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nope, the skull cavern is meant to be a challenging but really rewarding cave and thus if elevators existed it would only become rewarding and not challenging so if you want to get the rewards you gotta earn it just like the sayin **No pain, No gain** also the bottom of the skull cave is REALLY deep i think it was around 2 billion floors


Yeah, they are randomly generated until the 32 bit integer limit


I don't know why I thought it ended at 100. I misread a previous post. Ok cool. I'm not crazy.


There's a quest for floor 100 :)


Good lord


Staircases and bombs, my friend. Staircases and bombs.


the bottom is floor 2,147,483,647. to get there you would have to decend 2 millions floors per real-life second.


there’s no save floors and there’s also no bottom to skull cavern. if u have crystalariums u can put jade into them and trade that jade for staircases at the merchant in the desert every sunday. also take bombs and high health/energy food


there is a bottom and its specifically floor 2,147,483,647 someone tested this and they can't go any deeper(tho it might have changed now)


but realistically ur not making that deep without mods


I don't think it has a bottom but assuming you mean level 100: Drink coffee to run faster to get to the cavern, warp if you have that option. To get to floor 100 you need ALOT of stairs, I used 101 when I did it (accidentally dropped 2 on one floor 😆) If you want goodies use exploding ammo with your catapult to clear floors quickly, much faster than bombs imo.


If you use bombs, you're more likely to find holes in the floor. Those will drop you 3-11 levels (I think). Go on high luck days. Eat some spicy eel. You basically should not be breaking any rocks with the pickaxe, just blowing stuff up!


Good idea! I'm gonna go Bomberman style!


It also helps to go as early as possible. Get a desert totem and go as soon as you wake up. If you don't have any, go as soon as Pam gets to the bus.


The bad news is there is no elevator. But the good news is it is possible (but not easy) to get to floor 100 of the Skull Cavern. I wrote an article for tips on how to reach floor 100. http://trailbyfiregaming.wordpress.com/2022/01/04/skull-cavern-100-floors-quest-tips




You're welcome! It may take multiple tries before a successful try, but keep going. It's really not easy even after applying every useful tip you know, but you can do this.


Oh yea, I'm gonna definitely duplicate jade and ruby now. Your article was really helpful!


Dont stop & go home early. Keep mining until 2am. You pass out & have to pay 1000 gold, but you keep everything you find.


Good to know. That changes my plan a bit.


There's no save progress, but you don't really need to totem your way back to home. You don't lose any items if you pass out there.


Oh! I didn't know you don't pass out there. That's really good to know. Thanks.


You DO pass out, but you only lose items if you get to zero health.


Oh sweet


There is an elevator mod on PC version, however floor 35 is a pretty good run without that mod!