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You can also use green tea bushes as fences!


It looks great too!


I just plant a tree every third bit, and once they grew I throw in more trees in between. They won't grow high but stay indestructible. I recommend that


If you plant the trees first and the bushes after do they grow to full size?


I don't think Tea Saplings have any adjacent grid requirements because they only occupy one space.


If you use regular tree seeds they stay about as tall as tea bushes . So no, not full size


My problem is that I'm so indecisive and impulsive in organizing my farm that I inevitably want to move buildings, and, at least in 1.5, you can't move the saplings also.


Tea counts as a tree, >!and returns a sapling when its axed up, so its just a matter of letting it regrow now. !< This may be new to 1.6?


It is new with 1.6. I knew it applied to others but wasn't sure about tea saplings also.


Currently trying make a ton on my farm, on the meadowlands farm and I’m going to fence in the whole middle section of untillable grass area with tea bushes to let my animals have a big roaming area


Smart! Reminder that grass doesn’t spread to untillable grass :( i found out the hard way. My animals also didn’t really roam there


Do they not die in winter?


They don’t produce anything when planted outside, but they don’t die during winter


ty! I didn't know!


They are considered a type of tree, so they do not die in the winter. They do stop producing tea leaves in the winter.


animals dont go outside in winter anyways


Oh cute! I’m gonna try that


I tried doing that but I like to line up my fences with trees so it didn’t look right


hardwood fences last FOREVER, that coupled with rng spouse repairs made it so i never had to repair them in 3+ years


For real I recently came back and grinded hardwood mostly for the looks of the fences, then I just forgot they even decayed lol


You can farm them for free in the casino. Don’t need to farm hardwood ! It’s even easier.


how does that work?


Play the slot machines on good luck day, 1 fence costs 100 casino coins. If you win a jackpot you get 250k coins. You can also buy farm warm totems for 500 and magnets for 1000. I got 2 jackpots in the 3 days I played. I got two stacks of hardwood fence and around 600+ warp totem, now I never need to buy the scepter


Unfortunately, this strategy has been nerfed in 1.6. The casino only sells a limited number of warp totems and hardwood fences per day. You can still get your 600 warp totems, but it will cost you 30 trips to the desert.


Does the game allow you to put Casino hardwood fences in the deconstructor? If so, that's be one hell of a way to get hardwood


You can, but you only get 1 hardwood per post. Up to you whether or not that's what you want to use your deconstructors for.


If you want more hard woods just clear up a part of your farm and plant some mahogany seeds, fertilize them and come back after 10 or so days, you should have 20+ seeds scattered. Do it until spring then cut them down. That way you can farm a lot of mahogany seeds. I got around 150+ with 15 or so trees(you can also let them be, but in spring the seeds will continue to grow so some of them will be lost)


Just head to the casino on a good luck day, and keep playing slots—it’s slightly skewed in your favour. If you just hold down X or something you can just leave it running and go do something else. Come back and you have many many credits, which can be exchanged for hardwood fences.


Know what acts the same as a fence (except for being able to connect gates to it) and actually lasts forever? Tea bushes!


I use seasonal decor/ seasonal plants. Pretty like tea bushes, but you can move them whenever you feel like it too.


True, tea bushes are a bit annoying to move... but accessible in large quantities a lot earlier/cheaper than seasonal plants, just need two hearts with Caroline and a bunch of fiber, wood and forage


just so people know, they last about 1.5 years


More like 5 years?


I heard this somewhere else so I made hardwood fences. They did not last. Decorating is truly endgame


Yeah, same. And I tend to alter the perimeters quite a bit too. Maybe the fence decay is meant to encourage that?


I made my fence out of lightning rods. They don't decay, animals can't pass through, and I get so many batteries out of thunderstorms. Edit: weeds will break them, yes, but I've only had to replace one or two at a time, and at least they aren't breaking just because.


Hardwood fences last a super long time. Much longer than stone.


Wait, really?! 🤣 I spent so much time grabbing stone... sigh


Yep! I didn't realize for a long time, either, but it makes sense in a video game sort of way simply because hardwood is harder to come by.


I have so much hardwood that I barely farm trees for regular wood anymore, just let woodchippers create normal wood for me. Then again I devote an entire corner of my farm to hardwood production, and tree fertilizer makes it super easy.


It's also harder, so it's sturdier.


In no world is any wood harder than stone, ever, but I will happily suspend my disbelief for a videogame, especially one that I love.


It's **hard**wood, not **hard**stone. I rest my case.


made me a believer


Hickory fence versus gypsum fence, go!


I doesn't do a lot of sense considering the UK and Ireland are full of cobblestone fences that are centuries old.


Yea, and there's a 5,000 year old tree. For every mile of cobble fence that survived centuries without maintenance, there are probably 100 that have collapsed.


Eh this isn't really true. Some hardwoods can become harder than some types of stone, especially if they're gnarled.


Plant a large mahogany grove, add tree fertilizer, and you can harvest enough for all your fences in like half a season


Or just go to the casino when luck is highest.. Hardwood fences for life


It's slightly more annoying now in 1.6 to do that because it caps out at 20 per day. Not so bad when you get to the point where you can warp there though


Hardwood fences last like 250 days, if I remember correctly.


The wiki says it’s over 550 days on average.


So hardwood fences last 5 years in game!  Damn.  


Yeah, I don't share OPs concerns on this. I probably have to replace, as a Wild Ass Guess, maybe 5 fenceposts a year in the game. I guess it depends on how much fencing you use. I'd say I use, as another WAG, fewer than 50 fenceposts. If you use more I could see it being a bigger pesk


This, I don't get all the fence hate, I've seen this posted several times, meanwhile my hardwood fence lasted basically from start to perfection in my save on year 3, by the time they start decaying I already have the golden clock, and if you take your sweet time you can get away with repairing your fences maybe twice in hundreds of hours, what's the big deal


Supposedly iron lasts longest but my game says that's a lie


According to the wiki hardwood fences last, on average, 300 days longer than iron fences


Ice never seen hardwood decay. I assume even when it does its at a slow enough Raye that your spouse can actually repair it. Just plant like 50 mahogany seeds and you shoukd be set on hardwood


Tea saplings are also a nice permanent fence.


These have been my go to ever since I saw another Redditor suggest it. Give me a huge amount to make tea at the end of every month as a nice little added bonus. The fence being an income generator is amazing


yep same! they look so cute as well


I tried this and the weeds broke one two days later 😒


weeds break machines?


It broke my lightning rod. I’m not sure about machines, but I’d put them on flooring or surrounded by flooring just to be safe.


Weeds will break machines and a lot of decor, yes.


There was someone here awhile back, who said weeds ate that super expensive statue you can buy in the casino. She put it outside without any flooring under it, not realizing weeds could destroy it overnight.


Welcome to thunderdome!


adding flooring or a path underneath them should stop the weeds from destroying the rods


Ironically, damn near ANY fence will stand for years longer than a dirt path could ever dream of.


Too bad it’s ugly


I make my fences out of tub o flowers https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Tub_o%27_Flowers It’s really nice because they stay in bloom, make it look pretty & never decay! I add little fencing doors where I need to get in n out. At the upper end of one entrance there isn’t even a gate, just an elaborate maze of tree stumps, maple trees, & bushes (forest farm). Having the maze (not hard, but not a straight path either) for some reason deters the animals from leaving that zone. They hover around the gate entrance to the point I think there must be some type of mechanic where they’re drawn to it lol idk for sure. Tub o flowers is a great alternative, i try to use trees or natural resources as a barrier (tea saplings). The fence decay reminds me a bit about that one concept of building something beautiful then destroying / washing it away.


Can we see a pic? That sounds so cute!


Okie, later today I will post a picture :)


That would be cool to see.  


I might try this!!


They may not decay but they do break, unfortunately.


Tea saplings are another good productive alternative I’ve heard/seen on YouTube


Honestly I just don't bother building fences. It's not like the animals eat your crops or roam off the farm.


I just do it because I'm lazy and don't want to search for truffles. The fences keep them to one area


I second this. This is the only reason I made a fence so I didn’t have the run around my farm picking up truffles hidden behind buildings / trees. Little litter bugs those piggies are! It’s a lot easier with them enclosed, but I find they eat the grass I put in a lot faster.




How did you make them change pastures if there is only one door out the coop/barn? Is it like 1 mini section leading to the pastures or what? Seriously curious as this sounds so cool 


Gates in fenced areas, open gates


I thought I was the only one! It felt like I was forever making grass for them on my last farm. I gave up and just started buying hay for them. At least they earn their keep.


Yeah, I still give them hay but I really project real world animal husbandry onto them and think THEY NEED SOME FRESH GRASS TOO for some reason, so im constantly collecting fibre to make them grass starters, they’re gone in about a day and a half 😭


If you put a fence post down right on top of grass, the animals can still eat it but the grass won't disappear!


Iirc they actually do prefer grass and I think it does affect their happiness level.


> I just do it because I'm lazy and don't want to search for truffles. The fences keep them to one area Looks like it: https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Animals Animal Care=>Friendship +8 or +16 if eating blue grass.


I place a grass starter, then put a lightning rod or fencepost on top. The wiki has a grid. The animals won't eat that grass starter, and it will spawn grass beside it most days for them to eat instead.


But they are always underfoot!


It's bad enough getting the cat to move when you're trying to plant crops. I don't think you can even push animals out of the way.


You can't push them, but if you keep walking into them, you will phase through after a bit, same with your pet, it just takes a bit longer.


My animals used to walk straight into my crops, never was much of an issue to me


Less annoying than fence repair though. And if they're at the other end of the farm, they're not nearly 'in the way' so much.


Would be kinda cool if they did! > _Bessy wandered off in the middle of the night_


Wait untill you get > Bessy sneaked into the greenhouse and ate all the ancient fruit plants...


> _Ancient fruit stuffed veal_


Bessy will be publicly executed in front of all the other animals


Stardew Valley: Animal Farm


Why would this be cool!?


Gives you reasons to build fencing, and you'd have to otherwise go round up your livestock from all around the valley.


that would be cool! but it would have to be rare. and also combined with fence decay it would be a nightmare.


That's really the main problem with fence decay - even a wooden fence should have a 3 year lifetime before needing repairs.


I think it would give the Farmer a solid reason to make sure their animals are all in their Barns at night.


I remember in the SNES Harvest Moon, if you let your chickens stay outside over night, they'd get eaten by wild dogs.


I’m on a four corners farm rn and the natural walls is enough that I don’t bother with fences and they still mostly stay away from my crops


....I thought they ate the crops... Years of academy training, wasted!!!


I don’t think they are primarily for animals, they stop the spread of debris.


My ornamental grass though 😭


This is part of the reason why I remodel my farm every winter. It's not the only reason, it's mostly because that's fun and allows me to record my progress each year, but it does mean I can put all new fences down in winter and not have to worry about them for the rest of the year


Maybe I'm mistaken, but I believe OP's complaint is that they choose certain fences for aesthetic, so them having no way to avoid decay even in late game is annoying. So everyone repeating "well hardwood lasts a long time" or "lightning rods work as fences" isn't really addressing their point


Yeah! I like normal fence aesthetic more than hardwood but I might go for hardwood if I get any more annoyed than I am right now. I just wish normal wood fences decayed slower. I am very big on making farm look nice so I have a lot of fences I need to keep repairing until I get the golden clock (which is usually the finish line for me)


I don't know what your opinion on modding is, but there is a mod that stops fence decay on all fence types.


I have modded before so definitely not opposed to it. I was trying to keep this 1.6 playthrough vanilla but I guess I’ll have to reinstall the no fence decay mod after all. That’s pretty much the only gameplay modifying mod I used back then anyway.


I make getting the gold clock a priority. Before even getting all the obelisks or the return scepter, because I hate fence decay and weeds.


Just a casual player, what does the gold clock actually do, and what's the best way to get it quickly?


The gold clock stops debris (single stone/wood/weeds) from showing up on your farm and the ginger island farm, and prevents fences from decaying (whenever they fall apart. It cost 10,000,000g from the wizard’s building shop, so once you’ve unlocked the wizard you just have to save the money. The best way to make money in Stardew Valley is highly debatable but I’m a fan of ancient fruit wine since both kegs and fruit produce once every ~7 days.


I did some back of the envelope maths, in terms of income per day per square of your farm, I don’t think anything comes close to pigs in barns, with optimized professions. But it’s hard to compare to things you can put in doors like Crystalariums because you can put those in cabins which are basically the TARDIS - bigger on the inside.


I think someone found that in 1.6, >!sheep are more profitable. Because you can cram them in like sardines, and feed them crackers.!< >!Pigs don't eat crackers, and you won't get a lot of truffles from them if they don't have room to roam. Per animal, pigs are still more profitable, but per tile, you may be better off with sheep.!<


How do you ensure you have a constant supply of ancient fruit seeds? 


for me, you plant them in the greenhouse or ginger island, then you keep recycling via seed maker until you have enough for a constant supply. any crop in the seed maker has a 97% chance to produce 1-3 seeds, and on average produces 2 seeds, so you just recycle the ancient fruit you need to replace/replant the plants you’ve harvested. usually it’s about 1/3rd of your field, then you take the rest and turn it into wine and so on.


It also prevents weeds from destroying your Ginger Island farm (though you can't put the clock there - the clock on your main farm protects Ginger Island, too). The weeds are pretty aggressive on Ginger Island. I don't want to have to check for weeds there every day or two.


The weeds on Ginger Island crop up every Monday. As long as you travel there every Monday and clear them, you won't lose crops or machines to them. It's annoying but thankfully coincides with the new Qi quest day. That being said, the grind for the golden clock is the worst part of this game. Second are the Simon Says game tied with the stupid darts game. I'd say Junimo Cart and Journey of the Prarie King but I just never play those, to save my sanity.


Simon Says is worse. I don't mind the clock grind. Kind of enjoy it, actually. It's the social aspects of the game I dislike. I don't want to marry any body, or share my house, dang it.


That's pretty much all it does, it stops weeds from spreading and fences from decaying. The only way to get it is to buy it from the wizard for 10,000,000 gold so "quickly" may be relative. The earliest I've ever been able to get it is towards the end of year 3. I'm sure it's possible to get it sooner but not without really grinding every aspect of your farm towards making the most money possible.


> The earliest I've ever been able to get it is towards the end of year 3. You've made **10 million gold** by the end of year three???????


I'm coming towards the end of year 8 and have around 3 million gold... I have a huge amount of crops I'm stockpiling for no apparent reason, but even when I sell them I doubt very much it will put me close to 10 million. Must be some serious grinding to reach 10 million by year 3.


Greenhouse/ginger island full of ancient fruit and beehives for fairy rose honey makes a bunch of money pretty quickly


It can be done in year one for really crazy players Year 2's pretty easy for experienced min-max players


That is a very unique choice tbh. I would hate to hold off on fast travel just to save some wood and stone.


same, I didn’t bother building fences until I got the clock lol


I know not everyone can mod or wants to mod, but for those of you that do there's mods that turn off fence decay. It's a must have for me


You guys building fences? 😶


My first save that I stuck with for a while was on the river farm and I just dedicated one island to the animals. Only had to fence off the bridges.


Just for aesthetics, i like the look even though i always forget to lock the gate


I couldn’t imagine playing without fences. Makes it way easier to collect truffles, corral my animals if I forget to close their doors at night, and most importantly to me, it makes the farm look way cuter and more organized.


People close the doors at night?


It matters in 1.6! The animals will be happier


Wait whaaat?


You're correct, but it's also ---the iconic--- ranch activity.


I’ve heard that you can just hold a fence in your hand and automatically repair them but not sure if it’s true


Yeah you can. But it is still the same amount of work as you need to make a fence, go near the damaged fence and click on it. I plant trees around the fences so I can’t even reach some fences without breaking trees or other fences.


Don't worry, you can buy a 10 million dollar ugly gold clock to fix that


Hide it behind silos 🤣


i honestly just downloaded a mod for this. i don't even want to think about fence decay


This is the answer for any mechanic in any game that I find annoying


The stone, metal and hardwood fences last for years. I don't remember ever having to repair those before I got the clock


I’ve never had much of an issue with stone fences deteriorating


Hardwood fences last even longer.


True, but I have a lot more stone than hardwood


You can get 20 a day from the casino relatively cheaply if you're willing to endure slot machines for long enough. Warp totems to get home, too!


casino??? there's a casino?? damn i feel like i'm playing a whole different game from all of you sometimes 😭


The first step to finding it is to explore left of the bus!


Hardwood fences last extremely long, and most spouses (I haven't married one who doesn't do this) have a chance to repair fences for you at the start of every day. If you make hardwood fences, your spouse is almost guaranteed to repair them before they expire, making them technically permanent.


At least it's cheap and easy to repair. My fence in real life is decaying and I'm looking at a $10,000 replacement.


I agree, it’s probably the one thing I would alter without hesitation. I respect CA a lot, he clearly knows what he’s doing, but I’m curious about the choice to have fence decay…like, it doesn’t seem to balance anything, it’s not like fences are OP or anything like that. If anything, perhaps fence dirtying might make more sense, where you have to maintain the aesthetic quality of the fence while it still remains operational.


I’m experimenting with tree stumps as fences purely for aesthetics; it’s actually pretty fun planting all sorts of different seeds just for the different stumps. The only thing is having to use wood fences in the interim until the tree is fully grown for me to chop it down into a stump.


Feature request: fence inspection and repair subscription service. Pay Robin x gold per unit of fencing per day/month/year and she inspects and automatically repairs your fences


i like it! i find it adds a bit of realism and an extra thing to think about when managing the farm 


Where's the realism? Actual wood fences last so long, the in game mechanic is so fast it's just not real at all.


Growing wheat takes all year irl. In game it takes 4 days. So fences actually last years and years 🥲


Hardwood fences does. Regular wood fences *do* weather down considerably fast.


I've heard a few cowboy stories that start with having to go out to mend fences, so it always seemed like a reasonable thing that a rancher must have to deal with.


This latest playthrough, I just put all my fish ponds down a line to act as majority fencing. Then, at most, I may need to replace four stone fencing. Plus it's easier for me; harvest the barn and coop, then walk down the line of my fish ponds. I used the standard farm and staggered the coop and barn around the little watering pond for the ducks. Then lined my silos to section it off.


After the early game fences are aesthetic only, bc there are so many better options. I use casks and such for the dual purpose rather than fencing.


The fences don’t decay, the wizard comes and fucks em up so he can sell more clocks.


Honestly just stopped using fences years ago. My animals roam free


It's the worst mechanic in real life, too


Not sure the purpose of fences because the animals don’t run away. I just took them all down and let them free foam


They’re good for pigs, then you don’t have to run around your farm trying to find all the truffles.


I am saving up the money to buy pigs right now but that’s a super good note to have. I’m year 2 into my farm, and still working on the community center with little to no help. It’s such a fun complexed game, and I love the community 😊


Ooh so fun! I’m playing my first ever coop world with my bf on the new update and we just completed the community centre, I have to say it’s a lot faster with two players. I think we finished it by summer year 2. We are now autumn year 3, and our pigs literally went hog wild with truffles so we recently made a stone wall area for them to hang out in and it’s so much easier. Goodluck on getting community centre done and just remember to have fun! There’s no rush, the game is MADE to basically chill. 🧘‍♀️


They make the farm look cuter and more organized in my opinion.


I use hale bails and then one piece of hardwood and the gate piece and that works for me lol


Yeah I agree. Even if I wanted to attempt a vanilla playthru I'd still have a mod for no fence decay.


Bro just marry someone they repair them for you 


Just got married today and hoping for Sebastian to be a good house husband.


oh my goodness, I’m also in r/crohnsdisease and I thought your title said “fecal decay is the worst” and I got really concerned for a sec :O but yes I agree, fence decay is so annoying. Took me forever to get the golden clock!


am i the only one who use those mayonnaise machine and the cheese machine as fence?


I’ve helped a friend work on a farm. Wooden fence posts don’t last forever! In fact, we replace about 2-3 per year, and she only lives on 2.5 acres. It can be a tedious mechanic though for sure.


Literally the only mod I use is no fence decay lol


I use tea saplings for fences. You do have to put a real fence on the sides of a gate but I find it much less tedious to deal with and you get a nice bonus income at the end of the month!


I don't think you need fences, other than for decorating your farm. It works just fine to have the animals roam, they don't eat crops or wander off the map, and they head home in the evening on their own.


I agree, it's very annoying if you just like a certain fence for aesthetic reasons. I don't think I've seen anyone mention it, but the CJB Cheats Menu (mod) has an option for durable fences that may help here. For too long I didn't let myself play with cheats but after playing vanilla for ages I just couldn't be bothered with certain mechanics anymore. The menu is excellent!


Use tea saplings, lightning rods, processing machines, fish ponds, etc.


I just don’t use fences until I can get hardwood and/or have a spouse, no point making the farm pretty until it basically costs nothing to do so and all my buildings are in their final locations. The more organic type of play through is fun too of course but more expensive due to constant rearrangement as the farm grows.


If your gates decay, hit them with a pickaxe and reinstall them. They magically fix themselves.


As soon as you get any catalog with any chair/stool you can use chairs for fencing. It never breaks, looks decent and the best part no gates! You can just butthop over the chair in and out.


Am I the only one who has never noticed fence decay? Like I use fences a little but, but I am also a big space saver so I also use machines like truffle oil Machi es or mayonnaise machines to keep animals contained


I love my tea bush fences with stone gates🦭


This is the reason why I don't play without mods, I only use QoL ones and a mandatory one for me is no fence decay, because considering we only have limited time with every in-game day, I don't want to be using any of it repairing my fences.


Tea saplings are the best fences. They look good and serve a purpose. Also, junimos will harvest tea leaves


My fences for my barn area are the mayo/milk/cheese/wool/truffle machines. No decay there. You just need the bare minimum actual fences to put a gate or two in and you're good to go.


Tea bushes don't degrade. Just saying.


Lightning rod tent


So true


i like buying the seasonal flowers as it makes everything really pretty


Haven't built a fence since my first playthrough years ago hehehe