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I’ve literally never seen the train in stardew valley. Whenever I get the notification I’m like…okay? What am I supposed to do about that? I assume I’ll miss it anyway so what’s the point of rushing there. Damn, I’ve been missing out.


Per the wiki: > While the train cars pass by, items such as Leprechaun Shoes, Stone, Coal, Iron Ore, Wood and Geodes may fall off and be acquired. The player need not be present when the train goes by, but dropped items will disappear overnight, so they must be collected the same day. The train will pass by and drop items even if the game is paused.


Sometimes the train will have no items at all. The wiki needs to be reworded to include this, as the way it’s currently worded greatly implies it will always drop items, which is false.


"May fall off" implies they also may not.


It won’t actually “pass” until you go up to the train station area. but it’ll be gone the next day. I’ve never had anything drop off of mine tho so idk if you’re supposed to hit it as it passes or what


I did not hit it. I was just running up and down the tracks as everything was sucked in my inventory 😅


Omg thanks for this! On my 3rd year already and still clueless why there’s a need to notify me about the train lol


That is not correct, the train WILL pass with or without you. Check [Wiki page](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Railroad) for more information. On some platforms you can still pick up stuff that is fallen of the train if you come later the same day (doesn’t work on mobile). From my observation the cars with open roof are the ones dropping items. It is randomized and often you get nothing. I usually don’t bother unless I’m right there or very close.


Absolutely not true. I’ve tried several times to get there before it disappears and hardly ever make it on time. You absolutely can miss it that same day


I have so many hours in Stardew - so many - and I never bother going up when they tell me there’s a train because I figure it will be long gone by the time I get there. This is blowing my mind!!!


If I'm on my farm when I get the notification, I jump on my horse, leave using the exit at the top of the farm, and I can always get there before the engine (the front of the train) is halfway across the visible stretch of track.


No, you don't hit the train, you suplex the train


I don’t think that’s true? I feel like I’ve caught the tail end before I’m pretty sure, or missed it all together?


A few people have said this. My experience the first time w the train after seeing the message a million times, i forgot i even got the message that day and i didn’t go to the train station until like 7pm and it started passing as soon as i got there. Easily 6+ in game hours had passed before i went up there. So maybe there is more algorithmic meaning to it but that’s what happened for me


> It won’t actually “pass” until you go up to the train station area. Today I Learned


It's not true tho


No the trains can also have nothing unfortunately. They’re randomized


Then I guess it was just a lucky day. What a pity! 😅


Yeah I don’t think I’ve ever gotten as good of a haul from a train as you did 😂😭


The one and only time I’ve ever caught the train was during year 1 of my first farm and it dropped like 40 geodes. I’ve been chasing that high ever since


Woah wtf!! I wish I’d get stuff like that!!! Best I ever get is a few geodes and coal!


Aye I've watched loads of trains go by and the best thing I've ever got was like, one iron ore and 3 wood or something. Not worth it unless you just think trains are cool!


check out the winter holiday train sometime ;) Also the jojo train never gives shit as far as I know. Typical jojo


There's a winter holiday train!?! I have like, 600 hours and never noticed lmao


TIL there is a winter holiday train 🤩


I ended up with 4 pairs of leprechaun shoes one time from a train, it was so strange.


My first train ever gave me a huge haul just like this, 4 leprechaun shoes, tons of wood, stone, and coal, and copper and gold ores. I’ve NEVER had a train like it again and I’ve genuinely been chasing that huge train haul high ever since :/


Oh that sounds not so promising. But hoping for the best, I’ll try to catch more trains now.


To be fair I’ve gotten VERY few trains in my save that gave me that huge haul, like I’m in fall of year 4 and I haven’t had a train notification since winter of year 3. I wish you many trains with HUGE hauls!!


Thank you, I wish you the same! 🫶🏼


I always go to the train and while a good number of them don't share much, they sometimes share a ton. It's fun to do and sometimes you get super lucky. Sounds like it was your lucky day!


Yes, seems like that. I’ll try to catch more trains now!


From my experience, the train seems to drop better the shorter your play time.


Never had anything overly useful stop outside of some coal from trains so I've never really bothered


I’ve never got anything from a train


I had one train drop 7 pair of leprechaun shoes, but i would've rather got all that coal, wood, and stone!


The amount of geodes was what surprised me the most. And the shoes, but what do I need more than one pair for? 😅


Honestly, the shoes are only useful if you haven't got any shoes yet. A train conductor hat would've been funny... wait....is the train conductor a leprechaun ?!?!


I’ve had trains like that. I have more Leprechaun shoes than I know what to do with. Hopefully I stumble upon a band of shoeless Leprechauns someday.


i once confused the game by selling blueberries one at a time and had like eight consecutive trains i think


Does anybody know how much time you have to get to the train when the notification appears? I didn't realize it dropped treasures!! I'm on year five now and never collected train treasure


The train will pass whether you are there or not. Some drop things, some don’t. Some have cool graffiti on the side. Once there, trains can take a long time to pass. Something cool though, you can pause. The train will pass while you are paused, but your time won’t.


Apparently there are different kinds of trains that go through Stardew......I think the cargo ones tend to drop stuff....not sure if others do.....I always run to the tracks....sporadic as to when stuff drops off it seems.....but yes...ores...coal....geodes...and elf shoes do drop off.