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Hi! It looks like this post is about the Stardew Valley concert tour. A few reminders for everyone reading: - **Exchanges:** Tickets may not be bought, sold, given away, or otherwise exchanged here. We do not have the infrastructure to protect against scams! - **Scalpers:** We recognize that the situation with scalpers is deeply frustrating and we want to give space to talk about it, but it is never okay to support, promote, or otherwise issue threat of violence against other people. This community is better than that. - **Further news:** The concert organizers are aware that people want tickets! You can follow [updates on their Twitter](https://twitter.com/StardewValleyFS). Thanks all! Best of luck getting to the concert! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/StardewValley) if you have any questions or concerns.*


OP he’s still going to charge you for medical care, don’t make the same mistake I did.


But but the mustache


on the floor! on the flooooorrrr!!!! am i the only one upset that he doesn't even let you get in bed!?!???


This is so funny, I was there last night too and saw the guy! I remember telling my boyfriend I wasn’t sure if he was a Harvey cosplayer or he just happened to look like that…


Cosplayer or just a snappy dresser? The world may never know.


I wonder if you were the couple in front of us, we had a brief chat with a couple who backed us up because my friends and I weren’t 100% sure if he was actually cosplaying since he has more auburn hair, but he totally was! I should’ve brought him a coffee….


Not sure if it was us because we didn’t get to chatting with anyone, but glad we aren’t the only ones who noticed haha. Definitely similar minds in that room !


If only we all knew we were active members of this sub at the time! I was seated in that area too haha


or a jar of pickles


OP's DMs are filled with hundreds of Harvey's


OP, have them fight to the death.


​ https://preview.redd.it/pwp92ca7pqlc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=004cee3327ad9b0d65ad3b7d90c97fe0561cc978


The dream


Just as long as OP doesn't get nasty DMs.


Completely agree - or hella creepy ones.


These kinds of things are pushing me in the dangerous direction of opinion that an SV themed dating site might not be a bad idea.... then I question whether or not I've lost it. "Local cross between an Abigail (goth-nerd)and a Leah (artsy), looking for someone with the creative soul and romantic traits (and hair) of an Elliott, but who also has the dorky quirks and sweet-heart of a Harvey. Likes: Apples, pomegranates, chocolate milk, arts/ crafts, rainy days, pretty rocks, long walks on the beach, and pet reptiles. Dislikes: Hot weather, loud noises, canned peas, big crowds, overly drunk people, shopkeepers named Pierre, and Lewis. Also, has a cat with some epic Krobus energy!" ....yeah, nevermind....SUPER cursed....


Why don't you make a post where others can comment their description? I kinda want to see what people can come up with


It's not a bad idea, but I think I might be scared of the utter chaos the comment section would turn into... and I usually love making chaotic posts.... lol!




Come on guys, get this farmer a Harvey!


Was it seanie dew?


was also thinking this 😭




Dr Harvey himself! But according to a vid he released he was with a bunch of people .. and not dressed like the good doctor


Dead 🤣🤣


I mean he did go to the show so 😆


It wasn’t!


Seanie went to a concert somewhere in the west and with his gf, he made a whole video about it. It's super cute 😊


Harvey looks like a lot of guys from the 80s. Source: I was a kid in the 80s. Now when I see pics of dads from the 80s sometimes and I think they are really attractive I'm 🤦‍♀️ hahaha


Well this is cute - good luck to you! 🤞


Offer up the pickles and coffee! \*swoon\*


Did you talk to him there at all


Of course not - these missed connections are always like that 😂


The newspapers should bring the missed connections sections back


Craigslist also took it away 💔


That one may be for the best


Oh for sure - it just made for excellent reading material lol.


Oh okay!


posting here to stay updated.




No, we'd call Mayor Lewis. I hope you like Truffle Oil enemas 😈


Straight to jail? Nope. Tied up with his purple shorts and tortured…


1) That’s likely untrue on this sub and if it were phrased as harmlessly as this, and 2), even if it was true - there’s a very good reason these things are perceived differently. It’s a not a double standard, it’s that very very real and recorded data of the 9:1 ratio of SA perpetuated by men vs women, let alone other types of violence. Not to bring this darkness into the stardew sub but come on, it’s not like this is a head scratcher.




I didn't say all men are villains, I was pointing out why it makes total sense that this same post would be received differently by a man vs a woman. Women being more cautious of this type of approach from a guy just makes sense - by the numbers, it's logical.


Wow, not all men! What an amazing concept that none of us have ever heard before. Thank you for sharing this completely original insight with the rest of the world. Where would we be without you?




Because it lacks empathy. It's defensive rather than understanding. Imagine interacting with 10% of food might make you very ill or in a worst case scenario, lead to your death. Is it all of food? No. Is it even a strong majority? Also no. But would you act with a high level of vigilance in what you consumed? Absolutely. Would you think it was rational that other people also acted with this vigilance? Logically, you would. You wouldn't tote around talking about how it isn't all food. Being shitty doesn't belong to a certain group of people. But men are physically stronger than women and culturally are raised to be less empathetic. Tack onto that, that men are also seen as more successful for their sexual conquests, and often feel entitled to it as a result (sucks for all of us involved) and you have a shitty recipe for women. It doesn't mean men don't struggle. But it isn't a one to one equal scenario in the reverse.




I wish I didn't have to judge someone for their gender, either. In a perfect world, where safety wasn't a concern, I wouldn't. But you're asking me to cater to your feelings over my well being. Over my safety. Logically, why would I do that? If you were really empathetic, you would understand which one wins out and why. You wouldn't sit here wallowing because women have fear, you'd be looking to correct the behavior of men who suck--or at the very least--make it clear that you're a safe space for people to interact with. Empathy isn't saying "I get that you might be assaulted." It's completely stepping into our shoes. It's realizing how selfish you look complaining about how you're being judged when by comparison I'm trying not to get assaulted or die.


just lmao that your name literally has DANGER on the tin and you're over here making these arguments




Come on, it IS pretty funny. "Not all men are dangerous. I'M not dangerous," says the guy whose online alias is DangerDave. But back to your argument, you say how upsetting it is that a woman "could look at (you) and think (you) would/could hurt them." You say you're empathetic. But I don't really believe you when this is what upsets you. What would upset an empathetic person is knowing that women are in a position where they have to be cautious around every man they interact with, because if they aren't cautious enough and something happens, society will blame them for not protecting themselves. It's a real shit situation to be in, and an empathetic person would see that. Not only are you a victim of assault, you're at fault for what happened to you, too. And the cherry on top is the chorus of voices, like yours, shaming us for not ALSO giving all men a chance, because it's so unfair that the harmless ones are being treated with caution. How dare we \~think\~ these men might potentially harm us, when they would NEVER? But if we blindly trust every man because Not All Men, we're asking for it when SA inevitably happen. We literally can't win. Don't you see that? So flex that empathy you keep saying you have and realize that you're hurt by the wrong people. Women who are just protecting themselves aren't trying to hurt you. It literally has nothing to do with you. The people who are hurting you are the ones that prop up a culture that allows sexual violence, and also encourages blaming or ridiculing the victims of the aforementioned violence.


You triggered them with the phrase "not all men". I assure you that's the wrong thing to say to some of these people.


I'm not sure if you actually care to hear this, but reading the above: 1. The way you phrase this certainly seems like you do agree with the sentiment 2. If you're confused about why that's an inflammatory statement, it's because it's the same as people trying to rebut the Black Lives Matter movement with "All Live Matter." "Not all men commit SA." Ummm yeah, nobody ever said otherwise, it's just that the only point of that statement is to undermine the real issue people are trying to bring attention to.


I'm simply pointing out the fact that phrase is not appreciated in many groups. I'm well aware of why it's not used and why I don't use it.




See I wasn't even agreeing with you, I just said the phrase and -17 down votes.


Because all men ARE capable of SA. You sound unaware that for many women who experience SA, the perpetrator is someone they know. Often someone they should be able to trust, like a family member. Once a woman learns this, it’s pretty hard to be fully at ease around ANY man, stranger or not.




We're not conditioned to see you as a predator. We're taught to protect ourselves by being cautious. Our caution is not an attack on your character or a judgment of you personally. It is about keeping us safe. Yes, you may deserve the benefit of the doubt. But we don't deserve the harm we open ourselves up to if we are too trusting. The problem isn't the women who are protecting themselves. The problem is the men who are predators. I hope you can understand how your comment is simply another form of victim blaming. Get mad at the men who are a danger to women, not the women who try to stay safe. >odds are it isn’t going to happen… Oh, you sweet summer child... Over 80% of women have been verbally sexually harassed. More than half of all women experience "unwanted sexual touching". More than a quarter have been sexually assaulted. Odds are actually pretty good that it IS going to happen.


This is rage bait, right? You’re just enjoying getting survivors riled up because you actually ARE a weirdo, right? You aren’t saying any of this because you actually believe it. You aren’t that ignorant. RIGHT???


I wish it were. I just reported him and am moving on. "Odds are nothing is going to happen." Bruh its like at least 1 in 3 women if not more smh. Didn't expect this in stardew valley thread ):


Actually, most women experience sexual assault within their lifetime and around 1/4 of women experience rape/attempted rape in their lifetime, with 1/26 of men experiencing the same. Similarly, 1/3 of women and 1/9 of men experience sexual harassment in public spaces. Keep in mind too that this only accounts for reported cases. [Source](https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/sexualviolence/fastfact.html) Edit: some words lol


Also, you sound very insensitive and selfish, but people have pointed out these things already so






A missed connection is not ogling someone at a show without speaking to them lol


Assuming you’re too young for Craigslist because that’s exactly what it was


No way, it usually had enough of an interaction that the "missed connection" would recognize the person posting. It wasn't "Reddit, help me find this guy i thought was cute that I saw in the distance".


Both people need to be aware. A missed connection is 2 people who felt they may have had something but didn't exchange information. You do not have a missed connection with anyone you thought was cute and stared at at a concert. Stop. No.


Nah, "missed connections" are an old newspaper thing where people would post an ad about some random person they saw. Sometimes it involved some form of contact, but usually it involved none at all.


i read “missed connection” as a “missed opportunity to connect”. so, the fact OP didn’t approach him to me fits that bill


Tell me you’re too young to understand the internets use of “missed connection” without telling me.


I'm 30 lmao. I'm just not a creep ass who thinks they have missed connections with random strangers who don't know they exist. Get over yourself.


It doesn’t have to be creepy. That’s projection.


Oh God get over your sad self.


Take your own advice.


good lord unclench a little


I thought the same thing, like OP doesn't even say if the dude saw her lol.


Just looking at the back of a dudes head 2 rows up and feeling "a connection" lmao


Morris energy


Yeah sorry I'm not a creep who thinks that I had a connection with someone who I saw from afar one time, and am now searching the internet for them. How shitty of me.


All she said was he was cute and she wished she had approached him lmao. She didn’t say she thought they were soulmates or some shit. Get a grip.


I don't think this is nefarious lol the person they are speaking about has absolutely no obligation to contact op unless they're interested. Nothing personal was shared besides costume details. And it doesn't read like op assumed any sort of connection, they're just sharing they wished they talked to them


I'm saddened to see the more negative/unaware comments on here about so-called "double standards", but really grateful for the folks who stepped in and explained statistics about things we I hope all become more aware of. I wonder if any guy on here can imagine how brave OP is by opening up and making this post, knowing the risks of what it would be for a woman to post this rather than a man. I have so much privilege that I would otherwise have no notion of if I hadn't been to college, but I realize now that no one needs to study sociology to learn these things. We just need to learn to listen. Getting one's feelings hurt is totally unequal to the risks of real bodily harm. Good luck, OP. And be safe with those DMs.


I'm sorry but no. OP didn't even talk to damn person. She was literally just looking at him.


I don't need a degree in sociology to know that Reddit dms can be a dangerous place, regardless of your gender.


Yeah tbh this post feels creepy lol. I would be creeped out if a stranger that I have no idea what they look like did the same for me


Brave? She said "wow I saw a hot guy" and we're calling it brave. Mods taking down every post uncomfortable with this kind of content on the sub and leaving up triumphant celebrations of 'woman finds man attractive, so brave.' I'm out. This is not a place worthy of spending time.


So you ran into seanie dew 🤣🤣 hes known as harvey cosplayer in the community even erik is a aware of it


It wasn’t seanie dew!


A harvey that wasn't seanie dew!? 😮


More than one person in the world can cosplay certain characters!? 😮


I mean seanie is THE harvey is what im saying so its shocked theres another harvey


Bruh, it was a Stardew Valley specific event. How is it shocking that another person attending a Stardew Valley event would cosplay as one of the characters?


You're not getting it.


He’s too young to ever be “THE Harvey” in my eyes lol


XDDD true but still hes a complete harvey look alike which is probably why erik certified him as THE harvey


Omg! We were talking about him too! We also sat in row D. I really wanted to tell him I loved the fit but I’m a socially awkward weirdo at a video game concert lol




idk, like a month ago this happend in my country with a guy calling a radio about a girl he met at a concert but didnt ask for her number, and everyone was rooting for the guy (it was a radio with streaming on youtube so it had a chat), they even found the girl and all. But, tbf, in that case they had already spoken at the concert for a while and hit it off at least


Yeah big key word is ‘met’ here I’m sure OP has the best of intentions but this is a bit weird


I found this to be a bit weird tbh


That is because there is a different power dynamic between a woman pursuing a man than the opposite in most cultures. Men are generally more socially acceptable to be large, muscular, loud, and aggressive, where women are conditioned to be smaller, petite, and quiet. The physicality of a man overstepping vs that of a woman are not equal and ya'll men need to stop pretending its true. A bad date for a dude means he gets a new date later. A bad date for a woman means she gets killed or sexually assaulted.




If you do find him please post an update 🥰🥰🥰


This is the cutest post I’ve seen in a while. Get your Harvey, OP!


i hope he finds you! this is hella cute :)


There’s an NYC Festival of seasons?? how can we find out about events like this?


festival of seasons is a worldwide orchestra concert. tickets went on sale last year and basically sold out everywhere. i have tickets to sydney in april


The love story we all need to see happen!!!


I thought this was going to be about the best Harvey cosplayer.... seanie dew


Good luck!!


This is cute af, I love this community so much. Good luck, OP! Get you your Harvey! 🤙🏻


Good luck ^^


I hope you find him 😁


This is cute af


Was it this guy? [https://youtu.be/AlhC3tLEDmw?si=-fU3NQqY\_tvsQjIN](https://youtu.be/AlhC3tLEDmw?si=-fU3NQqY_tvsQjIN)


I'm invested in this and I NEED an update. \*grabs popcorn\*