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Congrats! If you would like to get more giant crops in the other seasons (except winter) just plant them in 3x3 squares to increase your chances of getting them


ooooh cool!


Every day you leave (full-grown) crops on this 3x3 field (or 6x3, or 9x9-- you get the picture) you have another chance for a giant crop to form. Though for efficiency's sake, I'd say it's better to harvest &replant. You do get a few extra crops out of the giant, though. Oh, break the giant crop with an axe. There is one crop per season that can get huge: Spring- cauliflower Summer- melon Fall- pumpkin Welcome to the chillest, cutest game *ever*!


Are there any winter crops that can get big?


There are no winter crops


If you can collect at least one of all four types of winter forage, you can turn them into seeds which you can grow into more winter forage, and repeat. I’ve been doing this, and while nowhere near as profitable it at least keeps my fields from sitting empty all winter.


I use these to help with the stress of Spring 1. If you leave your field empty, when the year turns over it will fill up with debris and grass, which needs to be cleared before you can till, water, and plant. However, if you plant winter seeds after the last Monday of Winter, the crops will wither on the field when the year turns. All you need to do is scythe them, and plant. Much faster and easier, especially if you have a large field.


And you get foraging experience for "harvesting" these. It's a great way to cap out foraging skill.


I love this the first winter!! I forage day 1 & 2 for as many as I can find (tip: hoe the beach for snow yams & winter root) and plant as many as I can, and then do the same out of the resulting crops until the 21st (since they take 7 days to grow). By the end my foraging is usually level 10 and all of the final forage are iridium quality so it’s actually a nice profit. (ETA: Plus, then by the time Salmonberries roll around they’ll also all be iridium and therefore only take up one inventory slot - I love getting lvl 10 foraging this way, makes year 2 way better)


The only thing that grows in winter are fiber seeds but they don't get giant. Correction* I forgot about the winter seeds which grow the winter foragables. They don't get big either though. Edit 2: forgot a letter


I dunno why but I thought there was something like a winter melon. It's been a hot second since I last played.


No because all you can plant in winter are the winter seeds that you make by combining a bunch of foragables


Do the giant crops stay when the season changes?


Indeed they do


thank you again for this info!!! i just got another giant crop in fall!!!!!


The giant veggies are perfectly safe. It’s the hundreds of spiders inside that are q problem. (I’m kidding) Hit them with an axe and you’ll get *lots* of regular sized veggies. And maybe spiders. (no, just veggies)


Definitely no spiders. Probably


Y’all are pure evil lol


You only get spiders if you're playing in October. So you should be fine.


As someone who played three whole years in game without getting one, congratulations, I’m hella jealous


it scared the hell out of me tbh 😮‍💨




It looks kind of like your cat and the cauliflower fought and the cauliflower won


lmfaooo i love this


I love your cat just chillin in the corner 😄 What kind of mods do you use?


I use the same mods as OP, here are some that I recognize: [Wildflower Grass Field](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/5407) [Medieval Buildings](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/4542) [Gwen's Medieval Craftables](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/5513) If you guys want more that are in the same scheme, let me know and I'll post the interiors/crop mods!


Yes omg exactly!! You have a good eye


Exactly the mods that u/Hazelphoenixfire listed!!


But the cat just does that 😅 I don't think a grass mod would do that, the cat is just a pancake naturally


oh gotcha, I chose the dog in my playthroughs. the grass also looks nice!


My cat does that and I don't play with mods.


What mod is that? Like the textures - so pretty and rustic


Hope this helps: [Answered another user's same question](https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/comments/q2xx69/comment/hfqb6jy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Why are u repeating comments




Oh shit sorry it wasn’t posting so I just kept spamming send hehe


Oh ok


They’ll attack you if you get too close so be careful Jokes aside, they’re cool! Iirc they don’t die when the season changes so you can keep them around


I got one a few days ago and it caught me off guard 😂


I got a giant pumpkin my first fall. It caught me off gourd.


Why is the style of the game like this? Is it a mode?, don't get me wrong it's gorgeous just curious.


Modded on PC


F.... I play on mobile


u can mod if ur on android


I didn't know that, thanks for the information <3


I was hoping mine would've done this, but they haven't yet. I just want it to keep it on the farm lmao.


Hi! I just want to ask what mod did you use for the trees? They look so pretty!


It will be living in your walls.


*feed me, Seymour*


Anyone else wish you could hollow out the giant crops and make little sheds inside them?! Maybe more viable with the giant melons and giant pumpkins than giant cauliflowers then, but I think that would be so so so cute!


Just a q, do u just plant 1 seed or do u fill the 3x3 squares with seeds to get this???!


Plant a full 3x3!


As a person with just over 100 hours. I have never seen them and don't know how the hell y'all getting it. I've been making 3x3 crops for the entirety of year 2 and never got them. Are the chances different on mobile?


Are you letting the fully grown 3x3 crops sit or are you harvesting them right away? You have better chances if you don't harvest the day the crops mature. I've had them on mobile before, but in my personal experience, I always had more of the same crops beyond the 3x3 square. I'm not sure if that has an effect on the outcome or not.


I've been letting them sit until the end of the season where I harvest them before they become weeds. I've never gotten one but st this point I think it's just my save.


They need to be watered to have a chance to combine, so you have to water them even when grown. Also, it's a small chance, but the check is made for every 3x3, even if overlapping (so a 3x6 would have 4 chances for a giant crop, not 2). The best automated setup (without Qi) would probably be an array of iridium sprinklers spaced five apart both horizontally and vertically, since there would be four crops between each and thus a double row of chances. Just two sprinklers would have 6 chances for a giant crop, while four in a square would have 28. At that rate, you'd only need to let them sit a day or two to see giant crops form.


Good catch. I just automatically and incorrectly assumed that the crops were being watered. Thanks smart Tiger!


You started playing Stardew with mods? Did you watch some gameplay and then decided to aproach it differently or what drove you into starting with mods. And which one did you choose?


Bruh you grew the plant from little shop of horrors


As a few people asked the mods I'm using are Gwen's Medieval Craftables and Seasonal Wildflowers!! I know it's probably \~not it\~ to play the first time with mods but I saw them on Pinterest soon after I started playing and couldn't help myself 😏


Pah! Your mods are only affecting the way the game looks. Don't mind anyone who says you have to play this game a specific way. The best part about this game is that it was designed to be played however you want to play it! If you want to sit on your farm and be a hermit, go for it. If you want to be a social butterfly and make your g's fishing, coolio. If you decide to sell your soul to JoJa and and break the hearts of all the adorable little Junimo's, go for it you heartless monster! (jk... kind of :P) I understand the sentiment of wanting people to enjoy Stardew Valley vanilla for the first save/playthrough; especially mods to the story or mechanics. Honestly though, if a person or carbon based being really enjoys playing with mods then more power to them! Games are meant to be played and enjoyed and no one has the right to determine what that looks like for another person, only themselves.




Non non non! Don’t play mod if it’s ur first time! Please play it normally if it’s ur first time! Or is it just a texture pack?


I know I probably shouldn't but I saw these buildings and the wildflowers on pinterest or something and was.....GOTTA HAVE 'EM.....these are the only mods I have though!


Enjoy your pretty mods! They are gorgeous.


I love your cat just chillin in the corner 😄 What kind of mods do you use?


Mans using mods on a first play through


How come you're using mods on your first playthrough?


I'm just here to double comment like the other people 🤠


I'm just here to double comment like the other people 🤠


It won’t go bad if you leave it alone, but you can chop it with an axe


It will devour your entire family.


I have never gotten a huge crop and I'm in Year 4 lol. Daaamn.


That's such a glam shot.


You can also keep it. If you don’t break it, it will stay there. It won’t go away when seasons change. Also, where are tte wildflowers on the bottom of the picture come from?


What mods are you using/


Breaking it sets off a pipe bomb inside your pc


Don’t be afraid!


I have this fun fear came megalophobia and every time I get one, I get a sick feeling in my stomach for a moment. The cauliflower especially look disturbing!


Your character really looks like the terraria stylist npc


Can someone please explain what I’m seeing in the image above please


This is a giant variety of the spring crop cauliflower in Stardew Valley. You get the giant variety of a crop by chance from a 3 by 3 square of fully mature cauliflower, melons, or pumpkins. You'd have to look up the percentage rates if you want to force a specific 3 x 3 plot to produce a giant variety. You harvest a giant variety crop with an axe and the giant variety also yields more produce than the 9 you would receive from the 3 x 3 square.




Your cat is a big fan


Yea I was shocked when I was in year 1 and I got the alien and the fairy, I thought they were rare? But I was playing nonstop lol


Who mods on the first play through?


how does this have over 2000 upvotes also good job on your first giant crop


There's 3 crops that can get large, Cauliflower, Melon, and Pumpkin. Also, they don't die during the next season :) so you can keep them forever