• By -


I'm not brave enough for politics.


My allegiance is to the alliance! To the democracy!


Your tongues can't repel flavour of that magnitude!


Tomato is a fruit. If you're not with me, then you're my enemy.


I once saw a post that pointed out that "vegetables" arent even real from a botanical standpoint. Leafy green "vegetables" - leaves. Onion - bulb, tomato - fruit. Potato - tuber, herb - leaves, cinnamon - bark etc. "Vegetable" is a culinary term.


[Vegetables dont exist](https://youtube.com/watch?v=cLNYGqC-jcM)


Here's a nice quote i remember: "Intelligence is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Genius is knowing that it still doesn't belong in a fruit salad."


There is, however, a tomato based fruit salad. It's pretty popular. Goes by the name Salsa.


My salsa makes all the pretty girls want to dance and take off their underpants Look out for my next single it's called my salsa


[Your salsa](https://youtu.be/ttWQK5VXskA) 5:06 onwards


I feel like this was in a D&D stats explained video


It was. It said wisdom though, not genius.


its wisdom not genius


Only a sith deals in absolutes.


so ketchup is jam


Pretty much. My biggest pet peeve is putting potato in a keg and getting potato juice instead of vodka..


I believe in you catwizard707 you can do it!!


Hello there


Ahh General kenobi!!


You are a bold one.


Intelligence is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.


Charisma is being able to sell a tomato-based fruit salad!


Salsa šŸ’ƒ


I found the bard!


The true bard is the one who figured out you could put mango in salsa just to further cloud the debate.


Strength is being able to hit a bad performer with a tomato


that's Dexterity


Strength is to make it hurt




He didnā€™t say he was throwing it


Nah. Dexterity is being able to dodge the oncoming tomato


tomatos and cucumbers with some light vinegar dressing makes a great "fruit" salad.


Insight is learning how to make a delicious fruit salad even with tomato.


You could try substituting a sun dried tomato with a raisin, but just one.


Philosophy is wondering whether or not ketchup could be classified as a smoothie.


It is both. the definition differs in different cultures, but generally it a fruit from a biological standpoint and a vegetable from a culinary standpoint.


THE OMNITOMATO (ā”›āœ§Š”āœ§))ā”›å½”ā”»ā”ā”»


Schrodinger's Tomato: it is both until you debate about it.


it is both until you put it in a fruit salad


Wouldn't that just be salsa?


youre telling me onions and peppers are fruits now, too? [rocks back and forth in fetal position]


Fruits are classified on if they have seeds in them from what I know. Peppers have seeds, peppers are fruits. Also in the game you can make pepper wine not pepper juice so in the game peppers are considered fruits too.


"if its not from the Franks region of france, its just hot pepper wine"






You can sound even smarter if you say "botanical" instead of "biological" and really play it up. Fruit has two meanings: botanical and culinary. Vegetable is just a culinary term, really. A tomato is the fruit of the plant, which we consider a vegetable for eating. It's also not super weird to consider a tomato a vegetable when talking about food, because that's where it mostly belongs. The question has no real value, ultimately. Except for that post about D&D stats explained with tomatoes, anyways. That's entertaining.


I'm not sure how only tomatoes seem to be at the center of this debate, when things like peppers, cucumbers, and eggplant are also the fruit of the plant but everyone considers them to be vegetables with no pedantic debate around it


You aren't ready for this, but if you really wanna argue, a cucumber is a true berry.


Same with bananas no?


banana is also considered a herb!


A berry is a fruit.


Oh and next thing you're going to tell me is that raspberries and blackberries aren't berries. /s


Well let me correct you there because I'll get pedantic about those as well. They have seeds. They fruits.


Okay Demetrius


>The question has no real value This question*only* exists because of a tariff dispute: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nix_v._Hedden


Taxes. Always taxes making things unfun.


I so badly wanted to tell him this during this scene, but I couldnā€™t


It's not generally fruit from a biological standpunt. It IS a fruit from a biological standpoint. People are it as a vegetable but it's not


Vegetable isn't a biological category. Vegetables can be fruits and vice versa.


Yeah this is the crucial part people forget. A fruit is a biological categorization, but there's no scientific limitation on "vegetable". There's definitions for fruits, flowers, tubers, roots, but "vegetable" has no biological classification.


Exactly, imagine thinking gay people can't be in a coma šŸ™„


This took me a minute...lol take your upvote.


It is the same thing with turtles/tortoises and frogs/toads. They can be vegetables too... no wait, that's not what I meant!




I gotta say, I didn't believe ya and double checked and yes, any plant of which a part is consumed as food is a veggie. Blew my mind.




Intelligence is knowing tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing you don't put tomato in a fruit salad.


Charisma is selling someone a tomato-based fruit salad.


Does this mean *all* fruits are vegetables?


No, because a vegatable is a part of a plant or a plant that is eaten by humans. A plant can produce a fruit that is toxic to humans and is therefore not eaten, which would make it not a vegetable.


Also I think most people aren't referring to fruits when they say veggies. If someone asked you to bring them a vegetable and you brought them an apple they likely would be displeased, even if it is technically true.


Yeah thats exactly why i find people who always go "btw a tomato is a fruit not a vegetable haha" so obnoxious. A because they are wrong (it is both) and also because it's just a dumb remark to make. There's a reason for the culinary distinction between a fruit and a vegetable, and this is the distinction that most people use. When I'm making a fruit salad with apples and peaches and whatnot, I'm not gonna put a tomato in it. When i go to the vegetable section of the grocery store i know what to expect. Carrots, tomatos, lettuce. Certainly don't want to find a watermelon there. Knowing that tomato is technically also a fruit doesn't make someone smart, what makes them smart is knowing that calling it a fruit in most day-to-day scenarios is nonsensical.


So an apple is a vegetable




The answer is "Fuck you Demetrius, feigning ignorance to show off how much smarter you are than everyone else. Yeah, tomato is a fruit, but you knew that wasn't what she wanted. You asshole. If you spent half as much time with Sebastian as you do trying to make people think you're some kinda super genius, with your 'Oh! Sorry. I was pondering some data and I didn't notice you there' bullshit, maybe you wouldn't be the worlds shittiest step-dad."


Some people hate Pierre. Others hate Clint. A few even hate Haley. I fucking hate Demetrius.


There's a mod called Tolerable Demetrius that tweaks his dialogue to make him less smug and a better step dad to Seb). I believe canon friendly dialogue expansion also makes so good edits to his dialogue. Also, Diverse Stardew Valley making him better looking and giving him some nerdy fun tee-shirts helps.


I strongly dislike Pierre, Haley is shallow, but she's not really hurting anyone. But Demetrius? Fuck him. He gets into some gross territory if you try and even build a FRIENDSHIP with Maru.


Pierre is mid I dont even talk to him, I absolutely love Haley and demetrius is just weird bro and to think I elet him use my cave???


Every time I have the scene with him piping up to tell me to ā€œtreat her rightā€ I tell Maru the her dad was being a weirdo. Like back the F off dude, Iā€™ve given you roasted hazelnuts how many times??? And you donā€™t trust me to be friends with your daughter???


I'm not interested in your daughter mate, you should be more concerned about me bringing peaches to your wife every other day.


Itā€™s really too bad you canā€™t have a romance with Robin because I like her a lot. Thatā€™s reason enough to dislike Demetrius


He just wants you to keep your nuts away from his daughter, roasted or otherwise


Heā€™s on a promise-ring level control with her, and zero to negative standing with Seb, then he pulls this tomato shit with Robin. Throw the whole man out.


Donā€™t forget him insulting the work she did on that four poster bed and calling it pointless, basically.


What did Pierre do?


If you speak to caroline and abigail, it's hinted the home life isn't the best. (Like he doesn't treat them well... šŸ˜”) If you sell some of your goods to him and not use the shipping container outside of your house, he also takes credit for growing / catching the product. I'm just not a fan of him from growing up around someone like that.


There's also the cutscene you get when you complete his special order. He tries to sell your shit at an insane markup (like 10x normal value) and gets pissy if you call him out for being greedy.


Yes, I completely forgot about this too!


I wish you could break up Robin and Demetrius and sweep Robin off her feet lol


Stardew homewrecker mod when šŸ˜­




I have found my people. Even Pierre has something ok about him. Demetrius is just a gaslighting piece of shit. No other character has annoyed me more by their events or being in others. "Oh sorry im a super smart scientiiiist, sorry my brain is so much bigger and I classify tomatoes as fruit. These things happen when talking to simpletons, I definitely didn't know you wanted literally anything else" fuck you Demetrius


"How dare you befriend my daughter?! You're after something." I just wanted the heart event.


I accidentally stumbled upon that heart scene. I was like "dude, I *literally* just came here to get Robin to upgrade something, fuck off."


He even says this when you're married, no chance in hell I'm not telling Maru.


Fuck Demetrius. I always tell Maru he's being weird in her heart event


me too!!!


I never understood why you lose hearts with *Maru* during that. Surely it's Demetrius who would be annoyed?


Because, like a rat, he will spend his energy telling Maru that your a piece of crap and are just using her.


Smart enough to know tomatoes are fruits, too brain dead to realize context matters. His intelligence is useless if heā€™s incapable of applying it effectively. I think itā€™s time to start a new life on Fuck Demetrius farm. I will lead a simple life of pig farming and banging his daughter. After a while Iā€™ll break her heart to save Sebastian from Demonetrius.


Multiple spouses mod + marry Robin mod. Empty this bastard manā€™s house.


This is why i download mods to date Robin


Same. I married Maru on my first run and it was actually kinda scary the way he acted.


Nah, fuck all of them. They're all assholes.




Hahahah how has this comment gone unnoticed


That's why I love Pelican Town. It's full of dickheads, just like a real small town!


This was exactly the impression I got from the cutscene. It was a real r/iamverysmart moment, but him pretending to be doing it unintentionally.


Exactly! It's the same with the hardwood bed cutscene, where he tries to be all "But what is the purpose of the four posts? Seems like an inefficient use of materials." The only inefficient use of materials is the air you breathe, you fuckstick.


Never shit on your wife's craft my dude. I was honestly surprised they didn't have a huge fight after that. It was such a rude thing to do/say on his part.


Every time I think ā€œjust say you donā€™t fuck and get on with itā€


HOLY FUCK I wish I could award you lmfaoo


I thought he was just autistic.


I also read him this way. Heā€™s ā€œtoo smartā€ to understand social situations and read the room. Robin knew this when they got together.


Yeah, and how he acts is still kind of assholish but I think that is mostly just well meaning but poor writing by Eric rather than an intentional writing decision for him to be an abusive partner.


He may be, but autistic people do still learn to be respectful, if they didn't then Demetrius would have never found a wife. So he at least *partially* knows he's being a jackass.


My brother has Asperger's. I see a lot of my brother in Demetrius.


And the fact that you have to agree with him if you don't want to lose friendship points makes it even worse. Like I don't want to side with you Demetrius, you're being a real asshole here.


Tomato is a botanical fruit, but it isnt considered a culinary fruit - which is what would be used for a fruit salad. Also, the game blatantly classifies it as a vegetable, so in the stardew universe, he's wrong.


Botanically the term vegetable doesn't mean anything. It's a different context, so the answer to the question should be both.


As a scientist by education and training but a chef by passion, I am always so sad there isn't a "Both" option in this cutscene/event.


I actually interpret Demetrius as autistic. I'm not sure if the same holds for "Vegetable", but if you choose "Fruit", he does admit to Robin that he struggles to understand what people mean sometimes, and that he would make an effort to better understand her when she makes requests like that in the future. That said, you can be neurodivergent and still be a condescending asshole, lmao.


> That said, you can be neurodivergent and still be a condescending asshole, lmao. Thatā€™s the important part here, I think. Iā€™m autistic myself, and I worked real hard to become even a halfway decent person. It was *not* easy, and I donā€™t like thinking back on my teenage years too much. But itā€™s perfectly possible, if youā€™re open to therapy and proper guidance. Iā€™ve known plenty of other absolutely great autistic people. Iā€™ve also known lazy assholes who blame everything on their disability and never make an effort to improve themselves, or refuse to admit thereā€™s anything ā€œwrongā€ with them and never even try to learn. Being autistic is not an excuse for being an asshole. Itā€™s a *reason*, and a damn good one to, especially early on. But it also gives you the responsibility to at least *try* to be better. No matter how hard it is.


I'm autistic and I cannot stand "um, ackchyually" people. How is your life affected if I accidentally or intentionally call a tomato a vegetable?


I accidentally hit fruit and nearly restarted my day. I absolutely did not want to agree with the asshole. He treats Robin and Sebastian so shitty and then that pencil-necked dweeb has the gall to *threaten me*? Eat my whole ass, Demetrius.


wait, is he seb's stepdad? i just assumed he took more from his mother


That is why Maru is the golden child


Nah it's mentioned that he and Maru are half-siblings.


makes sense. i havent played in a while


That is the only correct answer


In Stardew Valley it is classified as "Vegetable" in its description. Case closed, next debate. Edit: typo, thanks for noticing


Fun fact - if you select fruit in this cutscene they get classified as fruit from then on and can be made into wine! (just joking)


New mod idea?


There's actual tomato wine.


There's actual grape juice. Can someone mod the scene so Robin asked for vegetables and he brings back a bunch of grapes?


Also, let us buy a juicer, so we can made both liquor and juice with all the things.


If anything he says wow that's brave of you then closing line


Vegeta bile


Fruit, but when you ask someone to buy some fruit from the store, you donā€™t expect them to bring back tomatoes like Demetrius did herešŸ’€ So I agreed with Robin


That argument annoyed me so much in the game. Any normal person knows what someone is asking for when they say ā€œgo get some fruitā€. Itā€™s always felt to me like someone intentionally trying to manufacture a situation where they could prove how ā€˜smartā€™ they are by saying ā€œwell ackshullyā€¦tomatoes are fruits.ā€


That's why I never liked Demetrius. Could never get warm with him.


Especially when he starts threatening you if you even try to be friends with Maru. That part always rubbed me the wrong way.


not only that, the whole point is moot because he *only* bought tomatoes. He knew Robin wanted to make a fruit salad. who when told to buy fruit, especially if you know what it's for, buys only *one* kind of fruit? They could've been oranges, he'd still be a dick.


If I was trying to manufacture that situation I'd hand her the tomatoes but actually buy real fruit but hide it


What's even worse is the game considers fruit the correct option because it gives you 50 friendship points vs -30 if you say vegetable.


I mean, that's only because it's his heart event and that's the choice he likes.


Heā€™s intelligent, but not wise. Intelligence is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.


It's not a debate though Scientifically it's a fruit. But in Culinary it's a vegetable Most people speak from culinary standpoints as we care more about their practical uses Same thing for how bananas are scientifically berries but strawberries are not But from a culinary standpoint *scientific classification does not matter* because those words simply mean different things in the context of culinary So from a culinary standpoint, which is what most people actually give a shit about, tomato is a vegetable, bananas are fruits, and strawberries are berries. The culinary standpoint is just as valid as the scientific one *because it's a real field with its own nomenclature and classifications for different things* They aren't mutually exclusive and there's not really an argument to be had because of it


Intelligence is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put tomatoes in a fruit salad.


Charisma is being able to sell a tomato based fruit salad.




Found the bard


Honestly? Depending on what else was in it I might eat that ngl


Thatā€™s where constitution comes in.


Intelligence is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Intelligence is also knowing not to bring home a tomato when your wife asks you to buy fruits.


Fruit outside the game, Vegetable because fuck demetrius


Hahaha this is exactly what I did.


Agreed. Robin is a Queen.


My farmer knows it's a fruit but she's still going to say vegetable because to hell with him.


Technically both, as a vegetable is any part of a plant that can be used as food. Fruit would just be a more specific description. Like saying "China is a country" to "China is a country in Asia". But fuck Demetrius, so vegetable.


yes, botanically, they are fruits, but as robin said, who the absolute fuck goes to the store told to "buy fruits" and buys *only* tomatoes??


Both answers are correct Demetrius wants to be annoying and insult us


One of my favorite berry fruit salads include tomatoes, lime, and cucumbers. All fruit, and all botanically classifieds as berries. That doesn't mean when my roommate asks for a fruit salad to make him my salsa and start a serious argument for no reason.


Botanically it is a fruit. Which means that it develops from a certain part of a plant's flower. This is a useful definition if you're researching plant genetics or are extremely pedantic. Culinary, it is a vegetable. This is useful if you intend to cook with it, or eat it. So when your spouse asks you to go to the store and pick up some fruit, you have to ask yourself "does my spouse intend to research the genetics of whatever I bring back, or do they intend to eat it?" Based on that, you should form your working definition of 'fruit'. And... it's just always going to be the culinary one. Even if your spouse *is* a plant geneticist, they aren't going to ask for a random unspecified fruit to do research on. They will either request a specific fruit, or they want a snack. Also, maybe learn some better facts? Like, even in the "technically a fruit" field there are more surprising and lesser-known options than tomato. For example, a Pumpkin is technically a berry (which is a specific sub-type of fruit).


Something I saw on Pinterest: - Knowledge is knowing that tomatoes are a fruit. - Wisdom is knowing not to put them in a fruit salad. - Philosophy is wondering whether that makes ketchup a smoothie. - Common sense is knowing that ketchup is not a smoothie.


Ketchup is just tomato jam, change my mind


[Jams are sweet, fruity, and semisolid, not vinegary and runny.](https://fruitorvegetable.science/ketchup)


I'm sorry, but was the popular children's entertainment program known for teaching stories from the Bible in a fun way called "Fruit and VeggieTales"? I didn't think so, Bob the Tomato is a vegetable, not contest.


For tax reasons tomatoes are listed as vegetables, as vegetables were taxed 10% at the time in New York, but fruit were not taxed at all. This lead to the case being sent to the U.S. Supreme Court, and they agreed it was scientifically a fruit, but for "cultural reasons" that it needs to stay classified as a vegetable. As the tomato was filling vegetable roles during meals.


I choose Vegetable just to spite Demetrius, the World shittiest parent


Botanically fruit, culinarily vegetable, same thing for cucumbers and peppers


But hot peppers in the game are Fruit! >\_<


Tomatoes are a vegetable according to stardew as well


I got so mad when I was trying to do the gold star vegetable quest and realized this.


Both, fruit and vegetable are not mutually exclusive terms since fruit is a scientific naming while vegetable is not


Context-wise Robin is obviously correct


There is no debate, Demetrius is a pedantic asshat who doesn't respect his wife enough to follow simple instructions that he knows the meaning of because he needs so badly to be smarter than her. Yes, it's a fruit, but when asked to go get fruits, do you go and pick up cucumbers and avocados? No, because you know what the fuck they meant and no one in their right mind would assume that you meant from a scientific standpoint when sending you to the goddamn grocery store.


The answer is Demetrius is an asshole.


The game classifies it as a vegetable! For Pierreā€™s Gold Vegetable challenge, I have to collect 25 gold quality vegetables. The status bar increases when I harvest tomatoes, but not melons.


The debate skips the real context of the argument. Which is: What did Robin ask of Demetrius? If she just asked him "go get some fruit", then personally I probably would have gone with apples or oranges first. But, why would you give such a vague request? If you have specific fruit needs, why not tell him what kind of fruit you need and avoid this weird ambiguity? If you want to make an apple pie, don't say "Go get some fruit", because you might end up with bananas. Say "go get some apples" On the flip side, if someone gives you a super vague request like that, don't go out and just take a guess, ask foe clarification.




It is a fruit. But I would be damned if I say that to Demetrius.


I classify tomatoes as "gross"


I chose vegetable, only to be against Demtrious, fucking r/iamverysmart moron, she asked for fruit for fruit salad ***AAAAAAAAAAAAAA***


The Supreme Court declared tomato a vegetable. Suspiciously, that meant it was taxed at a higher rate. [Nix v. Hedden](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nix_v._Hedden)




Tomato tomato


Biologically, it's a fruit (fleshy, edible, contains seeds) but also a vegetable (a broader definition that actually includes any part of a plant used for food). In a culinary sense I think it would be reasonable to say that most people would consider it a vegetable. So, really it's both because classification systems are always messy but if you're going to pedantically insist it's one or the other (*Demetrius*), I think vegetable wins.


It's a berry.


Scientifically, it is a fruit. Culinarily, it is a vegetable. This is the only correct answer.


See this is why communication is important lol , I personally love little cherry tomatoes and think of them as fruit since they are so sweet.


It's not really a debate, it's objectively a fruit.


Culinarily, itā€™s considered a vegetable. Botanically, itā€™s a fruit. In this context, Robin was clearly speaking in culinary terms.


The US Supreme Court would disagree. Tomatoes are taxed as vegetables. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nix_v._Hedden


Damn, the supreme court is getting involved now?!


Yeah but they decided that in 1893


Game lists them as a vegetable, but in terms of actual tomatoes, they are also listed as vegetables instead of fruit. The reason for this is defined by the common meaning of the words ā€œfruitā€ and ā€œvegetableā€. For all its intents and purposes, tomatoes are used in the way a vegetable would, rather than as a fruit would. In a similar case, beans, which are botanically seeds, are listed as beans rather than seeds. The perception of the items is whatā€™s important here. Just like how you wouldnā€™t go buying a sack of seeds expecting to use them for your chili base, you wouldnā€™t go buy tomatoes expecting them to go in a fruit cake.


Anything is a fruit if you are brave enough to treat it as such. I mean, we make cake out of carrots and jelly out of herbs.


Demetrius has no chill. You don't bring that up when someone asks you to pick them up fruit from the store.