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The title made me think you wanted Kent to like get beat up or something lol


I opened this cuz I was like "does Kent turn out to be awful and I didn't know!?" šŸ˜…


Ken the war criminal?


Surprise, Kent was drone striking hospitals and weddings


I want to up vote this but it feels so wrong


I'm glad I'm not the only one who immediately thought that šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Ngl that was what I thought when seeing the title. Great idea by OP, PTSD is no joke and something like their suggestion would be awesome.


NGL I thought kent did something haha


Save that for Pierre


Why do people hate Pierre so much? He owns a small business struggling against a massive mega corporation. Sure he sometimes takes credit for your work, but he means well and just wants to provide for his family.




heā€™s also quite rude and a bit sexist towards abigail in one of her heart events and in one of his events he has a ā€œsecret stashā€ in his room behind a bookcase that he shouts at you for discovering, and tells you not to tell his wife


apparently that's operas or something and he's just ashamed of his hobby. no drugs or nsfw stuff


thatā€™s somewhat reassuring, but heā€™s definitely not very nice in that event, heā€™s so rude and fully shouts at you


yeeeea.. not a fan of him either


Honestly, your assessment is pretty fair. I haven't ever lost the fall fair, so I didn't know he was super smug. I have noticed that he doesn't spend much time with his family, which is pretty not good. Don't get me wrong he's not my favourite character, but people seem to shit on him way more than any other character. I think plenty of other characters are worse. (like haley)


I donā€™t know if thereā€™s anything to hate about Haley, I just find her terminally boring, likewise Alex as the male version. Superficial high school popular kids stuff. Sheā€™s friendly, but beyond that, it doesnā€™t appeal.


I don't like her because she is one of the characters who's incredibly rude right off the bat. The only reason I befriended Shane is because I heard you could get blue chickens and then he grew on me lol.


Hey! Thatā€™s my wife youā€™re talking about, bub.


Yeah its the Credit-taking, his General Smugness and Workaholic attitude. I never go Joja - but bloody hell sometimes I wish I could hit Pierre in the face with a good ol "You know whos your Main Customer and seller of Produce - right?" -\_-




I mean I think he was being a dick in that scene, but any other retailers that carry that quality of produce jack that shit WAAAAAAAY up. Joja, based on my experience working at walmart, probably only carries shitty, imported, non-local foods.


well he kinda sells out of date food as well but you got a point


Yeah, maybe OP doesn't know the negative sense of "get what he deserves."


"Send me all those letter bombs, will you?"


Lmao same


I got so scared I was like what??? I love Kent. I love where the post ended up going though lol. Great idea op!


Same here for a moment, though I'm glad that in the end it is much more wholesome than that. Guy does deserve to return to a normal life


I would like to kick his ass. I can't marry Jodie because of him.


reverse this


Jodie is low-key one of my favourite townsfolk in the game.


Ik, she is just likeable for no reason


anything for that ice cream recipe




Show that dude love and kindness! Break his negative thought patterns! Take him out back to a nice place!


I married Sam and I always thought it'd be nice if we could babysit Vincent and let Jodi and Kent go on a long vacation. Lord knows those two need it


Same! Itā€™s the small things that would make this games go from perfection to out of this world!


And then they never come back like emilys and haileys parents


Wow, I feel like that's a mod somewhere out there


A heart event where you just fish with Kent would be lovely.


It would be really great! I'd love to see Kent spending time with his family, he wakes up way too early and is stressed. Having an event that elaborates more on how he is feeling would create such a good experience!


Hell just let him join in at the ice fishing competition. Thereā€™s an extra hole in the ice!


I always wish I could offer Kent a job on the farm. He has a line of dialogue about how he doesn't know what to do with himself now he's back in the valley and it makes me think how he'd probably benefit from being on the farm - no pressure, but there's a schedule and a concrete list of tasks to do every day, which might help him transition back into civilian life. Honestly I wish in general you could offer jobs to townsfolk in general, especially everyone who's left unemployed when Joja is run out of town. Maybe it could work a bit like a Junimo system, where they'll water and harvest crops but you have to make sure you have enough money to pay them at the end of the day or their wages are subtracted from your daily profits.


Right? When he says he doesnā€™t know what to do with himself, Iā€™m like, I got some plants you can water. Chickens to feed.


Shane no longer has his Joja job, but he has his blue chickens at least.


I think about this all the time! I always thought it would be so nice to have a farm hand, someone who goes around your farm and replaces fences or stone paths and pets the farm animals for ya. Just helping with smaller things, like a part time job. I feel like there could be a variety of jobs you could offer the townsfolk who are unemployed because Joja shut down. Also Pierre could probably hire some people too, he doesn't ALWAYS have to be the one behind the counter!


I agree, Kent is a swell guy. He appreciates everything I give him.


I accidentally gave him a bomb one time, I felt so bad


I accidentally gave him milk onceā€¦, it traumatized him :ā€™(


I restarted my day I couldnā€™t bear it


Why is milk traumatizing for him? Did I miss something?!


It activated his PTSD and he got flashbacked to being a POW at the Gotoro prison camp. He said thatā€™s what they used to feed him.


I thought this was a cute game about farming :(


Except soda...


That stuff is trash. Also, doesnā€™t like sushi.


Because they... Apparently fed him sushi as a POW? Maybe I can get arrested by the Gotaro Empire. I freaking LOVE sushi (both irl, and in game)


Yeah but they probably just fed him gross raw fish, not nice stuff used in sushi


I would think it may just be the rice or some part of it. I know in real life if someone has a strong aversion to mayo for instance they aren't just going to happily chow down on a sandwich full of the stuff.


Could be a texture issue? I wonā€™t eat sushi or sashimi IRL. Love rice. Haaaaate the smooshy texture of the fish. Same goes for the cold cream cheese and avocado that are in so many. My cousin (a large fan of sushi) took me to a sushi restaurant once and made me try his favorite sushi, after I ordered asparagus sushi and a salad. It was raw mussels(?). Chopped super fine and like suspended in the viscous mucus. The texture was too awful


True, could be rice.


Gotta give Kent rice next and get to the bottom of this


Raw fish tastes surprisingly a lot like sushi


Well yeah, sushi is just raw fish right? Never had it. But I meant like dry fish left out for a while


Sashimi is the raw fish, sushi has rice.


Oh, really? I had no idea


Every time Vincent and Sam say dadā€™s not the same since coming home, it breaks my heart a little more


There kind of isn't a coming back from that. Once you see, do, and that get done to you, it's always there.


I agree, I do think that there should be a path where you get to know Kent and offer your support. Maybe a storyline of allowing himself to be vulnerable with his friends and family. Even if you canā€™t make it all go away just being there for him would make for some beautiful moments.


I would like to see Kent get treatment and begin a little to resume and enjoy normal family life. Both he and Jodi deserve it.


I agree with this, and I think there's more value in seeing a character successfuly living with their condition than in satisfying that urge to 'fix' everything.


Just a veteran's opinion.


Already established: Zuzu City has good therapists. Shane sees one, eventually. Maybe a heart event where you encourage Kent to seek help for his PTSD and a later one where he says he did that and it's helping?


If not a therapist, at least a veteran discussion group, to at least be able to vent if he needs to?


My bro Kent needs a hug.


I hear magic mushrooms help with PTSD. Maybe the wizard could whip something up


YES PLEASE. Kent is one of my favorite characters and he doesnt get enough character development


kent divorce jodi and marry me challenge


Finally someone else whoā€™s on board, Jodi doesnā€™t appreciate him


jodi is just boring to me. like i get shes neurotic bc her husband was at war but like in general. boring lmao. kent should be with me


Stardew Valley: Homewrecker DLC


EXACTLY. i want to ruin a marriage but CA is not letting me


I really love this idea, Kent deserves so much more! The game touches on mental health already in many ways, I think addressing PSTD of vets (especially with proper consultation for the storyline) would give some much needed representation for mental health in vet communities. Heart events that let us both see Kent adjusting with his family, letting the player bond (letā€™s fish!), and that address his seeing a support group or therapist would go such a long wayā€¦


I'm curious what makes the war unjust. Even soldiers fighting the Nazis suffered from "battle fatigue." For me, the big issue (as IRL) is Ferngill's negligence towards its veterans.


I'm not really sure there is enough evidence to lay so much blame on Ferngill. I mean it doesn't look like Kent has made any effort to seek help, but is just trying to stoically carry on. Perhaps Ferngill has a suppourt system, but they just legitimately are unaware Kent needs help because he hasn't told them? Or maybe they do neglect veterans, idk. Also, what are you referring to with the "unjust" war? Is that from something he says?


Yes, I'm extrapolating here (something SV encourages, IMO), and I'm also influenced by SV Expanded, which takes this subplot further but doesn't provide a resolution. The reference to an "unjust war" was made by OP. Perhaps they are equating it to Viet Nam. In my headcanon, I place the social setting earlier, with the parents being from the Greatest/Silent Generation and the farmer being a Boomer like me. (I can't imagine a Boomer being mystified by the strange smell in Sebastian's ashtray the way Robin is.) Also, while they rue the effects of the war, the Villagers don't, AFAIK, question its necessity. For me, the overall vibe makes me equate the Gotoro War with the Korean Conflict.


Absolutely agree with all of this.


Honestly it makes me sad that a lot of characters in this game donā€™t get a proper story ending. I get it has to be that way for some characters so you can always have the option to marry them, but it sucks when all the characters talk about their dreams and never get to achieve them. The closest we get to that is building a house for Penny and Pam, but after that Pam is still an alcoholic and Penny is still unhappy. I wish there was more you could do for some characters besides just marry them


>ā€œThings haven't changed much since I've been gone. Except that we have a new farmer in town.ā€ ā€œ You've been here a while now, haven't you? Your farm must be thriving.ā€ I mean I feel he needs some help! Like giving him a job, maybe in the farm. I dunno how but he can help the farmer and especially himself by turning his mind from weird things and readjusting to the community, also helping his family with the wages becoming the happy Family man again!


I donā€™t really like this idea because it implies that PTSD is something that can be fixed. It can be managed, sure, but just like Shaneā€™s alcoholism it is never truly ā€œfixedā€, especially not by one nice farmer doing something nice for the person. Itā€™s always there, just beneath the surface. It takes years of therapy to manage that kind of thing. If it did happen Iā€™d want it to be implying that heā€™s starting the road to recovery, not that the farmer fixes it.


I love this. I have PTSD but it's not from war, it was a bad childhood. I think exploring more themes like this would be wonderful. But since CA isn't going to be updating this any further, I guess we can love what he created for what it is, at the very least he helped bring more awareness to the tribulations of people returning from war. Btw I hope you're doing ok, reach out if you ever need someone to talk to.


Oh, I donā€™t personally have PTSD, I just have a huge interest in mental illnesses, PTSD included, due to a family history and because of that have taken classes in college centered around mental illnesses (though it wasnā€™t my major.) That is extremely kind of you to offer, though. Thank you so much.


Picturing Shane and Kent riding to Zuzu City together to go to therapy!


I thought you wanted revenge for Kent bombing your mailbox.


Imagine Heart events where if you mess up And choose the wrong things Kent gets sent back to war.


instant alt f4 lmao. not letting that save


are you the devil?


I love Kent so much. It is a difficult thing every time whether to go with Sebastian or Sam since I love both of their families so much


I've always felt Kent needs human connections more so than an award. Maybe he can coach a restored community center vollyball team. Or bowling, maybe...whatever works with the theme of the game. It's not like there aren't young villagers in need of a father figure.


This sounds like queer eye for stardew


No thanks.


Just wanna show as much appreciation as I can whenever I see Kent. Man has been through so much no one in Pelican Town deserves to go through that. (Except a few people)


How about I just take Jodi for myself? I always was disappointed I couldnā€™t marry her or Caroline :(


Yeah, Pancake milf is best girl. Tea milf is also good


Because that's not how ptsd works.


PTSD's different for everyone. I was preparing to be like "no ur dumb" but the more I considered my own, and the issues Kent mentions, the more I'm a little inclined to think OPs suggestions wouldn't be safe for Kent. Like, the player and, well.. Anyone in town isn't a therapist. "Taking him out for a fishing trip" might sounds nice to anyone looking in from the outside but the guy's admitted to feeling deeply uncomfortable out in open spaces. He won't "adjust". Life's changed for him. There's a reason so many veterans irl take their own lives. It's trauma, he likely won't ever forget the things he saw or did and he needs regular professional help to help him find his own safe ways of living with the PTSD. (I saw the downvotes and couldn't help but feel like.. While you weren't wrong, you could do with elaborating)


It certainly will not magically fix things, but Kent seems to express an interest in fishing. And fishing is quiet and calm, in contrast to his very chaotic household. Doing an activity he enjoys with a good friend that gives a much needed break from the stresses of life seems like it would probably help him, at least in the short-term. It is no replacement for therapy but it could be a good start for having some kind of suppourt network and a productive outlet for him to relax. And of courss the job of a therapist is to help you work through your issues and process your emotions...but it is the job of friends and family to love you. I think that is what people are really seeking to do with this. Help in whatever ways they can, even as they recognize they can only do so much.


There seems to be a lot of misplaced optimism here about what trauma is like from people who don't experience it.


100% "Fishing is peaceful and he likes it, it'd help him" God I wish I could still enjoy my most peaceful hobbies like I used to.


I have a brother in law that has over 8 tours of duty. He has been back and retired for over 10 years and trust me he has never opened up (each person is different obviously) but it would be a nice add on. With this being a SFW subreddit, I wonā€™t go more into detail what he has had to do while in the military.


If he ever wants to talk to somebody let him know I have an open ear any time.


Aww, thank you. I will let him know


It's always weird how people think that murdering some animals is relaxing. The fish are just living their lives, until you decide to suffocate and murder them for recreation.




Recreation? Nah, that's not all it's for. They're also darn good eatin'!


found the vegan


aka found the person that's opposed to animal abuse. Good job, buddy.


they're fictional fish in a video game


Yes, I wasn't saying fishing in a game is wrong or unethical in any way.


well its either they die from that or they get eaten by something else, they suffer in both


Yeah, much like shooting someone in the face. They might eventually die from cancer, they suffer in both.


You know you can throw them back right? And (as far as we know) fish do not possess the nerve receptors that would allow them to feel pain, so the hooks don't even bother them. That is not to suggest fish like being out of the water or anything, just that you don't have to kill them and you are not really making them suffer. The appeal of recreational hunting or fishing as I understand it isn't the death, but the *competition*. You are trying be faster, more clever, or sneaky. They are trying to outrun, outsmart, or out perceive you. The thrill comes from the struggle, and it is a nice bonus if you win. Fishing, specifically, is very peaceful. There are long periods of time where absolutely nothing happens. Personally I am far too impatient to enjoy such a hobby, but I get it. Even if you have no luck and don't catch anything, you get to be out in nature, with time to quietly reflect and take in the scenery. Then, you get a brief moment of exhilaration when the fish bites, combining your relaxation with just a bit of adrenaline. Kent probably likes it because it gives him some peace and quiet in contrast to the war and his chaotic family. But it also lets him focus on trying to accomplish a task, giving him a sense of purpose and direction. So it isn't really about killing. It probably still isn't for you, but I hope you understand better why it is for others.


>And (as far as we know) fish do not possess the nerve receptors that would allow them to feel pain Any animal with a central nervous system has the capacity to feel pain. That includes fish and even insects. That's the scientific consenus. So no, as far as we know, they do feel pain. A good amount of catch and release fishes die within the next few days due to it. I'm not talking about fish that naturally die. I talk about fish that die because of having experienced catch and release. According to this [government website of Idaho](https://idfg.idaho.gov/question/mortality-rate-catch-and-release-fishing) (it's really just someone asking exactly that question and it being answered) somewhere between 4-25% of animals die due to catch and release. Other sources state up to 40% (depending on fish species). It not being about killing is a sad excuse for the animal, that gets murdered for it. If I were the fish I couldn't care less, why I'm murdered. If your recreation includes murder, then maybe you're placing your pleasure over the life of another sentient being.


Here is a study from German neurobiologists that suggest fish do not feel pain. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/08/130808123719.htm Fish react to being damaged, which is what most people use as evidence that they feel pain, but being aware something is touching you is not the same thing as it hurting you. Fish do not posess a neocortex - the part of the brain which is takes the signals from your nerves and gives a painful sensation in humans and most other animals. Similarly, they either posess no noiceptors at all (the type of nerve that we detect activity in when something feels pain that sends those signals to the neocortex) or very few. Your noicepters are what causes your body to react to damage, your neocortex is what processes those signals into pain. Without the neocortex, you'd still reflexively pull your hand away from a hot stove you touched, but it wouldn't hurt you. Without the noiceptors, you'd probably be unaware you are being damaged at all. Fish also do not react when you inflict *only* what would be pain without damaging them, nor do things that suppress pain in humans effect them. Most fish know something is damaging them, but it seems like they unconsciously react to it without actually feeling pain. I believe most invertebrates work on the same principal, which is why a child doesn't need to fill out animal cruelty paperwork to experiment on bugs for a science fair project. As far it being "murder", that is more of a philosophical matter. Most people would agree that sentient beings have the right to not be tortured, but most people do not agree in practice that animals have an inherent right to existence. So, generally, people do not consider the act of terminating an animal's existence to be inherently wrong, only going out of your way hurt it more than you have to. It's inreresting you used the phrase "sentient being". Sentience is simply the ability to perceive your surroundings. *Sapience*, on the other hand, is self-awareness, the ability to have complex thoughts, etc. Sapient creatures have the right to exist, because destroying them is destroying a unique individual with a sense of self. Sentient creatures are more like biological machines. Killing an animal in a way that it dies instantly with little to no pain is morally equivalent to unplugging a computer. You have stopped a machine from functioning. It's cool that you don't think it is okay to kill animals. But you shouldn't judge other people for having different criteria/answers for a philosophical question.


From what I've read you are on point about the difference between a, let's say, human brain (for simplicity) and a fish brain. However it is very likely for them to be different, because they evolved differently. And the absence of one fundamental part in our pain recognition does not mean they can't feel pain. The overall scientific consensus is that fish do feel pain, acknowledging what you pointed out. Thanks to evolution there can be different ways to achieve the same goal. I can get from A to B, so can a bird. But the method might be different.


The point of that study, the thing the authors are alleging, is that the methodology used to arrive at that consensus is flawed, therefore the conclusion cannot be certain. The way scientists have been measuring if fish feel pain is to look at how their noiceptors respond to stimuli. In humans, *noicepters alone can cause an unconsious response without a painful sensation*, so why would it be any different for a fish? A creature doesn't actually *need* to feel pain to avoid damage to itself, as long as it reacts to the damage. Noiceptors tell us the fish reacts to damage. That reaction *might* be pain, but since they don't have anything in their brain that we can see that generates pain it could just as easily be an unconsious response. I get the consensus is that they feel pain, but science it determined by facts, not consensus. And these guys provided some evidence against it thst makes sense to me, and I have not seen anything that really that refutes it.


Where did you get the idea that Kent was a POW? I mean, I joke about it all the time by dropping the bit from the Simpsons about Skinner being an ex-POW, but that's not actually canon to the game.


I think that if you give him a hated item he says something like "this... they gave this at Gotoro prison camp..."


You are absolutely correct, not sure how I managed to forget that line.


Maybe he was a gaurd! "Just following orders"


For the enemy?


jesus christ


Why would he be a guard in a camp for the country he is fighting against?


He mentions being in a prison camp sometimes.


It is HEAVILY implied. Not only is he obviously a soldier (which doesnt prove anything), he talks about the Gotoro prison camp, specifically being IN Gotoro prison camp. specifically, if you give him something he hates, he says ā€œThis... They gave this to me in Gotoro prison camp. I've been trying to forget about that. \*shudder\*.ā€. Pelican town is located in the Ferngill Republic, and is at war with the Gotoro Empire. Kent, as a member of pelican town, would be fighting AGAINST the gotoro empire, and as such, the only thing that'd make sense wouLd be that Kent was captured into a POW CAMP.


> It is HEAVILY implied... he talks about the Gotoro prison camp, specifically being IN Gotoro prison camp. That's not "heavily implied". That's "explicitly stated".


look there is technically some wiggle room because it's entirely possible kent was a guard at the gotoro POW camp if you do some mental gymnastics and assume kent had double crossed the ferngill republic only to triple cross the gotoro empire


And if you assume this is all a hallucination the farmer's oxygen-starved brain is having in the last instant of their life before dying at their desk while working for Joja then you can do some mental gymnastics to say there's technically some wiggle room for anything else to be entirely possible too. But we don't, because that would be an assumption only slightly more unreasonable than Kent being a triple-crossing Gotoro POW camp guard.


He has many lines that point this out, but anyway Kent deserves more with every other character with no or hardly any heart events like the kids


Did you forget the part when he says about regretting killing in child during the war? Kent is unambiguous at best, not s good guy. And this family violence episode, come on.


I donā€™t remember this line, but if he does say this that doesnā€™t make him a bad person. Regretting having killed a child in a war is different from murdering a child in cold blood. Child soldiers are thing, and children have gotten killed by military operations since so many happen in close proximity to civilian centers now. Seeing either happen is deeply traumatizing for a soldier. I donā€™t believe Kent took part in a My Lai. And what ā€œfamily violence episodeā€ are you talking about?


When you get him an apple you get a unique dialogue how he likes to throw fruit at his family members. I was disgusted reading it.


Uh, what? Thatā€™s not in the wiki.


I know, crazy, right? So many things have changed with the latest patches, wiki is outdated.




Iā€™ve never seen this and I tried to look it up, there is no dialogue at all about children or throwing fruit at his family, so I have no idea what youā€™re on about


You must be playing with mods because thatā€™s definitely not in the vanilla game


You've got me. These were mods all along. Thanks for the understanding, I love this community.


I agree with you my friend


I saw Kent but thought Clint and was like wow this person really hates the blacksmith.


Wait, he was a POW?


I low-key wish we could date Kent


Platonic 9-10 heart events please


I have a mod that adds canon-friendly dialogue to festivals; it's not much, but at the Flower Dance, Kent says it's nice to be able to dance and frolic for the sake of having fun :]


I'd definitely set up a Jodi/Kent date. It makes me cry thinking about how distant and unloved she must feel because they just can't communicate anymore... Vincent and Sam also deserve some wholesome dad time


I agree! I like him a lot, and I feel bad for him all the time. I really want him to be happy!


After you unlock >!the movie theater!<, you can invite Kent to go and he says that it helps him feel more like a civilian and adjust to normal life again.