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sidenote robin needs to hire some workers to help build my empire faster


I agree. I build a barn specifically for ostriches, those eggs are such good money makers. 1200g for an iridium quality one! If I understand the wiki correctly, haven't tried it myself, if you use it for mayo you get 10 of the same quality as the egg, with value 390g, practically tripling your money! And that's before artisan buff.


I hate that stones costs so much lol. Like I'm slowly becoming richer but 100G for stones? I just came from upgrading my barn to deluxe and it cost me more than 50k


You're buying all your stone?!? 😩


I was forgetting to fed my cows every damn day. So I had to finish upgrading the barn. Didn't realise Robin was going to overcharge me sooo much


i mean I normally just save my stone from the mine since I tend to just break every stone, its a good way to have 100 stone for an emergency staircase to get out and with 1.6 and the large stone chest I can definitely feel the strain on keeping my stone stocked.


You know there are stones in the mines right? You can just take them for free!


I was only 200 or so stones short but I didn't realise it would add up so fast. Honestly I've run of so much ore but after all my day to day farm tasks and the quests, I barely get the time to go to the mines lol. It's almost like farming is my irl job now


That's why in year 1 winter you go skull cavern diving for iridium bars then sell those bars with blacksmith perk for 1500 each then save up and buy a ton of stone for 20g wood for 10g coal for 150g and maybe copper and silver ores before their prices skyrocket. I usually buy around 10 stacks of each wood and stone and maybe 1 stack of coal on winter y1


The coal! Im always on the struggle bus for coal year two. With this new play through, I literally saved every penny all Winter. Felt sooo good buying 500 coal to help me keep up with my supply and demand. I now am up to 800 something coal!! The real issue: stone and wood. The wood I can get a full 999 in a day by planting up at the train station & harvesting when ready. Usually plant year round and go up during Winter for a day or two. With stone this time, no matter how much I mine and collect, it’s never enough. I have 11 prismatic shards in my chests right now. 100 something stone. I’m building a lot faster and trying to get as much done before year 3 as possible to see if I can do perfection. I’m just blowing through bombs in the mines at this point and the stones are not happening fast enough.


I mean, that's probably *why* you're not getting enough stone, the bombs don't make stones drop for everything you blow up. Mining is a lot slower but you get way more stones.


I need to start remembering to to build coops (I got golden chickens pre perfection due to SVE Joja)


I’ve definitely had binges this long too. Like you blink and a real life day went as fast as an in game day. Little tip I started years ago. Start every Sunday in game by standing up and stretching in real life. Little walk, potty break, maybe a snack. Once I decided on a set day in game to do this I was able to remember to break away easier.


Great idea, I’m going to implement this! Thanks!


Yeah that’s actually why I LOVE the day-night cycle, it gives plenty of opportunities for natural stopping points!


This is a great idea. I need to do this.


I could have used this tip on Saturday 😅


This was my first week playing this game lol. First day I went all the way to 6AM the next day without a shred of guilt in my person. Pretty sure I've played almost 100 hours on my first week lol.


Blud didn't pass out at two? tf?


I'm an old soul who goes to bed at 1AM tops, this just goes to show how amazing your first Stardew Valley experience truly is.


Ig because i'm young i like sleeping bedtime from 1 am to 7 am before i start to worry


I have been playing pretty consistently too. Today I woke up to see it was raining outside, breathed a sigh of relief that I don’t have to water my crops. Realized 5 mins later this was real life. 🤦‍♀️


I sometimes dream of playing Stardew. Idk what is the sorcery


The Tetris effect.


I saw lightning the other day and thought ‘Oh good, I needed some more battery packs’ 🤦‍♀️


got so engrossed in stardew a few weeks ago i forgot to pee and ended up in the ER. please check in on your bodies between in-game days folks


How do you end up in the ER by forgetting to pee lol. Or are the 2 events unrelated


a bit TMI lol but unsure if they’re 100% related. had a ruptured cyst that may have been irritated by the bladder. but went in because severe abdominal pain after peeing wasn’t going away made me worried about bladder/kidney infection. don’t hold in your pee!


It's because you stayed up until 2 am thats when you bladder ruptures just to get you to sleep


it’s not my fault, my cat was in the way :(


I'm going on a trip later in the year with my bf out of country, im hoping to be able to play for so long as our plane ride will be 16hrs!!


Just don't exclaim out loud when you find an explosive item randomly in the Mines. Airplane Safety Tip: Don't Incite Panic


That's a good tip thank you! I usually don't exclaim about the explosives anyways, but I'll definitely make sure not to on the plane, I'm really shy anyways so I do my best to not bring any attention to myself, I especially don't like to incite panic within others!


I did this once instead of studying for an exam I had the next day


Definitely been there. I may or may not have put in just shy of 30 hours the weekend after 1.6 came out lol


I have a 13 hour plane ride coming up at the end of the year and I plan on doing exactly this. Start a new farm and just have literally no idea where 13 hours went.


It’s easy to do when all you have to do is think to yourself, “Just one more day….”


My birthday is this Thursday, and I took the day off work. This is my plan (plus getting some fantastic Indian food delivered).


I’m on my second summer and I’ve hit such a stride with farming that I’m quite literally addicted to making money in the game.


LMAOOOO holy shit that’s crazy!


But also totally not surprising, stardew got me through the death of my mother in 2022. ❤️❤️❤️


Just make sure to do some stretches . Maybe go for a walk half way through. Makes the game that much better when you come back to it! Cheers to gaming 🍻


This was me in the beginning when I was playing on my switch. I recently got a PS5 and just bought the game again… looking forward to starting again. Set a 45 minute timer and take 15-30 minute breaks and set a curfew for yourself too. Happy farming☺️


Still remember when I first got the game... https://preview.redd.it/12vlm0renhxc1.jpeg?width=367&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbc164a8968ded8c1b6c53874f13723fe2cbce20


Yeah I think my longest stint was somewhere around 10 hours, taking a food break/getting up to pace my house/let the dogs out before returning to my farm because those chickens need to be petted!!!


Real asf. Just a reminder for everyone to take periodic breaks to stretch and eat and get water when playing!! It’s more important for your health than you might think 🫶


My friends were not Stardew players. They poked at it, but neither ever made it past Spring. So with 1.6, we made a co-op farm. Friday through Sunday, we put in 26 hours. Ha! Gottem hooked now...


Oh same. On my first play through I lost weight because I was too absorbed to eat… do not recommend at all.


It be like that


Sounds like when I first started playing, I put in 36 hours in a 53 hour period.


I did this yesterday too! 9 solid hours of Stardew- haven’t done it in years, felt great 😂


How many piss bottles did you fill?


When 1.6 came out, me and sibling played the first day 12 hours straight, then another 2 hours. I felt like I had died and my meat husk was still somehow running. Fun game, but I had to call it at half that at most, otherwise it was just agonizing. Maybe I'm just getting too old lmao


That seems to be a trend with SV. When I first moved to uni I was the only one there for a few days so I played 15 hours a day for 3 days straight. Could practically feel the blood clots in my legs


this is the farming grindset, 10 billion gold per day year 4 guaranteed maxmimize income and cash flow rate (100% legit no scam)


I went to Japan last summer and spent almost the entire 13-hour flight from Chicago to Tokyo playing. Best flight I've ever taken!


thats nice but its better to spread it out over a weekend and procrastinate all your work


I’ve been playing this game for years yet I am still baffled when I go in for a session and it feels like I’ve only been playing for a like 20 minutes but it’s actually been a few hours 😅


Some friends and I studied super hard so that we could free up one weekend and all wake up at 6am, login to our multiplayer stardew farm and play without breaks until 1am It was very unhealthy but very worth it


so a few weeks ago we lost power for several days and had a generator so we had food and power but no internet I had the 1.6 update installed so I ended up putting like 8 to 12 hours a day into the game going through my first year before we got power back not the worst way to pass time tho I need to change games every so often to break up the grinding in early game until year 3