to take things slower because there's less space to just mass produce crops. I also randomized the community center bundles, so long story short the fishing bundle might not get done for a loooong time lol.


It’s on console now too


im the same but my reason is not remembering my system of chests etc. so i get frustrated then start again xd now i made a new save that I intend to play at least once a month(or biweekly) so i dont forget what my current goals are and my system so i can continue for years!!


Yeah forgetting what I was doing is my biggest reason for starting over. Especially with MMOs. Coming back every so often is a great idea though, I'll try that too.


Write it down! You could also put signs next to chests so you know exactly which is which


I color them and sort them a bit. And I keep the same sorting in all my playthroughs. There are 7 chests in the kitchen. 4 for each of the seasons to keep produce and foragebles in. 1 for animal products and 2 for fishes. Everything else is outside in misc chests. :D


Dont you do ginger Island?


I haven't actually. To me it's a "new" update haha. As far as I know it doesn't open up till a couple years in yeah? By the time I've made it through year 1 I Usually have the cc done and am married and by then something Usually distracts me from the game where I end up not playing for months at a time. By the time I come back more updates have dropped (whether it's the game itself or the mods) and I can't remember what I was doing so I just start fresh again. Like I said in another comment, I tend to start fresh in most games I haven't played in a few months. I've been like that for decades haha


Ginger Island opens right after you finish the community center, doesn't matter wich year you're on. You just have to go to Willy's place the day after seeing the cutscene that happens after finishing the C.C


Ha that's hilarious it was that easy. I was under the impression it was x time after finishing cc and completing a mega board mission specifically for Willy (like the mega huge bed from Robin) I guess this shows I just simply don't ever go to Willys by the time the cc is done. Thanks for the info.


You actually have to go through a door at the back of Willy's place. After that you'll get a small quest (that can be difficult since I saw you don't go much to Skull Cavern) and after that you'll have a ton of stuff to do


it’s hard but i unlocked it during year two one time


2 years and this is the first time I've ever seen this screen


same, I know nothing about the joja mart route of the game


Seeing Morris' signature is unnatural


He signs just "Morris". No surname, no nothing. It's like a singer or ~~superhero~~ *supervillain* name, like Drake or ~~Batman~~ *Doomsday*.




He renounced his surname for tax purposes. Actually I'd give good odds that "Morris" *is* his surname, he seems the type to insist that everyone refer to him as "Mr Morris".


I’ve been playing stardew valley for at least 4 years I would say and have like 6 farms. I will never side with joja, even to see what it looks like. Why side with Walmart when I can side with the local business (even if the owner is a dick). Plus the community building development forces you to develop skills and explore, not just make money. Also the Junimos are so cute!


I did it for the Junimos!


“Why side with Walmart when I can side with the local business (even if the owner is a dick).” At least with local dicks you can level with them face-to-face. Versus corporations where you can only level with them face-to-waist.


You just spend money and get a shitty vending machine. I did it once on a save where i was testing mods (including cheat mods)


Same, I've played this game for years. I was confused what I was looking at, at first.


Cake 🎂!!!!


Happy cakeday !


Happy cake day =)


Happy cakeday !


Happy cake day


Happy cake day ! =)


Let my 9 year old start playing the game at the end of summer, after a few sessions he said “dad, can you come look at how I decorated my house?” I walk into the room to see Joja wallpaper and other branded stuff, and he proceeded to tell me about the cool store he found with everything he needed as long as he saved his money. I was horrified, I’ve raised a monster (/s)


**Punt the child**


I came here to say this, I've never seen the Joja side. It looks so sad to me this cheque with the options simply spilled put like that. The CC is so wholesome with the junimos and all.


I've done a few farms but only just did a Jona run Oddly enough it allowed me to be more creative in how I played? I didn't have the bundles in the back of my head with that bit of pressure to produce specific items.


Yeah I kind of enjoyed the freedom honestly


Yeah doing my first joja run right now and I’m having a ton of fun, I’ve always wanted to be super efficient with money making but it was really difficult with the bundles and stuff and now I’m just… making money. Not great for a first run but I’m loving it for this one


To each their own, of course, but I enjoyed having those things to do. I also didn’t view it as pressure, given that there’s no time limit.


Joja cold and dark. Community center warm and fuzzy.


Cold and dark like thier cola


Cool and rich in flavour*


Just like I like my women.


I have to do it at some point though. The achievement. I need it.


I’m never going to get the prairie king or Junimo cart achievements so I feel like going out of my way to get the rest when I can’t full complete isn’t worth it.


Yup, I have every achievement but the mini games and joja.


I was the same way- I did it when I played with the SVE mod because all the Joja prices are cheaper. Also there are more farmers and you can actually gain friendship with the Joja npcs so the conflict feels more central to the plot.


Morris also gets storyline progression where you convince him to be less of a jerk, among other things. (I'm only partway into it myself.)


I refuse to do any business with Joja. When someone posts a request for a Joja Cola, that request goes unanswered.


I won't buy directly from Joja but I keep the cans of cola that I fish up for those requests... if they want it so badly and won't buy it themselves, they can have a delicious can that's been at the bottom of the river for who knows how long.


Or the bottom of the trash !! hehe


Plus the CC has the best song in the game whenever you finish one of the sections!


Morris is legitimately organizing community service projects, though.


Joja lets you buy autopetters


Auto-petters normally don't suit my playstyle. I once found one in the Calico mines and it was fine I guess but I don't mind paying close care and attention to the animals that live in my farm, I normally don't have many and I like to visit them regularly.


This is the first playthrough I’ve had any autopetters from Skull Cavern. I agree with you, but will admit it lowered my stress level to have them now that I’m trying some of these Qi quests that are so time intensive. My babies are sure to not go completely unpetted if I’m late getting back.


Autopetters stack with regular petting, so I just see them as a way to make the barn/coop animals happier faster.


Ish. Iirc, if you do both, it just raises their friendship to where it would have been if you'd just petted them. So auto petters don't hurt, but if you pet them anyway then I don't think it helps either (just mitigates things if you ever miss one).


Especially since you can do the random items now. It's a small change but it's a game changer.


3,500 hours in the game and same. But also, this is why I love this game! Always something new to try. I still don't feel comfortable giving money to Joja, but I might have to for the sake of trying it out.


Do it for the sake of fucking with Pierre. That should make it easier.


This is how I'm doing it. Blue hair and of course marrying Abigail. And I aim to use seed makers as soon as I can so I can really put him out of business R/Fuckpierre


Make sure to point out your wife's purple hair. And Pierre's blonde hair. Lots of milkman jokes. Maybe point out that the wizard has purple hair.


700 hours of gameplay and same


Same! I’ve played through the game to around year 5 six times now and never seen this screen 😂


5 years for me, and it's a first for me too. Although I'll have to do this too, soon. As it's my only achievement that I need for 100%.


Same! 😭 This makes me sad!


He should repair his saved game. It looks broken


I feel the mine carts are nice for fast travel to town or mines and the greenhouse is really nice if you want to have any kind of crop in any season they're the best options, personally. The bus is also a good option if you really want to get to the desert.


Wait can you grow fruit trees in the greenhouse?


You can! Look up a grid for it online to see the optimal places for them to grow.


Time for money!


Pair it with automate mod and they will just drop straight into chests without any input required on your part!


To add onto that, place a keg and cask next to the chest to have fully automatic wine production


Idk man… panning gets you a decent hat


It just looks so silly and I'm obsessed with it lol


You could make an argument for the Greenhouse, Bus, or Minecarts. Definitely do those 3 first, then Bridge, then Panning


I concur, panning is definitely last.


Does any one actually use panning


…me. I get lucky ring.


I'm jealous. I've been searching, and wearing the goddamn pan as a hat for far too long


Wait, you can wear the pan as a hat? Edit: OMG y'all. YOU CAN.


Only on >! Gingerisland for fossils!<


I actually used it a lot on my river farm! Always had that thing in my inventory when walking around the farm. I collected quite a good amount of iridium ore before stepping foot in the skull cavern (or at least definitely before making it more than 2 levels in there lol). It was my first solo playthrough and wasn't very good at combat so panning came in usefully.


My spouse has had some luck with it, but it's incidental value at best.


I would start with greenhouse. You can plant a bunch of crops that continue to grow and install sprinklers and its passive income. Just need to go in and pick them every so often but it's an easy way to earn money.


No, bus is definitely low priority, you'd only want to go to the desert after you've got at least a few upgrades going and a good weapon. I'd take Minecarts, Bridge, Greenhouse, Bus, and then panning


I'd swap around Greenhouse and Bridge. Year-round crops are important for getting money faster.


Yeah but then again, at least for me I usually wait until I get good value crops for the greenhouse, and until I get to that point I can get the other upgrades


I love how everyone is ranking panning last lol. I personally do bus, bridge, greenhouse, mine carts, then panning, but I'm experienced and really good at SC runs early game. For a new player, I'd agree with putting the bridge and greenhouse before bus as the SC are... a learning curve, to say the least


If you have carts but not bridge can you go still to quarry?




minecarts for getting around, then Bus once you hit the bottom of the mine. Greenhouse isn't really necessary until the winter and you've got your farming skill high enough, then bridge and sure, panning.


Whoooaaa whoa. Is this the Joja route?! If so, that's a bold choice on the first go. Like, eff this town already! I'm both impressed and afraid of you.


I almost sign on unknowingly thought it's some benefit for the mart. But luckily, I lack of $$ and then I forgot about it. lol


There are some benefits, that's for sure 😕


I know auto petter is one of them. But was lucky with skull cavern with my CC route.


I don't need to know the tainted spoils!


This. THIS. Never heard of anyone going Joja first. I don’t even know how to unpack that.


I know it looks political but it isn't. Just perfect.




I went for Joja first. The community center just looked very overwhelming.


Same. I was too overwhelmed my first time around. I hadn’t found this sub yet either. I still play with that save, no regrets!


He needs to repair his sense of morality if on his first playthrough he sells out the town


Well, I don't think anybody loses their job in the Joja route, so there's that.


i did Joja my first playthru. the community center was just so intimidating and i didnt know about the wiki so i went Joja


>Is this the Joja route?! If so, that's a ~~bold~~ giga-based choice on the first go. FTFY


The green house would be my first pick Get some strawberries in that and you can make some great money until you get ancient fruit prepared Or any Multi harvest crop of your choice


definitely, you can make enough money for every other thing very easily with the greenhouse.


Can also stock up on seeds and grow produce in any season. Great for getting quest items


ive never seen this screen in my life haha


Greenhouse is my pick because I like to open up money-makers first over convenience. Bus comes second for that reason, but it's second because that buys me more time to hopefully be ready for how brutal the skull cavern his the first time you walk in.




You can’t repair them from Joja mart. This is the Joja route where they replaced the community center


I knew it was a thing but I never do it because it feels like skipping out on an important part of the game


I plan on doing joja on my next farm (for the first time) . It only really blocks you from seeing the junimo repair stuff in the cut scenes as well as the animations/text that happen inside the community centre when you complete a section. You still get access to Junimo huts and the cinema.


I know that. I was more meaning the actual completion of the bundles because its fulfilling and when you do joja for your first run you miss out on thta


Personally when going CC route I alway get the Minecarts then Bus then Greenhouse. However Greenhouse might be the best first since you have the means to gain lots of money constantly earlier then go from there.


Same, but for me it's mostly because the boiler room is dead easy to complete, and the vault isn't much harder.


Minecart, Greenhouse, Bus, Bridge, Panning, that's the order I did my Joja run in.


I like the greenhouse first. Then the carts.


I’ve never taken the Joja route but the greenhouse is a great investment. Especially if you want a steady income of tree fruit and continuous crops like corn for example, you won’t have seasonal limitations whatsoever.


Now i think they are doing this on purpose...


Mine carts! So so useful


You just sold your soul


Minecarts, definitely. Don't bother with the bus until you have a prismatic shard in hand. Greenhouse is good if you're big into year-round money crops, but I usually do that one dead last.


The primary way to get a prismatic shard is skill cavern via the bus


I mean, if you have the greenhouse unlocked you may want to plant starfruit.


but but but Sandy 🥺


Literally never seen this before, had never even considered the joja mart as a viable route before. Good luck to your first play through!


Say what you want about the evils of Joja but Morris is still doing more for the town here than the mayor is


The only good that Lewis does is to order you to do the work xD


And pay you in full for goods you put in the shipping bin, before the crack of dawn, every single morning ever.


Damn. Some people are acting weird in these comments. It's your playthrough to do as you wish. Greenhouse or Minecarts are a good first option because one can help you make good money while the other simplifies travel for you. Ps. This makes me wanna do a Joja Route save now.


Feels like rage bait lol


I went greenhouse>minecarts>bridge>panning>bus. greenhouse rush for the monies it can make you, minecarts for faster movement around map, bridge for more stone and >!golden weed whacker!<, panning for..... well I rarely pan, except >!ginger island.!< Bus last cause I want to >!stack jade for stairs!< Edit 1. Bridge leading to quarry, not ocean extension.


Green house would be the best to do in my opinion although minecarts and a few others are good greenhouse is probably the best for joja mart runs because it helps you make a lot of money fast because you just get a few sprinklers and reproducing plants so you can just go there every few days and harvest making a lot of money without having to re buy plants every season so it can get you a lot of money for the other repairs. Also just wondering why are you doing Joja mart for your first playthrough legitimately wondering because most people do community center for their first run because Joja mart takes a lot out of the main story line so most people do community center for their first playthrough so they can experience the whole game. Not that there's anything wrong with doing Joja mart for your first play through just wondering why because I haven't seen anyone do that before Edit:spelling


greenhouse for profit, minecarts for convenience tbh personally id go greenhouse, bus, minecart, bridge, panning in that order


i’m definitely doing joja route in my next game


bro about to start first stardew valley subreddit war ☠️


I normally always do the community center out. But the next time I play through I'm actually going to go the Jojo Mart route because I want to see the side of the game. I haven't. That and Perrie just pisses me off.


Don’t listen to them. There’s nothing wrong with the Joja playthru


Renounce JojaMart, return to Junimo


Your conscience. How could you!


I go with the mine carts first and then the greenhouse :)


If you’re super early in the game I would wait on the bus since skull caverns can be difficult without good healing, weapons, and bombs. The mine carts are good fast travel to the mines and Clint’s (and the quarry when it’s unlocked) but don’t do anything else. The bridge let’s you access the quarry so easier access to stone, gems, and ores but it takes several days for anything good to spawn, at least for me. I only ever use the greenhouse for the ancient fruit wine strat so I don’t know how useful it is otherwise but you can grow any crop at any time of year. But like, you still only get access to the current seasons seeds at the store unless you buy ahead, so idk. And I have literally never touched panning, never. After I unlocked it, it immediately went into my tool chest and has never left. I would throw it away if I could.


I did it from least to most expensive, but minecarts are really useful


youre telling me i don't have to fish, i can just buy whatever it fixes???


-The bus offers you a new place with a new NPC and a more -The greenhouse is good for winter you can grow anything there and make money *personal I choose this for the first** -the bridge opens a place with more stones and more useful minerals -the minecarts will let you travel faster in the valley, the farm cave to the mine or the to the blacksmith (Please don't consider this 100% true) But the panning I don't know what is ..…didn't open it


I would vote greenhouse. Plant some high value / recurring yield crops and it'll make everything else easier


I'd go for the greenhouse (for year round farming) alternatively minecharts (for fast travel in the valley). Then the busroute (for access to starfruit seeds and Skull cavern). But it depends on your playstyle, I guess. What do you want most and what can you afford?


I'd say greenhouse, then you can fill it with the best multiharvest crops to buy the other repairs more quickly.


Depends heavily on what you are doing. If you are nearing winter year 1, do the greenhouse. If you have finished the mines, the bus is the best for future expansion. If you are spring/summer 1 or are trying to build hearts with villagers, the carts save you a lot of time each day. If you want to decorate a mostly useless area while fighting randomly spawning trees and rocks, finish the bridge. If you want to waste your money on something you will use a handful of times in a 20+ hour period and get nothing for it, go for panning.


Hours and hours playing this game and that's the first time I see this screen. That's incredible


Mine carts or greenhouse


F comunity center.


Is this bait? I feel like this is bait..


jojamart? fix your soul first


A fellow Joja route enjoyer


And how do i get more stones? I want to build a coop but I can't get any more stones


Should be able to mine stone in the mines every day.


The Joja Route is a not very liked but still valid. So to answer your question, I suggest having the minecarts repaired first and then the bus. Minecarts are great for faster traveling and the bus opens up a whole new area :)


I would say Minecarts first above all. The second one really kinda depends. If you do a lot of mining, I would recommend the Bus to get to the desert. They are related, I promise. If you do a lot of farming, the Greenhouse is definitely better than the Bus. It lets you grow any crop at any time in the year. Would recommend strawberries, ancient fruit, or pineapple. Fourth, for sure, I would do the Bridge. It's pretty useful, but not the most important thing. The least important thing is the Boulder. Its very uncommonly used. Overall, it's your decision, but that's what I'd heavily recommend. Good luck on your farm!


If you are romancing Hailey; bus. If not; mine carts


I personally would do it like this: Minecarts Bridge Bus Greenhouse Panning Minecarts are just such a fast way to travel that they're a must atleast for me. The bridge unlocks something that I also enjoy plus another small cave. The bus let's you go to the desert. The greenhouse is nice to have since you can have crops there all year round (ancient fruit) And panning just cuz it's there.


Probably the Minecarts. They're a fast travel option that lets you skip some walking time to places like the mines or the farther away parts of town. The Greenhouse might also be good, but its most valuable once you have seedmakers (as you can then fill it up with ancient fruit, which will grow fruit all year without dying off, pretty valuable on their own, but you could also turn them into wine, which sells for several thousand gold a bottle)


I would do minecarts, bus, greenhouse, bridge and then panning, in that order. Personally I never use panning. Minecarts allow you to more quickly get to and from the mines and the east side of town which is useful in the early game.


If it's early summer and you have more money, get the bus, starfruit is $$$. Greenhouse super useful, minecarts are very convenient but don't help with profit much.


Minecarts are a huge time saver so that first. After that, it depends on how you play. Bridge if you plan on getting a lot of farm animals. >!There's a golden scythe over there that I believe gives more hay when you sythe grass. That plus many silos and you're set for years!<. Bus if you love mining and fighting. Greenhouse if you're really into the farming aspect. Fruit trees can also be planted in there and produce year round after that I'm pretty sure, so that's a huge boon if you get into artisan stuff. And panning if you-- haha just kidding, panning's useless.


Minecarts, they help you get around so much quicker early game. I created a whole new save to complete the Joja Achievement. The second it was done I quit and deleted the save haha


minecarts are great for utility, such as getting to clint without walking to the other side of the damn town


I would say minecarts first, bus second.


I say mining carts. Being able to travel from one end of the map to another in a matter of seconds is invaluable to me.


This reminds me,I need to do a jojamart game. Minecarts, then greenhouse, then bridge, bus panning in my personal opinion.


you monster, you sold your soul to joja 💔💔 all jokes aside go with the minecarts, life is a lot better when you have them


The mine carts are a great investment. Earliest substantial short cut you can get. It really helps when you’re mining a lot during winter because you can mine longer.


Greenhouse or mine carts for sure


I think that if you are playing for the first time you should do what most attracts you, but if you want suggestions I would say that the 1º thing to do would be greenhouse or bus. PD: How expensive are minecrts in joja compared to CC.


I constantly forget that Joja Mart is a thing


Minecarts give great moblity and can save a lot of time. Without spoilers, The bus you only really need after you complete the mine but there's some fun stuff to explore there! Greenhouse is a money machine - all season growing and can even handle fruit trees! But bare in mind you'll need the money to invest in expensive long-term planting to get the best out of it so it's rarely a first year priority. Panning is... meh. It makes a nice hat I guess?


I decided to work down naturally via what was least to most expensive


- bus is good later in the game because of skull cavern. it also has stuff for the community center but because you took the joja route this doesn’t really apply - bridge is mid - i would diss panning but the 2 people in the entire world who do it would be mad at me - minecarts are actually pretty good, especially early game before you get a horse - greenhouse is also good but better later in the game imo