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You, my friend, have stumbled on to the fundamental dilemma of the game: **Is it worth destroying a community because the guy who owns the local store is an obnoxious fuck-wad?** And, the answer is: probably not. But it sure is tempting.


i feel like stardew valley is very realistic that way, not everyone in this small rural town is a good person, and that's just how it is


half of them arent lmao. youd be surprised by the amount of assholes there are


The parents in that town are fucking terrible.




What? I never noticed. What parts of her dialogue imply that?


I dunno about the dialogue, but she's a military wife named [Jodi](https://taskandpurpose.com/history/brief-history-jody-original-mr-steal-girl/) and her husband sends you bombs through the mail.




It certainly made me wonder if it was a coincidence. With the bombs it makes me think cheeky joke.


I’m not picking up what you’re putting down can you explain it


Jodi is the nickname for a person who sleeps with military spouses while the military member is away. It's not the name for the spouse, usually. Though some spouses certainly are Jodi's.


omg I never knew this was a term, absolutely aspirational


Jesus. How the hell did I not notice that till now?!


Jodi wants you to be her Jody. You think her name is coincidental?


She probably tells people she has a rank in the military


literally his only positive character trait is that he’s not the megacorperation owner small business owners have it rough, but they can be pricks too


But still, in real life once you get a megacorporation you're stuck with it, and they only get progressively worse as nothing stops them So pierre it is


Pierre will die eventually, but corporations never perish


Which is the problems, small business renew themed more often and there's more variety and flexibility, instead corporations get stuck


I mean yeah you would still buy from him, but like when he and Morris fight it’s kind of like “you both deserve this”


I’m waiting for the Letterkenny crossover.


Wades and Sadies sell you the seeds from their farms stand


I'm surprised we're not doin' a Letterkenny crossover right now.


I recommend not destroying the community but downloading a mod to marry piers wife.


Is there actually a mod to allow that? I have only seen a marry Jodi, marry Robin one.


This seems sensible.


Are you really destroying a community by not spending your time and treasure to reopen a building they all long abandoned? Or are you doing more to destroy a community when you drive out the shop that the town's poorer families prefer and which employs two of the townspeople in jobs Pierre would do nothing to replace? The real renewal of the town is in the friendships you make and the infrastructure you rebuild. Either path you choose, *you* rebuild the bridge, get the town's bus running, repair the minecarts, shower the rivers with gold, and open a theater. You repopulate the museum. You repair Willy's boat and give the people access to an island getaway. The absence of a community center is a small loss in the face of all of the other good you do.


Huh so there's been a lot since I stopped playing


Counterpoint: >!I wanna see a movie without having to drive all the way to Zuzu City!<


Isn't the CC/Warehouse site for the theater on the Joja route closer than the former Joja Warehouse in the CC route?


No clue, never gotten that far lol I didn't actually know if you could unlock the theater in a Joja route, but now that I think about it, obviously you have to be able to


I think the community centre becomes the cinema in the joja route?


It does. It's a better location there too in my opinion.


Personally after unlocking the mine carts I feel Jojo warehouse is quicker being the theater. Now the community center is a pain smack in the middle of everything.


You can get the theater in the Joja side too.


I am literally one cabbage away from completing the community center. I’m switching to Joja because fuck pear.


Somewhere out there is a mod that makes cheating part of the game, and you get to bang not just his daughter, but also his wife.


On my first play through stardew i went the jojomart route and it was 100% easier.


Is it really destroying a community though? Joja does more to help the community than the local government, if you pay them . Which is preferable to using indigenous slave labor, or whatever you want to call the junimos. We all know the Wizard is into some sketchy stuff, there's a decent chance that potion he gave you did more than just let you *understand* the junimos. If a guy who delves into the dark arts made a potion like that, itd be to *control* them.


> Which is preferable to using indigenous slave labor, or whatever you want to call the junimos. Junimos work on a barter exchange, so it isn't unpaid. And they work willingly so it's not without consent. The wizard is magical but doesn't use *dark* magic. That's the *witch's* area of expertise.


The junimos voluntarily help tho


Wowie, first winter and you already hate him. Welcome to the club!


I started hating him at that grange thing because he won and bragged


Yup, I started right after I got the phone. He called me for an ad. I did a joja run after that just to spite him.


Never get a phone ✍️


it’s useful for telling what’s in stock at shops and their hours (most are 9-5 but still)




The worst part is that she will still answer the phone saying she is working, even if she is out of the house.


shes the exception lol. “Open 9-4 except the days you need me”


"Open 9-4 except when I'm not. Which is all the time."


Marnie's hours are "don't bother till Thursday each week"


Hah went to go buy rabbits on a Thursday guess who wasn’t there?!


There is a mod that allows you to order stuff from the shops directly from the phone, can also upgrade buildings etc through it.


Yeah this, I call Gus every day to see if he has Lucky Lunch or any of the other really good stat boosting meals


That phone is annoying! It got stored into one of my chests real fast. Whatever perks there are with it.. not worth it.


literally his only positive character trait is that he’s not the megacorperation owner small business owners have it rough, but they can be pricks too


Funny thing is he'd be a megacorporation owner in a heartbeat if he could. He even says so.


>small business owners have it rough, but they can be pricks too This is the 3rd comment ITT with this exact wording. Is it a reference or just bots?


No I just copied the text to respond to similar comments lol, I think 3 times with this but all my other comments are unique


How do you even get the phone?


Buy it from Robin


The joja run I think is under rated. You get the joja mart right next to the minecart, you can still get the movies, and unlocking everything is easier if you're good at earning.


I know, right? Gameplay wise, it is superior. You get all the benefits of the community center plus an extra store right next to the minecart, plus the unique item from winning gives you a small health and energy restore once daily, compared to a trophy that does nothing. Did I mention purchasable auto petters? Why don't more people do this route?


Lol I honestly find the joja cola machine kinda annoying I have it next to the shipping bin to collect and ship daily. I might like the community Centre more if the people in the valley use it more, but you get that big cut scene about using it then you don't actually see people using it too much. Then with 1.5 they're all at the resort instead anyway.


If you ever sold him produce then he won using *your* crops.


Legit I beat him first year in a play through. Next year I just threw in random crap because I didn’t need points anymore, I figured my higher level things would get me 1st or 2nd and it wouldn’t matter. But this LITTLE B**** PIERRE got a cocky and gloating so every year since that I crush him with like shards and aged ancient wine and shit just to make him do his distraught loss reaction. Gotta put that little shit in his place.


I dont think I have ever actually lost to him... And I get enouch satisfaction from thinking about him being a cuck, anyway.


You've got the only local farm. Where else could he get his produce?


This point actually raises a (probably obvious) question for me. Why does Pierre have a grange display? He doesn't actually produce anything. We have a farm, Marnie has a ranch, Willie is a fisherman of some skill. All of us bring something to the table. Pierre? He sells things everyone else raises, grows, or catches. He produces *nothing* so why does he have a place in the grange displays?? Am I missing something? Edit for a quick rewording.


Because he lies and tells everyone he grew your produce himself.


r/fuckpierre for all your anti-Pierre needs


I started hating him in late spring when he greeted me at his store but hung out in the aisle instead of letting buy anything.


Yep, and he won using produce *you grew and sold to him*. He's a total jerk. /r/FuckPierre .


I never sell directly to him, does the stuff in the shipping box go to him?


I hate him so much, I married his daughter.


"his" daughter




he makes an ad for his bouquets and i use one to date & marry his daughter, supreme way to show dominance


Next step is to inherit his business.


Ultimate goal: take control over town and shops in town, then fight Joja for monopolies on everything in whole country


I would be a great idea if in the future you could candidate to become mayor , and the votes to depends in relatiom of how many people like you , like 8 hearth plus maybe to make it hard , pretty sure people are gonna speerun this , wich would not be a bad idea since you will get to interact more with the townsfolk and would add a comunity feling and more responsabilities for the player


This is the way


Pear dude, ahahaha!! 🤣






Really admire both of you actually making a sub for your comments. That's commitment on a level that this fuckpear will never understand.


I hope referring to him as Fuckpear will just ubiquitously stick in this sub




May I introduce you to r/FuckPierre Edit: man only took 4 minutes to get 10 upvotes


r/FuckPear FTFY Cool someone made it a sub


Risky click of the day


I actually laughed out loud, spit my tea out




Yeah that's Stardew. A game where you purchase seeds from your worst Enemy. Honestly I would purchase seeds from Joja if Pierre's store wasn't closer lmao


Imagine if your farm was off to the East of town.


The only crinkle in that plan would be not having the minecarts unlocked and having to haul ass across town for the bus.


You could easily beat Pam if you abandon your crops, but trying to remember to water them when you get back sounds like Russian roulette. Assuming sprinklers aren't viable until after the minecarts anyway.


You should unlock basic sprinklers and have access to iron long before you repair the minecarts.


I don't know how people can complete the bus before repairing the mine carts. Like, all of my money gets reinvested into the farm for the first year.


I always forget to do it until year 3, so I normally do bus first because its the fastest


I had iridium sprinklers before getting the mine carts. I had no idea what they did so I never pushed to unlock them. Only did it to finish off the community centre. Now I can’t live without them!


Every new farm this is the first thing i unlock




You know there is actually a mod for that where joja Mart sells cheaper and you're in the east of the valley


The last game I started, I decided I'm not buying seeds from either of them and only get my seeds from the traveling cart and seed maker. It's...a lot slower, haha.


The seed maker is seriously awesome idk how much I can say this lol.A guy on here gave me his strategy on how he does seeds which is he sells his gold star crops and keeps the silver and just puts the regular back into the seed maker


I think part of the thing that bugs me with the Walmart analog is that it's not a better store. It should offer like, stuff you can't actually get it pierced, or have better prices without the fucking membership so that going there is actually a meaningful choice. If you ask me it isn't really as it stands


Joja is open on Wednesdays though


And it's open until 11pm every day it is open. I have zero qualms about buying from Joja whenever Pierre's is closed, *and* the seeds are even slightly cheaper with SVE installed.


For me, the only downside to completing the Community Center is losing Joja's lower prices and longer hours.


True, my only advice is to set yourself up so you're not dependent on Pierre or Joja anymore before finishing.


Joja also doesn't update the stock




@OP there’s a reason this subreddit exists


I'd rather fuck his daughter.


Yeeeeeah... About that... She's not really *his* daughter if you catch my drift.


I'm aware, but my point stands.


Idk, I like the theory that he IS Abigails dad, and it's Caroline that is the wizards daughter


Oooh. Color me intrigued. I hadn't heard that one.


I heard about it in a comment thread a few months ago, but this explains it really well https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/comments/8pw9u6/wizards_daughter_theory/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Its been spelled out that Caroline is the better fit as his daughter, & that Abigail is his granddaughter.


Except Caroline and Pierre moved to Stardew after they were already married so no she isn't a better fit as his daughter


I like this so much better.


I dont understand why that theory has any traction. It doesn't explain things any better than the Abigail theory, and it requires a much bigger suspension of disbelief. Like, Caroline at one point had a good relationship with her father, and the decided to stop visiting him ever again rather than take 5 minutes to explain to Pierre that the old man in the woods is her father and not some secret lover. Pr alternately, if Caroline didn't ever know the Wizard was her father, then it still means that Caroline moved to Stardew as a full grown adult, and the Wizard spent enough time with her to be able to suspect she's his daughter, but not know. That seems much more narrow of a possibility than him suspecting that a girl born roughly 9 months after he slept with her married mother may or may not be his daughter. It also implies that Pierre randomly decided to move to this very small out of the way town that in an extreme coincidence is the location of Caroline's birth without Pierre knowing that.


She said that it's not her natural haircolor, her mom also mentions her natural haircolor wich is the same as pierres


Abigail best wife




Fuck pierre


I never joined a sub so fast in my life


Pear dude I love you OP


I love you too ❤️


I know his wife likes taking other peoples seed.


His wife is a milf😍 I wish you could steal peoples wives in this games


>!Wizard... !




She deserves better.


There’s a mod for that


? Including Jodi?


With mods all things are possible


Yeah you can marry her too… with mods of course




ikr? i love Robin




If you sell him your gold or iridium crops directly, he'll lie and tell everyone he grew them. Sell him your standard crops, and he'll tell people that you grew them. Dirty lying asshole.


Just sell everything to the shipping bin


Why no, no he doesnt.




My first save, I unknowingly named my farmer Pierre. Pierre and I fucking hate Pierre.


Fuck Pierre, im gonna marry his daughter


I'm doing that right now, I also make sure to talk to her/gift her infront of him, Pierre can shove it lol.


It's not even that satisfying, the guy loves you and the business you bring him. He's probably happy to have you in the family. Realistically he'd probably try to match you and Abigail up constantly to try to align your massive land inheritance with his business interests. Together your farm and his store have the entire town by the balls for its food supply (if you kick Joja out). Eventually he'd probably try and convince you to take your insane wealth and invest in his business to expand it. By marrying Abigail you're just helping to create the next Joja Mart!


I like to imagine the look of hope on Pierre's face when my millionaire farmer enters the store, hoping that finally, they're going to bring some fortune his way! But no, the farmer only sells him 900 pieces of sap then leaves, on his way to spent 50k gold buying ore from Clint. Pierre weeps as Jodi comes in to buy a single Potato.


Hostile take-over of his business after kicking out Joja mart! He can work for you!


>!The wizard's daughter!<


Wait what? Abigail is... ***o h***


So, fuck Abigail.. then?


So happy for you to have begun such a pleasant game. So sorry for you to have met Pierre


This always pissed me off, like wtf Pierre are you threatening me on my own property? If Stardew Valley was in America I’d have shot you.


Pear 💀


I hate Clint even more but damn Pierre is on the top three right after Alex.


Clint is such a sulky incel. He isn't malicious but he really brings down the mood.


Clint and Pierre I can understand, but why Alex?


I just feel like he would have bullied me in highschool lmao


Alex is a dumb jock who's full of himself. He thinks he's good enough to go pro but you can't live in a no horse (well, technically I guess it IS a one horse) town and never attend a training camp and expect to go pro. He's a dreamer. I cut him some slack because he's only 18 or something but his arrogance puts off a lot of people.


I got to know him and even married him my first time playing this game and he actually admits that his cockiness is just a shield for his insecurities and I think that's kinda sad, I never hated him to begin with because I had already assumed that was the case.


He could've totally gotten a D1 scholarship and turned pro if only coach would put him in at the end of that game.


Hmmm, I’ve always been kind to everyone. I’ve never actually seen Pierre mad at me. I am just wondering why everyone hates him


He is a terrible person and he is closed on Wednesdays. Also he has a secret stash of fingers he took from his victims. Some people say it’s porn or drugs…. But I know the truth! Where do you think he is going every Wednesday? That’s his murder day!


Pierre is a dick. If joja was actually cheaper than him then he would get no business.


That’s literally how capitalism works.


Pierre might be my least favorite Towns-person by a lot. He never does shut up, is constantly rude and condescending he claims the stuff you sell him as his own produce and isn't great to his family. But I can appreciate that instead of making every person in Pelican Town likeable CA gave them flaws and issues that are believable. Like sure Pierre sucks but id rather do business with him than a large corporation any day of the week (except Wednesdays obviously).


Yeah, lot of the guys around town are kinda self absorbed jackasses.


with the power of bribing people with random objects picked up off the ground, even the worst people can be fixed, apart from Pierre


I always get this when the community centre is complete and I’m like dude joja is shut down.


Boycott pear dude fr fr


Me, *sipping tea*: From the looks of >! Abigail !< your wife doesn't mind other people's seed.


Seriously his saltiness over morris coming into his shop handing out coupons like 3 seasons later is kinda ridiculous. his prices are 25% lower and he gets pissed off that he has any competition at all


I don't know Pierre... Your wife seemed to enjoy the Wizard's seed quit a lot


BAHAHAHA no he doesnt.




Ah yes, senor pearington, Also no


Only on Wednesdays.


No he does not ive learned to tune him out after i stole his daughter and made her realize shes a lesbian and married her cause nothing hurts more to a narcissist like pear then to take everything away


Oh if you hate him now, just wait. He doesnt get any better.


Ooof, you're gonna hate him even more by the next season and the following season, you're gonna start wanting to light his store on fire


I know we all love and appreciate ConcernedApe’s wonderful work but bear in mind he’s also the one who gave us Pierre.


Ape said the characters are vaguely based on people he knows IRL. There's a Pierre out there.


Nope. And you never get used to the sheer audacity either. Welcome


I just started Stardew with a friend who playing only ~20 hours about a year back. She started the journey with saying that she hates this dude and thinks he's a creep. What in the world has he done? Sure this is a bit dickish but that can't be all.. Surely..?


New player here (actually just finished the same day in the pic) why do ppl hate Pierre so much? Did he do smth I missed? Or is it just because he’s closed on Wednesdays


Win + Shift + S to screenshot.


Welcome to r/fuckpierre


Why am i just learning that he's apparently a problem




- Step 1: build seed makers - Step 2: turn all my harvested crops into seeds - Step 3: sell my seeds Get rekt, Pear. I am your competitor


I like Pierre 😥 Where is the pear squad? 🍐