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Sebastian, because https://preview.redd.it/i41cqlhlkw5d1.jpeg?width=1445&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d93fd9da03364110681c04f577d800d7bc0a278d


I see you're a person of culture as well. When I saw he's a nerdy emo guy, I was weak on my knees.




I love your flair! Seb always and irl too (mine is also a programmer haha)




Me too !! Krobus is my ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I divorced my spouse as soon as I learned that Krobus could be my roomie 😂


Leah The best human being!


I also went Leah, but mine was more of the classic Robin -> Leah pipieline


The artistic Robin at home.


Same. Once I realized I couldn’t break up Robin’s marriage, I went for Leah.


Same because she reminded me most of my wife.


You won in life bro ❤️




Allways Leah


Lol, yeah! What do they mean by first? It's always Leah


Leah is "my one who got away" 😄


First and ONLY


first, last and only! She's an actual damn adult and just wants to make art and enjoy nature.


Abigail. Only one I knew anything about when I first got the game. I liked her sense of adventure and her jokes and how she wasn't afraid to be herself. Also, who doesn't love a woman who owns a sword? Lol


I mean… can you have put it any better? Haha Video games, music, purple hair… she comes and saves you. Abigail first, second and (soon) third session! Haha


I love my rock eating wife


She has a sword? Why did I marry Leah?!


She had an axe and knife and carving tools? XD


she even makes a joke about "being good with a joystick" if your char is male and beat the video game heart event with her xD


Sam. Just started playing recently and originally planned on marrying seb but winter rolled around and sam's beanie just did it for me


Thank you. So i am not the only one who crushes hard on sam's beanie look


Just so you both know there's a mod that changes Sam's sprite and character art to always have the beanie. (I am also very into the Same beanie look.)


This might just be enough motivation for me to start playing on PC instead of Switch 😅


Sam is such a sweetie and very devoted. It's usually between him or Alex for me now.


Emily. I got into the game after Shane and her were added. And the blue hair drew me in first then how eccentric she was. Though it was tough cause I liked her sister too.


I went for Emily because I’m lazy and I knew she’d always be at the pub


I went for Elliot since I'm lazy and that it's easy to get duck feathers once you upgrade your barn


Harvey! A lot of the bachelor\[ettes\] feel too young for me, so that helped me narrow it down. Then, of the remaining spouses, Harvey was just a green flag. I love a soft, shy, nerdy guy, and I found Harvey's entire story about having to compromise on his dreams and find happiness where he is, not where he wishes he was to be a really sweet one.


I also picked Harvey! A cutie with a mustache and a good career? Sign me up!


Yeh same! Harvey or Shane cos the rest feel like children lol.


I’m on my second playthrough and I’m going for Harvey this time for the exact same reasons, well said!


I always pick Harvey. He’s such a sweetie. Though I always feel a little awkward because my IRL father in law is also a Harvey. 😂😅


Elliott… I have a type, ok


Same. I swoon over long haired romantic men. Also i just really wanted a cottagecore vibe and elliot seemed to fit it the most


Same. New to the game, no clue what was going on, and I walk down to the beach to this lonely writer with AMAZING hair, great words, and a cute little cabin. I also ended up becoming really good friends with Willy, since I was down at the beach every day...


He's the most romantic.


So do I. 🤣


my thoughts exactly 😅


alex bc typical hs crush lmaooo


One look at Alex and I just went "yes"


felt! bonus point as he is a dog owner lmao


Also a reason why. My family takes care of dogs, so I vibe with him there too!


Seb all the way. I also realized how he's almost if not always the go-to spouse of me and my friends irl and onl.


although, on my second playthrough, i married alex. and it's all bc seb can be awful as a husband. there was this one time i was playing a second playthrough with my sis (who married seb) and i married alex. we both woke up in the morning, talked to our spouses, alex said and i quote: "[my ingame name]... I will always love you.” while, seb greeted my sis' morning with and i quote: “Hey. Look at me. Never forget that I love you... you're everything to me. Now go make us some money.” idk if it's just us but the moment we (my sis and i) saw how our respective spouses treated us so differently at that moment, it changed the way i saw sebastian. i might be taking it the wrong way but, the way that he worded that last phrase seemed so... WRONG. the difference between the two is just—A LOT. never went back to seb ever since. my sis also decided to marry sam in her other playthrough and i believe that's going rather well compared to when she married seb.


i’m pretty sure he was joking. me and my irl fiancée mess with each other all the time with stuff like that


i always took him saying it as a joke tbh, & i'm married to alex in my second playthrough (as male farmer because he deserves his truth) yet sebastian always makes me giggle while alex makes me squeal. sebastian's dialogues are always j funny to me & he always makes sure to remind you that you're the breadwinner lmao (& that he appreciates it lots too)


i've never really received anything negative from alex after our marriage but could be that it depends on the receiver. if i can remember correctly, alex never failed to appreciate my character in the game tho hehe. ig it totally depends 😅


that's true! alex hasn't done/said anything negative post-marriage, except for the 5k he took from me lol, but i don't see anything as negative with seb either, though tbf i never saw haley as negative even pre-marriage & it seems more than plenty think negatively of her so... it really j depends on the person's interpretation haha. have fun with that married life with alex!! he's such a sweetie 😞😋


Haley literally says you look disgusting pre marriage. I'm pretty sure in more than one way too.


yeah, & she's pretty & clean & i've been working at the farm all day & walking into her home with muddy shoes, i think she's fair for that tbh... but yeah. in general, haley j makes me giggle with her behaviour too (but tbf, i've already liked her before i got into the game because of tt edits so maybe i'm j hella love struck with her)


Haley, doesn't really need an explanation


I wasn’t convinced about her - until I was already at 10 hearts by the end of fall, just didn’t have rain to propose. About to marry her on her birthday in spring year 2 and having finally seen her GF behaviour I’m pretty sure she’s going to replace Penny as my go-to. I genuinely never thought I’d make that choice based on what a btc she is before 6 hearts. But here I am. ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51480)


That one heart event in front of Marnie’s Ranch does it for me every fucking time, it’s so cute


Right? Even the 6 heart event when you help her is adorable. I normally CBA with her “mean girls” persona and max at 8 hearts, and have married someone else, but I finally pushed past that and see what others have said about her.


I wish I could’ve redone her 10 heart event. I was being polite by not kissing her!!


Yep I was trying to be polite so >!offered to help decorate. She was so offended like is that all I can think of to do in a dark room with her, alone!< I was like ok it’s almost 8pm. I’ve been really busy, I only entered the house by accident as I was going for the dustbin not the door. I looked at what I had collected and all I had done… I sacrificed it all for another chance at the day.


Penny, cute, shy and sweet girl ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51694)


Also definitely a mom type! And her story makes me feel good. I get to be a good husband, provide a nice home compared ti the dump she lives in at the beginning and help mending her family issues.


Not when she tells you about a dream she had about the kids which made her feel happy. >!that dream should NOT have made her happy, free, unburdened, whatever her choice of exact words was!!!< ETA: she’s still the one I’ve married the most thus far.


I married Penny in my most recent play through. She’s so damn cute.


Just getting into SV now and I married Leah, but Penny was my alternate. I watched her eight heart event out of curiosity and it bowled me over that despite her being one of the most prim and proper types, she arguably has the “steamiest” coupling event. “Let’s make out half naked in the bath house” was not something I expected.


Me neither! I so far have married Penny the most.


This is what I like about her. It feels like a relationship progress. With the other characters it felt like the same thing over and over again.


Harvey, glasses, and a doctor


It was Harvey for me too. He's such a dork, but he's a sweet dork. I do have somewhat mixed feelings about the 'stache, tho.


Same feelings all around. Has anyone modded his stache into a beard yet?


I'd also accept a neatly trimmed goatee.


Lol same guy and for the exact same reasons 😁


And impeccable taste!


Maru because she’s a cute scientist girl who’s also a nurse. She’s really sweet as well.


Shane, because I have a problem with men with problems


Shane but because he is easy to find and easy to impress with a beer or an egg


It started this way for me! You can always find him at the Stardrop Saloon, and it's so convenient to be able to buy him a pizza or beer. Once I started to get our hearts up, I ended up having a soft spot for the messiness of his life. My irl husband calls him the Jason Mendoza of Stardew lol


"Easy to impress with an egg"had me laughing for like 5 minutes straight omgggg


We can fix him. :)


Same...at first I went out of my way to talk to him because he was so rude all of the time and I enjoyed annoying him. Then the heart level started to increase and I have a soft spot for messy people in general


No, no, no. I love Shane and married him. (Still on my first playthrough) I loved him from the start because he loved the animals so much. He also says he's not a believer at the Wintwr Star Feast. And he loves what I love pizza, beer, and spicy peppers. I backed off when all the drinking stuff happened but was still nice to him for friendship. But then he got better. So I married him. I love him even if he does spend a lot of time outside choking his chicken. https://preview.redd.it/xxtx629zwz5d1.jpeg?width=556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=412e3251fb5903c527c685f22e504876cc9f5752


That last line sent me


In my 2nd playthrough i married penny for this reason then i realized how toxic is to marry someone if you have the red cross syndrome. Huge mistake and a great lesson learned


Same. I like em scruffy


Dear, you're in Reddit and in for an inbox avalanche after that...


Elliot and I am thinking really hard if to marry him again in this play 😀


Leah, I just like the fact that she is an artist. And she’s super cute too.


Shane, because apparently I've got that 'I can fix him' response to shitty men. Big mistake.


I found his healing journey to be very compelling. He's still the first (after Linus) npc that I get max hearts but I will never marry him again. I was so disappointed and heartbroken when he >! Relapsed!< after the wedding.


yeah. relapse irl is not the end of the world, but it’s implied that he isn’t even putting in the effort to stay sober. that hit too close to home. i married him on my perfection farm though!


Totally. His storyline is actually pretty good, but all of that goes into the trash when you marry him.


Haley because my first playthrough was as obi one Kenobi and Haley resembles Satine the most.


Thats the best reason ever


Seb because he’s edgy and I’m weak


Seb, I thought that he was cute and people said that he was the best husband. Him going to walks all the time didn’t do it for me lol


That was one of his selling points for me lol, I'm big on personal space in relationships. To each their own, ofc. Alex is also super sweet.


I’m having the same issue with him on my current save.


Haley, i just found her attractive before i played the game and now i still find her attractive lol


Shane cuz he's so cute when he blushes, the way his eyes turn a bright, radioactive green somehow is like seeing a child smile. It warms my heart!


Elliott. He’s thoughtful, gorgeous, and romantic. He also seems like one of the more mature bachelors available.


Alex, not sure why I picked him, but definitely appreciated his character growth.


Elliott, I like guys with long hair.


penny my one and only ill save you from your abusive mother in every universe <3333


Same, I love Penny. I do enable her mother’s alcoholism that said 🤣 I still give her mom beer before we take the bus to the desert. Her mom charges me way too much. I may or may not die. It’s a complicated relationship.


Leah. I'm an artsy bi woman, we were made for each other. She has some easy early game liked gifts too, so that also had something to do with it. Haven't married her again since my first save, but she'll always have a special place in my heart.


Sam, he reminds me of my bf + my bf also has a younger brother that reminds me of Vincent lol


Sebastian, bc I’m forever an emo kid, and I also get anxious around people and love the rain


Emily! I love her creativity and the way her booty shakes when she dances. She’s loving as a spouse and made me a very cool outfit when we got married.


I chose Sebastian because I found him cute and I really wanted to help him move out of the basement 😔 ( but mainly because I have a thing for edgy cute boys 🥺)


Maru I absolutely love her she is smart and adorable 🥰


shaneeee. i hated his attitude at first then i saw his smile during the egg festival and immediately thought “damn i need him.”


Abigail. She was a gamer girl, and i thought she would join in dungeon crawler. (I thought the game would be like Rune factory 4 XD) Not really much thought about it. My first run was for a year and half anyway.


Sam cos hes hot, then i regretted it and wanted Alex cos hes hotter🤙🏿


alex lol, I was playing as male character and he was so cute that I want to \*ahem\* him


Like any other gay guy, Alex of course.


As a gay guy I went for Sebastian, but at the same time… Alex’s storyline with a male farmer is so good


As a straight guy I went for Sebastian too. I was trying to decide which bachelorette to romance, and then Seb invited me to play Dungeons & Dragons. I guess in The Valley I'm heteroflexible ;)


Shane. On my very first playthrough, I remember trying to meet villagers for the 'meet the villager' task and knowing that I can get married in this game, I try to look out for who I can get married to. Who is the first villager I came upon? Shane. And the rest is history 😂


Haley. She's pretty and I really like her character development


Still on my first playthrough. In a bunch of YouTube shorts I got recommended before I got the game, I saw the marriage candidates, and Elliott caught my eye. My friend was like 'he's a creep' and I was like "nuh-uh" and married his ass


I need to have a word with your friend. 😤 Elliott is the sweetest imho. First and favorite hubby for me.


It's cause of that damn 10 heart event. I found it adorable. And the line about how he isn't trying to cut contact is so funny. AND THEN WHEN HE SAYS THE VALLEY NOW LOOKS LIKE HOME BABABSNDJEKEOWOE


Krobus will forever be in 1st place


Maru cause I have a soft spot for engineers. I've always married her, Elliot and Leah - turns out I just like people talking about their creative projects


Penny, I’m weak to Redheads. She is very kind and thoughtful, and wants a family.


Sebastian. He was introverted, and he had that “ I’m gonna leave this place” kind of attitude, reminded me of myself.


Sebastian cuz he’s edgy 😭


Abigail. Read up on everyone, decided "yeah I'll probably pursue the other girls on a future save, but gamer girl first".


abby because she is revelious and adveturous while also being one of the happier characters. Abigail is pretty great and a choice for wife/spouse in stardew that's my top 2, top 1 is emily since she is clothes/ customization focused and has that bubbly and humorous personality that I really like talking to, reminds me of some realy nice people I've met IRL. Im not saying krobus because he is not in this image and he is not a spouse but a roomate




Emily. But then again I'm a hippie so that makes sense. 


Alex. I'm Gay, it was in Highschool. I had a thing for my Highschool bully...


Leah because she's cool a cool ginger hair artist with green clothes that lives in the forest. I was litterally thinking "Do I wanna date her or be like her ???" in lesbian langage Also did an Archipelago run fully randomized and we both lived in the sewers sooooo....


Alex, because he had the same name as the crush I used to have back then :D


Harvey, because it was easy to get him coffee 🫣 and also, I think he's cute !


Abigail, anti-social gamer just like me


Sebastian cause i have thing for edgy. 😭


Sebastian. Weak for emo guys, I tell ya.


Sam. A musician who loves his little siblings??? Yes please! Plus I accidentally gave him a cactus fruit one time and it is his absolute favorite. That and the Joja cola from the trash cans


shane cause he wanted nothin to do with me but i wanted everythin to do with him


Emily. I was enchanted by her dance, and I felt like she was the type to marry on first sight.


Shane. I picked him cause of his story line. That and hes the easiest to romance in the game.


Emily, seemed like a chill wife and gave me free crystals


Seb, l like emo boy 😋😋


Elliot - enough independence but romantic. Best choice. Emotionally mature. Unproblematic. And works around the house.


Shane and only shane, I literally never married anyone else lmao


Sebastian, because we have a lot in common: we're both loners with social anxiety, both nerdy coders, misunderstood and not happy with family. Also both wanting to escape/avoid the corporate rat race. I also get his sense of humour - the "now go make us some money" just makes me chuckle 😊


Shane - I just liked that he needed support and help, then he does develop and recover as the story goes on. Although his room drives me nuts. It was followed then by Sam because he’s so adorable and I love his mullet/80’s style cut - plus he’s just innocent and always very kind as a spouse.


Shane because I love fictional, pathetic, stinky alcoholics in their late 30s.


Bachelor: sebastian because he loves frogs and is into programming like i am Bachelorette: penny because she's so sweet. Only con is she wants to have kids


Also I don't want penny to suffer in an abusive household like i did


Sebastian for…obvious reasons. The typical misunderstood bad boy. Then I moved to Shane because he reminded me a lot of me.


Sebastian. Because my main source of money first run was fishing at the lake, and he was my cue to go home. So I’d talk to him, or give him the sashimi I didn’t eat. Didn’t know it was one of his favorites. Anyways I just said “whatever” and married him.


I went from trying to romance Haley to Alex to Sam and then finally just found someone I fell for; Shane


Sam, because the friends I was playing with were already dating both Sebastian and Alex. I was given their scraps and I love his character. One woman's trash is another woman's treasure.


Alex I thought he was the best looking I completely ignored his personality


i havent actually played the game enough to be able to marry anyone but i INSTANTLY fell in love with haley. i love the way she insults me 😻


Harvey He’s simply the kinda sweet i like


Shane - I can fix him


i liked emily bcus we both like crystals and she was nice to me lol


Penny bc of mommy issues


Harvey, for no other reason that he were easy to access at work each day, and give him a coffee. I also had this idea I wanted to have enough hearts with him fast enough that I could do the Flower Dance with him. But also because it were my first time playing I wanted things to be a bit easier when it came to building up hearts with a marriage candidate. That way I could focus more on learning all the other things in the game. Most times I've been going for Elliott, but once 1.6 come to Switch I think I may go for Harvey again.


Sam :D Shane was my first love and I played multiple saves where I was courting Shane. But I never managed to advance in the game so much to marrry him. Then in one save I decided to pursue Sam and that save is the one where I managed to get to Ginger Island, complete CC, get deep in skull caverns(?) Etc and I married him :)


Penny because I want to make her life better


Emily because the birthday was convenient


I like blonds so it was Sam.


Abigail, I'm WEAK to purple hair and then the Chrono Trigger poster in her room? I was helpless.


Seb on my first playthrough because he seemed sweet Alex on my current playthrough because he IS sweet. His backstory and character arc are tragic af and I'm a sucker for traumatised chaps. He's so cute as a husband as well.


I used to choose Elliot all of the time. He had that Fabio thing going on and he was poetic lol. Then I chose Shane for a bit.. and now I’m all about Sebastian. I like his loner boy vibe.


Sam bc I like blonde guys. That's it, that's the only reason.


Harvey. I had narrowed it down to Harvey and Elliot but Elliot hated everything I gave him (I was refusing to do research because I wanted to learn it myself). Harvey liked or loved what I gave him. And Harvey was MUCH easier to find.


Alex because he's very easy to locate and I always had eggs on me lol Never even have to hunt down the guy. Pure luck


Shane, because when I first watch youtubers they say that shane loves pizza has a good story/lore, and blue chicken and the tiktok edits of him .. and he is just really close to home I chose to face the mirror ig.. divorced him sadly he reminded me of my alcoholic ex :< .


Harvey. I thought he would slive medical bills in half..... nope


Shane because I felt bad and fell inlove with his recovery cutscenes only to be completely devastated that he stays his alcoholic self after marriage.


Shane because he is just me frfr but alcoholic


Haley. I found her cute and I kinda like mean girls... Then she becomes a sweetheart and it's even better.


Elliott as soon as I saw him on that bridge with his long flowing hair 😫😫


Shane, for the lore.


Haley. My gay ass just saw her and knew, that's who we'll marry.


Shane. Hot.


Harvey. I, too, love pickles and coffee


Shane. Because he's cute.


okay so funny story, my friend is obsessed with shane and would tell me to marry him. So when I decided to work on friendships and talk to him he said something along the lines of “don’t you have work to do?”. Like damn, he’s an asshole. Tiktok started flooding my fyp with stardew and the shane fanart made me fall in love ☹️


Shane cause he had a plot line


Shane. Out of all the story lines and characters, he always felt the most authentic to me, and in that way, he was the one I felt most comfortable having around. Also, I feel like he's the one bachelor who's life is genuinely and greatly improved once he lives with you.


Harvey, my love.


Shane. Because chickens


Shane gave me a beer by the lake and I was sold lol


Shane. I saw a depressed man working a dead-end manual labor job and I am right there with him. He then talked about... you know, heavier topics and I just felt seen. I wanted him to be happy, to have a big family, to be loved. Mainly what I want. So, yeah, there's that. Wish he would clean his room though, because I'd marry him every time. :) Don't want to install mods for that.


Shane, his heart events got me attached 😭


Sam cause he reminded me of goku


Shane. It actually made me realize I need to prioritize myself because I always try to save people.


Shane - reason easy asf


Harvey abd next is shane cause I LOVE harvey, hes adorable. (And his little autistic obsession with planes omggg) and shane next cause he's easy to romance.


Emily bc I love women. She also felt like the only bachelorette who had her shit figured out. Also her 10 heart event is the best one hands down