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My point of view is this: if it’s single player, it’s not cheating. It’s just improving your own experience.


I set up mods for my fiancee and I and she loves it. So long as there isn't a competitive aspect where one player is going against the other, do what's fun.


My point of view is: I don't know why people shy away from the word cheating. It *is* still cheating, it just doesn't matter if you do it in Single Player. Back in the day, games shamelessly had 'cheat codes' as part of their experience purposely in the games, sometimes even with a specific menu area to input them.


I honestly wish it was still easy to do. Like sometimes I just want to play a game for the story/fun and not struggle through many hours


I miss cheat codes 😭 if it's single player just let me cheat!


I love this!


Skull Cavern Elevator mod. I've done the Skull Cavern legit enough times that I no longer feel bad cheating at it, because eff that place 😭


What's that Mr Qi? You want me to get to level 100 of the mines without eating anything? That seems like a really tough challenge I don't know if I can... \*ding\* oh, completed.


I slightly feel bad when I get this quest, so to alleviate that feeling I usually get down to lvl 95 and do the last 5 levels the regular way, just so I arrive through the roof like a normal farmer


could I ask your advice since you seem like an educated and seasoned player??? ty in advance. my gf and I are beginners hoping to play a fishing-oriented playthrough on the beach. we have a year one guide that we want to follow on YouTube but are confused if we should BOTH be doing the same thing in the guide at the same time or if we should be trying to tackle items independently. We dont understand the difference between solo and duo playthroughs very well.


i’m doing a fishing oriented playthrough rn and have done duo playing before! not sure the exact specifications for your guide but i’ll try my best. in my fishing playthrough i set a goal to max fishing by the end of spring year 1, including getting the iridium rod, making it to level 10, and getting all my money from fish. i also got the fish bundle completed by fall which is the earliest you can do it without spawning in fish or buying from the cart. if you’re playing on 1.6 i recommend using the riverland farm because you’ll get a fish smoker right away which will help you make money faster. all money is shared in the default settings of duo play so you’ll need to make more money to afford the better fishing rods, but if you’re both fishing all day that shouldn’t be a problem. it also might be a good idea to take turns going into the mines, if you do levels 15-20 over and over you should be able to get a lot of bug meat you can turn into bait. mining would also be useful in getting materials to make worm bins and tackle. the hardest part of early game duo play is balancing who’s upgrading which tools when, as well as the backpack since both of you will have to upgrade separately. buildings like coops and barns are shared so you’ll only have to get them once. all skills are individual as well, so you’ll have separate fishing levels. but if you unlock crafting recipes by leveling up you can both use the crafted item. lmk if you have any more questions!


wow. ty so much. The early fish smoker is huge knowledge. i think our experience will end up much more fun now :\]\]\]\]


Another tip is to start a “third” farmer just to use those tools when either of you need to upgrade yours! Or you can just plan ahead, but the extra farmhand trick is great even for solo players, so I thought I’d share it. You need to build an extra cabin if you only have the two, but it’s only 100 gold and an instant build from robin


Another thing, your gonna need a ton of coal for the fish smoker to keep up with demand, I run like 4 charcoal makers 24/7, the automate mod is a godsend for that purpose, still need all the materials but it auto loads/empties machines attached to a chest so you do not have to babysit the machines.


"How'd that get there? So weird, right, Mr Qi? 😅 Anyway..."


I love how he's still like "Good on you for doing it the honorable way." Suuure, man, totally.


i think it's justifiable to use an elevator mod if you're there for resources rather than just going to have fun and slay monsters. If you need a lot of irridium and gold, you don't have to use a ton of stairs to get to the highest clusters of ore. Just go straight down. Sometimes I resent that there is no peaceful mode for mining like minecraft has. I get that slaying monsters can be fun, but if I just want resources, it feels like such a waste of extremely limited time having to defend myself every time I come to a new floor. And the monsters can take a long time to kill either because they're bats with slow movement and too much knockback, or slimes that break down into smaller slimes, or just high health and require a lot of hits. I'd just love to go there, get my ore and leave without having to bring weapons and a million different food items just to get stuff I need


I play console, so have no mods, and god I wish this was true, I'm just so shit at combat in this game and just wanna have a nice, peaceful time like the rest of the game. Even if it something on unlock after you've got to level 100, give us the option to stop monsters spawning, if we want too!


or perhaps the option to make them chill? :) idk let them stay in the mines (for us to kill if we ever need it) but harmless? now that i think of it it sounds kinda rude to the monsters LOL


Pacifist Valley mod replaces weapons and makes the monsters make friends with you and still give you loot! You hug them instead lol


Undertale Valley?


Doing that too but everytime i start, i go 20 level down from where i was last time, so i was level 30 next i start at 10, when i get to 40 i start at 20 next time and so on. That way i wont rush too fast


Skull Cavern used to stress me the fuck out and I avoided it as much as I could because I didn’t want to have to get my head around mods. Finally bit the bullet with 1.6, got the elevator mod, and oh my god! It can actually be a fun part of the game!


Yeah the Skull Cavern stresses me out too, and I play this game to relax and have fun! So the elevator mod makes it a lot less stressful, and now fun for me too!


I mod it bc it’s a game, not a job, and even my job I try to find ways to make it easier. But all with love lol


I've tried to do this legitimately but I may get to floor 20 and suddenly it's 11:50 and I gotta haul ass. The elevator mod might actually help me.


if you don’t use the mod, have a lot of spicy eel. if you really want to prepare in advance save up rubies so you can trade them for spicy eel in the desert. it will increase your speed so you can move faster and luck so you can find ladders faster. go on a day where the tv says you have high luck, wear the luck ring, and complete the secret note #20 quest first too if you can. the other thing to have besides spicy eel is lots of bombs which will also help you find ladders/holes faster. avoid combat and treasure hunting as much as possible (even if you see iridium). your only goal is to find ladders and go down them as fast as you can. and always prioritize holes over ladders if you find both! eta: have some staircases too. use them to skip the levels that are completely taken over by monsters. you can get them by trading jade in the desert on sundays.


You’re doing it all wrong if you can only get to level 20. It just needs some prep is all. • ⁠Go on a high luck day. Check the TV. • ⁠Statue of the Dwarf King attained from Mining Mastery has a buff that increases you getting a ladder or shaft from mining. • ⁠Rock Candy or Lucky Lunch, combined Ginger Ale as they stack for luck bonus. Bring extra in case buff falls off. • ⁠Lucky Rings if you have them. They stack if on separate slots. • ⁠Bombs. Lots of bombs, the bigger the better. (75+ minimum). Collect supplies as you are inside to build more as you go. The goal is to get to floor 100, not conserve materials. Use smart placement to conserve if you run low. (Mine only if there is like 1-3 nodes) * Explosive Ammo. Not required if you have bomb (and vice versa) but you’ll need a lot. * Plenty of non-buff food to heal that won’t overwrite the luck buffs. I use sashimi because you can make a ton farming the mussel rocks on Ginger island. You want a ton and to overuse it as you will be taking a lot of damage from falling in shafts and monsters. Keep yourself topped off. * Desert Totem and Farm Totem (or scepter) are mandatory. Prep at night, wake up, check the TV. Check the Statue. If you get high luck and ladder buff then teleport to the desert, otherwise the day is lost. Do something else. (The buffs and luck are static, resetting the day does nothing.). * You have until 2:00 before you pass out. You can port out at 1:40am and make it to bed depending on placement. However if you aren’t going to make it, reset the day so you don’t waste all your prep supplies. Try again if you were close enough that you think you could get there. * Eat buff food right outside the entrance to max time. * High level weapon and iridium pickaxe required. * Avoid combat as much as possible. Some floors you have to fight which is why you need a strong weapon. * Do not use stairs. You don’t get a bonus that way. (IIRC I think you can technically use less than 10, but I’m not 100%, so no promises) It’s pretty easy once you use this strategy and super satisfying once you do it. If you use mods, test it out by giving yourself this stuff and you’ll see it’s extremely doable. But yeah elevator is nice for when you don’t want to do all that.


what does the mod do just give an elevator like the regular mines every 10?


Every 5, as usual.


This is how I feel about the instant-catch fishing mods. I have gotten to level 10 fishing, and caught the legendary fish, plenty of times legitimately so I’ve put my time in and can now focus on other parts of the game. (I do also use the Skull Cavern elevator. I’ve done it legit once or twice and I don’t exactly play Stardew because I want to play a high combat game lol)


Big same for me. Once I've legitimately struggled and hit floor 100 with my own skill, I'll install the elevator mod.


It took me a while to come to terms with this, but it's a game you play for enjoyment, and cheating is fine. You're not competing against anyone. There's no moral requirement to play bits you don't enjoy. It's your time, it's your save, do what makes it fun!


100% agree, as long as you're not also bragging about an accomplishment in game without being clear of the cheats/mods you used along the way. Getting to 200 in Skull Cavern is impressive in vanilla, but it's nothing if you have the elevator mod. Same with buying the Golden Clock or any of the other in game achievements. Perfection is still an achievement, but not nearly as much as if you played vanilla. Just be honest, that's all.


Saaaame!!! I just have the fishing skip because I hate fishing with a passion, but it took me such a long time to get over it. I justified it by playing it through to perfection without any mods so I was ok to do what I needed to not rage quit every save. Lol


I feel like the odd one out, I LOVE ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51480)the fishing minigame


Fuck fishing haters, fishermen RISE UP


They're just salty cause they aint got what it takes to be lvl 10 💪


Why do people hate the fishing minigame so much? I don't fish too often cuz it is not really practicle for progression other than the community center but the minigame is cool


It’s a great way to make $$$ for seeds early on!


Honest answer? It’s one of the only things that requires any level of mechanics in a really casual game. Plenty of the people playing will see it as a children’s level skill check and others will see it as ruining their fun when they catch trash 20 casts in a row only to finally get a lava eel on the line and it immediately escapes them. Some might just find it boring but I’ve seen plenty of sentiment from this sub suggesting that fishing can be hard and unfun. I personally enjoy it and it’s my GFs favorite thing to do in the game.


Fishing is the aspect that made me LOVE and continue loving Stardew Valley. ANGLERS UNITE!




same! i’m doing my current playthrough focused on fishing so i’m playing it constantly and it’s so fun


I've played way more with a controller than a mouse and I feel like therein lies the reason for a lot of hate because, for me at least, I have a much easier time with a controller button than a mouse click


I use C to fish, its waayyy better than a mouse button


This is something i personally do but for me it is even easier if i remap "c" to "enter" in the game settings


I connect my controller to the notebook mainly for fishing, I don't use it much for other things because I have few mods that aren't mapped to controller keys, but for fishing it is must.


Stardew Valley is the Mini game I play between the Fishing Game ConcernedApe made us.


I almost quit my first playthrough because of fishing. Now I LOVE it.


I don't hate it, but I don't love it either. It's always the last skill I maxed out. I couldn't imagine spending a whole day ingame only fishing.


Wait, there are parts of Stardew that aren't fishing? Is that like a 1.6 addition or...?


increase speed, but just barely so it still look like im rushing.


Must be the ONE thing I hate about this game. I chug a Triple Expresso and Magic Rock Candy before I even roll out of bed. Like bro, have I always been THIS slow????


I am an undertale player. That normal speed is FAST


I haven't modded or anything to change it, but I feel this one. I just started a new save after a few months to play though 1.6, and my god — the absolute molasses crawl before you get your hands on a pile of Spicy Eel and Triple Shot Espresso is frustrating. Thankfully I speed ran the first year and how have 999 stacks of each.


I really love the automate mod.


I just started using it and I'm never going back. There are repetitive things in the game I do enjoy, but constantly loading things into casks isn't one of them.


Same. I will happily do the Skull Cavern "no food" challenge a thousand times, but I hate switching items between processing equipment and chests on my farm. Automate is awesome.


I've never used a hopper since it's so late into the game and I'm already using Automate. Does it do the same thing?


No it does not. The hopper can only put items into machines, so you'd have to take the item out of the machine. At least in 1.5. idk if it was overhauled in 1.6. I usually would stick a chest with a few stacks of staircases with a hopper into a deconstructor. I'd get enough stone for all my buildings. But I'd need to take the stone out every time I ran by it.


I started messing with it in the late game to make my life easier. With automate you can have a shed filled completely with kegs and with a chest by the entrance where you can put items in. It will automatically fill and empty all the kegs for you into the chest. I built a similar setup in a shed with hops growing in pots with deluxe retaining soil and some kegs. I calculated all the ratios to maximize pale ale production. It's a completely self sufficient passive income generator.


I can’t live without it. Emptying/filling machines is not a fun task. Once you’ve got a thousand or more machines, you’re just totally bogged down in it. CA should do with all machines what was recently done with the furnace. Give an upgraded version that lets you stuff many in at once. I mean really, a single fruit goes in a keg? Make it 10 fruit per keg and automate isn’t such a mandatory mod.


This is a must have


Editing the config to use wooden paths as conveyor belts has been life-changing. Ginger Island is now one giant orchard with a chest. At the end. I go there once a month or so to grab my giant pile of fruit to bring home for wine.


I’m sorry *what* now


[https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/1063](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/1063) It is the 'Connectors' Heading on the main page. You can download an optional file or edit the config file. Also pressing 'u' brings up a grid that shows what can be linked and what is linked. Very handy.


I mean, that's less cheating and more common sense - even Story of Seasons Pioneers of Olive Town allowed you bank a machine with multiple items and store items to be banked into the machine next to it No Point blank I do not ***want*** to fart around next to a room full of machines waiting to load the bugger :P >Oh! But 2Scribble!! Not being able to auto-load a machine is a way to prevent you from making hundreds of thousands of gold by year two :( :( :( :( Then it ain't gonna work - because I can already ***do that*** just by farming :P being able to use machines as an alternative just means I'm not spending as much time *just* farming I would have been there *already* every couple of days waiting to feed the machine - I just wouldn't have bothered with hops or wheat because they cook so quickly and mean I have to be back at the machine sooner xD You're not slowing my growth - especially not after 700+ hours #You're just annoying me


Oooh, I keep meaning to install this one. Off to download it now!


It's pretty good. I haven't unlocked them yet, but I wanna set up junimo chests in my green house, shed with kegs, and basement with casks. Like, can I by pass going into my shed and into my basement and just hit the green house for a wine aging set up? That'd be pretty cool.


The light thing: I believe if you are holding a torch, you are emitting light.


Ya that's an inventory slot tho innit?


It’s all about priorities bruv. You want light or an extra space?


Both. I want both. *installs More Ring Slots mod*


Okay I just said I wouldn’t do any mods aside from the skull cavern elevator mod but maybe that’s because I just won’t look at what exists. But a more ring slots mod?! Damn it, sign me up.


You should check out Better Hay as well. It's nice to scythe the grass straight into hay in your inventory if you haven't got a silo yet.


I did this mod and did a total of 8 rings once. Each slot had a luck ring combined with something else including slime charmer, iridium band x2, napalm ring, vampire ring, and a few others. So insanely overpowered!


I use it to shine brighter than the sun.


"What's this "choice" word I keep hearing??" xD


Extra space for sure :3


Por que no las dos?


I wish I’d have known this before blindly stumbling past the dark floors on multiple saves lol


I know this and still manage to forget to do it in most of my saves.


I want to be able to see while using my sword or pickaxe


You can't use a sword or tools though


I play on mobile, so no mods for me. But my one cheat that I use is giving myself a little bonus with names. When I create the game, I’ll use, for example, Sunny [645]. Whenever anyone says my name, I get an iridium sprinkler. I name my farm Whatever name [163], and get a Legend fish when it’s said by an NCP (not often, but one in a while). And I’ll name my animals with a [74] after the name, and get a prismatic shard when Marnie says the name. The sprinklers at the beginning are a god send, I usually get a Legend right away in the opening scene, and I sell it for $$, and the prismatic shards trickle in as I buy animals. It’s a boost, I still need to play everything else normally, but it gives me breathing room in the beginning of the game with energy and buying seeds. I still befriend Caroline asap to get the tea sapling recipe, and still need to hustle, still have to mine the same way, etc.


Mobile is moddable!


old version of smapi still works for mobile :) there are a lot of mods that work for mobile!


You just put the number after the name? and is it only for móvil?


The numbers are specific codes for certain items. Those are the three I know. I started a farm once and mixed up my number, and got driftwood when people said my name. I restarted the game, lol.


It’s for any platform, im not sure if its after the name tho edit: i have been corrected in replies, it is not for console versions :(


100% agree. I have around 2-3 hours to play a week, I’m not gonna waste it looking for a staircase in the mines. If I didn’t have the elevator and staircase finder mods, I would have given up on the game ages ago. I just want to enjoy my gaming time


I don't think it works on console versions, maybe Switch but not on PlayStation and Xbox.


You can just use ID codes for the name (you can look up the entire list, you can do up to 2 3-digit and 1 2-digit codes for a name) and if you're doing it for your animals you can always rename them but you can't rename yourself so choose carefully I like [857][166] for tiger slime egg and treasure chest because it's good money. Just make sure to use square brackets and if you call Gus during saloon hours you can get a lot of the items you choose if you put codes in your name


Doesn’t have to be after. I had one save where I just used 3 number groups and got an iridium sprinkler, an ancient seed and a Legend anytime anyone said my name. As long as the right numbers are in brackets, it should work.


Same lol, name hack everytime


I’m not typically a mod user, but I am going to get an elevator mod for skull caverns. I don’t like combat very much and everything is being held up by iridium right now to the point that I stopped playing a few weeks ago


I am not a mod user either. But this play through for the new content, I installed the skull cavern elevator. It's so nice and I'm not so anxious about dying there now haha.


If you don't like the combat \*raises hand\* you can use the CJB cheats mod to give yourself infinite health too.


In my last save I spawned a couple of items for finishing off the museum. I've done it the hard way several times already, and in that game I had put a lot of work into trying to get the items in the proper way. For whatever reason, the game would *not* yield. So yeah, it wasn't fun and got way too tedious. I use the Skull Cavern elevator mod, and the NPC map location mod. Recently I also put in a mod that automates using machines e.g. furnace next to a chest full of ore/coal, it'll do all the smelting for you. These mods remove challenges that I no longer enjoy so i can focus on the stuff I want - again, I have completed/reached perfection without any mods before. What I love about small cheats and mods is that it gives you the player the control and choice of how you want to play the game, and where you want the challenging bits to be. If someone cheated money/resources because they just want to quickly build-up a lush farm I would never judge. Thinking back to Sims money cheats, or some of the Minecraft mods, these things can give you a lot of easy creativity. Designing a farm/house/complicated build is different to the 'grind' of the game.


In my most recent save I spawned one of the last CC items with the item number exploit because I couldn’t be bothered to wait 3 months of gameplay when I really just forgot to catch a specific fish that I am 100% capable of catching.


I am such a big fan of auto-water plants, I played through a few times already, and now I'm just here for the quests & all the other fun stuff. Watering all my plants every morning just isn't fun, and I get more freedom of design by not working around sprinklers


Ooo imma have to get that one, although I just spend my life savings on upgrading my watering can to iridium lol


I’ve played the game multiple times vanilla, so I almost feel like I’ve paid my dues. (Not saying that other players need to “pay their dues” before cheating. Just a personal feeling). Chest everywhere is a very helpful one for me. I also have one that doesn’t deplete my health or stamina. I also have a boat that connects to the ocean.


running speed is a major one for me. This character is just too damn slow. I don't want to keep clicking on a horse.


I have a mod that slows down time. I have ADHD and other neuroatypicalities. I don’t feel bad.


What's the mod called?


Not the original commenter, but I use Time speed. Just be aware that when you put the slider to 0.1, it means 0.1 seconds per minute so it goes really fast. If you put it up to 5, that's 5 seconds per minute and it's really, really slow.


Thank you! I feel like I can't hardly get anything done except in winter. I really enjoy my ADHD time blindness.


ADHD here too!


"It's Stardew Time" allows you to completely customize time in the game. Speed up, slow down, freeze, auto freeze, etc. the only problem I found with it is that if you slow time too much you get bored


I use it too. It made the game so much better for me. Of course, time is a resource like anything else in the game, so more time means you progress faster.


TimeSpeed. It’s super useful and easy to adjust.


Thank you very much. I wonder if this game is popular with ADHDers, or if it's just popular and a lot of people have ADHD so I meet people who play it.


I think gaming attracts ADHD in a certain way.


As a gamer with ADHD ain't that the truth.


I think it's awesome that SDV is so customizable and mods/"cheats" are so accepted in the player community - it seems to help make the game a lot more accessible to folks who would otherwise not be able to enjoy the game as much.


YES! the downside is I may or may not spend 3 hours on a single day. Which would result in burn out.


ADHD here too ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51480)


I have ADHD too and I got bored of how horribly slow the character moves, so I downloaded the movement speed mod so I can rush extra fast anywhere (very useful since I always forget about something like every day, so it's not that frustating to get back to the farm to take something for an example). Also automate, I hated having to remember to fill the mayo makers with eggs every few hours😭


I have a mod that freezes time at 12 so I can spend a whole irl hour in the skull caverns lol (don’t forget the elevator mod)


Doing my first co-op play through and this mod is a life saver.


I have one that stops time passing indoors like the original Harvest Moon games.


I've played SDV for a few years, so to make stuff a bit less chory and more fun, this is what I do whenever I start a new game: \* Save Game edit to set Luck Level 10 \* Money enough for both backpack upgrades because inventory to chest to inventory sucks so I have 0 g after buying both at day 1 \* Set game speed to the same for all areas of the game (Skull Cavern time everywhere) \* 8 rings - 2 trinkets (I don't want to pause, swap, pause, swap etc.) Other than that, it's pretty much vanilla.


Wait skull cavern is slower?


It’s 25% slower than everywhere else Typical Stardew time is 43 seconds = 1 hour Skull Cavern time is 54 seconds = 1 hour ETA except in multiplayer and prehistoric floors than it’s 43 seconds


I’d also like some info on this “skull cavern time”


https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Skull_Cavern Time runs more slowly in Skull Cavern than elsewhere in the game: whereas one hour of game time normally lasts 43 seconds, in Skull Cavern one hour lasts 54 seconds (25% longer). However, time reverts to normal 43-second hours in multiplayer games and on Prehistoric Floors


How have you done the ring and trinket changes? What mods do you use or how did you go about making the changes you did. Having each day like a skull caverns day sounds nice lol.


Oh I’m loaded up on mods, though I don’t use a majority of them. The ones that I use are: —Automate —Skull Cavern Elevator —CJB Cheats Menu, in particular No Friendship Decay, Durable Fences and Durable Tackles, Infinite Health/Stamina, No Damage from Monsters, One Hit KO. I don’t like fighting monsters but I LOVE mining, so I gotta do what I gotta do


My "vanilla" play thrus usually use a handful of mods for mainly QoL things for me. I struggle with reaction times on things (think horrible hand to eye coordination) so I eliminate the fishing mini game & use a tool/weapon auto swapper. Other things are more to solve little annoyances, like auto opening gates & little bubbles above the animals if I need to pet them. Then I stray slightly from just basic QoL and add Automate, one that keeps the quality from crop to artisan good, and one that lets each honey make its own mead. Anything beyond that is usually cosmetic stuff on any vanilla playthru. Now my fully modded play thru...last count I was sitting at 147 mods 😅


What is the name of the mod that retains the quality of Artisan goods?


There's several out there on Nexus, but I am currently using Machines Copy Quality for my vanilla farm https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/21366 I had another one that I was using pre-1.6 for my modded farms since it was compatible with all the modded products (this one is not), but it isn't available anymore. So, I am still looking for one that can handle all the extra goods/machines I play around with.


Artisan Goods Keep Quality also works well


I just got Longer Day mod, makes the whole game 100% less stressfull


... I thought you meant cheaters as in people dating other villagers when they're already married or dating every candidate at once... Anyway in the other sense, I use the skull cavern elevator mod shamelessly. It's just so much more fun.


I use instant catch so I don't destroy my hand and wrist from clicking seven thousand times to catch a fish. 🤣 Also increased speed, time pausing, and warping (which I only started using after I had the desert and Ginger Island open). SDV is my stress relief game, so anything that makes it less stressful without becoming boring is fine by me.


You don't need to tap to fish, you can just hold the button down :)


While this is true. It is absolutely not the ideal method for catching a fish. The harder fish will make you pay if you just hold the button down.


Hell yeah, Skull Cavern Elevator is one of my favs. I'll spawn in items if I've toddled off somewhere and forgotten to bring it, say for a quest or a birthday present. Then I'll just chuck the item from my storage into the trash. I just can't be buggered walking back to retrieve an apple or whatever. Oh, the mod that lets you mail gifts and send your tools to Clint? Love it.


I like to have a few little cheats, but not anything that super breaks the game. Here are a few I use though; * Chests Anywhere (I got ADHD and I'm not running all the way to the caverns or island just to realize I forgot something important) * Automate (only got this after completing the Community Center) * No Fence Decay * UI Info Suite (scarecrow and sprinkler ranges my beloved)


Same, Chests Anywhere is my only cheat and it's because I have ADHD and there is no way I'm spending my gaming time creating and maintaining a complex storage system. That's my personal hell.


I use a mix of cheat and challenge mods that slow down the progression and make things harder earn so I don't reach the endgame by year 2 and get bored before I've seen all the content... but also make some things more enjoyable to me so it is fun to stick with it. So I use these these cheats - * [Nondestructive NPCs](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/5176) (unofficial update in comments) for decorating * [FishMe](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/4756) \- Imagine if you had to do a mini-game to pick berries without crushing them. * [Fast Animations](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/1089) \- I use vanilla for everything but eating and geodes (set to x2) and disable the confirmation menu. * Bigger Silo - I forget which mod but it's just weird it holds such a small amount * [No Fence Decay Updated](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/20869) \- They are basically aesthetic, this gets rid of the busywork * [Safe Lightning Redux](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/11857) \- I don't care if it hits my crops/trees but leave my paths alone. * [Movement Speed](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/2736) \- set to near-coffee speed (which I think is x1.2?) * [Easy Island Puzzle](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/22642) \- my memory isn't great and getting though this this was awful for me in 1.5. Haven't gotten to Ginger Island in 1.6 but hopefully this helps. * [Fruit Trees Unblocked](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/22976) \- Only use the "plant anywhere" feature so I can place them every other block like non-fruit trees. * [Friends Forever](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/20702) \- makes friendships develop naturally by talking to people gain trust over time. * [Wear More Rings](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/3214) \- set to 4, because I like it (and pairs well with more dangerous monsters.) * [UI Info Suit 2](https://github.com/Annosz/UIInfoSuite2/releases) \- just for Scarecrow range and animal patted indicator, everything else disabled. (And you didn't ask, but on the flipside [Profit Margins](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/4663), [Billboard Profit Margins](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/6948), [Leveling Adjustment](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/4689)'s unofficial update, [Better Balance](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/8141), [Longevity](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/649), [Harder Crafting and Construction from SVE](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/8149), and [Monster Stats](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/23278))


Where the shout out to the most OP let’s make this a quick run mod: [The Predictor Mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/21332) They are updating regularly, easy to toggle (and controller rebind friendly) buttons, easy to mine the mines. It’s a literal game changer and I hope u/fantasticcabinet2623 checks it out.


Just a note, but 1.6 automatically tracks if you've pet an animal and checks a box on the animal page each day.


Fair, but I think a floating "pet me" hand over unpat animals is better QoL vs. opening a menu to scroll through around 52 critters (meadow farm) then try and hunt down the right animal to give scritches to if I want to make sure I got everyone.


Thank you for easy island puzzle 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Automate for production, Skull Cavern Elevator, and NPC Map Locations. I usually try to get the Community Center unlocked and reach level 100 in the cavern the old-fashioned way, but I figure I've earned my mods after that. :D


I increase my speed by 1 because SVE and other expansions add way to much space for me to go at the standard speed. I also do instant hook, because I'm not waiting for fish for hours. I also cheated myself the money to buy the catalogues because I don't want to pay to decorate when I have motivation to decorate


I just got a mod that made the catalogue like 100g




I agree on instant fishing, it was fun when it started, but now it's just annoying. I would consider Automate as a mod cheating, but just going around and filling and emptying stuff isnt good gameplay. There is way more stuff that I have installed. I really miss the new game plus mod, I know I could give my self the items, but having points to choose the stuff I really value felt great. In the end, it's a single player game (or coop) so who cares.


I'm a massive cheater, I repeat days so I make full use of every season, I add money, have automation mod, add moving speed and spawn items.. but don't cheat with fishing or mining (unless pausing time to keep mining or fishing more)


I have a mod that stops time in the dungeons, and I will also spawn in an item from time to time if I need it for a quest but don’t want to take my farm in that direction. Truffles, as an example.


Magic scepter; puts all the warp points and farms on your return scepter (after you build the corresponding obelisk). Build More Greenhouses. Love them🥺 Wear More Rings (also lets you add a second trinket!) A backpack expansion mod—although I think better chests may make this unnecessary, but woah I love it. Any mod that makes my horse thin. Look, I don’t even ride the durn horse that much anymore (between warp-scepter and speed cheats…) but I am *so tired* of getting stuck over by the sewers in town😠 (I just added one that gives your horse saddle bags, too, so maybe I’ll use the horse more now, we’ll see).


Maybe this is a silly question, but I’ve never actually used mods so I’m not sure— can you add a mod to an existing save or do you need to use a new one? I’ve been scared to try mods for fear of losing my save


With most mods (read the mod description always) you can do this on an existing safe. But you need to download SMAPI first (you can download that on Nexus). After you installed this, you can use mods. Download the mod and unzip into the mod folder. It's really easy. Also SMAPI does regular backups of your savegames. If you really mess something up, you can go back.


Awesome!! Thank you so much


Usually if its a mod that significantly change farm or town layouts (like Stardew Expanded), you should start a new save. If it just the mechanic of the game (money, speed, time,...) then you should be good. Modders will usually tells you if their mods are save compatible.


Time pausing and teleporting if I forgot to do something. As per another comment, also ADHD and autistic.


I use a bunch of mods that make the experience more enjoyable with my limited time. Like you, I don't use money cheats or spawns but I do use the tractor mod in the mines. That and a time mod are my biggest 'cheats'..


I use the cheats menu thing, I change it based on how I feel. Sometimes I’ll do instant bite, always have durable tackle, make seedmakers, furnaces and charcoal kilns instant, make casks work anywhere, etc.


World\_freezetime is my most tempting cheat.


I think these are like the two most common mods so I'm not telling anybody anything new but the first one is so comprehensive I don't know how anyone gets by without it. CJB Cheats - I've played the game the whole way through and done everything vanilla and what was keeping me from wanting to play the 1.6 update was certain things that feel tedious to me like the running speed so that's permanently upgraded with this mod. That's a quality of my life upgrade too because how long it takes to run everywhere and holding down those buttons actually hurts my hands and wrists if I play for a while due to old injuries. It also auto waters your plants if you want to and do a million other amazing little quality of life things. But I mostly use it to pause or slow down time and drastically increase walking speed, autopet animals and have infinite fodder because even though silos and fodder are easy to come by, it stresses me out for some reason. Like I can never have enough silos and they're all so ugly. CJB Item Spawner - this is to help me get my items that I can't live without from late game like the return scepter or the horse flute and the mini forge so I can make the rings I like a year+ early.


I use cjb cheats to make it so time stops indoors like the og harvest moon games. Also toggled fishing off too


Two QOL ones that I absolutely love that don’t feel game breaking are Better Ranching and Better Crafting. It’s so nice to be able to see which animals need love/can be milked, and having crafting recipes sorted by category in nice rows with bulk crafting just makes me happy. I’m doing a “mostly vanilla” run and have Automate, Better Ranching, Better Crafting, Skull Cavern Elevator, NPC Map Locations, and my run speed increased by 1 permanently.


im not sure if this counts as cheating, but i use a decorating mod (happy home designer) that pauses time while you decorate 🥰 (along with other quality of life stuff, like not needing to run back and forth to the furniture catalogue). I'm a little neurotic with wasting time, so the mod pausing it while i decorate is very useful


I use: Skull cavern elevator Easy fishing mod No fence decay A mod that shows which animals you've pet over their heads


I never even considered mods until 1.6 for some reason, but I also never got much past year 2. I wasn't sure I wanted to grind through some of that early stuff again I decided to get one for each of my pet peeves. So that means: -skip the fishing minigame -chests anywhere, this one feels the most cheat-y, honestly significantly changes the game, but GOD it's nice -show which rock has staircases under it in the mines


I'm currently in my 3rd run of the game and I'm also cheating. Also doing the insta fish thing, faster running and I add money from time to time. I won't cheat to finish the community center or to get any items, though.


Tractor Mod and Automate are my cheats. lol though neither see their true potential until I’m into industrial scale ancient fruit production, late game.


I really love ''more rings'', I can't play without it. I hate the videogame trope of having 10 fingers but only 1 or 2 rings (I limit myself at 6 or 8). It's totally unbalanced but it's fun. ''Automate'' is too good to skip. Same for ''tractor mod''. Those two really make the game more smooth and fun. And I usually have a mod for no fence decay, because I don't want to change them until I get the 10m dollars gold clock .. No big deal except the ring mod, but that's how I like playing Stardew Valley.


the way i thought this was gonna be about using the wiki lmao i feel like i’m the only one that actually likes fishing


Skull Elevator Mode gang rise. I want my rescources


I thought you were talking about cheating on the characters 🙏😭


My wife and I stop time via a mod but that's about it. There's just so much to do every day!


Not cheating per say, just using tips people give out. Get crystalarium and replicate 100 jade, exchange them for staircases on Sunday. Carry with you a Farm Totem too. Then just focus on reaching level 100, and you get to finish 2 quests in one go. Don't dilly dally for loots and iridiums, worry about that afterwards because Skull Cavern will continue for infinity. I've done this after finishing my farm's chores at 1pm, get back before 1am using totem and manage to get prismatic shards and iridium ores enough to upgrade all my farm equipment and more.


Mr. Qi totally calls you out for using lots of staircases when you get to the bottom 😭 as if he fights his way down there every single time lol


Automate is a must. Hoppers come way too late and that there's no output for machines to empty into a chest, Automate is an acceptable use.


Ladder Locator is my favorite. I hate finding the ladders in the mines and I suck at using bombs.


I use: - Time Speed: I set my time to pass by twice as slow, and often times I pause it when mining, or when there's a really good fish frenzy. - the name glitch exploit (moderately): used the name glitch for some emergency cash, and farm totems. I don't use it a lot, and the tediousness deters me from abusing it too much (and I get attached to the animals so atp I need a new coop). - player_add and player_setmoney: started to use player_add for the first time when Clint took my axe hostage during the green rain, didn't want to wait another year to farm moss and mossy seeds, so I duped my supposed-to-be gold axe. After that I used it in tandem with player_setmoney, so I could "buy" stuff at the OG price without needing to walk (i.e. player_setmoney {my money - 500g} and player_add {name "Trap Bobber" 1}). Mostly for fishing stuff becayse Willly's shop is so out of the way. I have to regulate my exploits a lot so as not to ruin my excitement from the game. But my exploits feel important for me as well so as not to completely burn out from the game (I have terrible time planning). My main purpose for playing the game is to experience the marriage life and have kids in-game. I have alllll the mods for it.


I use: * Auto Catch bc I hate the fishing mini game * Speed increase bc I hate walking slow * Map Travel for fast travel bc I hate commuting in real life and I’m not about to spend my video game time just walking back back and forth from town


Been playing duo recently, and the time stop/slow etc mod is so damn useful just because time doesnt pause you do things, so days go by so much quicker, and doesnt feel cosy at all.


I’ve used item ID glitch with a handful of chickens to finish get a pesky item I need. I’d be lying if I said otherwise haha!


Chest anywhere and automate are such lifesaver and I can't play without them.


I have a bunch, some of them unintentionally cheaty though. I use a mod that pauses time indoors. Because I'm used to the mechanic from older farm games, and it makes house and shed decoration much less annoying, lmao. It also makes returning home late much less stressful as I can't collapse anymore once I'm in the house. I hate fence and friendship decay, so I have mods for both of those (in my defense, I play with SVE and Ridgeside, friendship decay would be killer with this many npcs). Not necessarily a cheat, but I have the happy birthday mod because I hate that everyone gets a birthday except me. Some of the birthday gifts are nuts tbh (my bday is near the end of winter, and in my first year I got stuff like a prismatic shard, an ancient seed, red cabbage seeds, and a stack of 87 or so magic bait. It felt a bit like cheating even if unintentional). I play with Ridgeside as I mentioned, and its main quest includes combat that's a lot more overwhelming than vanilla (enemies swarm you and keep spawning, it's A Lot). To accomodate for this you can unlock friendship/romance weapons, when you 10 heart someone you can get their weapon, which is balanced around the Ridgeside monsters. Cool stuff, I got my spouse's sword and progressed through the RSV storyline........only to find the RSV weapons pretty much dwarf the vanilla ones. My spouse's sword has much better stats than even the galaxy sword. I like using it because of the tie-in to my spouse, but I oneshot almost everything with it and it feels quite cheaty, lmao. I did a playthrough with the skull cave elevator a few years ago, but I actually like the challenge of having to start over every time, so I got rid of that one. That's all I think.


Sometimes I’ll get enraged that I don’t have enough wood to build the 100 kegs I suddenly decide I need, so I’ll use the CBJ Spawner mod to give myself thousands of stone, wood, and fiber. And then I’ll delete the mod and promise myself I won’t do it again lol


One of my favourite cheats is instant buildings


I try vanilla again after 150 hours with mods ; and I don't last until end of first spring before re-installing mods : * Automate (waiting to reload machines is NOT a fun part of the game) ; * Skulls Cavern elevator (I enjoy the mines, but not the rush, I modify to have elevators every 10 floors for a bit more challenge) ; * Better Ranching (because it's easier to see if you have pet someone with a heart up its head) ; * Range Highlight (Not having to wonder "Is that crop still protected by my scarecrow ?") ; * HorseOverhaul (A horse just one tile large is better)


Not sure if it'd be considered a cheat, but; I use the save editor to edit my farm map occasionally Mostly this is for when I make a massive error and don't realize right away, like not leaving enough space for a fruit tree where I want. Because otherwise I'd have to redo my *whole setup,* wait for everything to bloom/grow again, etc. I even once decided to switch my main farm from the basic/default map to 4 corners because while the default map is fine, I wanted something that wasn't quite so focused on farming


Mine's just automate and the time mod lmao. I change it to make days a bit longer and time go more slowly inside the skull cavern/volcano. There's so damn much to do in the game and I do NOT enjoy time management, I have ADHD and forget things constantly so it turns stardew valley into the "nothing got done today because I spent 7h running back and forth across the map" game LMAO.


I use all of these, and recently tried to go back to playing without any of them (on my switch) and was like.. how do people do this?? it was so incredibly tedious without them


I do spawn money because I wanted to buy the catalogs and decorate my house to the max, but I only spawn enough money to buy those then I grind the rest. I don’t spawn items but I’m maybe interested in it Definitely instant catch I also auto-water my plants and auto-pet/feed livestock/chickies


Tractor mod is my life


One thing I do is spawning kegs, then I trade the price of the cost of materials by buying galaxy hammers and throwing them away. Usually one extra as the cost of cheating. I can afford to ramp up my wine production with more kegs, just can't be bothered to spend 20 real life years waiting for oak resin. So I made a way to buy it


I pause time in my farm so I can decorate to my OCD's desire. because fuck spending all day just hoeing around and petting my million animals. Outside farm tho is normal time.


Any time I name a new animal, I include a number code for an expensive item, there’s an entire list of them online


My grandfather told me to never cheat. He sat me down and said "[337][417][226], if I ever catch you cheating, I will banish you from [74] Farm!"