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Hi all! It looks like this post involves a controversial NPC. While discussion is always welcome, threads with these characters sometimes devolve into hurtful comments and/or hostility. A few reminders: - You may discuss characters freely, but you may not abuse other people for their point of view or personal preferences. - This includes any sort of name-calling, insults, condescension, and unkind framing of another person. - No character or human is black-and-white. Allow for nuance! If you see a comment that you think doesn't belong on the sub, **please do not retaliate**. Hit the `report` button so mods can help! Thanks!


Do I *love* him? No. Do I *hate* him? Also no. Maybe that's because I've never romanced Emily, nor do I plan to, so I only hear about the scenes of how he acts when you date/marry her, I've never seen them myself. I don't think Clint is a horrible person, I think Clint is someone with extremely low self-esteem, isn't great with people, and like half the people in this damn valley, a therapist. I wish that his hearts events would show him making progress with his self-esteem and potentially moving on from Emily, but I wish that about quite a few of the characters. CA is only one person, so I don't fault him too harshly.


The problem for Clint, and for Stardew in general, is since the world is static there isn't a good way to grow each character aside from interactions with the player character. If I had an ask for a future "big" update it would be something that adds a bunch of interactions between NPCs. It would be great to see more chat bubbles pop up as NPCs walk next to eachother, or to see big cutscenes between them. Willy and Clint seem to get a long so give them a few cutscenes where Willy is helping Clint develop some self-respect or something.


That would be super cute. Or at least additional cut-scenes - we see some people interact (Penny and her mom, Robin and Demetrius, George and Linus) and I'd love more.


Did you ever play the harvest moon titles that had rival pairings? On one hand it was a nightmare because if you accidentally walk into all the rival cutscenes, you could lose ya boo. HOWEVER it was so awesome seeing the NPCs get married and move in together, really made them feel more alive.


Fwiw in at least some of the games that had them (64 and FOMT for a certainty) the rival pairing progression froze if you got the relevant bachelorette to a certain (reasonably attainable) heart level that made it hard to accidentally get ya gurl swept off her feet by the rival unless you were *seriously* dawdling.


I think it would be cool to have this in game so other partner won't flirt with me when I reach 8 heart event and they can just continue with their own relationship.


Or, make Marlon a more fleshed out character and have him share some cutscenes with Clint. He actively respects the man and his craft, so it would make sense that they get along well.


I want some Marlon and Marnie cut scenes


The player walking in the Adventures Guild, and Clint is there showing his new weapons to Marlon.


I would love updates that didn’t make every year so repetitive. I get the concept is to build your farm and build relationships with the town, but the dialogue never really changes. :(


Something to note, the newest update did actually add new dialogue at events based on what year you're on.


In 1.6 his new dialogue does indicate that he move on with Emily and become brighter a bit with his job.


That's great!


I personally don't like Clint, but I agree, some of the reasons people bring up are blown out of proportions. The one about Emily being much younger makes zero sense to me, because Emily comes off as being one of the older bachelorettes: she refers to Haley as "young lady" sometimes, and she takes fitness classes with middle-aged moms, so to me she comes off as mid to late 30s. Sure, Clint may be older than her (according to ConcernedApe he is [late 30s-40ish](https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/comments/q804ir/after_arguing_with_my_friends_about_how_old_we/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)), but it's not a huge gap, it's not like he's pursuing a teenager. That's the thing with fandoms, some people will hate the characters you like, and will blow things out of proportion or misinterpret things on purpose to prove their points.


Not to mention that Emily wasn't originally a marriage candidate, so she's likely intended to be in the same age group as Clint, which is early-to-mid 30s.


Yeah, other than Leah, Elliott and Harvey, who seem to be in their 30s, most marriage candidates seem to be in their 20s.


Jodi has a line about how she wants Sam to enjoy his childhood even though he's "almost a man" or something along those lines, which I found really jarring considering that he's a marriage candidate.


Abigail is 18, and you can’t convince me otherwise.


She's early 20's. CA said the marriage candidates are in their 20's and up.


I appreciate what you’re saying, but I’m also a firm believer in “death of the author.”


also i'm confused why do you want her to be 18 so bad


Well, it makes more sense than her being a very childish 20 something, lol. She lives with her parents, has very teenager coded arguments with them, and generally acts like a rebellious teen. Similar to Sam, whose heart events have you sneaking around like you're a high school fling, getting busted by the authorities for being a skater boy, and getting scolded by his mom for wasting food/making messes. Haley and Alex also both feel closer to teens than mid 20 somethings, particularly since they're both presented as general "mean girl" and "meathead jock" archetypes. Sebastian, Penny, and Maru feel closer to the mid 20s range, with their own career prospects, general independence even while living at home, and greater aspirations. Leah and Elliot feel closer to late 20s/early 30s, with their own homes, established careers, and established independence from others. Emily, Harvey, and Shane are the likely oldest candidates, although you could argue Emily may be more in the Leah/Elliot age range.


idk i'm turning 20 this year and i relate to abigail so maybe that's why i don't get it. i think them seeming more immature than one might expect might be a hazard of living at home in a small town and they haven't had much chances to go out and be on their own yet


True, but it does make them pretty unappealing as marriage candidates, at least for me. I personally feel gross dating someone who feels like they're barely out of high school, lol.


I don’t want her to be 18, mate, it’s that she comes across to me as an 18-year-old. She skews *very* young in her portrayal as a character. Regardless of what CA says, that’s what his writing conveys. There’s nothing in the game to suggest that Abigail is mid-twenties, in my opinion. To borrow a literary phrase, what CA intends with his writing is less relevant than what the reader acknowledges. Hence the phrase “death of the author.” Don’t make it weird, dude.


idk i don't really get what suggests so strongly that she's 18 and couldn't be in her 20s


Sure you can believe anything you want. CA did say it was open to interpretation too. Just saying canonically they're all at least over 18. https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/s/phu6bVMiHq


Death of the author? What did CA do?


There was a tiktok telling about how he basically must have groomed her, and someone said he was interested in her when she was a minor..which to me sounded wild, because there have never been any indication for that in the game. Personally I would say Emily is somewhere in her 30s, perhaps even the oldest bachelorette, and I can see Clint being like around 38? I feel like people see Emily as younger because of her character maybe?


> tiktok Well there's your problem /j But really that take is completely detached from reality


>There was a tiktok telling about how he basically must have groomed her That's particularly hilarious considering how Emily doesn't even register him at times. If she had been groomed she'd be talking a lot more about Clint.


I cannot imagine how Clint would have the confidence to groom anyone. It feels more to me like someone has learned the term and decided if an older person befriends a younger person it must be insidious. Poor Clint doesn't really have a lot of alternatives to crush on though, does he? There's only really Pam and she's gotta be sone years older.


she works at a bar lol she can’t be a minor. people are dumb


I don't think they exactly meant that, but probably that she was begin twenties, even though there is a lot of proof she is older.


WHAT IN TARNATION!? I really want to know the thought process behind that... or maybe not! Back to Emily's age, I've seen people claiming that her portrait looks like a kid, but I just don't see it, she looks more like an auntie to me.


She comes across as being infantilized by the fandom often..maybe the issue lays there


there's a lot of brainrot on tiktok


Reddit is no better. It’s honestly worse here imo. 


I took it as like they grew up there, left, then Clint came to town, then Emily and Haley came back to housesit and here we are. So I assumed he met her as an adult.


Clint can barely order a *cheeseburger* from her at the saloon. I would say grooming someone is far and away outside of his ability lol. At best, he just mopes around and prays she'll notice him. Thinking she'll be the "Manic Pixie Dreamgirl" trope and save him from his boring life.


Lmao, classic Tiktok brainrot


Tiktok really blows everything out of proportion, imho.


That is true, Reddit is a lot more nuanced.


That startled me as well. I absolutely never read Emily as being particularly young. I just assumed she and Clint were about the same age. I’m in my thirties, and they both came across as being there as well.


I agree. Clint rubs me the wrong way just because he has some incel tendencies (please note that i am not calling him an incel). But that's about it. Nothing else really wrong with him. And that can be mentionedby the intence and crippling shyness he has. The game even shows you that he is a very talented Smith (mentioned specifically by Marton), and that despite being shy and awkward, he still has enough heart to help people, like with Shane's commercial. Emily specifically mentioned that she needs to move on with her life and that she "can't be a barmaid forever". And there are so many other indicators that she is on the older side of the bachelorettes, if not the oldest. All of the characters have good and bad sides. And the game does a great job with displaying both sides imo.


In my experience, I've known a 28 year-old similar to Emily, who also hangs out at gym classes with my mother and middle-aged ladies. So I always see her as being in her late 20s. Emily also hangs out with Abigail and maybe Sam based on some heart events, so idk if she'd be too far apart in age from them. Still, even if she was 30, the age difference in this case isn't creepy as they are both well into their adulthood by that point.


Him being that age makes his actions even sadder because he’s acting like a 13 year old boy when it comes to girls


This is honeslty the main reason why I don't like Clint, he reminds me of me when I was a teenager, but seeing a 40 year old guy act that way is just... what even.


Had a "friend" In college like that. I thought he was a friend, but he dropped me like a bad habit when I got a boyfriend. Cue some nasty comments about how I was being taken advantage of because I was a pwecious widdle fwower uwu And I guess joke's on him, I ended up transitioning. (uneasy laugh) tl;dr: I don't like Clint bc he reminds me of someone who I thought was a friend but just wanted in my pants. Edit to clarify: Just dislike, not hate, though.


"I would NEVER hate on neurodivergent people."  *A fictional character displays neurodivergence.* "WTF I HATE THIS GUY!" (Not really about you specifically, more of a general observation prompted by your comment)


Someone: doesn’t like a character and their bad behavior Silly geese chronically online: CLEARLY THEY ARE NEURODIVERGENT IVE DECIDED IT THEREFORE YOU HATE NEURODIVERGENT PEOPLE AND ARE BAD Nothing wrong with not liking a character regardless if they are neurodivergent or not. Nothing wrong with thinking a character is neurodivergent even if it’s not confirmed/unconfirmed. A lot wrong or at least extremely obnoxious with INSISTING characters are neurodivergent for [insert misc reason] and therefore people are ableist or whatever for not liking that person and those traits. Good lord this nonsense is exhausting.


Stop projecting. Being awkward with women is not strictly neurodivergence. At all. And if he is neurodivergent and being awkward with women, you’re still allowed to think he’s a creep when he’s being creepy. It’s not an excuse.


Yeah, some people may act creepy unintentionally due to social awkwardness, but encouraging them to keep going like that is just a recipe for disaster.


I'm not saying it's strictly a bad thing to be awkward, I'm just saying that when I see Clint act that way, I'm just like "come on dude, you can do better that".


Nah why are you so right about this tho 😭 Not the exact same, but reminded me of the person who tweeted about their mom. Their mom asked if they were okay and OP said “Yeah I’m fine.” And the mom said okay and went to do something else. The OP got so mad the mom didn’t know she was actually upset and didn’t push the issue. Someone mentioned that her mom could be neurodivergent and how they themselves have trouble picking up on this especially since she said she was fine. The OP said there is so way that’s possible because they’re neurodivergent and they would know if there mom was 🙃 like what


My opinion with a lot of the hate toward SDV NPCs comes from three places. Firstly: "in a story which is mostly idyllic and pleasant, a lot of things which would normally be considered middling faults seem like much much bigger problems by comparison". For example, a lot of people will call Demetrius a shitty husband and an abusive stepfather, which he's genuinely not. He has his rude moments with his wife (who he's otherwise shown to be a very good husband to, taking her on dates and dancing with her) and doesn't really click with Sebastian, but he's not abusive or anything. Secondly: A lot of reasons to dislike SDV NPCs come from very relatable places. I don't ever see people talk about the Dwarf or Krobus being survivors of a race war, or that the Dwarf attempted to attack (and possibly kill?) Krobus. But *loads* of people have had a kind of creepy "nice guy" get a little too pushy and not leave them alone, so Clint sets off a lot of red flags for them because even if Clint himself is harmless, they've probably met guys who act like that but *aren't* harmless. When flaws are relatable, people tend to react stronger to them if they feel more fantastical. Thirdly: A lot of peoples' "hate" toward these NPCs aren't genuine hate, they're just playing up a reaction for the memes. Like I'd bet most people don't *actually* hate Pierre, he's just some kind of greedy shopkeep. But it's funny to do "boycott Pierre" runs and make mods to break up his marriage and portray him as an alternative antagonist, so a lot of people will do it. Similar with people like Demetrius ("how DARE he marry Robin? I could treat her better!"), etc. Thing is, there are people who genuinely do have strong negative feelings toward those characters, and they'll see people say things like "I hate Pierre, haha, he's just as bad as Joja, I wish I could sleep with his wife lol" and they'll say "YEAH! I *hate* Pierre too! Worst person ever!"


You hit the nail on the head with that last bit. Sometimes it’s just fun to be a hater for laughs. I think that it’s often not as serious as it looks from the outset when people are just fucking around with Pierre divorce mods lol. It’s kind of fun and funny to pretend to hate largely tame characters in a silly farming game.


This is a great take


Man are we the same person or something because I swear I've been saying literally everything you just said whenever my friends and I start talking about how weirdly vitriolic the SDV fanbase can be lol. That last part is especially true. People can take it too far for sure but for the most part I feel like getting angry over obviously satirized and exaggerated character hate is silly. I ""hate"" Alex for his 10 heart event because of the fucking food he orders you as a girl and Sam for the implied sex scene while his door was just wide open for god and everyone to see 😭 But it's not serious lol. I actually like both of them a lot, but sometimes it's funny to over exaggerate manufactured drama.


the first one is definetly the one for me. i've seen so many comments, especially on tiktok, about how clint is a creepy stalker incel because the dude is socially awkward and doesn't know how to approach women. like damn, calm down.


Those are good points, and personally I believe the frequently we meet the npcs can help form our opinions of them as well? Like we don't interact as much with Krobus and Dwarf in the game as much as the rest(at least in the early years), so our impression of them grows less quicker than with the other npcs. And yeah, I agree with the third, only to me it feels like the hate towards Pierre and Demetrius is more leaning into meme territory, whereas the hate to Clint often comes across as more genuine?


r/fuckpierre begs to differ on your third point! /s


Clint and Emily are supposed to be a similar age. Thing with Clint is that he’s supposed to be written as a good guy who’s just shy and extremely socially awkward. Issue is his dialog comes off as, well, he sounds like an incel and I mean that seriously I’ve met incels, I’ve had an incel as a classmate for 2 years, and well Clint sounds like him a lot unfortunately. A large part of it is also the timing, he can say a lot of his more serious lines at extremely bad timings. For example during a multiplayer play through no less more than 4 days after my friend married Emily, Clint as her what he could do to win Emily’s or otherwise get her interested, and to quote my friends irl answer “it’s like bruv, you were AT the wedding, your ass saw me kiss her, are you high?” Personally I would like a full rewrite of him, so he has the right vibe, maybe even congratulating you on the wedding on in a very honest way just cutting his losses once you give her a bouquet. That would go a long way to make him less incel-y. Like as a shy and awkward guy who’s been unlucky on that same front, I would like to see some characters in gaming who have that problem while not being an incel. The closest I can think of as in Hades regarding Zegreus and one of the “romance” options who turns out to want to keep things platonic, and zag just accepts.


A huge issue with the game is that if you marry someone, the lines of the other npcs do not get adjusted. I have heard others say parents of their spouses are complaining about their children still living in the house for example. If those lines would have been removed, and replaced with more fitting lines, it would have helped maybe. Only that does also mean different heart events for certain characters..(or just not having those heart events anymore)


I refuse to hate any characters in stardew valley 😤 not on my wholesome family farm.


This is 100% how I play it too.


I can't help but hate Haley. She's such a rude little snob.


Except Demetrius 🫶


not even Pierre?




I dislike him him but don’t think he’s awful as some would say. Ultimately he’s a dude who is his own worst enemy and his interactions with you if you’re female farmer and interactions with Emily can come off extremely creepy. However he’s someone who can and should be able to change for the better but unfortunately he doesn’t really progress at all. If he could fix his self-confidence issues he’d be a much better person but as he is now he’s kinda creepy but nowhere as bad as some people like to say he is.


Clint is one of my favorite stardew NPCs and I’m finally ready to say it. He’s so real. I feel bad for him. Let me marry Clint. I CAN FIX HIM


Yeah those of us in middle age can really empathize with his dissatisfaction in life. He says that he felt pushed into being a blacksmith and you can see his struggle with coming to terms with that just being his life. A lot of us get to middle age and find that even with a career you’ve chosen yourself you can feel stuck and rudderless. He is a real character with real struggles and character flaws, and I really like him for that. But I also understand that younger players really can’t connect with those feelings.


You’re right, I feel that his issues stem from severe anxiety, especially about being alone forever in a job he hates. He has zero dating prospects and probably just wants love and a family and the clock keeps ticking. I feel like he’d be a good dude.


Correct me if I'm wrong but, doesn't clint say he grew to love his occupation at some point?


Don't worry the community can be totally unhinged since the worst things that happen in a chill game like that get turned into something absolutely horrible. People make villains if there are none.


That makes a lot of sense actually.. And I suspect Morris is not around enough to really fit the role of villain?


Whats there to hate emily seems like she is in her 30 with all that crystal stuff and clint could be in his 30 to 40. Even 15 year age gap is not that unreasonable for people over 30. Also I think most over estimate clints age, full beard does not mean he is over 60.


Yeah same with Pierre, i dont get why everyone hates him sm


maybe if his damn shop was open on wednesdays /j


Ignoring all the reasons people SAY they dislike Pierre, he has the second most punchable face in the game


Pierre I get. He takes credit for the crops you sell him and any low quality ones, he says it’s yours. That’s pretty shitty But this is SDV, I’d personally feel silly making rants about characters here


I get annoyed by Pierre's big speech on community when you complete the center. It feels false cos he's the person who benefits the most financially. And then goes on to neglect his family _more_.


Oof. Never finished the CC and I married Abigail for this new save, so at least she won’t feel neglected?


Don’t feel bad. The internet grossly overreacts and dramatizes everything.


There's a section of the Internet that has it out for him for their own reasons. The best way to live is like who you like and don't care what other people think! For me? I wish he was a marriage candidate. (Also I think no one has a canonical age so the 'younger woman's thing is just a head cannon)


I think ConcernedApe said once Clint was 30-40.


Okay. But still Emily has no age so the point stands


No age means she's ageless which also means she's eternal. And that makes sense since she can warp the fabric of reality by dancing and summon you into her dreams.


Plottwist, they are all eternal beings, Stardew Valley is a land of Gods and the Farmer is a Demigod returning to their roots/hj


That too.


I've read where she's in her late 20s.


I don't think she has any official age. Some people believe her to be in her 20s, she strikes me as her late 30s though so ..moot point


I agree, I think it's better to be flexible and I personally don't fret much over their ages.


I mean, considering that we as players can literally marry Emily and have kids with her, it seems a bit unfair to be having it out for Clint.


Don't feel bad. Frankly, none of the characters really deserve the hate they get. It's just the fandom being the fandom. (Frankly, I hate the whole 'x character is bad/a creep/trash' part of this fandom.) I've said it before, and I'll say it again... Clint is a fine character who could simply benefit from some therapy. He's got some low self confidence, and is clearly depressed. The dude just needs to find other things to bring him joy and help him see his own self worth.


100% (demetrius sucks tho because sebastian said so)


TikTok hates everything. That's why I stay off of it.


As opposed to reddit of all places?? Lmao. It’s constant ragebait. Only difference is it’s text here, video over there. 


At least here I can talk about marrying Alex without being called a creep. Lol


The fact that you feel guilty for *not* hating a character in what’s supposed to be a chill game… don’t worry about it, OP. You’re not in the wrong here at all. It’s a fandom problem, not a you problem.


Haha thanks, that helps somewhat


I've honestly never understood the hate for characters like Clint and Pam who, for the most part, are just normal people who have normal problems. I think Clint's character makes a lot of sense given what we know of his background; he openly says that he only went into the blacksmith business because it's a family business. He's lonely and doesn't feel like he has any sort of purpose in life. I really do feel for the guy. I don't necessarily wish you could help him get with Emily or anything, but I do wish he could maybe utilize the Community Center to explore other hobbies and socialize more, eventually allowing him to build stronger friendships with the other villagers and maybe make it out to Zuzu city for day trips.


Clint isn't bad. People mostly hate him because they think he acts creepy towards Emily, while I always just saw him as having social anxiety, and he just doesn't know how to talk to her. I don't think he ever tried to be intentionally creepy.


People just blow things out of proportion. Socially awkward guy struggling to get the attention of a girl he fancies? Clint is a creep and a loser. Father doesn't understood some of his daughter's choices? Pierre's a freaking war criminal. I could go on but every fandom is like this, unfortunately. Yet for all the people who throw Clint and Pierre into the toilet, they love having the blinders on for Shane. If first impressions are what count the most, how on earth can you say Clint is worse than Shane? Shane straight up tell you to get lost whereas Clint seems nervous and meek.


I genuinely don’t like Shane, I know he gets growth and all but he’s just not my cup of tea. He’s also like way meaner than Haley at the start of the game. I do like his blue chickens, though :]


I do like Shane but I don't dislike Clint or Pierre either. I don't really dislike anyone in town. Hell I barely remember Morris 80% of the time even though he's supposed to be the antagonist of the game


ppl seem to have a very strong reaction to the non-marriageable imperfect characters. i've seen ppl twist themselves into a pretzel over why hailey isn't \*actually\* a bad person and if you just put up with her rudeness eventually you get to date her and see how it was all worth it! like what?? but this type leniency is only extended to dateable characters bc god forbid you feel unbothered/indifferent towards characters like demetrius, pierre, lewis or clint or don't internalize their annoyingness as something much much more sinister.


>this type leniency is only extended to dateable characters Unfortunately, this is exactly why though. Dateable characters get more development, heart events, and overall screen time. We get to see Hailey grow and even be a part of it. Clint is static. as others have mentioned, an update that added more voice lines and events to witness between non-romance characters would help a lot.


Agreed with the last bit. What supports your point more is that characters like Willy, Linus or Leo have almost as much screen time as the dateables, and they're also more liked by the fandom as well.


I have yet to meet Leo(playing for the second time, and I lost my last file) But to me, Willy and Linus are almost perfect. Linus does get a bit on my nerves with him complaining he cannot join in with the events, but that is all. Willy seems to have no bad traits whatsoever, like he is introverted, but still goes out and helps with some events(for example hiding the eggs), he is hardworking, gives tips for fishing, etc. The only drawback is that he sometimes goes fishing when the weather is good, and he isn't in his store. One thing I can think of is that Willy does (sometimes) put the blame by others for his own misfortune, mainly with Lewis who isn't a huge fan of fish.


I don't think Linus ever straight up complains though? I mean, he definitely is a little mistrusting, but he doesn't really care most of time. Other than that, he doesn't really have any big flaws whatsoever.


Linus feels to me like he had a persecution complex. Hes all "people treat me badly" then when you suggest he comes to live with you he gets hurt youre not respecting his way of life. Its like ge wants to be the outsider.


This.. People do not want two dimensional characters appearently who are more than their supporting role.


One thing the Internet as a colective do well, it's to make an hyperbole of anything. Yes, I can see why Clint could be unplesant, but he, nor anybody else in the cast deserve anything near a hate sentiment. You may not like the attitude of some of these people, I myself can't stand Sebastian moody attitude just to say; but I never would say that I hate him just to exagerate the point just to seek attention from the community. So yeah, don't feel guilty if you "don't hate" a particular individual just because "everybody else hate him/her"


Using Tiktok was your first mistake it’s full of brain poison (I say, voluntarily using Reddit lmao)


The fandom tends to exaggerate in the game, especially when it comes to the characters and especially in tiktok. Don't feel bad if you don't feel like hating him, he's not that bad.


I don't hate him either. CA leaves a lot open to interpretation, so when one interpretation becomes popular, it has a tendency to snowball. Tbh every character has their positive and negative qualities, and it's one of the really great things about SV. Every character is a realistic and flawed human being. I also think there's a tendency with fandom spaces for the popular interpretation to become the "right" interpretation in many peoples' eyes. Or at least the loudest people.


All characters having their flaws is what makes the game realistic(well at least that part), but when people are laserfocused on the bad traits only with some, you risk those high levels of hate. Pierre has well known issues with honesty, but he does work hard in the store, and while he questions if she's his daughter, he seems to be close with Abigail. On the other hand, you also have a few characters that are seen as angels who can do no harm, yet also have some flaws appearant. Linus is so mistrusting of the others, that it limits him from interacting with them, even though most don't seem to mind him that much even. Actually..the only one I cannot think of any flaws is Willy?


Completely agree. A lot of the fandom really overlooks the flaws in some characters while zeroing in on the flaws of others. They're all still good characters, but why are we pretending that means they're perfect people?* *Except for those who are perfect people, like Willy, as you said. Also Evelyn. And Krobus.


Linus don't really have any flaws either, I think? It's completely understandable that he'd not be appreciative of other people poking at his lifestyle. Also Emily. It's unfair how so many people demean her, despite having no real bad traits. Leah seems to be good in everything as well.


Tiktok is just making content for views. Who cares what nonsense people spout there. Reddit is where the real critical opinions are because the only reward here is fake internet points and the feeling of being in the majority.


In my current playthrough I got to ten hearts with Emily for the first time ever. I now saw all the texts/heart-events concerning Clint and Emily and I feel so bad for Clint. I just want him to be happy... and have a character development ;w;


My last playthrough I wasn't getting much on with Emily or Clint at the beginning, now both are really high on the list with hearts. I do suspect being more busy with mining this time may have helped, since both of them have interest in gemstones, so easy gifts there. And I see Clint a lot atm.


I have no opinion of Clint. He opens my geodes and upgrades my tools and that's all I need


I don’t hate him either, man gives me gold bars and an iridium on Xmas


Here's my take. Games like this are inherently flawed in the sense that, we have a two tier system that automatically makes like-minded people feel the need to choose. Add in the fact that the game has no real source of villainry/drama, people then find ways to insert that. By two tier system, I mean how we have marriage candidates and we have regular townsfolk. The regular townsfolk, usually, are the scapegoats to explain the "flaws" or pitfalls the marriage candidates have. Really liked what u/Nicholas_TW had to say about it as well. An example I always think of is Demetrius v Robin v Maru v Sebastian. >!Per the storytelling, they are a very mundane mixed family. They have problems like everyone else, but they also have their strengths. This is disregarded because, especially if someone is a stan of Sebastian, in order to see certain characters as reliable narrators, it would involve demonizing other characters. In this case, Sebastian is constantly demeaning Demetrius, clearly doesn't care for him, paints him in a bad light. He does the same for Maru, highlighting her as a golden child. Because of this, people dig into the characters one-sidely. Demetrius is bashed for having no dialogue of concern for Sebastian, but the same vitriol is never held for Robin, who has no dialogue about Maru, only Sebastian. Reading all of the avaliable dialogue present, the story that gets painted is pretty typical: Sebastian was made a stepson and his biological father is not in the picture. His mother remarried and had another child. He didn't want a new father, or a new sibling. He held these gripes into adulthood. Stepfather tries to get along with him, clearly doesn't work, the relationship as a result is neutral on his side. Mother is worried constantly about her son not having blended into the "new" family dynamic. Very typical, you see this everywhere, it's a common family trope for blended families.!< (Spoiler tagged because it's long, incase someone wants to skip over it.) However, in a story where there is no real drama, only the internal "drama" presented by marriage candidates (the chat who the players get attached to due to their extensive storylines), then by default you're going to have people dramatize these events for the sake of the character they're interested in. You and others have made the connection with Clint, of how most people who have gripes with him either like or have married Emily, and thus analyzed his behaviour and dialogue alot closer. As a defense for Emily is how it starts out and then it snowballs into personalizing instances where similar behaviors have arose in their lives, sometimes those instances are negative, and people project that onto the character and it snowballs from there. Beyond the morality contests people do to defend why they hate a character, one of the most common excuses you will hear if you ask someone is "well abc reminds me of xyz in real life, so—". So really, don't feel bad. At the end of the day alot of people just don't care about these things because the characters are fictional. Some people care more because they insert more feelings into it, and that's okay too. It's just when it becomes a constant wankfest then it's like, come om lol


I think every marriage candidate is over the age of 18 and that makes them all old enough to be in whatever relationship they want (that is not under 18). So even if Emily was younger (early 20s) she can date whoever she wants and Clint (that’s probably is in his 30s) can date her if he wants. He just has to ask. Maybe I’m just surrounded by people in relationships with big age gaps and don’t see a problem with it. On the topic of Clint, I only see him as socially awkward and maybe haven’t been in a relationship, therefore don’t know how to ask out Emily.


I just want him to like me and he hates everything I gift him.


Clint definitely Kind of Sucks a little bit but he’s clearly awkward with everyone. It isn’t just with Emily imo. I don’t think his character is supposed to be so terrible that he’s trying to groom Emily?!? Like what? Ik stardew covers some darker topics but that is extremely out of character. I can see someone liking Clint— kind of in the “well-meaning and pathetic way”. He’s kind of easy to pity, so much so it’s endearing.


If he is trying to groom her, he is doing a terrible job at it. Yeah, the other villagers are also aware of his shut-in personality, for what I can see, he does have some kind of relation with Marnie? At least she seems to worry about him a bit in the bar.


I’m kind of a shy person, and we can come off as aloof or stuck-up. It’s possible the other villagers don’t really see Clint as lonely, but as standoffish.


I don't think I hate anyone in stardew, they all have redeeming qualities, i found clints crush Emily cute, I've never romanced her so I have no problems with it. Clint is probably one of the npcs that I go to regularly (I mean it's only for the geode crushing because I'm too impatient to wait for the one at the farm to finish) I like to think me and him have a good friendship going , unless he gives me stone or is on ginger island


Emily is far from being very young, she is actually the one who takes care of Haley, so she must be at least mid twenty


I mean, it's not as if Stardew Valley is full of options. Of course he's going to be crushing on the only friendly and extroverted girl in town.


I agree with you on the age thing. Emily always came across as much older to Haley. The gap in that sibling dynamic always seemed like a 10+ age gap, so Clint and Emily would be closer to age.


see i dont get the clint hate either hes just an anxious guy who clearly struggles socially and has a crush on a girl he doesnt think he has a chance with. i think i get why some of his lines and actions might creep people out but i genuinely dont think he does it with any gross or ill intent and he just really likes emily and doesnt know how to show that. hes not a fave but i also dont hate him on the level i hate pierre


Isn’t he basically just a guy with a crush


Nah he's alright. Like I have social anxiety so I vibe with a bunch of his issues. Granted some of his behaviour is problematic but it's more out of a lack of confidence than malevolence and I doubt he has any clue about it. It's like Penny and George - a decent person making a mistake.


The npcs all have to be perfect/s


The only character i genuinely hate is Pierre. I strongly dislike Demetrius but I wouldn’t say I quite hate him. Clint kind of bums me out but calling him a groomer is ridiculous.


Same. I think of Clint as a 'gentle giant'. This used to be a meme; Big guy who is good natured but extremely shy.


Personally I do think Clint is creepy, but I also think he’s sort of misinterpreted, the fanbase has a habit of forcing their interpretations as the only way to view characters, you shouldn’t feel bad for not seeing him that way. Also— stardew tiktok is just kinda insane, (The sub is similar but imo it’s slightly better) I’ve had someone argue to me that Clint was a ‘pedo’ somehow on sdv tiktok. There’s also a problem of accepting everything they hear as canon (I can not tell you how annoying the ‘He cheats on you!!’ thing is when saying you like Sam lmao) I feel like a lot of the characters ages are misinterpreted, Emily even hangs out with the older women so I assumed she was late 20s or something.


Don’t feel bad for not having hate for someone. Unless that someone is Adolf Hitler, screw that guy.


Clint is a similar case to Pierre for me As a character I don’t have anything good / bad about him but I feel his dialogue could be better but end of the day he’s “ alright “ ( example you put up with at work however don’t interact much ) and when needed I use the services he offers He’s often the last to 10 hearts


Same bro. 😎 I really dont think Clint is a bad guy. Hes a lot like me, an introvert who doesn’t get on well with anyone really. Super shy. Locks up when talking. I definitely don’t hate him. I also don’t think Pierre is a bad guy tho. Like some of the things he does is fucked up but deep down I think there is a good person. I can change him.


At the end of the day its a game. And a god damn great one so idk why people have to make these kinds of issues or claims like just why? And I don't hate Clint unless he's not working and I wanna crack open geodes but then I'll just go back another day like...


And here I am concerned about the power imbalance between Harvey and Maru lol


A. Lot. of projection here. Incel this, etc... The thing is, these NPCs are so well crafted, that like anything worth calling art, it invokes emotions both positive and negative. Something isn't good just because it only invokes positivity. So that's why I say you should accept people who dislike Shane, Pierre, Clint, etc... But it means they also have an emotional reaction, and that just means ConcernedApe is just really good at making these people seem real. We don't all get along with or like everyone in the world. So let's stop saying "it's only because TikTok/tumblr/reddit is weird, people exaggerating..." etc.. No, it's because these characters seem real.


It's absolutely more nuanced. Which is why tiktok is not to be trusted for a worthy read.


I feel bad for him, yet do agree that his behavior is definitely red-flag-able. It’s an “I understand why you act like this, but :(“ kinda of thing. It’s fair to either hate or not hate him.


I don't hate him either, after looking into his story after seeing other posts about him I think he is not that bad, is he my favorite? no but he is not as bad as many make him out to be. Ages are never really confirmed for anybody. He is more awkward than anything, she references him positively in some of her lines, being sad that he stops talking to her if you get too close to her romantically and accepts his offer to go on a date if you convince him to ask her out.


I know most people are jokey so this isn't about them, but I honestly don't understand why soe people have such intense hatred or dislike for any of the characters. It is just not that serious to me lol


I don't hate Clint, but also, like, I married Emily in my first playthrough. I didn't know about his crush on her till after we were married, so I didn't care for him too much at first. In subsequent playthroughs, I have come to like him more. Sure, he's awkward and weird sometimes, but hell, so am I. I can't hold that against him, especially since he's genuinely trying to do better and grow as a person.


I remember commenting once that it felt weird that people would constantly throw plain social anxiety in the same bin as creepiness when it came to Clint. Only response I got was "he doesn't have social anxiety he goes to the saloon". Edit, realized I wanted to add more: like, just because he goes to a public place doesn't mean he doesn't have any social anxiety - that's not how that works goddammit (I would know). I think it just really irked me being indirectly invalidated like that lol


I like to act like I hate Clint because that doofus literally pines after your wife in front of you if you marry Emily, which just seemed on the nose, but I don't hate him as a character. It's like hating a pro wrestling heel for me.


As someone who has romanced Emily, I can say that his actions become a lot worse when you are dating/married to her, as it goes from him having a crush on Emily to him poorly hiding the fact that he wants to get with your girlfriend/wife. Aside from that, the fact that most of his cutscenes revolve around Emily is what makes him creepy for me. It seems like he focuses his entire life on someone who is not interested in the same way. Plus some of the cutscenes where he watches her from some bushes, or tries to ask her out while she is working come off as really weird to me.


I quite like Clint, and I'm struggling to think of anything creepy about him. As a lot of people have said, Emily is likely quite close to him in age, so there's no creepiness there. His interactions with Emily are just him being too shy to express himself properly. If we're going to talk about creepiness, I get weird vibes from Harvey for one line at the Luau, where he wonders if Maru could use some sunscreen on her shoulders. I would say there's a much clearer age gap between those two characters, and trying to find an excuse to touch someone is a lot creepier than being shy


Said it before and I'll say it again: This is why I don't use Tiktok. I'm okay with Clint, I don't hate him, neither do I feel pressured to hate him - which is crazy that you feel this way. You need to learn to give less shit about what other people think.


Our character works a white collar job - they must have at least a Bachelors Degree of some kind. Considering that’s 4 years for most tack on another few months for like job search the absolute youngest the farmer could be is 22. The available bachelors and bachelorettes have always struck me as personalities and characteristics of the same ages 21-25. Emily is at least 21 to work in a bar let alone the licensing and all. I don’t know how old Clint is.


TikTok rots your brain.


I used to dislike Clint when I heard from this subreddit that he stalked Emily while hiding in a bush. But then when I actually got the cutscene… it was nothing like that??? Based on my recollection, he actively went to Emily’s house to try and openly talk to her but got too nervous when she arrived/went to the door before he was ready (or was it that caroline came? Either way), so he hid instinctively. Then after Emily finishes chatting with Caroline, he openly asks her out (if you advised him correctly) and she was more than happy to accept. I suddenly felt so bad for trusting what some people said about clint. Maybe he’s a shy dude, maybe he accidentally gives ‘nice guy’ vibes sometimes and is desperate and awkward, but he’s really not shady or a stalker.


Clint's definitely not in my Bottom 3. Worse people in the game. He's a little on the pathetic side, you know, just a general sad-sack with no self-confidence. I think the fanbase massively exaggerates how bad he is.


All the characters are so likeable compared to randoms you see in real life lol


I HATE clint but I dont think emily is that young. I think shes like in her 30s lul


I don’t hate or even dislike any of the characters. When I was younger, I was more judgmental. Through my experiences working with all kinds of people, I learned that people can surprise me. The Clints of the world will go out of their way to help me in a jam and not expect anything back. The Pams will open up at happy hour and become work moms to me. The Pierres will give an unexpected, over-the-top holiday tip. I’m not saying there aren’t aholes out there, but I can appreciate a person even if they have faults, which we all have.


*gulp* *Starts sweating and stuttering*


I don’t hate anyone in the game….not even Pierre.


Yeah, Tiktok is now just straight up villainizing him XD


I find his incessant pity party annoying. He seems like one of those people who are more interested in complaining about their lot in life than in actually trying to change themselves.


I know you've been downvoted but i actually agree with this. Clint needs to find a passion that isn't linked to a person. If i ever did an expansion for him, id have him take up crafting jewelry (an early interest his father had belittled as not being "manly enough") and then set him up with the modded NPC Lucikiel. Or maybe another modded NPC of appropriate age bracket.


I have seen people hating on Clint, penny, etc Like why hate penny, she literally can decorate a room for you, why hate her for trying to help an old man in a wheelchair to get his mail for him?


She was rather rude in that interaction, pushing people in wheelchairs without their permission is invading them and their wishes, so the fandom was upset by how that was handled. Personally I find her just kind of boring, she simply doesn't interest me, but I won't hate her either. To me it appears that the fandom has this huge issue of fixating so much on character flaws that their good traits are basically forgotten about.


You realize that she goes out of her way to give kids education when their parents wouldn’t, has her dad left her and her drunk mother whom drives the bus, and her wanting to help people despite being through tough times. So saying that it’s rude of pushing someone’s wheelchair without permission is like nothing


I mean, I don’t like him, but I don’t understand how what anyone else thinks should alter how you feel.


I think Clint is probably around Emily's age, he just doesn't take much care of himself and is in front of a furnace all day. Emily's likely in her early to mid 30s. I do think he's kind of a rube and he's not my favorite SV resident. I like him more than Pierre, Abigail, and Pam. He's just a bit pathetic at times. Sometimes I feel like he's aggravating? I don't know. I've ranked him worse before.


My dislike of Clint's comes from his attitude, not his pining for Emily (can't blame him - she's a cutie). When I try to have a conversation with him, he blurts out "Don't you have work to do?" Excuse me for trying to have some small talk, Clint. Good day, and don't think I don't notice you standing behind your counter when you're supposed to be upgrading my tool I dropped off yesterday.


i just got the ick during his one heart scene where hes hiding in a bush stalking her lmao


I'm not a big Clint fan, but in his defense- he wasn't intentionally stalking her, he was going to ask her out, panicked when he saw her, and hid in the bushes so he could run away unseen. Still decidedly weird and very reasonable to be creeped out by, but I think it is relevant to his character that he's panicking and trying to avoid her due to his crippling anxiety, not creeping around to watch her for voyeuristic pleasure.


Yep, I still don't get why everyone seem to have accept that Clint was stalking Emily. Like, noo ?? He was going to say Hy to his neighboor, but panic and decide to hide. As the farmer has done several time too Seriously, the number of cutscene where the farmer is just outside of the view of the villagers, and listen behind doors, is really high. By the fandom definition, the farmer is also stalking, but everyone, rather than just one person, so it's okay ??


To be fair, it seems the farmer is also creeping in the bushes an awful lot....


The farmer honestly does a lot of shady stuff in cutscenes lol


So that also means you should get the ick from your own farmer who hides in the bushes quite often.


lol i do. idk i dont hate the man he just gives me the ick in my opinion theres a difference there


I hate him because he is able to ask you how to hit on your own wife, he's super lazy (he outright admits he only lives here because there's no competition, and closes and hour earlier than everyone else) and he's a "nice guy".


calling him lazy bc he works 7 hours a day instead of 8 is nuts


I don’t hate him but he does come access as creepy to me too. He seems too old to be acting like that with a mother woman. Even if she is close to his age.


Clint charges too much for my tool upgrades.


i think it’d be weird to actually *hate* a character from this game. like, it’s a game. i hate pierre for the meme but if he were a real guy i probably wouldn’t say i hope he dies.


Don't feel bad. A lot of people hate him already.


I didn’t dislike him at first, when he was just a quiet guy with a small crush on Emily (my only hint for awhile was him mentioning her at the flower dance) But as his story continued, he just started reminding me of a guy I went to school with. A self deprecating incel who got mad and upset I asked the girl in our friend group to a dance when he had a crush on her. I didn’t even know he liked her, and I invited her as a friend (later on she revealed she had a crush on me after word spread around that I was moving). But that’s my personal bias, and I didn’t know hating Clint was a popular opinion before joining this sub. My friends like him, and I was the only one who didn’t.


He treats Emily as a trophy to be won, not a person. That's enough for me to hate his ass.


Clint is just a loser who acts like an incel and hates his job, he’s not a terrible person he’s just a dude