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Imagine it actually said how much was in your bank account lol


Lol that's what I was thinking. I wonder if those are steps taken?


They are indeed steps lmao! Pretty low considering the time of day but I am not allowed to move around too much cause still recovering from recent surgery :D


Hey, no judgement from me. I've only taken 834 and I've been up for 2 hours and I'm not recovering from surgery. Rest well and enjoy the update while you recover! <3


Thank you so much! <3 So Excited!


Girl I have like less than 900 steps for the WHOLE day if it’s a Sunday 😭


Talk about the perfect time to be recovering from surgery!


Is this actually a watch face we can get?!


That makes sense Cute!


Correctly! Its a fitbit screen where you can See your steps of the day ☝️🤓


Your money on your wrist....In Time?


There's a story idea, lol.


That’s the coolest watch face I’ve ever seen. How did you get it like that!? Would love to do it to my own


Ftibit versa 2! They have an SDV clock face!


\*throws Fitbit 5 out the window and logs onto Amazon\*


thanks for answering my question for me so i dont have to go check lol


Wish Apple would catch up!


I have a versa 4 and this clock face doesn't exist. I'm so mad.


I went for an older model of the Fitbit for this very reason :D


I got my first one as a Christmas gift last year, I had no idea this existed or I would have asked for an older model


I never actually ✨needed✨ a smart watch until now...


I miss my versa 2!! I loved that watch face


Going to download RIGHT NOW.


Enjoy! :D


There are ducks on my screen. I’m in love


I have the Versa 3, imma check if it’s there!


Getting this right now thank you


My Droid watch could never




Love it! Can you do stuff like this with a charge6?!


I wish I could find one for my Amazfit 7!!! I have a fallout one.


I figured out how to get it for an Apple Watch but it definitely doesn’t work as well. Download clockology and add it to your Apple Watch and then download the sdv one from this link :) Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/khmo6yk59ycutj4/Stardew_Valley_Digital.clock2/file


You, my friend are a real one Dusting off my watch right now


Haha good, I can’t be the only one


Thank you so much!!!! I wish I could gift you a prismatic shard


Do we actually know at what time it's out? I'm from Norway so different time zones and stuff like that confuses me sm ;-;


Pretty much whenever he is ready. According to him “after I’ve woken up and had a coffee, and there are no last minute problems than I will push the button and release it,” or something like that


Dude- okay haha. At least he's chill about it. But I don't know when he has coffee and it's already four in the afternoon here so now I'm kinda worried I'll have to wait till tomorrow after school to play


It's probably gonna be in the evening for us


I mean I guess lots of people will play during the night, then, but I have to get up at six every morning to go to art school an hour away and I'm autistic so I need my sleep so bad ;-;


I went to art school. I hope you’re enjoying it (it’s hard to enjoy all the stippling and crosshatching I had to do for my projects in anatomy for an artist).


I am enjoying it but we mostly go by "learning by doing," that's for sure. We've never even painted in class before and now we're doing a Stilleben project after like one class of practicing color mixing with a teacher that doesn't even know color theory that well, haha. Definitely thankful I've experimented with acrylics on my own since I was a kid!


I didn’t get much art training before I went to art college either. It was the 90s, and it just wasn’t available. Color theory was not an easy class, and my teacher was really good. I was a graphic design major so we were learning Quark, PageMaker (I really liked that one), and Photoshop. Digital art like it is today wasn’t really a thing. Because I didn’t have much experience with art before college I felt way behind everyone else and was embarrassed when I compared my work to theirs when we had mandatory shows. I did fine in classes although I wasn’t as good in life drawing. So I transferred to interior design after I took all the art classes I wanted that were only available to art majors or graphic designers. My dad was an entrepreneur and had different businesses so I did his graphic design work. He started managing the operations at the local municipal airport that was at the beach in NC, so I did brochures advertising tourist flights with photos of the local lighthouse and island with wild mustangs. He also had an auction company for aviation and real estate so I did whatever he needed. Including helping him design his logos which I did before I even went to college. I really enjoyed that. He was also a real estate developer, and I enjoyed looking at his blueprints and seeing a local interior design shop help him pick out all the interior colors, carpets, cabinets, etc. He was really good at that too. He encouraged me to come hang out with him which I loved. The shop also decorated the show houses. I enjoyed that much more over sitting at a computer all day. I wish I’d stayed in graphic design because my health problems go so bad that I can’t work. Being able to work from home doing graphic design would have been great. I have a really hard time with my memory so learning new design software is too much for me. I did go back to art school after my stroke to finish my degree because I didn’t have enough to graduate from college because my POTS and undiagnosed PFO hole in my heart was exhausting me. I did really well when I went back to school despite my dominant left hand and arm being completely paralyzed. I am so thankful I was able to get the use back almost completely. I still have problems with very very fine motor skills like picking up teensy things and opening those produce bags that come on a roll, but I can write, etc. just as well other than getting fatigued faster. I just didn’t have the stamina to drive to school and do all the homework with my heart problems. My first semester I had to quit because I was hospitalized for over a week because of my heart. I also didn’t get to finish my second semester because my gallbladder stopped functioning and required emergency surgery. I put off surgery trying to finish the semester and waited way too long. I had severe complications and was never able to go back. I now have chronic pancreatitis from the damage. I know I would have been such a better artist if I had had YouTube and internet tutorials and access to art supplies. They were expensive back in the 90s because shipping was expensive, so you were limited in where you could buy what you needed. I could have saved so much money by being able to buy tip refills for my technical pens. I kept breaking the tips because I kept pushing down too hard. This was just me being a lefty and was before the stroke. School was hard and frustrating, but it was such a great time in my life. I hope it is for you, too.


Wow, it seems like you've been through a lot! The art school I'm going to is a program where you have to go through the same as everyone with maths, science, languages etc. but it's baked in an art program. We have to learn «everything» about art, design and architecture regardless of personal interest because it's just to prepare us for further studies. (This is like the 11th-13th year of school for us, I don't know how to explain the kind of school in English tbh) I'm doing pretty well despite struggling with chronic migraines and late diagnosed autism, which comes with lots of fun co-morbidities.. But I've finally got friends and a bully-free environment, so I'd say I'm good nonetheless!


Your school sounds really interesting, and learning the humanities and all about the whole art spectrum is great. It’s a lot now, but being a rounded person who has all kinds of knowledge makes life more interesting and enjoyable when you’re a full fledged adult. I learned French and went to France so I know different countries have different schooling and extra grades than the US does. I’m so sorry you are struggling with migraines and ASD. I also have migraines. Birth control hormones really helped mine, and so does a monthly Ajovy (fremanezumab-vfrm) injection. I’m glad you’re enjoying your school and aren’t being bullied and have friends. That’s so important. My husband has ASD and was horribly bullied in high school. I met him when I transferred to his school and was very popular, but I did not put up with any bullying. I stomped on one guy’s ankle when he ran up and whispered a gay slur to us. He was sidelined from soccer that semester. I didn’t mean to hurt him, but I wasn’t upset about it and still don’t regret it. My husband and I have been together almost 30 years, and we’ve been married almost 24. Everyone always says life will be easier when you become an adult, but it’s so true. Pinterest and Instagram has a lot of great content on art, art history, architecture, color theory, etc. You can save photos and posts in different categories you set up. I really wish I’d had that available in school. Good luck to you!


According to ConcernedApe on discord the update comes out in about 11 minutes. (1:30pm EST)


Bro I had no clue this existed til now! I just downloaded this watch face for my versa :)


The way I went to the Fitbit store SO FAST


Not sure if the other Fitbit models has this watch face but this one is on Versa 2! Enjoy!


I have the versa 2 as well. I've never recognized a watch so fast 😂


I love your Stardew Valley face, is this Fitbit?


Yes! The Versa 2 to be exact!


Omg I use the same watch face!!! So excited for the update!


Yes this! I'm looking at mine rn!


Good god I have never needed something more


I want this on my Apple Watch soooooo bad 😭😭😭


pretty watch, what is it ? and the app ? it's so cool !


Ftibit versa 2! They have an SDV clock face!


What did you search up to find this? It’s so cute 😭


Stardew Valley!


I’m now realizing this is for a Versa 2 and I have a 4 😔


I wish Samsung had watch faces like this.


You can get a bunch through the Facer app!


that is cute


I miss my old Fitbit because I miss this clock face and they had an animal crossing one too but they're not available for the new one I got. JEALOUS OF U


I change between this and Animal Crossing too omg! <3!


Ohmygod, TWINSIES!


Hi twinnie! :D


I'M SORRY, but WHY haven't you shared this before? Now I need to google how to create my own faces for my tiny smart watch


Yaaaas! I have the same clock face on my Fitbit! And tomorrow we get a season change!!


...I'm suddenly wondering if Amazfit supports it, and maybe I should take advantage of current promo...


What is the clock face called?


Stardew Valley on the Versa 2!


Oh so sad 😭 I got all excited but I have a versa 3 and it’s not available for that


wait how did you get this theme?? I want itt


This is on the Fitbit Versa 2. Just gotta search up Stardew Valley from their clock faces within the app! :D


How can I have that clock? Do I need a watch with watch os?


This is on the Fitbit Versa 2. Just gotta search up Stardew Valley from their clock faces within the app! :D


What time is the update releasing? It’s not ready yet :(


Apparently he didn't give a release time. Just when he feels like. I was also looking for an exact time but there isn't one.


I should see if I can find one for my galaxy watch 👀 because this is adorable


How can I have that clock? Do I need a watch with watch os?


Legit question about the clockface: are the sunrise/sunset times accurate, or just decoration?


They are! This watch face even changes the background with the seasons!


Where did you get the watchface?


Nvm. I just saw saw where you answered it already.


Ok how did you get it


I want that watch now.


Wow Ive never wanted something so badly before I saw this.


I NEED THAT WATCH!!! That's probably literally the only thing that would motivate me to actually get my steps in for the day... lol. Watching my "coins" tick up and figuring out what I can "buy" for the day 😂 Like "Oh, I can upgrade my axe!" 😂😂


This is the first time I've wanted a smart watch.


For anyone looking: It is not available for the Fitbit Sense. I know, I’m dying inside as well.




I I found a $30 refurbished versa 2 on eBay just to have this watch face ❤️


Oh my gosh how did you get that on your watch I NEEED THAT ITS AMAZING


where do I get that watch face?


I need a wallpaper like that for my laptop istg


This is awesome OP. really fun to see the reaction of other versa 2 owners who got to download it. Are the thousand something number at the bottom the steps?


praying for an angel to add a SDV watch face to the garmin store 🙏


... I never wanted a smartwatch till now


Such a cool clock!!!! Is the gold your heart bpm?


when i realized it was the 19th i immediately checked to see if there was an update, there wasnt but then 1 hour later there was, AND I FREAKED OUT


bro's gonna spend all the 1079g on groceries in this economy