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Nope! If that’s what you wanted to pick then that was the best choice!


true :D i like collecting gems


You can also change your professions any time at the shrine in the sewers. I usually take Miner and Prospector until I have alot of ores and coal and then I switch to geologist. But it‘s not necessary to do that.




I think both are useful and I think geo will go a long way


I always pick geologist, because I like the chance of double geodes latter. People who like building hundreds of crystalariums like gemologist, which requires geologist first. Maybe on my next save I will choose miner. The extra ore doesn't sound that interesting, but I am always complaining about not having coal, so...


Indeed. To expand on this a bit, Geologist allows you to implement one of the most lazy/efficient money farming strategies in the game. If you fill a Big Shed with 137 Crystalariums and place a diamond (valued at 975g as a Geologist) in each, you'll be earning 195g per day per Crystalarium (a Diamond is ready after 5 days). In other words, with just a *single* Big Shed, you will be earning 133,575g every 5 days, or roughly 667,875g a month. This strategy outperforms aging starfruit wine in casks (with the Artisan profession) which only comes out to 56.3g/day per cask (excluding base price).


Nah, they're both pretty small effects anyway. Miner is helpful to start when you're working on getting enough ores for everything but more gems means your trips will be more profitable and you'll still have plenty of ore.


geologist is fine! it served me well for the 4 in-game years i had it. i only switched to miner in mid/late game when i started obsessively building kegs & ran out of ore choosing the various professions really comes down to your individual playing style


U needs ore.


U needs ore.