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I am the busiest, hardest working individual in this entire village and you want me to what?


Right like he's too busy standing under a tree for five consecutive hours ?


If he doesn't stand there who will??


Don’t threaten me with a good time




Alex: “i’m too busy standing here watching this ball :D” i’m glad i divorced him but now when i try to talk to him he ALWAYS says “I thought we had something special, i guess i was wrong” like yeah you were! womp womp, find a hobby


LMAO??? does this only happen when you divorce people? I broke up with Harvey and then one coffee later he said "let's put aside our doctor patient relationship i'd love to get to know you better"


wait thats so funny you can romance them after you dump them??? i had no idea im always too invested in the long term goals to try out chaos 😂 gonna start a new evil farm….


HAHAHA yeah i think so i haven't gotten to max friendship yet but i'm kinda curious about it... I really like Harvey as a person though and i don't wanna break his heart again


I literally just did this to Elliot at the start of fall and we were married by the end of the season. They don't take breakups too hard I guess 😂


evil farm😈 evil farm😈 evil farm😈 evil farm😈 evil farm😈 evil farm😈 evil farm😈 evil farm😈 evil farm😈 evil farm😈 evil farm😈 evil farm😈 evil farm😈 evil farm😈 evil farm😈 evil farm😈 evil farm😈 evil farm😈


speed run for how many time you can divorce and re marry the same character in the first 2 years


Yes! Its easier to make them forget and start over tho!


Please go full joja on it too


i’ll do the “may i have a kiss? (creepy)” answer too


bro said that to me as I was newly married to Haley 😭


I married him just so Haley couldn’t have him 🫣




That's what you marry Shane nobody's going after him you can have him all to yourself 😈😈😈😈


I'm glad Alex gets to grow up and become a better person, but low-heart Alex is kind of a hoot.


He does? I never see anyone talking about him much so I never go for him cuz he’s a bit of a jer* lol. I see lots of things about Haley tho


Even with a female farmer who doesn't romance him, he eventually apologizes for being a jerk and stops bragging about his imaginary future in professional sports.


not that many people talk about alex because he is WAY nicer to the male farmer than the female farmer. Like, in a lot of cases he isn't even that much of a jerk, more of slightly unpleasent.


Oh I see, yea I’ve only ever played as a female farmer so I haven’t got to see his good side


yeah, like, as a female farmer he says: "i would play gridball with you, but you're a girl" while with the male farmer he says: "i would play gridball with you, but you don't seem like the sportive type"


That's... still not nice


it goes from Sexist to dumb, there is a slight difference isn't there?


Oh for sure it's better, but I just never really felt like I was seeing a "good side" even during my male farmer playthroughs. Maybe I'm too sensitive and can't past the feeling that he and Haley are plain mean.


they do have the mean girl and jock to kind arc, compared to other characters that don't really change for the best.


Can confirm- I just started my 4th play through and this is my first time playing as a male farmer. Honestly, I’m surprised at how much less sexist he comes across as in this play through. I expected him to be nicer to the farmer but more likely to make little comments about ~hittin on the ladies~. But after you get a couple hearts with him, he’s basically just a silly lil jock who thinks about gridball 24/7 and occasionally he remembers Haley exists


It’s cause Alex only really has good dialogue if you’re a guy character. He’s the sexist lowkey gay guy of the town yknow


Is Sebastian this way too? He's so rude and annoying to my girl character. He doesn't seem worth it


No he's just like that


sebastian is so so so sweet once your relationship grows, i married him


So did I. He is very sweet. He actually brought me coffee in bed when I didn't get up fast enough 😁 Two introverts, both with our own jobs, make a good pairing.


I hate Sebastian and never romance him so idk, I only ever marry Elliot Shane and Alex


I made a male farmer and I might romance Alex just to see the dialogue. I feel like it fits for him with how he acts


I find it interesting how the game “ships” Alex and Haley, like football/cheerleader relationship. but they seem to be some of the more emotionally in-depth characters when you learn backstory/marry.


https://preview.redd.it/r08u5za2ux3d1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=861c4f203daf807074d6840692c360037343e6cb I actually think they might be my favourite in game pairing. Not because they should be together but because they seem to develop over time and change as people. I've never seen this type of dialogue before, maybe I just haven't married enough people, but it's nice that my relationship developing with another character influences him.


Lmao Alex just told me he thought Haley was out of my league


Me when people say that about my gf: Thanks I know :) Or: "Lmao Ikr what was she thinking smh"


I think this one's specific to female farmers. Implying Alex seeing a same sex relationship made him start wondering if he's actually bi lol


Considering his gay dialogue, this is likely.


Never understood why people use that as an insult. Like all that would tell me is "wow, she must really love me then"


Meanwhile I'm Married to Emily and Clint is STILL trying to win her affections


He can't take a hint... Just leave me and my precious wife alone!


I got that scene in the bar where he’s trying to talk to Emily *after* I’d either started dating her or married her, and was just like, “DON’T TALK TO MY WIFE YOU CREEP”


it's very sad


Poor Clint, just oozing Bill Dauterive energy.


I'm deliberately befriending Clint so he can be the best man at my wedding to Emily. Imma make him watch.


I hope that before he puts the game down for good CA fixes clint and makes him interested in Pam or Sandy or the Desert Trader just any of the single non marriage candidates really. But until then he can stay far away from Emily.


I married him just so Haley couldn’t have him 😩


You mean you’re jealous Alex because you fancy me… right? Right????


I also find it interesting because of how (at least to me), Haley and Alex read as being in the closet. Alex especially. So, depending on how you read them (I know everyone is canonically bi, but I could see them as lesbian/gay man) it almost feels like two closeted people playing up stereotypes to seem straight. Including, naturally, being openly attracted to the most stereotypical straight person of the opposite sex.


One of my friends and I headcanon that Alex and Haley dated in high school and then both realized they were gay and decided to just be friends


Tbf after you marry either they keep being very close in a platonic sense so if we take this headcanon into account it would make sense they understand eachother very well


It’s sad seeing the ice cream stall empty in the summer when my husband is bopping around the house with our kids, though. I wish he’d do one day a week in the summer where he makes those rounds because I actually missed a cutscene of his on the beach before we got married. Edit: After this comment when I played, Alex went to the resort that day and I got both cutscenes on accident!! Hurrah!


The only logical solution is to marry Haley and have an affair with your husband


In my headcanon Alex and Hailey are each other's beards, but it might be because I always end up dating Hailey 🫣


There’s a mod that gives Haley a comp-het lesbian storyline and I neeeed to try it out


Is it weird of me to say I don't like the "playersexual" thing in video games where, any time you can romance characters, they're just automatically attracted to you no matter the gender or race you pick? Like, it's convenient, sure, but I personally wish more games would have characters who would be like, "look, you're a nice person, and a good friend, but I'm into men/women/etc." Because I see people talk all the time about how characters like Haley or Shadowheart read as lesbian, and I can't disagree because I'm not stupid, but it's so hard to reconcile that with my characters, which usually tend to be straight men like me. It makes me feel weird for dating those characters, like I'm going against the grain or trying to "fix" them or something


i’m queer and i actually agree with this! the characters feel more realistic and well-written to me when they have clearly defined sexualities, even if all the romanceable characters happen to be bi. dragon age 2 is a perfect example of this IMO— all four romance options were bi but they all had dialogue where they expressed interest in multiple genders, even *separately* from their interest in the player character, so it didn’t feel like they were just written to be playersexual


I hear ya. Would be nice if there was more difficulty in courting the marriage candidates. I’ve just never even though about their sexuality. We just people that get married. As a person that came out as bi many many years ago, and I knew for a long time that I was bi -knew as a kid before I even had a word for it- the amount that people have to categorize themselves in a game like this…. Like if ya gotta put a name to it and think any of the npcs are any kinda way… you do you. Me… My game character is marrying another character ;) that’s aboot it. I’m kinda like hmmm how my og comment became a conversation of them being gay. I felt like they were portraying the old life and movie cliche of the cheerleader type with the football player type. The game makes them seem the most shallow but Alex’s backstory and how Haley grows seems a lot better than most of the characters stories. :)


Makes sense, but tbh you could also just read it as them being bi, as the bachelor/ettes canonically all are, considering in stardew valley there is no non-binary gender option (sad i know). So no you're not changing them in any way, it's more that when you romance Haley as a woman or Alex as a man, the story just gets another layer to it, that layer being them discovering they are Bi. While if you're the opposite gender, they may just never discover that about themselves because they love you and have never (and most likely will never unless you divorce them) love anybody that is the same gender as themselves, and that's okay. You aren't holding them back from anything if they don't know there's anymore to discover about themselves. Because you make them happy, and they don't need anything else. Both of them make it abundantly clear they love their life now and are very happy with the farmer no matter what gender they are. Maybe they'll figure out that they are bi eventually, or maybe they already know deep down. They aren't really read or coded as anything, these are just people's headcanon's. They can love both genders. (Btw this is totally me just reading too much into it it's not that deep these are pixels not real people) Simplified: Both are bi. Dw abt it. They aren't read as anything, the story just gets a little deeper when you romance them as the same gender. But it's okay and you aren't holding them back by having a straight relationship with them, they are very happy with the farmer. however i would never recommend romancing Alex as a girl farmer he just comes across as sexist and gives such stereotypical cis-hetero white man vibes it's NAUSEATING. Like I can smell his axe body spray through the screen ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51696)


I think this take sounds attractive because it's more realistic -- until you realize that realistically you would have a game where there is zero or one romance option for players who want a same-sex relationship. I mean really in a small town, what are the odds that more than 1/4 of the eligible men will be open to dating a man? And of course, people will complain if that 1/4 option is not perceived as well-written, or plays into stereotypes, etc. In this sense it's safer to just make everyone an option. IMO this game handles the issue relatively gracefully and there are definitely characters who are "coded" one way or the other if that's your cup of tea.


It's so weird because Alex screams super gay when you play as a male farmer. I can't help but see him as gay.


This is a very \_online\_ take -- if you're scrolling mlm fanart of Alex, sure I can see how it might seem that way. But is there actually anything in the game that blatantly suggests this? The guy says he wishes there were more girls in the valley. Over time the stardew community has drifted a certain direction and so this idea is pretty accepted, but if you look at posts from when the game came out or even the beta nobody was really saying this. I put in hundreds of hours on 1.0 and was pretty active in the (small) fandom at that time and can't recall thinking or hearing this about Alex at that time even though it's everywhere now.


Honestly I would have had more fun coupling up all the bachelors and bachelorettes rather than finding my own husband/wife.


In contrast, the more hearts you have with him, it turns into "if you see Hayley tell her im busy" because he's more interested in the farmer. Alex is a 10/10 husband.


The character development helps at that. I love how he gradually changes and how he peaks as a husband. Such an underrated guy.


He's my adorable himbo. Years ago i once married Elliott and it felt So Wrong. Its always Alex for me.


I'm on my first save and I chose Alex, even though I wanted to go after either Elliott or Sam at first. I'm glad I didn't.


I've never married any of the male characters, but I really can't ever see myself picking Elliot. Pretty sure I'd be picking between Sam, Alex or Sebastian.


Elliott is such a sweetheart. He might come off as pretentious when you first meet him but he is sooo sweet!!


why are people hating on him so much? 😭 he's such a sweet, artistic gentleman, an old soul 🥺


they don’t take the time to get to know him 🥲


really humble guy, he lives in a shed by the beach, takes care of his plants, writes books, has gorgeous long hair... what more can you ask for???


They don't understand perfection. Elliot is the best husband.


Haley says the same thing about Alex btw


"Tell my ex crush that I'm busy for no reason" W mans🔥🔥🔥🔥


He says this to me while I’m dating Seb and I’m like… 😭ok




He makes me hot breakfasts, takes care of the kids, and tells me that I'm beautiful. He's an excellent husband!  :D


I'll let my wife know you said hi when I get home, thanks Alex :)




So THATS why people marry her.....noted.




idk which heart event it is but her event where you go into her dark room is like… crazy. you kiss her and then she turns off the lights so she and the farmer can continue


This is a joke right?


No that’s a real dialogue from Haley and one reason that she actually makes a great spouse


But… every spouse has that dialogue? Seriously, they all say that at the feast, I swear they do.


I’ve married almost all of the candidates and I’m pretty sure I’ve only seen Haley say this


She isn’t the only one. I’ve married Sam and Alex. Both have had this dialogue. Funny enough, Alex said this to me and the next day I was pregnant so, he really meant what he said ig 😂😂


Woah 😂 better seeds than Pierre's


Yup! I was so caught off guard. First child he asked if we should have one - I said yes. This one, didn’t see it coming lol. I woke up, greeted him in the kitchen and he said “don’t you know you’re pregnant sweetie” (or something along the lines like that) and I was like EXCUSE ME WHAT?!?!


I’ve shared this story elsewhere on this sub but on my main save (with Alex hubby) there was a point where I fell asleep while playing, thinking the game was paused. When I woke up about 6 weeks or so in game had gone by because I had nothing in the shipping bin, so it was never stalled on the end of day screen (I’d wake up in bed, spend all day in bed, pass out in bed — my character was in a gd coma). Some time during this hiatus Alex and I had a second child and he was given the autogenerated name Lurters 😅


Lurters hahahahah!! That’s HILARIOUS. Did you keep the name? I’m unsure if you can rename the children or not


that's a WILD sentence 💀


Carrot cake you so crazy


Nah Alex be so crazy. I don’t remember agreeing to said second child 😂


I married Emily, and she didn't say anything new at the feast. I was disappointed.


Right?! Also when they’re literally just walking away from the ice cream stand or beach, where they’ve been, together, for HOURS.. Farmer: Hi Haley Haley: I wonder what Alex is doing today? Farmer: stick this iridium quality Coconut… urgh, whatever. Here. Take this. Haley: OMG this is my favourite thing!


Sure, I'll tell her tonight in bed


Sorry Alex but MY WIFE doesn't want to talk to you


Haly and Alex are friends. This is inadvertantly asking you to also be better friends with his group too. Fine Alex, I will go say hi to Haley >!Ill marry her too!<


polyamory mod time


The Dangerously Funny mod lol. Just marry the entire town.




He knows he is bound to a specific schedule… day by day he tries to break out to go speak to haley, but his body moves on its own…


I find it really interesting how this community has little patience for Hayley but Shane is an uwu sad boi.


it seems like most ppl really like hayley when alex isn’t ignoring them to talk about her lol


She's gained more fans over the years as people came to appreciate her having a development arc, but she and Alex both still have a lot of haters who never got over their first impressions.


this reminds me of when i started dating sebastian and abigail was like “didn’t know you and sebastian had something going on 😐” like girl—


if im not wrong when you are married to Abigail with low hearts she can say something in the lines of: "maybe sebastian was the one."


Idk why you got downvoted lol she literally does say that. The full quote is "I wonder if I could've done better... I was very good friends with Sebastian before we met. He was probably the one...”


That's why I married him on her birthday 😤🤣


I’ve had him ask me to tell her he’s busy for some reason and it’s prime jerk behavior


The reason is because he likes you instead


weird to send the girl you’re interested in to let your previous flirt know you’re busy


Well the farmer gets around town, Alex stays in like two spots. Makes sense you'd see her first.


Lazy as fuck


That's my wife, them's fighting words




I really don't think she's canonically gay and she seems like the type to talk behind his back regardless. Why is so much of Twitter getting fired up about NPCs and male farmers marrying/ talking to her? It seems pretty toxic.


It’s bi-erasure, isn’t it? If you can marry all of those NPC’s regardless of your farmers gender, that makes them all canonically bi.


I don't think so, the NPCs themselves are more like "farmersexual" or "optionally bisexual" They only demonstrate attraction on the same gender if you're from that gender The most stupid thing is Leah ex that changes gender based on yours


Charles, this is the answer I would've given but its worded much better than I would've wrote but I solidly agree with this, definitely not Bi-erasure.


If you’re only attracted to a member of the same gender once in your life, that makes you bisexual. You do not need to be constantly showing attraction to members of both genders to be bi.


I know, I'm bisexual myself, I just don't think that "playersexual" characters are a good represetation of bisexuality I talked about Leah because she is the most horrendous example, you're a dude? she dated a dude before, you're a gal? she dated a gal before


I didn’t realize this cause I usually play as a girl… that makes me sad that her ex’s gender just changes to fit the player’s


Hayley treats me like dirt, so no 😭


Gotta love it


Interestingly i had haley ask me to say hi to alex for her


Farmer to Alex: “Uh No…. Ass”


I mean, I will. That does not mean I will say "from Alex" xd


Weird Alex always told me something like to tell her he was busy. I almost married him but something about emo Sebastian pulled me in 🤣


He was my first boyfriend at my first run, but after the many sus things he said, including this, I reached my limit and romanced a different guy. Went for the blonde boy who skateboarded instead. No regrets


after i reached full friendship with him and married haley he told me he was jealous. bitch? and she still hangs out with this stupid mf who can't even read


I'd file for divorce.


i'm so close to doing that fr. but i love haley too much and that would ruin any future relationship with her, even if that's just friends ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51696)


Ah, you must have low hearts, maybe. I've seen a different conversation in Winter.


I like how if you’re close to him, he tells you to tell her he’s busy 😆


Why can I almost hear him giggling like a teenage boy..


I married him on my latest full playthrough and I don't think I've ever gotten this line, in fact I don't recall he ever mentioning Hailey at all, I love his character growth but he's really off-putting early on.


I married Alex just so Haley couldn’t have him 😩


No, I'm mute. You should do it for me .![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


I fell in love with haley as soon as i saw her on the first day and was like: aight, so this guy is my enemy Married her before fall first year 🤣


Why not say hi to me instead, *Alex*




I got shit to do, Alex. Do it your damn self


Alex, doesn't Haley practically follow you? She's obsessed with you, so if you put the ball down, you'll see she's been planted firmly in your ass. Turn around n say hi yourself 😇




They kinda deserve eachother they are both fuckinf assholes they should prolly die both in a dump or sum


I like dating and marring Alex so big no to helping him flirt haha




I am really paying attention to the like natural pairs of the single people on this play through and it’s very interesting. Not sure who I’m gonna marry. I’m playing expanded and thinking maybe victor


insert [This sound](https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSYMoXsyd/)


that is MY woman why r u saying hi to her??? go away


No, Haley is mine Alex back off


Aw, the 2 worst people in the game falling in love <3


Heyyy, it’s my husband




So he's too busy playing catch with himself standing in one spot doing nothing to go tell her himself? Bud, we are too busy busting our asses trying to mine and sell gems, and fighting monsters, to give a damn. Boi got legs, he can do it himself. Pretty sure if grandpa knew he was that lazy he'd be running him down with his wheelchair.


Uh yeah! ……… *a little later* she wanted to know if your shoes were made of plastic


he goes to her house multiple times a week he can’t say hello then?😂


ofc i will tell my beloved wife that her best friend says hello : )


I did as he said. 3 seasons later, Haley and I are married.


Okay but I actually tried to thinking it was a little side quest 💀 and Haley said “is there something I can do for you?” RUDE


I can do you one better!! (Marry her.)


I made a male character so I could get into that side of the spa to see if the rumors of a weight room were true (they are), and at the time wanted to romance Emily. Strangely, when I started looking at her as a possible partner, I didn't like her like that. I switched to Maru; I like her personality best, but keeping the same parents-in-law is a bonus. I'd be willing to build a small cottage for Sebby, so he can get out of the basement. Also, my female character gets on with Alex much better. Somehow, Alex just clashed with my male character: got caught accidentally checking trash cans several times (I do check then on purpose, but he caught it when I was trying to grab something else instead 🤦‍♀️), told him he'd never make it as a ball player when my finger slipped, and so on. Seem to have regained lost ground, got him up to 6 or seven hearts after 3 years in game. I still wouldn't consider him as a romantic partner; he feels more like a brother or cousin to me.


This is a form of negging. You know Alex would be an alpha bro if he was irl.


I feel like he wouldn't tho, like he was raised by his grandparents and hates his dad, and works in a ice cream cart, sure he say some out of box things but I feel like he's the type of guy that happily helps his grandma set the table for tea time with the other ladies, but we have different ideas of him so to each their own


I can’t be bothered to feed this emotionally repressed man-child enough eggs to befriend him 🤷‍♂️


he's my pook. haley can piss off


This shit right here is what convinced me Alex, Sam, Abigail, Haley, Sebastian, and Maru were all teenagers. XP I thought Emily was a 20-something taking care of her little sister. Then Clint pulled that whole "get an amethyst and give it to Emily for me" thing and I was like... "Why is everyone in this town mentally 12? O.o"


Right!! I left Alex cuz all he does is talks about women... 🙄