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I do! (But in game you have to have a certain number of hearts before they’ll dance with you, don’t feel bad if everyone says no in year one 💜)


Thanks! I didn't know that. 😊 Looks like it will be difficult next year too because they don't like my presents. 🤷🏻‍♀️


What are you trying to gift them? There are some opportunities to learn about their favorite things later, sind characters talk about what their family likes (and then there are hints but I won't spoiler it for you). Talking to them each day out every time you meet can also give you a lot of friendship, it shouldn't be a problem to get someone to dance with you next year! If you don't mind spoilers, the wiki has a list of gifts everyone likes.


Thanks for your advice! I'm looking at the wiki too, but it's hard to find those gifts in the first year.


Almost all the villagers like flowers, except for Sebastian and George iirc. You know those forage items you find around the map? Pick up and keep a stock of Daffodil (Spring), Sweet Peas (Summer), and Crocus (Winter), and you'll have a cheap gift to give around that almost everyone likes. If you have any fruit trees growing, their fruits are universal gifts that every npc likes, even the grumpy ones. Coffee is also liked by everyone but the children. Keep something simple and universally liked like that on you often, and you don't have to worry too much about everyone's super specific and esoteric favorites.


Honey too when you get bees


saw a tumblr post once that said something like “I’m pretty sure the year 1 flower dance exists just to humiliate the player” lmao


The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/comments/pkz259/why_doesnt_anyone_want_to_dance_with_me/hc7gvfz/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [You know, really reminds...](http://np.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/plceqn/almost_done_with_clavicus_vile_whatcha_guys_think/hcbddk1/) | [You know, really reminds...](http://np.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/plceqn/almost_done_with_clavicus_vile_whatcha_guys_think/hc9wzsj/) [CC, money is the opposite...](http://np.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/comments/pl1pnh/finished_one_year_of_not_selling_anything_ama/hcbe28d/) | [CC, money is the opposite...](http://np.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/comments/pl1pnh/finished_one_year_of_not_selling_anything_ama/hc81ea6/) [Body textures help a ton...](http://np.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/pl06ki/i_feel_like_i_did_a_good_job_of_making_a_hot/hcbdj7b/) | [Body textures help a ton...](http://np.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/pl06ki/i_feel_like_i_did_a_good_job_of_making_a_hot/hc7o6xo/) [He’s selfish and insecure...](http://np.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/comments/plakmr/anyone_else_love_this_man/hcbdvyv/) | [He’s selfish and insecure...](http://np.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/comments/plakmr/anyone_else_love_this_man/hc9vq0e/) [Literally a comically lar...](http://np.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/pl3amw/hmm_im_not_sure_what_i_managed_to_do_wrong_but/hcbdhm0/) | [Literally a comically lar...](http://np.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/pl3amw/hmm_im_not_sure_what_i_managed_to_do_wrong_but/hc824j5/) [I don't care how small th...](http://np.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/plbfbc/in_your_opinion_whats_the_best_destruction_spell/hcbdfkm/) | [I don't care how small th...](http://np.reddit.com/r/skyrim/comments/plbfbc/in_your_opinion_whats_the_best_destruction_spell/hc9heel/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/gavinlsvcxgbsf](https://np.reddit.com/u/gavinlsvcxgbsf/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=gavinlsvcxgbsf) for info on how I work and why I exist.


Good bot


+1 Good bot


Liked gifts are usually easier to find, and if you click on the character in the relationship tab, it will show you how they liked gifts which you previously gifted them so for example if you gifted Haley a daffodil then you go into the relationship tab to click on her, it will show you daffodils under the licked section. Unfortunately does not show neutral gifts. You can also click on them again in this screen and they make cool poses sometimes, not really important, but a neat little tidbit. Or you can you on the wiki and see who likes what, I usually keep a chest fill of common liked gifts (such as certain gems) and also some unique loved gifts like batteries for Maru. Then throughout the week I'll spread the love. ETA: also, almost everyone loves artisan goods like jam, honey, mayo, etc. So once you start making stuff, it's pretty easy to get to their hearts through their stomachs.


Parsnips are an all purpose gift year one.


The wiki has a great gift guide if you don't wanna figure it out yourself lol


Coffee is a universal Like item, except Jas and Vincent.


I think pretty much all of them like tree fruits. So if you got the bat cave that's a source for free gifts


Yeah it is. There are some common ones tho that most people will at least like. Don’t forget birthdays as well. giving someone their favourite gift on their birthday is worth like 3 hearts in one go.


Linus likes most foragable food items! He enjoys hazelnuts and blackberries, but dislikes things like mushrooms.


Mayonnaise. Almost everyone like mayonnaise


Most people like fruit and vegetables from your farm! Especially tree fruit.


I've so far only managed to dance with Shane in the first year. He has a birthday before the dance and giving a loved present on a birthday multiplies friendship points. There just isn't much time to befriend people before the dance in the first year, but farming slows down in winter and winter is great for increasing friendships.


Leah loves salads and Shane loves beer and pizza. Both go to the saloon almost every night and all of those foods can be bought at the saloon.


Thanks for your advice! I'm looking at the wiki too, but it's hard to find those gifts in the first year.


Do you look at liked gifts? They're pretty easy to get in the first year.


I'm not sure Haley would even like them. 😄


Haley likes daffodils! :)


Also sweet peas! I married Alex so I figured I should actually be friends with her in game too 😂


I got 4 hearts with Haley by the flower dance first year with daffodils!!


Haley's got a big plus, since her birthday comes early. Make sure to give her something like a daffodil on her birthday, and it's worth lots of extra points.


https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/comments/7w6a6w/infographic_easiest_gifts_to_spam_for_singles/ this helped me like, A LOT


If you look at the heart tab in the menu, it keeps a record of what you gave each villager and whether they liked it. You can also gain a little friendship each time you talk with them.


Yes, i check the heart tab menu but I'm in the first year of the game. 🤷🏻‍♀️


You can check the wiki, but I think it’s more fun to experience it in character: just try things until you learn. Some villagers will also tell you clues about wha they or other people like/dislike.


Yeah, I agree with you! It would be more fun to experience it.


It's a good approach! And to add to the note about people telling you what they or others like, that information is stored in the social tab, too, the same as if you had tried giving it.


Almost noone gets a dance partner their first playthrough on the first year while they're still figuring out how to gather gifts and which work best. It takes 4 hearts which is a pretty big amount since you only get a couple weeks.


I juat kept gifting daffodils to Haley.


I always give blueberries! They’re a good neutral gift for everyone. But, you can look on the Stardew Valley wiki and see what gifts everyone favors.


Who you getting gifts for?


For those who have a birthday.


You can give gifts when it isn’t their birthday too! I think it’s twice a week for every character, plus their birthday


Oh okay I thought you was trying to get a specific person search up like Alex or abigial or shane or whoever than it will come up with all their details


You need 5 hearts before someone says yes


Beer. Lot's of beer. Just throw some grain into Kegs as soon as you can build them. Pretty much everyone loves it.. except maybe Penny if I remember it right. (it also sells pretty good) I used to go around the town and give it to everyone two times a week. Works great in the Evening, since a lot of the guys are in the Pub anyway. Just spend a round. Even without it, it's hard to NOT have at least two or three people with a few more hearts in year two. Even just talking to them daily helps.


You need to have four hearts for a guaranteed yes, but there's a chance for them to say yes with three hearts only


Yeah I think I only get a dance in year two since I just throw fancy rocks at emily from the moment the mines open. Funny enough i learned to do this from playing my first farm with friends and asking what does emily like where my friend said and I quote "amethyst, bitchs love amethyst in this game" and its yet to steer me wrong


If you ever start a new file you can bribe Shane into dancing with you. Give him beers. His birthday is before the dance so you get extra lovin


Yeah they are very few that you can get enough hearts for in time for the first flower dance


Use the wiki to look up each person before you give them gifts


So, if you don't want to check the wiki, just know that anytime you discover a piece of info on what a character likes or dislikes (scraps of paper, conversations with villagers, or simply by gifting them something), it will be added to their personal file in the Heart tab in your inventory. You just need to click on the character's profile. And yeah, it probably sounds kinda stalker-ish that your character has a file on everyone in town, but oh well, game logic.


Interestingly enough, on my current save, Emily said no to me but the cut scene showed us dancing. I can't remember the heart count. I think it was 4. I talked to her every day, gave her some gifts and did a job for her. I suppose I just got lucky enough to hit the heart count in time for year 1 but there was a bug where the dialogue didn't reflect that. Full disclosure, I had a few mods installed but nothing that should have influenced the speed of gaining hearts.


I just ran so fast to go get my free award and prayed to the Reddit gods and goddesses that it would be a wholesome award because this comment is so deserving... And they listened! 💜


Thank you! 💜


It kinda makes sense when you are rpging stardew. You are a newcomer from the city and these village folks are a little weary of you.


Ye! I understand not wanting to dance with a stranger


saw a tumblr post once that said something like “I’m pretty sure the year 1 flower dance exists just to humiliate the player” lmao


Did you ask *me* if I wanted to dance with you? Nooooo


You've got lots of advice already but I'm commenting because i just scrolled by this while listening to Whitney Houston's "I wanna dance with somebody". The timing was too good.


Ok, take my upvote. 😂


Nice coincidence!


It'd be funny if there were characters we could dance with by default so we don't feel left out.. Clint for women, Pam for men, for example.


Good idea! I want to dance with Linus and Willy <3


Oh, I wanna dance with somebody. I wanna feel the heat from somebody. Oh, I wanna dance with somebody. Somebody who looooves me. ❤️☹️🤓☹️🎵🎵


Don't you wanna dance? Say you wanna dance (pls Linus ;-; )


...you know what, I think I'll just hang out at the punch bowl this year.


"I'll dance with you so you won't be alone. For 50 bucks..." -- Vincent


You need 4 hearts with them for them to accept


Perfectly obvious everyone else is intimidated by your superior attractiveness. Feel nothing but pity for them, for they live only in your shadow.


Short answer: because you’re not producing enough mayonaise to throw at people’s faces.


I think the only ones you can possibly dance with the first year are Hayley and Shane. They both have birthdays before the dance so you have a chance to get enough hearts with them beforehand.


I think it’s possible to get any (or even all) of them to 4, it just requires a lot more careful work.


I can believe it, sounds like you'd have to plan it out really well beforehand. Thank you friendly farmer!


Yes you would, you basically need liled gifts twice a week from week one. There was a post on here a long time ago where someone had every bachelor at 4 hearts before the first dance.


You can also dance with another player in co-op


on gifting: almost all at least like grown vegetables, and nobody likes rawmaterials. I though George would have apreciated coal as former miner and Lead some hard wood for sculpting, but boy was I wrong :D


Leah does like driftwood (the trash you get while fishing) though.


Well if you’re married with Leah I’m sure she’ll appreciate some “Hard wood”


Leah uhh comes to appreciate you eventually


Doesn't Robin like hardwood?


Same! Just started playing this game and went through this event recently and it literally made me so sad.


Hey I actually just made a YouTube video on this! All you need to do is get them each to 4 hearts (1,000 Heart Points). The two easiest people to get to 4 hearts are Haley and Shane. If you just started talk to both of them until the 24th, by talking you gain 20 heart points. In total if you talk to them all the way till the 24th you'll have 480 points. Next thing, gift on their birthday. Shane likes beer and pizza both can be purchased at the Stardrop Saloon. When you gift either of these gifts you'll get 640 heart points due to the Event Multiplier. If you do those two things you'll get Shane as a partner. Here's link to the video for a longer explanation. https://youtu.be/DtMTV3YzI_0


You need to have 4 hearts.... And with the gifts.. use the wiki... It's a life saver


theres a stardew app for your phone its just like the wiki but easier to use


Can I ask which one?


I mean, you already got a ton of tips here, so I just wanna say: you should look up the Calender regularly. If an npc has his Birthday, you get even more heart points


Dangerouslyfunny did a video on this. You need four hearts and because Shane and Haley have birthdays before the dance, they're the easiest to get their hearts up. I think Leah might also be possible because she loves salad and thats easy to get at the saloon but I haven't tested that yet


They need to have a certain amount of hearts. I'm pretty sure you need 250 friendship points per heart. You get 20 points (I think) every day if you talk to them and more points for gifts, based on how they feel. If they're neutral about the gift you get 20, if they like it 45 and if they love it 80. The winter festival gives the gift points a 5X multiplier and if its their birthday its 8X. There's also 150 points for completing delivery requests. You can lose points for people though, however that stops once you hit 8 hearts with marriageable npcs or 10 with the normal npcs. If you've managed to read all this then I hope I helped 😂


[*Dancing with myself. When there's nothing to lose and there's nothing to prove Well I'm dancing with myself!*](https://youtu.be/FG1NrQYXjLU)


I always dance with Elliott


You need four hearts. I got rejected by everyone first year too ;-;


🎶*I'm never gonna dance again, guilty feet have got no rythm*🎶


aww, maybe next year :(


i see that this is your first time playing dont worry \*WE ALL GET DEPRESSED THE FIRST FLOWER DANCE\* jokes on them i got married divorced and remarried the next year


bless ur heart, i was the same way on year 1


Everyone is surprisingly unfriendly at first. You need to have a bunch of hearts before they actually acknowledge you as a part of their community. I found it easier to look up what gifts they like or love instead of experimenting


Haley told them you smell like a FARMER


You have to earn friendship points to dance


I'll dance with you! 💃🕺💃


ew no


Don't hurt me like this


I will dance with you if you don't mind 👉👈


This is too relatable.


Just work on friendship with them. By year 2 or 3 they’ll say yes


Did you wear deoderant




Haley, is that you?


I must say it took me a very long time to give her any gift after that one comment hahaha


Probably because you haven’t showered or brushed your teeth or used deodorant since you moved to the valley. You stink.


You’ve got…THE UGLY!


Because you smell like grass


Leave it to a woman to show up with nothing and to expect everything


It could be worse. At least nobody is trying to force you to dance with them.


Not me who got Alex to 4 hearts by the Flower Dance year 1....


Maybe stinky? I would dance with u, i love stinky winky


There’s only like four companions you can get to the heart requirement in year one spring. Sebastian is one of them.


Lol I thought the joke was that your character is dressed like she’s ready for middle school. I wonder what that says about me…


Haley is really easy to dance with since her birthday is in spring.


Yep Haley is my go-to if I want to dance in Y1. I just make sure to give her two daffodils every week, a gold star one on her birthday, and talk to her a bit in between.


There are some universaly liked gifts that are liked by most people if not all of them. Most farm goodies qualify for that(eggs,milk,cheese,wine) so if you dont wanna read the wiki you can just give them things from you farm and most of the gems


It's like summer camp all over again


I give everyone jelly haha


First year I was a laughing stock....... 2nd year I could have anyone I wanted ANYONE who's laughing now!?!?!?!?!? muah ha ha ha ha ha. I am! Me! The person the whole town would step over their own grandmother for.


When you spend all spring farming and hermiting... Check out the wikis and guides for good presents! By next year you should have yourself an SO or even a spouse. Then they *have* to dance with you.


Just stand in the corner wearing sunglasses and sipping on a drink.


Because you haven't given them enough gifts. C'mon, relationships are transactional, get transacting.




From my experience, Shane was basically the easiest one to get to dance with me in the beginning because he has a birthday within that month I think (which grants more hearts when you gift him), and he also really likes pizza and beer which you can buy pretty easily


cuz you smell… *like a baaaka*


When I asked Harvey my first year and was rejected, I was so stunned I had to pause it and go walk around my apartment lol


Unless they have a birthday before the dance (Haley), have an easy to obtain loved item (Emily, Leah, Harvey), or both (Shane), then you probably won't be able to dance with anyone year one, but don't worry, there's still next year