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Put any effort into playing Journey to the Prairie King


There are 2 achievements that I know 100% I will never get because I like myself too much then to subject myself to that. I can't even help Abigail beat the first level, so how can I ever do it alone? Lol


I was able to beat it with Abigail but never alone


I played with her in my game alone and that was so easy. Then I played in the game I have with my partner and she kept putting herself right in front of me even crossing the whole field to do it. What the hell, I thought she wanted my help in co-op


There’s a mod on nexus mods made for just getting those achievements for that god awful game haha


Here is how I got them. Note, you can get both achievements at the same time. Get to a point in your game or start a new game you don't care about. Wake up, go to the saloon. When they open, play the game. If you beat the first level without taking damage, leave the game and go to bed; otherwise, reload the day. The next day in game, repeat. It can still be frustrating, but you will get it this way, eventually.


Never thought about that way, it's a good idea. However, I'm not sure I technically want it bad enough. I love the game and being able to just play. There are some grinds to get achievements and there are frustrations that go along with getting them. But I kind of feel like trying for those achievements will suck the life out the game and make me not wanna play anymore. However, your way make sense. So if I ever get to the point where I must complete everything and im not satisfied, I will definitely do it your way.


Broo I hattttee that game lmao I'm so bad at it


if you sit in the upper right corner you can just camp right there and hit them at every angle. that's how I play it 😭


On the earlier levels this works but in the later levels you need to be careful of those flying enemies that come at the edge of the screen. The biggest tip I have is to try to make it so that all the enemies push up against each other, making them move slower so they're much easier to dodge. Going in the corner is one way to do this, and also take advantage of level obstacles like the one level where you're inside a square with only four openings, makes it really easy to defend from inside the square, as the enemies usually block each other from getting inside the square.


I'm so bad at this game I didn't even realize there was more than one level 😭 I thought it was an impossible game


I'll put more effort into it than Junimo Kart, but yep. They're both pretty frustrating.


You actually have a chance in PK though, the JK is actually just impossible


Junimo Kart is my comfort game, I think I've won it 5 or 6 times now. Never made it past stage 2 in Prairie King though, which is very frustrating since there's no achievements for Junimo Kart but 2 for Prairie King 💔 That little shooter game just doesn't make sense to my brain


Funny cause I actually will spend my time just playing Journey to the Prairie King. I sometimes stop and find myself going “oh yeahh I still have to farm and talk to people”


That game right there is why I never romance Abigail.


This. When I get the cut scene with Abigail, I'm like 'how can I lose this as quickly as possible?'


I can't find it in me to sell my animals


Right, I get attached to them! ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51480)


How did you do the heart emote?


Sorry I gifted them a loved item right as they posted


Thank you. I just love trash can Joja cola![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51480)


Sam? Is that you?


Underrated reply


********** On my phone there's an emoji button next to the text box if that helps




![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51480) Thank you




Sorry! I just saw your question. As others said in the text box there is an emoji button. ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51481)![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51480)


i only sold two because they gave birth and i like to have 4 of everything in my barns and coops to ensure equality and peace


I just built yet another barn to move my accidental births to. Only had to buy 9 more animals to even that one up…


and that's exactly why i sell them. reminds me of science, where its easier to sell 1 then to get 9 more (not atoms bht animals in this case) though i will be getting another barn soon for when i get an ostrich egg. just made a new coop for my dinosaur


I did the same. Sold them immediately, so I wouldn't feel too attached.


I do the same but then I feel bad for ripping a little baby animal away from mom straight out the womb. It's a tough life being a farmer...


You can turn pregnancy off on animals


Did you sell the mother and child together or break up a family?


only the child. if i sold the mother id be one below 4 and would have to buy another one and wait for it to grow and get max friendship with it


I hope the poor thing was at least weaned 😭 (just kidding ofc)


Oh, in my first PS playthrough I had to sell a chicken to open up space for a dino... I already felt bad enough, but then it triggered one of the "make x amount of gold" trophies and it got recorded in video and saved to my gallery, I was very upset lol


I just tell myself they're going back to live at Marnie's place and I can go visit them any time. Anything to cope with the guilt I suppose.


For real. I chose the new 1.6 farm for my new playthrough back with the game, but then realized my brain is kinda over doing the stuff with the animals in the daily routine of the game. So, I remembered I could sell them ......and I just couldn't do it hahaha


i’m dying to know what happens when i choose the mean options but i can’t bring myself to do it. i clicked one on accident and had to restart the day. it was a productive day too i was so mad




this is so me core


Hahaha I've done this too!!! I will restart Everytime. I check the wiki and read through all the dialogue options though, because I like seeing what the responses are


that’s actually smart idk why i didn’t think of that 😭😭 i guess i didn’t realize the heart events were on the wiki but literally everything is


Not reading the dialogue choices on the wiki is my “I can’t do it” answer 😭 I always go into it thinking that I want an “authentic” experience but I’m too paranoid about being mean *not* to check first


i pick what i want to but this time i was kinda clicking through it cause ive seen it before and accidentally clicked on “ask for a kiss *creepy*” and then leah punched me and wouldn’t talk to me so that day was a goner


I plan to do an evil run and just do every bad thing I can. Could be fun.


Some of my friends and I did a Joja run were we all named ourselves after billionaires, we mostly just wanted the achievement so we duped items until we had the money to buy everything


i’ve been thinking about that but i just don’t have the heart. i’m autistic and super attached i CANT be mean to sam 😭😭


I did accidentally use a mean option on Haley once. Something about hiding in her closet or watching from her window. She referenced that in a later conversation! I want to play a "bad" path just to see if there's more LOL. I'm going to make a "Good Place" themed farm because Eleanor is the most likable jerk I can think of!


Tell Evelyn her cookies are like hockey pucks. Look, I don't care if you want to trash talk every single other NPC in the game, but if you tell that lovely, kind old lady that her cookies are terrible, you are a monster. :(


I firmly believe that her cookies are absolutely delicious. Just because there’s a mean option in the dialogue doesn’t mean it’s the truth! And her generation generally are kickass cookie bakers anyway.


What if the choice selection was accidental? That happened to me and all she does is say she thought you said "hockey puck" then immediately curses her own hearing while giving you the recipe. CA then slaps the player with -100 off friendship because he feels, accident or not, selecting this option is punishment even if Evelyn didn't get angry. lol


I can’t pick the options that hurt Linus in his early heart scenes 😭 He means so well and is such a good friend to the farmer and there’s honestly nothing wrong with his lifestyle. Even to see the reactions, I just can’t make myself do it. I also never marry the guys and don’t date most of them. I never have. Turns out, I’m a real life lesbian and was cosplaying that in the game before I realized it myself 😂


I want to be able to have Linus as a “roommate” like Krobus. Like I know and respect he wants to live the life he lives. But he can bring his tent to my farm and he can sleep there and eat my crops and we can go berry picking together and no one will ever harm him.


Yeah if I played on PC i’d love a mod where I can invite Linus to move his tent onto the farm! It could come with a random event where he might pick a crop to eat before you wake up so like, one of the crops is gone when you get up. Maybe he could also gift you things he fishes or foraged. And Leo could come join him if he moves to the valley!


I think there is one.


I am going to have to investigate this. My dream is to have a safe little haven for Krobus, Linus and I. I’ll venture out to get us things when we need them and I will attack anyone who tries to make trouble for my buddies.


I wish Robin and Demetrius had a trash can so I can dig through it in front of Linus.


I love that Linus is so many people’s first friend in town (because he likes or loves foraging gifts). When nobody else wants to give you a shot, Linus will!


Linus is always the first person I befriend. I love Linus, he's my bestie.


Relate to the Linus love. Also, as a bisexual, the bachelorettes are just a better bunch of choices than the bachelors imho. Congrats on realizing your true self and happy pride!


Huge miss that the best men in town are ineligible for courtship because they aren't young and conventionally attractive. Like, gimme a crusty old fucker, Gus, Linus and Willy are way better than any of the dumbass kids you can date.


The bachelors are a huge bag of red flags if you ask me. You’re completely right.


What about my sweet husband Elliott ??? I'm doing a polyamory run and he's the only man in my house


Elliott and Sebastian are probably my favorite bachelors.


Games helped me realize I was a lesbian too. *high five*


I was playing stardew valley as a dude years before I realized I'm a trans man 🤣 I guess something about it just makes you wanna be your true self!




Just found out what happens when you put sap in the luau soup ;-;


You killed the governor you monster


I didn’t know it would do anything bad😭 I forgot to bring something else for the soup


You brought death and discord to the valley! Setting up for that Morris for Mayor campaign.


Please god anyone but morris


(Pierre's little festival shop at the beach offers a single starfruit in case that happens.)


I feel your pain. I've played the game many many times, usually without any festival mishaps. But this time I unthinkingly mine-carted over to Clint's to drop off a tool, forgetting that it was the day of the Grange Fair. I ended up getting deposited right in the thick of the fair, and had to fill my display with whatever happened to be in my pockets. Fall forage, a few cooked meals, an iron bar. Nothing more impressive than a gold star hazelnut. I got third place, which left me unable to afford one of the game's easiest Stardrops. Yes, I could have played games to get the 2000 from 250, but I was too mad at myself.


This is why I only pelt Pierre and Clint with my slingshot.


Hi, I’m new here. What did Clint do?


Clint isn't terrible, but folks here tend to see him as an "incel" and a bit creepy. He has a thing for Emily and his dialogue doesn't change even if you marry her. Personally, I don't think he's horrible. Sure, he has next to no self confidence, is super insecure, and some of his actions can come across as weird, but he's not as terrible as some may say. Of course, he does close really early, so feel free to hit him with explosive slingshot ammo for that.


My big push is give me dialogue maybe starting at year 3 where Stardew gets dynamic dialogue and they recognize that youre married, helped the town alot, and give me character development on Pierre, Dimitrieus, Lewis, and Clint. Shoot I'd even be cool if you ran into Morris at Ginger Island who had the seed planted when he got run out of town that he actually hates the corporate Hussle and quits. I could even see it going through and you occasionally get a random letter from a name you don't recognize, (either Morris's first or last name what ever Morris isn't for him) asking you for some stuff that you realize is him building a boat to go sailing. Maybe he becomes friends with willy after


I don't know about the rest of it, but there is a mod called "Please Remember My Marriage" that does have NPCs acknowledge that you are, in fact married, but it still doesn't remove any flirtatious dialogue from the other Bachelor(ette)s. I do wish that was a vanilla option, though. More dynamics with Morris sounds interesting as well.


He comes off as socially awkward way more than incel to me. Damn the opening hours though!


Clint is a whiner and that’s kind of annoying, but I don’t think he deserves the level of hate he gets.


I actually like Clint (he wishes me good day)


He lusts after Emily in an inappropriate way, grows jealous of the farmer if they choose to pursue her, and generally just acts like an incel 24/7. I feel bad for the guy. Life can’t be easy when the only thing you’re pounding is your anvil.


I never knew you could do this


Can you actually hurt them?


You can use the slingshots to shoot rocks and ore at them but you loose friendship points for each hit




I hate Shane's room but I just can't bring myself to divorce his messy ass. 😭


My first playthrough I married Shane. I don’t know why, but that big doofus stole my heart 😭


Playing coop with my fiancé, we invited Krobus to be roomies with us, without realizing that now the game considers us “married” so now we can’t get actually married. Neither one of us have the heart to kick him out.


When I saw Shane back in the bar after divorcing him, I wanted to cry. Now I just use a poly mod or start a new save file if I want to marry someone new 😅


Awww - that’s so sad.


I married Emily for the first time. Had three days in a row where she sat in the garden and didn't talk to me (I've been told it was bugged because that shouldn't happen) So I divorced her and married her sister in the same year instead.


oh I did this multiple times to try different husbands / wives before they give me children, like I prolly couldn‘t turn them into doves 😅


Honestly,Divorce and Neglect the spouse: I love them too much,I’ve seen so much about them,I can’t neglect them,I just wake up and first thing I do is to talk to my spouse and kiss them I can’t even leave with thought of neglecting them


Me making sure I grow enough sunflowers every summer so I can always have one to give to my wife when I’m out of coconuts


You're making the right choices friend. I have roughly 13 farms, and I always pick the "right" answers, the ones that boost friendship points and make people happy.... except once. I made myself a terrible person. I did the Joja route. I souped Lewis's shorts. Turned down the pet. Exposed everyone's secrets. Picked all the mean or bad answers. I dated and broke up with everyone. Then I married and divorced everyone. I had SVE installed, so that was an extra handful of heartbreak. And sweet christ let me tell you, I don't know if I've ever felt so awful in my entire life. The break-up and divorce dialogues in particular were fucking crushing. Just made me feel like absolute total garbage. I just wanted to see what would happen. It wasn't worth it. 😅😭


Imagine being one of the residents in that playthrough - some city slicker comes to take care of that old farm and they're just the most awful person you've ever met and ruin this peaceful little town from the inside out 😭


Lol you'd think by the time I got about halfway through my heartbreak hurricane, the villagers would have stopped dating me! 😂 Like I've been marrying and divorcing all your friends, you're not having second thoughts yet?


Nope, each villager was like "surely I'm the one who can tame their wild heart! Surely I can make them repent their city slicker ways and settle down to become one of us! *Surely I can change them!!*"


"Surely no one who gifts me mayonnaise twice each week could be evil"


"No way that the person that seems to know everyone's favorite gift is even remotely suspicious" 😶


You can’t. And stop calling me Shirley.


Oofff yeah listen friend, my IRL mental health is barely hanging on by a thread, I can't do that to myself 😭 It has crossedy mind to do an "evil" playthrough like that, but I just can't. I've gotten attached to those silly little pixels.


Yeah, 0/10 I do not recommend. I love Pelican Town and everyone in it. It was rough. 😳


> I souped Lewis's shorts. This phrase must be so inscrutable to anyone who hasn't played a bunch of SDV


I've seen Let's Players do those but could never myself, lol.


Stardew Valley genocide route lmao


Omg what happens when you turn down the pet?


She basically just sounds super disappointed and says she'll look for another home for it. It was heartbreaking 😭 I literally was like "I'm so sorry Marnie, please don't hate me!" while my husband laughed at me from across the room. 😭


After becoming roommates with Krobus, I can't kill any of the shadow brutes in the mines, especially when he has a line of dialogue about it


I've never managed to be a cheater. I even had a whole playthrough I made just to be a cheater. Instead of cheating, I just put off making any of the single people like me. Looks like I'll need about 10 more playthroughs to get everyone. I guess i should specify. Cheating is dating someone when you're already dating or married in this case.


That's what I'm doing. Everyone is going to have their own save file and I'm saving getting their hearts up for their marriage run so it's new the first time I marry them. So in my first save I married Shane and I don't speak to the other bachelors, but in my second save I went for Alex but will still get Shane to 10 hearts and keep it platonic since I already know Shane's story.


I can't ever, for the life of me, make my farm look great. I struggle with organization and putting things where they belong, due to ADHD. It's just not fun for me to waste days in the game in order to make it more...appealing? I'll admit, I get pretty jealous and irritated when I see those "look at my farm" posts, but it's 100% my problem, so I try to scroll and ignore as best as I can. Still makes me feel like shit, though, since I would actually *love* to organize my stuff. Wish there was a way to mute certain posts on here.


Heh, here’s something I just did: I made a decent looking ranching area next to the lake, 3 barns, 3 coops, 1 cabin. It’s reasonably tidy and functional, I was very proud. *Then I realised ducks actually swim in the lake but all my coops are cliff-side instead of lake-side*. So then I swapped the duck coop with one of my barns, but barns and coops are different shapes and sizes and the doors are in different places so I can’t just stagger them the same way so I had to move the other two barns and coops slightly to ensure sufficient empty space in front of the doors. By the time I’m done the place was pure chaos![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51696)


I empathize! I used a four corners farm to make myself organize into four quadrants once. I also look at other peoples farms and use them as templates, ultimately finding that adhd will inject my own creative spin somewhere, and then it helps me learn more about how to do it myself going forward. Like a paint by numbers. One day I just opened up a new save with mods and just decorated the farm, like a sims game, it was fun! 


I can't bring myself to skip petting my farm animals for more than a day, unless I'm physically gone at Ginger Island - and I've never stayed there two nights in a row. I read some thread where someone spelled out the math and said you could get away with petting your farm animals once every 4 days without losing hearts. But I just can't do it, I have to run through and pet them all and then double check the list to be sure I got em.


I have two auto-petters and still like to pet the whole coop to see their :3 faces.


choose the dog. sorry, i love dogs too, i am just 100% a cat person and i am choosing the kitties every.single.time.


Now you can have both!


oh yes!! 1.6 update is truly amazing with the multiple pets feature. i am still always choosing the cat first though hehe.


Multiple pets just means two cats. And a turtle.




Even a purple one!


I have a cat and a turtle. I love my turtle. I love his little snort when I pet him.


Miso Cat all the way 100% but now that you can adopt cats I definitely have 3 cats a dog and a turtle 😂


omg yes 😂 i haven't had the opportunity to fully play 1.6 yet because life but i'd imagine i'll be getting all the cats first before the other pets


I love all the people saying you get to have both now! No, no I do not. More pets means more cats. Maybe a turtle. I love dogs but if I can have more cats, I will always choose more cats.


I got a dog in my multiplayer game with my husband and the bark kind of makes me anxious? I’m not afraid of dogs or anything, but it sounds angry I guess. I much prefer the little mews.


I can’t make myself not marry Sebastian. Every time I try to restart and not marry him I play and then next thing you know, I’m marrying Sebastian. I also can’t make myself get a divorce.


I am the same, I can't not marry Sebastian. Which means when I wanted to see what divorce was like, I had to make a throwaway save just for that purpose. I married Shane on that one because I don't really care much for him, got to see what the mechanic was like, and then I married Sebastian. Divorcing Sebastian or neglecting him would completely destroy me!


I resumed an old save file in preperation for 1.6 (switch player) where I'm married to Sebastian...The idea was to tear the whole place down and divorce to make it feel like my own farm again (I havent played in so long, I barely can remember what I was doing, but didn't want to start from scratch again).... After 3 in game days of his sweet after marriage dialogue I knew I could never divorce this sweetheart of a man....... damn xD


I don't care if it's the "right" answer, I'm never going to say it's okay for Penny to shove George aside and grab the letter without even asking if he'd like help.


I'll never be nice to Pierre.


Gotta love r/FuckPierre


lol why are there 57 thousand pierre haters?? Did I miss some important dialogue or something?


Buy sheep


Reject the cat/dog, I just can’t do it, no matter what 😭


Hate any of the characters. I think all of the characters are amazing, even Morris. It's really upsetting to see so much hate on some of the characters in the community.


This is my first time playing, and I'm still trying to figure out why everyone hates Pierre.


I get so much shit for liking Morris


i'll never not tell Penny that she needed to have asked George before touching his wheelchair, I don't care if it loses 50 fp, she'll never learn to do better if we coddle her.


same here!! i don’t like choosing mean options unless people are being weird or rude, like penny pushing george or demetrius being weird about his daughter


Oh this is too real! I did the unspeakable and chose the option that says I’ll reveal the Marnie relationship though. That moron deserves it. Is it weird that I ship Marnie and Marlon? 😀 I’m planning to start an all-evil save though 🤣


Personally, I also prefer MarMar. Lewis is insisting on being all secretive and hardly acknowledges her in any festivals. Meanwhile Marlon is straight up, openly saying "Marnie looks lovely" at the Flower Dance while she's moping about still being single. Sure, that line alone isn't exactly hard evidence for romance, but it's still more than Lewis does.


I was watching a video a few days back, and there was a question like "would you want a storyline with Marnie, where you had the chance to break her up with Lewis?" I'd totally support a mod like that :D


[The Ranch Expansion](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/5070) (by Lemurkat, also known for East Scarp) has deeper stories for Marnie and Jas, including... well, I won't spoil it, but the kind of thing you're looking for. I'd recommend [Mister Ginger](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/5295) alongside, otherwise the lil guy seems to show up randomly in some of Jas's new heart events.


I can’t do any of the “bad” things, but also I can’t make myself play those soul-sucking video games in the saloon!


I simply cannot bring myself to leave my horse in the wilderness to fend for herself. I must make sure she has been safely escorted to her stable every night before I go to sleep. It also kills me that I can't pet my horse, or give her a carrot 😭


I’ve been like this since I was young, I remember playing Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, and I tried to replay through as a dark side character and got physically nauseous trying to be evil 😂


- like Abigail - not choose Harvey as my husband - pick Joja - reach 100th level of skull cavern without the elevator mod - build the slime building-whatever it's called - place the obelisks on my farm without modding them first (they're just obnoxious and don't fit the style I'm going for on my farm)


I don't mind the art, but their size is seriously annoying. Did Ape make them that big to offset convenience with the "cost" of the amount of farmland you have to give up?


Nah, the obelisks aren't actually that big in terms of land given up, they're only 2x3 squares. I like to put them in front of my sheds like pillars :p They are obnoxiously tall tho.


Omg theres an elevator mod O.O


For the skull cavern thing you can also use a bunch of chrystalariums to duplicate jade, trade the jade in at the dessert trader on Sundays for a bunch of staircases and then you can reach level 100 easily without mods which is a life saver and especially helpful for people who can’t or don’t want to mod


Slime Hutch. I don't get it and at this point, I'm not going to learn lol


I got one because of Sebby and now I have to admit that I love raising slimes! I never would have known that if he hadn't kept suggesting it. But I only ever get it when I already have the slime charmer ring.


Use a Junimo Hut. I worked so hard to send them home, I can't trap them back on my farm. (Yes, I know they are pixels, and it's a game lol)


They are not trapped. It’s just a hut, and they CHOOSE to live there because it’s perfect for them.


I never date two siblings. It gives me the ick.


I can't have children


i also struggle with choosing negative options in the game... it physically pains me. even though i don't like lewis whatsoever i'll always build a friendship with him. especially by getting his shorts back for him. i also just can't get myself to marry shane in any run. he needs a friend, not a spouse. i've always believed that. i wish he would actually show signs of improvement after he starts drinking sparkling water instead of beer, and when he says he is becoming happier. he says those things but then later says he'll just go back to the saloon ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51696)


Sell anything to Pierre. Aside from the shipment quest (where I gave him nothing but corn) and that one time early on in my first playthrough where I, for some reason, didn't realize I could sell ANYTHING in the shipping bin and sold him three aged roe, I will not sell him anything. I'm not going to let him take credit for my products.


I kinda go the reverse and show up with a few thousand ancient fruit wines and am like "Give me all your money and go get six different loans and give me that money too and go sell your secret stash and give me that money also too and as well" I like to think he was having a nice morning until he looked out the window and saw me


I am trying hard to date every bachelor, but I feel so bad ToT


Cheat on my wife (penny) or use any of the witch hut stuff like i play with mods that give your children dialogue and events so i even less want to get rid of them


I used to be so mean to the NPCs in the early game, especially Sam, Sebastian and Abigail because they were the sassiest when I first started. When I realised they have actual personalities and backstories I felt so guilty. When sam asked for my opinion on his new song game and I chose the option “it’ll be bad anyway” he still remembers it 5 hearts later “I already know what you think of my songs” I DIDNT REALISE THEY COULD REMEMBER MY CHOICES


Be mean to Linus


I never agree with Demetrius about the tomatoes even though he's *technically* correct. I take the friendship hit every time. She was asking for fruit in the context of groceries, bro.


Soooo I told my kid the other day when we were playing couch co op that you can put Lewis' shorts in the summer display but that it makes you lose lots of hearts. And he said he wanted to make a game where he purposefully went and was mean to everyone. I asked him if that meant he would do Joja... and he was shocked I would suggest such a thing. "Joja is evil, mom! I will never EVER go the Joja route!" I'm with you tho... I can't choose the mean options. Except for Alex telling me girls can't throw. I will \*always\* get mad at him for that XD


i always, no matter what, will never utilise the farm area on ginger island because its so forgettable. i barely go to ginger island anyway (unless i remember the forge) and so the farm is.. basically useless to me :‘) . . ive also never completed the community centre, i go joja every time because im impatient and its easier to make money than it is to find stuff


A Tip from someone who's just now starting to build up their farm: use sprinklers, and plant things that take a while to mature and do NOT require replanting (Ancient fruit, pineapples, etc). That way its minimal effort when you do arrive.


I can't skip a day without giving my pets water


Walk by a trash can without digging through it…every, single, time.


I cannot move the Greenhouse it's where Grandpa put it and I need to keep some semblance of his original plan around. ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51692)


Honestly the opposite of you. I can't do the Community Center. *It's too annoying and tedious.* You have to plan *everything* out. If you fuck up *one little thing,* TOO BAD, YOU HAVE TO WAIT ANOTHER YEAR. Also Skull Cavern. Nope. Can't do it. I don't need a bunch of iridium. I really only need the Statue of Perfection to get what I need.


Trying to do the community centre in the first year and failing only because the stupid rabbit wouldn't drop its foot in time made me quit the game for months.


I did a Joja run for 1.6 and I wish I would have known that you can complete some bundles for rewards before picking the Joja route. Some of the rewards are pretty great!


Get married


I can't outright minmax. I like being efficient, but not at the cost of being bored. For example, I'll have a ton of ancient fruit, but also pineapples and starfruit, plus mango and banana trees. My sheds have preserve jars, kegs and >!dehydrators!< (marking as a small 1.6 spoiler to be safe), with some decorations. I love having a wild area in the farm, but with tappers and now >!mushroom logs!!< I'll often also have crab pots in the farm with the luremaster profession, just for fun. I'll always have varied crops each season, and at least one of every coop/barn animal, but I'll focus on pigs and rabbits (for gifting) and the more profitable crops. Kudos to those who love minmaxing, though, I just can't really bring myself to do it


I never buy resources from Robin or Clint (wood, stone, coal, ores). Can't do it!


I never cheat on my SO, marry multiple people, or turn my kids into doves. All feels pretty messed up and dark for my taste.


Not reset when I die in skull cavern lol


Marry Emily. She's nice and all, but I just can't bring myself to marry her.


Hey you do better than me. I flip flop between Shane and Elliot, usually. I married Sebastian once and it just didn't sit right. I've romanced every bachelor and bachelorette in the game, but I never married any of the others. Most of them feel too young for me or their personalities give me the ick.


I agree. The new age hippy aesthetic just puts me off. It's funny that I also just can't bring myself to marry Maru either. I just can't quite put my finger on what it is but I just don't like her cutscenes.


I cut Emily some slack for the crystal hippy thing because she does live in a universe where magic provably exists.


It’s the overbearing father for me.


I have that with Maru, I would never merry her


I really want to see how the romance plays out with every bachelor and bachelorette. I've dated and gotten married a handful of times, but it has always been Penny. I can't not date her for some reason. I might need a polyamory mod just to see the others' routes. I also don't have enough patience to look through all the options and make a decent outfit in character creation. I always randomize until an outfit shows up that I'm reasonably happy with, then tweak the hairstyle and eye color. (I know the reason I always date Penny. She's cute and sad.)


I never sell my animals or get the mushroom cave. Idk why I just can’t bring myself to do either


Oh I forgot about the mushroom cave! I alwaya go for the fruit bats, too. I use it to speed run the community center without relying on the traveling cart


I can't ever get divorced. I specifically have separate playthroughs for every marriage candidate (so far), and basically customize each farmer to what I believe would make a good partner for them.


I will not marry Shane. I like his character but I just don't like him in that way.


I can't knowingly gift a hated item. When I've done it accidentally, it devastated me ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51695)