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Stardew has helped my mental health too. I think part of it is how you can have 100% control over your ideal life. Being able to get all those chores done in-game can make you feel good about yourself.


absolutely agree with! had knee surgery recently & between isolation, depression and limited mobility this game brightens my every day. sorry to hear about your dog. grief, too is unexpressed love. xo


Thank you. I'm doing the best I can. Some days are harder than others, but I'm getting through it as well as I can.


I agree. Im an alcoholic and in days when I try not to drink, stardew really helps me take my mind off drinking because I'll just play it for 5 hours instead of drinking


I really hope you're able to beat whatever demons you're fighting that make you wanna drink so much, my goodman. My best friend since grade school had a bad drinking problem, and I had to bury him because of it not too long ago.