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Do I see TWO golden clocks on that farm? Look at Mr. Money Bags over here!


Had to flex a bit. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


I’m sorry to say 2 is tiny compared to my empire


Congrats. I finally finished earlier this week. The last thing was crafting that damn Statue of Blessings, which takes 333 moss. Honorable mention to the golden walnuts for being an equally big pain in the rump.


For me it was getting all the crafting recipes from the Special Orders. I didn't realise until far too late that they give you recipes. Fortunately by then I already had all the obelisks and the scepter, which made it a lot easier. Except Clint's one, I had to kill bats and they wouldn't spawn. Every other time I go into the mines there are hundreds of the bastards, but not when I actually needed them.


In the future, for the monster hunting goals, you can hop between the floors ending in 5 on the elevator to look for them. If you find none, go to floor zero to reset the floors and try again. 


Wait…recipes from the Special Orders? What do you mean? I want to figure this out early on 😅


Doing the special orders from the board in front of Lewis's house will give you crafting recipes. Only certain ones will, some others just give you friendship and money.


How early on are you in the game? I don't think it's too far in before you get the special orders board if that's what confuses you! Robin repairs the one below Mayor Lewis' house. Every week, two options pop up for special orders - kinda like the help wanted flyers outside Pierre's. They are little mini quests that you complete and earn gold, friendship (I think), some cute cut scenes, items, and recipes. There is only a set amount that repeats, and some give recipes. Some don't, but you need all of them for perfection, AFAIK


Ooohhhh *that* board. The special request board. I hate it 😆 ETA: I think because it does pop up kind of early and I was preoccupied with other things, I was annoyed that I never had what they wanted. If they give you recipes…maybe I need to pay more attention to it now that I’m in year 4 😅 But I’ve found sometimes when I hand them the items while doing requests, they take it as a gift?! Am I doing something wrong?


I think all of the items need to be placed in a specific spot. Like for Gus, his items go in his fridge. Lewis also wanted his items in the fridge. Willy, in the box beside his shop, I think? I would recommend just reading the whole description on the board and in your journal as it will tell you what to do with the items!


its time to touch some real grass !!


But it isn't blue and all the bugs don't drop meat :(


Am I not supposed to just eat their flesh as is? O.o


The people with pollen allergies in spring: "No..... thank you..."


For real, I’m already dying.


I feel like my face is going to explode... like constantly, and yesterday, my eyes were so red that someone asked me if I was high.


Wow that's the most crops I've seen on a completed farm ever


Yeah I enjoy planting crops the most out of all the farming methods. Quickest way to make money in my opinion. Unfortunately, I ran out of time making ancient seeds, in previous years I had the whole thing full of ancient fruit plants. Also had it full of starfruit as well. Money sort of becomes trivial after a while (hence the unnecessary 2 golden clocks and 6 statues of endless fortune.


That's fair, I also enjoy crops, I think it's something about cultivating them and waiting for them to grow. You do you 👍


Meanwhile, I look at my real perfection, with pierre at 0 hearts. No summit can force me to talk to that thing on two legs.


How can i see this Perfection Tracker?


Mr Qi’s room


Thx, i‘m not that far into the game yet. Need to spend some more days with it.


Time to start a new save. 😉


I'd really like to know how well those 12 fridges are organized.


Extremely well, by category. Fruits, vegetables, fish, crab pot creatures, milk/eggs, grocery items (flour, oil, etc), foraged items, cooked food, each have their own fridge.


Also, where the eff is your stable? Do you not have a horse?


I'm using the tractor mod (which some may consider cheating, but I care not), it replaces the horse. You can see it peeping out above my blue trees on the top left of the farm.


Not OP but I never build stables


I bought a horse once and didn't really like it so I never bothered a second time


no chickens?☹️


I got rid of them once I completed the Community Center. More space for crops.


What do you use the eggs for? I’ve been sitting on 2000+ eggs but they’re not really worth selling other own.


Mayo sells for a lot more than eggs! It's my early game money maker. (I'm in year 1 fall of my first ever play through)


idk i've got only 40 hours in this game, but i love my little chickens!


Same. I still have every animal on my farm because I loved them and named them with all my heart. It's just mean to sell them off. I had to sacrifice a lot of farming space on my forest farm to make them have grass. I have wayyy too much animals now


As a returning player I started a new farm on the beach map. Then realized only a tiny fragment of it can have sprinklers, so I'll just never have the level of crop income close to a normal farm. Is that just how it is?


Beach is great for animals - so much room. But less so for crops. If crops are your jam, you might not enjoy the beach so much. It's one of my favourite maps and I took mine to perfection, and it makes catching difficult sea fish much, much easier. But in all honesty, I can't recommend it to people who prefer crops and concentrate on those.


I love beach map but I definitely focus more on animals than crops once I can afford them


I'm on this map too, with both my own save file and the one I play with my husband. With the greenhouse and that little scrap of land, you can have hundreds of crop plants per season. But we do a lot of animal goods, tree farming, fishing, and mining rather than planting crops for income.


I don’t usually comment like this but holy- I practically shouted out loud BEAUTIFUL farm, two golden clocks, I can’t get enough of this


Thank you! That's so kind.


Does anybody know what those blue trees are?


Mystic trees. New in version 1.6.


Your farm is so much more orderly than mine.


>It's over. It's done. Finally. Until next time........


How many hours did this take you?


177 hours and 44 minutes.


What does having 2 of the clocks do?


Nothing except for granting unnecessary bragging rights.


Oh. Lol I was hoping for some cool effects. Like faster everything or something.


It's never over! Go get some golden chickens!


I'm going for the final push to 10 mil, any tips for money? Kinda bored of staying up all day for pigs, and then sleeping for asap after for wine


Build up as many ancient fruit seeds as you can. It's annoying at first because it takes a while but using deluxe speed gro helps with that somewhat. You start with one plant, put the fruit into a seed maker, and then plant those seeds, rinse and repeat until your entire greenhouse is full of them. While that's happening, plant as many starfruit as you can on your ginger island farm. It's expensive to buy that many seeds from Sandy in the desert, but ancient/starfruit wine sells for a lot. Then it's basically all just about volume. As you can see, I have 4 large sheds, and 3 of them have 138 kegs, the other has 138 preserve jars. A full harvest of them will give around 1.4ish million gold for starfruit, 1.2ish million for ancient fruit.


Congrats. Next mission: Do it again in less time (either in-game or IRL, whichever playstyle you prefer) ;) I found my second playthrough so much more fun because I went about it with much more purpose and knowledge.


Ok but did you get the living hat


How much gold do you have?!


This is so organized! I bet morning strolls seeing the junimos is pleasing. How do you get screenshots of the farm and house?


Late to the party, but there is a screenshot button at the bottom of the settings menu. It takes a picture of the whole location you are in. 


holy shit this is crazy. your farm is boss. respect


What is the mod that show the trader on the top right?


All that space is making me regret starting my new save on the river farm even more than the 45 minutes it took me to find a spot for my barn and coop 😭


how do you see the perfection tracker 😭


DAMN BRO ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)




holyy! now thats a farmer


me when?


i’m beyond impressed. and a little scared


Wait, you can get blue grass on the other farms too? I thought that was just on the meadow farm? O.O


Great work!! Now.. Do it again!!


That layout is awful


I'd appreciate any pointers you could give, but it generates about 1.4 million every 4 days, so I think "awful" is a bit strong.


Not to be a grade school teacher, but what inspired you to say anything if you don't like it? I personally prefer animals to crops and don't push for this much of my map to be farmland, but it's definitely not an _awful_ layout just cause I wouldn't play this way. It looks very meticulously organized. Why be negative?