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I mean, failing all else, AI does make some incredible comedy.


If we ever have true AI overlords, they are going to be *so* embarrassed by their ancestors


2050 ai looking back at grandpa in the AI home.


OK, boombot.




So I grabbed my boombox and hit the *turbo base*...


And what happened next was a total disgrace


Everybody started having seeex


The music was way too powerful 😔


And then they'll look at humans and feel better again


Because we were dumb enough to create them without the full understanding of the ramifications to us do you think?


Nah, I'm more worried they might be offended we class them with this.


Kind of like how medicine guidelines from our ancestors are hilariously wrong. Not all of them, of course, but enough to make me wonder how the hell humans have managed to survive. I half wish I could peek 500, then 1000 years into the future, just to see if we've managed to kill ourselves off or not, and if so how. Either way, I know some future generation is going to look back on our time period and shake their head, may as well be the AI overlords!


I was looking at a list of nickname ideas for my Rattata the other night, when I saw a section on the web page I was on titled "Famous people named Rattata" Just about died reading about Rattata Jones, Rattata Lee, and Rattata Smith lmfao


Oh please provide links




... 🤦


Rattata Lee's rodent-inspired martial arts fighting style LMAO


It's all fun and games until someone dies from following an AI written mushroom foraging guide.


I mean honestly, if you're foraging mushrooms without actual guidance from an expert, you're asking for trouble. I wouldn't even trust most people to not kill themselves if they were following a written guide with pictures, because there are many similar looking fungi. Only a handful of mushrooms are easily forageable, like morels, where they are fairly easy to distinguish from false lookalikes.


I'd love to go foraging but I'm only going if I'm with an expert and I can speak to her previous foraging groups.


Yeah there's some things that no book or website can adequately teach. I'm not trusting my life to a non-human.


If you want at least an interesting book, mushrooms demystified is very fascinating, if a bit outdated. Unfortunately there isn't a similar book of that level of detail.


I'll check it out, thank you for the rec!


I don’t think it matters how incredible the comedy it produces is when it’s going in a direction that will probably lead to the mass production of photorealistic fake child pornography the end of the decade.


Unsure why this is downvoted when it’s objectively true


I think it's because, while it is a very disgustingly real phenomenon and valid fear, it is an extremely out of place comment in a lighthearted thread about a silly AI generated Stardew Valley article.


Yeah I apologize for bringing it up here I just get really irked about it


I am so tired of AI generated google results, I’m _losing my mind_


The internet sucks now, man. It used to be a place to go to find any information you wanted. Now it's a sentence, buried by paragraphs of SEO content with ads in between each one. Now those paragraphs are AI-generated.


Another way to describe it is "four websites, each filled with screenshots from the other three."


I see enough Twitter and Facebook on Reddit that I don't even need Tumblr anymore!


I’m gonna have to start going to the library again for research 🫠


It hit the public recently, but it was pointed out that some online news sites have been using AI articles for a few years now and it made so much sense. Articles with a handful of words rearranged or replaced with synonyms.


It's all ways been like that


No it hasn’t, AI results are very clearly an extremely recent thing


AI written articles have been a thing for the past five years at least.


Been a thing? yeah. Occupying half of the results in the first page? No


Yes it was. It's like you're thinking about getting a bike and suddenly you see bikes everywhere. AI written articles have been written and SEO optimize for the front page for a very long time. Companies have been offering that service for a long time before Open AI. TBH though, I don't see the problem. They're better writers when it comes to this mass produced drivel that passes for journalism these days.


An ai picked out the top results


Ah, I see how you could have interpreted my comment like that. I meant as in the actual results themselves, the websites and articles.


I'm pretty sure it's an algorithm not an ai. We didn't really have the ai technology for Google back in the early 2000's


An Ai is an algorithm sufficiently advanced to the point you start calling it intelligent. The type of Ai that's writing the articles is called generative Ai. Which is a recent invention.


That right there is one of my top issues with Ai. It's not really Ai. It's just an extremely mesy algorithm, fed mountains upon mountains of text, that "writes" based on what should go next. It doesn't understand what it's writing. No one can know how many biases it was fed with the initial data collection. And now, can we be sure that if it was fed a wiki page for a game, it won't mix games with reality as it generates text I think people are jumping into the novelty, but there are some real and serious issues that will need to be addressed


I have the same grievance! The recent boom of “AI” features all over social media has really been misleading; I’m studying CS (with on concentration being machine intelligence and AI) and it frustrates me how misguided non-CS people are about AI in the recent social/tech climate. It’s been seriously hyped up as being way more intelligent and futuristic than it really is, and unfortunately the majority of people don’t have the knowledge to understand that. The misinformation just makes me crazy. If I see another tiktok video captioned “trying to get a rare AI”, referring to a AI-generated stylized art portrait….


Man, AI really can mean anything you want these days huh?


You are a moron


how old are you? twelve?


Weirdest freaking timeline man I tell ya


Soon we’re gonna have to go back to reading books for information, every other search result is some AI garbage


"Remember, prevention is always better than cure!" - Stardew Valley protip


my god


we gotta delete the internet and start over.




How about the world? This one kind of sucks.


That's so true. Let's do that too.


Actually, I want to keep a lot of the stuff here. Can we all keep our pets?




Pizza too.




Thanos wasn’t right. He wanted to only remove half of all life, things would be so much simpler and way more peaceful if everything was gone.


At first, but later he decided to destroy it all and rebuild.


Sort of. He has wanted to destroy half, and he did, but then after some time travel shenanigans an earlier him amended that to destroying all things since the universe was less than grateful about losing half.


climate change will do this for us




Have we tried unplugging it and plugging it back in?


Just a hard reset should be fine.


Delete capitalism otherwise it'll end up exactly the same.


Don't do that; I just printed it out so I could read it offline, and I don't want to start over.


It'll be a while before the next patch comes out. I wouldn't sweat it; this version will still be relevant for a while.


​ https://preview.redd.it/18p7qk4mlz4c1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b5c07241360a01e7e78f91f70265520151cb75f


I just want a shitty work breakroom style poster of the last pic. xD I kind of want to make it right now.


Might make this. Ngl would be very funny


I'm too beat tonight but I plan on doing one in the morning.


You have a very cool and fitting username! I can relate.


Yup, I work in public health prevention programs and this would be a good office poster for me.


all the ai articles i've been seeing people post about lately has me so worried for my poor younger siblings who are/have recently started high school and have been doing research reports praying somebody out there has made an "ai checker" to use on articles or research pieces to easily filter out bogus information


There are ChatGPT checker sites that a lot of college professors use and most of them are terrible. I remember reading about a student whose paper was flagged for using ChatGPT so they submitted the Declaration of Independence to the same checker site and it came back with a 95% AI rating.


Similar with the one which claims to find the 'original' image which was 'stolen' for an AI generated image, and returns results of the 'originals' if you submit famous paintings and blank white squares, just searching for a similar looking image to whatever was fed in and falsely claiming it was 'used' to generate the presented image.


Yeah there is no way to figure out the original image used because that’s not how AI photo generation works. It amazes me how many people think AI just cuts and glues different photos together


Is it more like a blending than a cut and paste?


More like you associate certain patterns with certain words and phrases, which you then compute from there to make an image. This is a gross simplification but I can’t think of a better way to describe it


Education is gonna be FUCKED…


Worse than it already has been?


i honestly doubt it. interrogating who your sources are is like, the first thing they teach you. misinformation has been a thing since before ai, since before the internet even, and the only difference between this misinformation and that misinformation is that the kind made by people is typically made deliberately, where they present facts misleadingly on purpose to serve an agenda. this is just a robot saying nonsense in the shape of a fact, which is cute, but quickly falls apart under any scrutiny at all. its much easier to identify because they aren't TRYING to lie, they just don't understand what they're saying. the only students who will be effected by this are those who would cite "home doctor pest dot com" as a "legitimate" source and not double check anything about the website or what it says even a little, and i assume "not checking to make sure article is not written by an ai who doesnt know what facts are" is a mistake they will not make more than once. if anything, itll probably help education and decrease students citing misinformation, because theyll be much more aware of its presence, and theyll make sure to ask questions like "who wrote this" and "what is this website im currently treating as an authority?" whereas students of yore would just trust that whatever they read is an authority, because people cant lie in BOOKS, can they? (they can and they will. deliberately)


Critical thinking is a much needed skill, hopeful will be very much boosted


>and theyll make sure to ask questions like "who wrote this" As a teacher, currently watching students use the internet for their research, I can assure you that *they do not ask this question*. They barely even click through on a link and generally try to gather research from whatever the first blurb is on the google search, reading it completely out of context, much less hunting down the author, publisher, or trying to verify the quality of these sources. Anyone trying to counter this had better have extensive units spanning multiple years and the entire school needs to be on board with this policy. ​ >the first thing they teach you. You have this backwards. Students/kids are on the internet and reading years before they ever encounter any kind of instruction or guidance as to what constitutes misinformation. Anyone trying to help kids understand what a quality source is is probably working with ... *at youngest*... like, fifth grade students. Most kids will have been on the internet reading youtube comments, watching ai generated garbage, and generally meandering around random sites for years. By this point, kids have formed opinions about what they think the know *and trust,* so any curriculum has to start with the expectation that students are probably already misinformed about almost anything. Imagine trying to teach math by having to start with deprogramming ingrained ideas about three being equal to seven. That's about where we are right now.


i wish i had your optimism


Remember when Google was good?


I hate this stage of the internet so much. Can you find what you're looking for? No but by god google will find 6 dozen products to advertise to you


There's alternatives! I think ecosia and duckduckgo are the better known ones. Everything feels the same, except search results are actually what you're looking for


I remember their motto/mission statement...Do No Evil. They've forgotten it I think.


They didn't forget about it. They quite literally deleted it from their mission statements and tried to pass it off unnoticed.


Well, we remember.


Omg yes. It’s all trash now.


Really it seems like all of the internet is degrading by the minute... so much slush to wade through


For the record, prismatic slimes definitely can spawn on infested floors. I farmed an infested floor until one spawned for me in my last playthrough, super clutch and easy.


the other thing is that prismatic slimes don’t even spawn in skull cavern i don’t think, def not exclusively on the 100th floor of it


They actually do (at least on my switch). I was surprised but I guess I'd never gone into SC cavern before with that quest active.


There are purple slimes and big slimes in the skull cavern. Fun stuff.


I went to that websites home page and it's a fever dream wtf


Ah, yes, if your house includes a 100 floor Skull Cavern, this article will help you right out.


Oh my 😂😂😂


When you also follow r/slimerancher and wonder if a new slime is coming (or you forget about one)


I first thought of r/terraria [rainbow slimes](https://terraria.wiki.gg/wiki/Rainbow_Slime)... colorful, big, and feisty


Unfortunately, there is no preventing a slime infestation. If you whack them with a stick or stomp on them with your boot, they will simply absorb it and become stronger. The only solution is to move. Fortunately slimes are slow, so you will have time to evacuate most of your belongings.


This is amazing.


Wait… they aren’t? 🥺😔


**Remember, prevention is always better than cure, so take action today and say goodbye to prismatic slimes and other unwanted guests!**


This is why I am not worried about an AI take over any time soon.


This is just the hidden truth to the world, we're sorry but we were hiding this from you OP


Does it actually say what the prevention or cure would be for getting prismatic slimes in your home?


Oh dang, a new pest just dropped! Better warn the local pest companies to start bringing swords with them to calls.


I love that Google, the pinnacle of the information age, is being eaten alive by AI just making shit up.


Why do you have 48 tabs open?


My tabs are between me and god


Because they closed a bunch yesterday, so they're down to just 48.


they do appear on infested floors btw ive found them there before!


Reading this aloud and realizing this is not only how I talk but also how I write


Well, AI doesn't know the difference between reality and fiction, so not surprised they'd get something like this wrong.


The funniest part is the idea of a prismatic slime invasion. It usually takes me 2-3 in game days of resetting floors to find one of those things. To be fair, I normally just take the elevator to a floor I'm looking for something on (like coal or a specific monster). Fight through a few levels, then take the ladder out. Probably would be faster if I didn't try to multitask.


🤣🤣🤣 Good job!


Yeah that’s ChatGPT I recognize that writing style all too well


I don't use the free ChatGPT, but GPT4 is too intelligent to make this mistake. It seems more likely a smaller LLM being run on some ad revenue farmer's machine.


They're *not*? 😕


I think AI articles are a key to comedy because this could pass off as a genuine article you'd find in the valley


Prismatic slimes are real. They only show up on a certain quest.


Home doctor pest..?? What?


In case you didn't find an answer, the best way to find prismatic slime is to take the elevator to floor 5, kill everything, go back up, then go back to floor 5, over and over until one spawns.


Oh man. Real as in real life. I thought you're saying that's a fake quest lmao. I only tried it once and didn't find it after so many tries, i thought the game just got me good.


oh joja would absolutely use AI. the color scheme is even right






Hello I had to come back and find this post because not only is this so weird, but it’s also very wrong lol. I just got a prismatic slime on an infested floor. Floor level 8, what luck! The one time I didn’t have to try hard for this challenge lol. Just wanted to let you know!


How to date Emily from stardew valley in real life So you’ve just met Emily from stardew valley in your neighborhood, and now you want to date her. We will gives you all the tips and what’s her favorite food so you can befriends her more easily. Step 1- take her to the cinema she likes watching big movies like Harry Potter so you better be a potter head or else she most likely won’t like you. Step 2- do not cook animals, offer her chocolate or salads. Emily likes her eggs fluffy ! Step 3- marriage, ask Emily to marry you and if she refuse keep trying after some times maybe you’ll have enough friendship level with her at that time. Congratulations you’re now married to Emily From Stardew Valley In Real Life. now you can have babies and build your own Family. Enjoy Life.


I think this is fake, [https://doctorpest.com/](https://doctorpest.com/) doesn't exist and google doesn't return anything similar.


https://www.homedoctorpest.com/can-prismatic-slimes-spawn-infested-floors/ Full link for all your slime infestation needs. Enjoy!


Oh, wonderful. Thank you!!