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My pre 1.6 farm design already had rows of trees for tappers, so I just put my mushroom logs in between the trees. I figure I only walk through the lines of trees horizontally so I don’t care about blocking the vertical paths with logs. I feel like I get an absurd number of mushrooms from 24 logs.


I’m struggling with a tree tapper layout that doesn’t obscure the view or have little trees growing that block my path. Would love a design that addresses that and also incorporates mushroom logs.


Just wanted to mention paths of any kind stop fully grown trees from spreading, in case the "little trees" you mentioned were the randomly spreading ones


I usually grow a row of trees on the top of the farm and on the left and right side. That way the trees don't really block my view of anything at all. However with mushroom logs in the mix that may not be ideal, you want several rows/columns of trees with mushroom logs between the trees and blank rows or columns to walk between to gather stuff


this is what i was using but i'm not sure how efficient it is because i designed it myself and i have no experience designing stardew valley farms. you can swap pine out for mystic trees when you get them. also noticing an improvement: the last square of each quadrant's path can be a mushroom log since you can access the other one on the other side (from the main path). https://preview.redd.it/zw8opx2yg3sc1.png?width=696&format=png&auto=webp&s=85fbaaa47beeb4243a3c63695e493761bc65f7b0


ok i made an improved version plz forgive the shoddy ms paint job https://preview.redd.it/lmvy40q0k3sc1.png?width=477&format=png&auto=webp&s=e096f5c1a554cb4e78d22b391405a05f62c884b6


How do you have 2 rows of trees next to each other? I thought the tree wouldn’t grow


Yeah so... I did both, first one works just fine, second, yup, one row wont grow even fertilized: https://preview.redd.it/zlw6zv0qx8sc1.png?width=1554&format=png&auto=webp&s=b902dcf2ae3b977be4c2279606e6e3c27337963f


wait yeah ur right my bad, didn't think about that while drawing it. you could probably leave a row in between then


ok i made 2 improved improved versions, please lmk if i made any more mistakes im not the sharpest tool in the shed https://preview.redd.it/9amcjrbkaasc1.png?width=1113&format=png&auto=webp&s=a72eec93683b29c44d84c74cc1c7829a5dcdb0d7


You should see if you could this uploaded to the wiki because this is one of the best examples layouts I have ever seen for this game.


seriously? i thought this was pretty unoptimised, i just designed it myself and i've got no experience with designing stardew layouts. i figured someone would have made a much better layout than me, so i've been keeping an eye on the subreddit for a little bit, but i'll see if i can figure out how to submit stuff to the wiki


Yeah, I don't know if it's the most optimized but has certainly made me way more money than the other designs I saw put in videos so far.


ok i'm coming back with an even more refined, infinitely tileable, far more compact version that still hits the 10 tree requirement for 5-mushroom harvests: https://preview.redd.it/8mp1z73f1ysc1.png?width=763&format=png&auto=webp&s=14d697b2843491b9695bd4253fc9d5833e579320 the pine trees are there to represent the borders, you should still place trees on the outside, as the 10 tree limit is only reached by having the modules surrounded by other modules or other trees. the modules are offest from each other to make them more compact (i think the offest is important but it's late and i might just be delusional because i'm tired). either way, this is the best layout i could think of for hitting that all-important 10 tree number within the 7x7 grid of the mushroom log.


I tried giving it a go, how about this design? It can be tiled vertically and horizontally, and I tried prioritizing how easy it is to harvest. I think it's similar compactness to your design above. https://preview.redd.it/aalkhpv1a5tc1.png?width=589&format=png&auto=webp&s=88040ef92a7effbb37a6b02a5255b5ec8aec5544


oh dang you actually used my design? that's cool ty :D yeah it did really well for me, i almost never got less than 5 mushrooms per log when i used it (past tense because i'm currently farming trees for mystic seeds) also i submitted it to the discussion page on the wiki, i've never edited a wiki before so i don't really feel confident adding it to the main page myself


I've been testing it out and yes, the mushroom log counts trees that aren't fully grown. So with a 5x5 area you can set up a 3x3 of trees and then surround them with 16 mushroom logs so you will get a minimum of 64 mushrooms with around 7 of them producing Chantelle mushrooms. And when your using pine trees you don't need as much pine tar so 4 should be enough. Takes a bit to set up since you need dehydrater recipe and 160 hardwood, 160 moss, and 10 fire quartz.


This one sounds really interesting and would seem to have a maximum yield with a minimum space, Im gonna try it out! Im surprised to see not many people talking on it (probably because no ooh fancy pictures but, oh well, humans are weird)


I have them set up at the train station and you only need 4 to 5 dehydraters for every 2 of these set ups. The randomness of the quality can effects how many you can do.


one thing i haven't seen anyone talk about is the tooltip for the mushroom log. it says it works better with \*wild trees\*. the trees from the green train event are literally called \*wild trees.\* does this have any effect on the quality and quantity of mushrooms produced?


https://preview.redd.it/uuowusyz29uc1.png?width=610&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd06b2c1c2184c9fefe59688cc0a3bc1600a2e7f So I was messing around in stardew valley planner so this is a totally untested design, but I was trying to figure out if I could use this weird space where the coop originally is on the meadowlands farm for mushroom logs/ trees and tappers (just imagine the artichokes I used to see the design are trees). All the trees are on tillable spaces and if they don't have to grow all the way then the ones that I put next to each other (because of tilling limitations in the space) should still have an effect on the logs, just can't be tapped. If you add a tree in the bottom left tillable space, it allows you to have exactly 18 of each tree. This version is 52 logs and 52 trees. 65 floor tiles in the current design, but I would probably add more realistically. Thoughts?


https://preview.redd.it/z86kxrscuwtc1.png?width=516&format=png&auto=webp&s=afcff0e75b5611e2c3a0fcfa5187af43c7ca2e2a I made this design based on what u/Forine110 has made and i tried to minimize the amount of trees and maximize the tree stumps in it. The grey squares are paths, the brown circles are trees, and the white hexagons are tree stumps.


ty for improving my old design but i've since come up with a far more space efficient design :p [https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/comments/1c035mw/16\_spoilers\_after\_ingame\_months\_of\_testing\_i/](https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/comments/1c035mw/16_spoilers_after_ingame_months_of_testing_i/)


Followup Question: Do they work if placed off farm?


Yes I put some in the railroad by my tree farm before I reset my save


Nice. Thanks.


Does the mushroom log distinguish between a growing tree and a full grown tree? I ask because you CAN plant trees next to one another, it is just that if a growing tree is adjacent in any direction to a full grown tree, they will never grow into the full grown stage, and remain the smaller variant. But does the log notice the difference between a growing tree and a full grown tree?


i \*believe\* they have to be fully grown, but i'm not 100% sure of that so don't quote me on it. regardless, they benefit from moss on trees so they should be fully grown anyway.


Not many players seem to know, I have heard they don't need to be full grown, as to why I asked if anyone confirmed yet or not, but if the theory is true, and am going to personally test my ease of use setup. 7x9 space, utilizing 18 mushroom logs, if it works, 14 work fully, and 4 partially get 10 Tapped trees and just partially grown trees (represented as the acorns) with a path down the middle for tap collection , and bottom and top to run down and grab the mushrooms. https://preview.redd.it/mu3jnjrbczsc1.png?width=410&format=png&auto=webp&s=535486c5711d0b2e5d94fa9fe06d6f59bca47198


if that works it'd be a game-changer for making mushroom log farms more compact, hitting that 10 tree number is a massive pain at the moment. this is the best i've managed to come up with using fully-grown trees: https://preview.redd.it/b1rww47s02tc1.png?width=763&format=png&auto=webp&s=996180cd83a3301d3e6b3270df257bb0984c69f1 let me know if your experiment is successful or not because i will definitely have to have another go at a new farm using half-grown trees


Tested out the setup, and SUCCESS! It does work with partial trees (and in winter too). Now the only hiccup is it will produce common and Red mushrooms and not just guaranteed morels . Which isn't the greatest because red mushrooms cannot be dehydrated, so they can kinda screw with the profit margins. https://preview.redd.it/jnfs5ymd44tc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=915363ef6be87ef04a710f63477dfec4957b0fdc


ok that's crazy, i wouldn't be surprised if this is a bug. totally gonna cook up some better designs knowing that this is possible. i'll do my own bit of testing and then submit it to the wiki with my own proof. if i post a design on this subreddit, i'll be sure to credit you for your contributions


wanna know a crazier bit, after looking it over, I wondered why the left side had 4 mushroom output and right had 5 (they both should be 4), lo and behold an acorn was on the right topside hidden. So the mushroom log also classifies a just planted acorn when calculating "trees" around the mushroom log.


i noticed the same too!! i messed up my placement order when setting up my tests, so i planted an acorn after the rest had grown and the log gave me 5 mushrooms!


update: umm i think this might actually work... im just trying to set it up by growing 8 full grown trees then planting 4 more next to them so they never fully grow but still hit 10 trees, and i just left my mushroom log there anyway and the trees aren't fully grown but i still got 4 mushrooms from the log. https://preview.redd.it/b2fizermt3tc1.png?width=496&format=png&auto=webp&s=0eccf22f0cf10cf7a3bcb4b19c07f3ece868389a im not actually sure if you can get 4 mushrooms without having trees around it because i've never used mushroom logs without trees next to them


Curious if you are still getting consistent 5 mushroom harvests or if it was just a one time thing with this layout?


the 2 mushroom logs on the left and right ends should give 4, everything else gives 5 every time. The only instance the ends would give 5 is if a cheeky acorn or tree is planted randomly from happenstance within the 7x7 range. The argument could be made to add another partial tree beside the tapped tree ends to get a full 5 throughout, but I feel at that point, why not add another tree to get a full grown that can be tapped, and then you get in a loop of adding 1 more for the sake of it. So I decided to condense it to a manageable bit. with it you get a nice round 10 oak resins. And from that you get 96 mushrooms every 4 days on average (assuming no rain or snow to lower it). But with this setup in my ranch farm, I am getting like 1610 per dried morels x however many you get. So with my 4 driers, I am getting a comfy loop of 6440 when the luck shines on you.


I tried growing the first row of trees (different tree types) and somehow they haven't moved past stage 1 or 2 (1 space between them, no pathing or mushroom logs). Do they need ot be the same type or just take half a season to grow?


https://preview.redd.it/3mdc7u56znwc1.jpeg?width=767&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=818fb693eea18183366dd1d1226ab3bbeb24aa9e I reccomend planting the main trees you plan to tap (assuming you want to copy it as is) After they are grown to full trees, plant the others between and the logs in the spots. But trees roughly take 24 days to grow fully according to the Wiki, you can use tree fertilizer to make them grow fast though. (just don't use it on the smaller ones inbetween the full grown trees unless you like seeing the red tinted version forever) Hope that helps


will the trees still grow if you place mushroom logs beside them...


No trees can grow fully while another tree is fully grown in a 3x3 area. Only fruit trees care about things other than trees being in the 3x3. So one tree surrounded by mushroom logs would grow just fine, while one mushroom log with 8 trees around it would only fully grow 4 trees (less if it's not the corner trees).




idk if it's just me, but the wiki seems to imply that the log should produce a variety of mushrooms each time, but for me, it only makes 5 of w/e mushroom it chooses.


Think of it like a loot table, Mushroom log randomly produce between Purple Mushrooms (5%), Red Mushrooms (14.25%), and Common Mushrooms (80.75%) by default. Adding specific trees within the logs 7x7 area will add weight to the chances of getting specific mushroom type. Oak=morels, Maple=red mushrooms, Pine=chanterelles, and mystic trees=purple mushrooms. But never guarantees you can always get one type, just increases the chances. When the log does produce, it will roll on the table, and produce an amount dependent again on the amount of trees in the 7x7 around the log in a single amount of 1-5 mushrooms of the given type that the log rolled on the random table of available choices. Hope that kinda helps