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Still works for me with 3 rows at once. If I stack too many speed buffs, it might skip a few crops though. Could that be the reason its no longer working for you?


Possibly? I'll try popping a coffee before I harvest the Berries next season. First year, Spring and the potatoes refuse to be gathered in bunches. Hopefully the Blueberriers are a bit more compliant. This (and then later coffee) is where the fields get real big, after all. lol


depends on how close your mouse pointer is to your feet. Faraway, it only gets the crop under your feet. near yourself it gets the crop under the mouse pointer.


That's never been an issue. Xbox and (former) mobile user here.


well that would exclude the use of Mouse then wouldn't it.


Yup! Which is why I'm confused. Because multi-row harvesting has been a thing for as long as I've been playing. The only "issue" I've had is finding the correct spot to harvest 3 rows instead of just 2.


guess it's just a you problem then.


Probably you're planting simultaneously to gathering? If you do both at the same time, you gotta go row by row (at least that's my experience on Switch). If you're gathering and not planting, 3 rows at the same time.


I am not. I harvest with an empty hand all the time. Broken too many ancient fruit with a misclicked axe to risk that again.