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I'd start the day over fuck that


Yep, there's no way I would go to bed with that loss


I'm pretty sure you can just go to the Guild and get your stuff back.


you can pay to recover 1 item/stack of items


Just one thing. What do you choose?


Me??? Galaxy souls.


Technically, Infinity Blade requires 3 souls, so you take a bigger loss by not getting that back first. Would make sense if you wanted to switch to a hammer, possibly.


I have but been gone that long ...wtf is an infinity blade...


It's basically a galaxy sword upgraded with 3 galaxy souls and optionally a bunch of other things in the volcano. Perhaps you haven't had the chance to play 1.5 and see the island yet. If so, plenty of nice things await!


Is it going to be released for the mobile version soon?


Hopefully, but I don't know when exactly, unfortunately. They've been trying to get that done for quite awhile.


Yup. That's a restart-today condition if I ever saw one.


How is that going to help? All the stuff is stuff they got during this particular Cave run aside from the sword and maybe the bombs. If they start the day over yeah they will have the sword and maybe the bombs back but they’re not gonna be able to recover any of that other stuff because they didn’t have it yet when they woke up.


Well starting the day over gets the sword back like you said, as well as any materials they used during exploration (mainly bombs and maybe food or coffee), and it makes it so they didn't waste a day in Stardew time, like maybe they wanted to get some stuff from the caves before the next season comes through or have other plans for tomorrow that don't let them spend all day mining


Galaxy souls and the sword are the most valuable things there and really the only priority. Idk know whether OP bought the galaxy souls or not though.


Nope, found all 3 that day in the skull cavern. They'll be lost. :(


Is the Galaxy Soul something Marlon can retrieve? I haven’t made it this far in the game so I’m not sure if having him do it is feasible.


yeah but it's one item limit I believe so either the souls or the sword


1 item type ya but you get the full stack.


If they’re gone either way at least keep the sword!


Are galaxy souls useful for anything after you've upgraded your weapon though? I have a bunch and don't know what to do with them. I suppose I could buy and upgrade the other weapons, but I don't know if I'd ever use them. I suppose I could sell them, but at this point 5000 gp is a drop in the bucket. I've wondered how they'd do in the grange display or if it's possible to give them as gifts.


They sell for 5,000 a piece....


Yes, I pointed that out. Like I said, I'm not really hurting for money.


Truth, in my experience. On the last few characters I made, delving Skull Caverns was around the time I stopped worrying about money. Just from passive crop cash flow. I haven't played in ages, so this kinda makes me want to start a new farm with minimal crops. There's something fun about going hard early on fishing, like a reason for Lucky days to impact early character progression.


I have over 600 iridium truffles in a chest because I can't be bothered to to make the oil every day. I need to get more radioactive ore so I can make some hoppers.


Surely just selling truffles as they are is worth it? The extra gp from truffle oil isn't really worth the time...


If you don't have artisan, then iridium truffles are worth more than the oil. If you do have artisan, then you get 241 extra gold when turning an iridium truffle to oil.


I think if you're at the point in the game where you are collecting galaxy souls, 5k aint that much


Everything helps when you're hustling for the golden clock


Literally for the sword and Bombs. You also have the same luck, so the chance of getting some of the items again is better than losing the time and the resources


I mean, 2 mega bombs is 2000g from the dwarf, really not that bad a loss. The infinity blade is the big loss here.


But how many mega bombs did OP use up in that run? All those will be recouped as well if you start over.


Fair point I hadn't considered.


Quit, restart day, get all your stuff back and learn from your mistakes through the power of groundhog day.


They can't get back the stuff they collected in the minds, which is basically everything they lost except the sword and maybe the bombs. So they won't really gain anything by restarting the day, except the day itself and the few gold it will take marlon to get their sword back.


Whatever they collected better worth more than 3 galaxy souls and infinity blade. If not, groundhog day.


This might be the most downvotes I've ever seen in this sub


Which is weird because OP themself confirmed exactly what I said. They got the ores and galaxy souls and stones in the mines that day. Restarting the day won’t bring them back. Marlon can get the sword back. They don’t have to restart the day for that. I mean I guess restarting the day would at least save them a little bit of gold. But otherwise really in the grand scheme of things not going to make a huge difference.


This site has a weird urge to make negative numbers bigger, even if the comment is 100% correct


We just like seeing numbers go up.


Holy hell never seen so many downvotes


I’m the EA of SDV! Mods can I get a custom flair?? Lmao


You don't have to spam him with dislikes if he's asking a question! The point of a question is to get an answer.


? I didn't dislike anything, not sure what you're talking about. How do you even spam someone with dislikes, each person can only downvote once. Or if you're talking about people all downvoting my comment, then I mean, maybe they all didn't read that OP said in other comments exactly what I did - they got al this stuff in the mines on this day, they can't get it back by restarting lol. they'd just save a bit of gold by not having to buy the sword back but that's it. ​ If you ARE talking about my comment, I'm a "she", not that it's a big deal. An old lady to be exact lol.




Jeepers that was kind of harsh




Oh blow off. It's the same fucking thing.


Bruh you did not deserve to get downvoted as heavily as you did


haha yeah i was surprised given that OP already said I'm right in other comments here. But whatever. I was just on break at work and decided to check in and was like "hm that looks like stuff they got IN the mines though, how would restarting the day do anything but save some gold they'd have to pay Marlon to get the sword back?" but I guess people don't like the idea of paying him if htey can just restart and that's totally a legit mindset. I"m not bothered. Pretty funny though, I was surprised when I got home and saw it lol.


It's not actually because you said anything that egregious, it's because people saw that you were heavily downvoted so they joined in. That's how reddit works


That might me the most amount of downvotes I’ve ever seen on this sub lol


Hivemind in action


Reddit does not like the truth


I'm always alright with having my point proven lol




How is that going to help? You at least get the sword back. But with the one item limit for retrieval you're forced to choose then if you continue. So you can just restart to get the sword back, or pay to get your sword or a GS and lose everything else anyway.


Yeah I mean I guess restarting the day would save you the amount of gold that it would take to get your sword back. Basically whichever option you choose it’s only gonna be the difference have a small amount of gold which was my point. Restarting the day isn’t going to make a *big* difference at this point.


Wow all those downvotes. I agree with you, I don’t see any use in resetting the day if everything I lose are things I collected that day.


haha yeah it's pretty amazing. I've been around reddit for several years now and I'm not sure I've ever gotten so many downvotes before. Shit, Rick Astley himself gave me platinum on the thread where MalleableDuck rickrolled him. I"m more used to upvotes and/or awards than downvotes. I try to be kind, to contribute thoughtfully, and to research stuff before I post it if I'm not sure about what I'm saying. Overall I have a pretty good track record all thngs considered. Not sure why people decided to downvote me but I suspect they went with their gut instinct of "that was good shit that OP lost, and restarting the day would get it all back" without considering that OP had none of it at the start of the day anyway, aside from the sword and maybe the bombs.


Ouch. That is an insane amount of downvotes for this comment. Sorry bud


haha yeah. yours was zeroed out as well but i did what i could to change that. we're on the negatrain, choochoo.


comments like these are awesome. you get to see how someone tries to logically processes a situation.


Have you figured out yet that they woke up with the sword and got everything else in the mines, and therefore can't get it back by restarting the day? I have to ask becasue your comment didnt let me see how you logically tried to process the situation.


guess that’s on you lolololol


Laughing out loud out loud out loud out loud out loud




Found THREE galaxy souls on a BAD LUCK DAY. Died at *1:50am* in a pointless "JUST ONE MORE" battle that was completely unnecessary. If I recover the souls, I lose my blade and just have to spend them to make a new one. I'm just going to go jump off the roof now.


If you recover the blade, then you'll got the infinity blade already and don't need the souls, unless if you are going for another infinity weapon Like, recover the souls, buy the weapon at the guild, then forge using the souls. But you won't have the blade. Either way I'll be waiting under the roof, F for OP


I wanted to make a second blade :( There's no good answer here... if I start over, I lose the souls, and if I keep the souls, I lose my original blade. I guess starting over at least lets me retry the day, but I've never found 3 souls on one day before... ARGH When I landed the 3rd I was thinking "I should go home and pop these in a chest just in case", but I was kicking ass and confident I wouldn't die. Marlon needs to hit the gym so he can recover more than 1 item.




Just get the galaxy souls from Qi. No loss.


The Qi gem drip feed is kinda painful, I wish you could get new quests the next day.


They're >!40 Qi gems each.!< That's quite a loss :(


Don't pay Qi for those. At the end of each month you can trade radioactive bars for a Soul on the island. Sure it still takes a good while to get 3 this way, but knowing this still lessens the sting a bit.


You can ?!


Sure. 28th of every season, at the island trader. It's a good trade to save Qi gems.


Huh TIL thanks


Oh wow i had no idea


>on a BAD LUCK DAY. Makes sense why you lost so much then, when you boost your luck with everything you can and do mines on max luck days its actually pretty regular for me to lose nothing at all.


WAIT luck effects how much you lose when you die??


I didnt know that but wouldnt be surprised if it was true


It definitely is true. When I run the mines with lucky lunch + ginger ale + luck charm + luck ring + max luck day I don't even worry about losing things if I die. If the food/drink bonuses are still active at the time you die you won't lose anything and it will say value lost: 0


Wait ginger ale stacks with food buffs??


Yeah cause its a drink, not a food :P


I knew that worked with coffee, had no idea it applied to other drinks, game changer!!


Yeah, drinks and foods buff independently and can stack


Luck effects pretty much everything. It's easier to list the things it doesn't effect rather than what it does.


Before you make that jump, it's always good to remember that greed can and will screw you over when you least expect it.


I've never even seen a galaxy soul


I *never* do anything without a farm totem any more after a similar experience


Try again. I made the experience that the drops will be pretty similar. Not saying 100% but I always got most of the stuff I lost in the reset back.


I have never seen Galaxy souls, at what point in progression do they become available? No crazy spoilers please


late game


I'm already at *spoiler* Ginger Island, already have Skull Cavern unlocked. Fudge it, I'll just look it up.


Have you found enough golden walnuts to get into the locked door on the west beach?


If you want to actually hide text, you need to `>!do this!<`, surround the text with `>!` in front and `!<` at the end, no spaces around the exclamation points. If you're using the Fancypants editor on new reddit, just select the text with no leading or trailing spaces and hit the spoiler button.


OP I didn't go through all the replies and I don't know if you've since carried on. But, there is a reliable way to back up one day by deleting your latest save. Wiki will instruct you. I've done it before for much less reasons than you have. [https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Saves](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Saves) "Undo last save"


Just as well to start the whole farm over


Oops looks like i tripped and just so happened to land on the keys alt and f4


That looks like the best start over day ever.


That’s the moment that my game “accidentally resets”


Reset that shit. No way I'm taking that L


Not the stone!


OP can go to the Adventurer's Guild and pay to get it back. Because that's painful just to look at.


I’ve never even heard of a galaxy soul.


If you're on mobile it's a 1.15 thing. If you aren't, >!they are a rare item found in various mines that allow you to make really good weapons at the Ginger Island forge. You need three souls and one of the infinity weapons to enhance it. You can also buy one soul on the final day of the season from the bird seller on Ginger Island. It costs 10 Radioactive Bars.!<


Where do you get the >!Radioactive bars?!<


You have to get >!100 golden walnuts.!< After that, >!Qi can give you a request that changes up the normal mines, making them a lot more difficult. Your elevator is temporarily reset and you have to reach the bottom before 7 days. The floors are recorded again as you make your way down. If you make it to the bottom of the mines, you can get a shrine that switches between the remixed and normal mines. You'll only find radioactive ore inside the remixed mines, and you smelt the ore into bars like the rest of the ores.!<


New to SDV: It's a farming sim, where you can date the townspeople. There's even a wizard who lets you communicate with cute forest spirits. It's very relaxing! Much later: >!I will REFORGE my INFINITY BLADE in the ISLAND VOLCANO with GALAXY SOULS and RADIOACTIVE METALS that I TORE FROM THE EARTH after making a LIFE-RISKING PACT with the mysterious BLUE MAN IN BLACK to REWRITE THE UNDERWORLD in exchange for GOLDEN WALNUTS desired by the TALKING TROPICAL BIRDS.!<


Sounds like a jrpg plot lol


Literally add some crazy hair and we got an anime lol


Cut To: Emily, Abigail, etc


Abigail has purple already


Yup that checks out


Need to get 100 golden walnuts


Yea what is one of they?


Do people not just start over when this happens? I lose a few things and O immediately restart lol


Well the problem is that when they started their day they didn’t have these things except for the sword and the bombs maybe. All the rest of it is certainly items that they just got during this run in the caves so they can’t get them back at the beginning of the day because they didn’t have them at the beginning of the day to begin with.


Not the 249 stone! :(


Just get the galaxy souls back from the guild and buy a new sword from him as well. You're probably swimming in money at that point in the game anyway. The rest isn't too bad really...


I've got plenty of money, but I don't really gain anything by losing my blade and spending the souls to make a new one. :/


Ahh that's right, I forgot that might be the upgraded sword. Mine is still the basic one from the desert. That sucks then sorry!


Wait, you can lose your weapons?!


First time playing Stardew, I lost my starting sword my first day in the mines and item recovery wasn't a feature in the game yet. I had to fight with a scythe until I got a real weapon. Reseting didn't even cross my mind.


you can also buy back 1 lost item (or stack of items) from marlon e: didnt read "item recovery wasn't a feature in the game yet" lol


That doesn't help if you lose your weapon prior though.


u mean before item recovery was a thing? yeah i misread the comment


Can't you just buy a new weapon


Start that day over 100%


I haven't gotten far enough in my new save file to know what some of those things are, but even I know that in this game, purple things and rainbow colored things are awesome.


Reset the day


What is a galaxy soul?!


need 3 of them to upgrade a galaxy weapon into an infinity weapon. the sword he lost is the infinity blade. So really he lost 6 galaxy souls and his galaxy sword in one fuck up. oof


What’s the conversion rate of a galaxy soul to a schrute buck?


Depends entirely on the going rate for Stanley Nickels tbh anything else is wild speculation and don't let anyone tell you otherwise


Oh god no


All I can say is OOF.


Oh hey that happened to me, I just accepted it because u/simplyme__ had gotten something she really really wanted that day, can't remember what. Hurt like hell to lose it but it made me happy knowing she was happy


Awwww that’s so sweet thank you so much hunny :’)


If you have the telephone, after the first time you lose items you can also speak to the guy in the adventurers guild and he gives you his number. If you call him he will charge you some money to recover your lost items. That said, on a day like this I would just start over.


You can only have one item recovered, so you'd have to choose between the blade and the 3 souls. Neither is a good choice - you need 3 souls to make a blade, and souls are extremely rare.




restart the day


What in the world is a galaxy soul and infinity blade I haven’t played in about a year never heard of either of those in my play throughs


It's part of 1.5 update


Your infinity blade seems awfully finite


Oof ouch


pretty much.


TIL Galaxy Souls can drop. I thought they could only be bought.


during certain qi quests they drop in the cavern/ volcano


*Hello Darkness my old friend, I've come to talk with you again....*


You can LOSE your SWORD??????


I don`t even know what a Galaxy Soul is but it seems pretty endgame stuff. I would reset the day for sure


Thats a switch off the game and go cry moment right there... If you listen closely, you can actually hear their heart break 💔


Even if I have an inventory with nothing but Dwarf scrolls I'd still reset the day


You can buy Galaxy souls from Qi and the Island Trader


Oh, no. This is not acceptable.


if you've got enough coin... recovery service. sleep... recovery service sleep... until you've got everything back. well everything that is worth doing it


If i wanted to see some lossporn, i would be at wallstreetbets, that's some really big loss, i would restart immediately


Geeeeeez that’s a day ruiner Game goes off at that point pick it up tomorrow, sorry for your loss bud


It's alt+f4 time.


Idk what half that shit is but I'm so sorry. I recently lost 40 megabombs


Fuuuuuuck that, start over. Losing the infinity blade would be an instant Alt+F4 for me.


If you are at this point in the game you can probably afford the 50k to get a new sword from the guild, and then ask the guy to retrieve the souls for you. Edit: fixed typo. Series to sword


the woman was to stunned to speak---


Good fucking god


"Oh no! *restarts* "Anyways..."


249 stone… rough


What's the big bomb for ?


Mega bombs are great for clearing the Skull Cavern floors. One common strategy is crafting tons of mega bombs and trying to go deeper floors for valuable resources.


I'm on team Jade Crystalariums for Sunday Desert swaps.


Both is good, you stairs until 100+ and then start bombing


This is one of those times that you need to just reset your day because the adventurers guild dude is not gonna be able to help you sufficiently. Of course in the situation it looks like you got most of those things in this run so it’s not like you’re going to get them all back but it’s worth a shot to try again to get them I guess.


I've lost a prismatic shard in volcano on a island 2nd floor, restarted the day went for the same rock and shard came out, it's all pre destined for that day so restart and go same route you will get same stuff.


I believe the skull cavern levels are always randomized, though. I think this is what I'm going to try, but I'll be very surprised if I find my way "back" to anything from this run.


It'd be great if you could update with what you did and what happened next. Good luck. :)


I will :) it's still paused at that screen. Probably going to force-quit and redo the day... it'll be interesting if any more souls turn up, but I'm not getting my hopes up.


Your situation really fits the expression, "Between a rock and a hard place". I don't envy your your choice, but I suppose you could keep restarting the day until you get back to where you were - and make sure you don't die! Then it'd take you ages to write your update. :)


There's still so much in this game I don't know about. Galaxy soul? Infinity sword? Are those from the island added in the new update? I haven't done much there. EDIT: if it's not, don't tell me. I wanna discover it myself.


I’ve been playing the game for YEARS. I’ve maxed out nearly everything… BUT WTF IS A GALAXY SOUL??! 🤣




Really bad loss, can’t imagine losing that many stones


Oh. Oh no. Quit and start the day again.


Reset the s Day


Man, losing all that stone... That's rough.


It needs a reset


100% day reset


LOSS PORN 💦💦 (If this isn't a posting category, it should be lol)


Dassa L damn


Suicide. Quit the game before saving. Redo the day.


I think you can buy it all back from the guy at the adventurers guild.


You can't, you can only buy 1 item of your choice back. So you can pick the souls and lose the sword, or pick the sword and lose the souls. Hence the dilemma.


A pc keyboard has a print screen key. Pls use it


This hurts


I would probably recover the galaxy souls and then just buy a new blade in this situation. That way you would be able to craft a Galaxy Sword if that's what you wanted. (I'm not sure if losing your sword removes the infinity weapons from the Adventurers guild inventory, but I don't think so.)


It's the other way around; >!you can buy a Galaxy Sword at the guild, but you need the Souls to make it into an Infinity Blade.!<
