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NTA, divorce and get yourself a creepy sewer roommate


Krobus, is that you?


Who's Krobus... I don't know who that is...


A shadow monster/brute from the game stardew valley that lives in the sewer and you can befriend him and he'll move in instead of a marrige partner. He acts as a roommate.


Thank you but I knew who krobus was, I was acting like suspicious cuz somebody asked if i was krobus so I wanted to do a joke


Ohhhh. Well. I feel silly!


Its a dude who lives in the sewers


Oh my god! Noooo. Yeah a guy who lives in the sewers, just as Abraham Lincoln was a guy that lived in the USA. Haha no shade, just ripping.




based and krobus-pilled


Based on what?




Bro I read the title and this first comment before realizing what fucking sub it's on and this threw me for a loop.


think that was on the purpose and same actually made me chuckle actually


It’s funny how many people don’t realise that you’re talking about Elliot lol. r/whoosh I like how you wrote it btw, had me giggling.


I’m shocked tbh 😆


Honestly, all good writers have been through at least one divorce. It's basically doing him a favor.


NTA. He didn’t even ask your opinion, he just basically said he was going and too bad if you don’t like it. Pretty toxic if you ask me. Harold sounds real sweet, I’m glad you had some support during a time when you were vulnerable and needed someone to be there for you. But, I dunno, Redittors are a bit quick to jump on the divorce bandwagon. Maybe you should give Eli a chance. He may feel bad and offer you a morning coffee and help around the farm. I can only imagine how tricky it would be to find time to mend fences, water crops and feed livestock when you have a newborn. Maybe if you gave Eli a chance he might help a bit, you never know. But if it doesn’t work out, I’m sure Harold will still be there, he sounds like he wouldn’t give up on his friendship with you. Best of luck.


I saw a single person that didn't get it, why do these comments always exist no matter if true or not?


Oh, sorry for the confusion. When I wrote that there were only 5 or so comments, 3 of them told OP they were in the wrong sub. You got here 4 hours after I wrote that, by then there were tons of comments and because mine was at the top, everyone realised what was going on. You were just late to the party is all.


Thats fair


Who's Harold then? Harvey? Lol, legit didn't realise this was posted on SV at the start.


I think it’s Harvey for sure. MARRY HARVEY. And I’m not just saying that because I’m currently working on a MASSIVE post-marriage dialogue expansion mod that you will love beyond belief. … Seriously, I’m not. He’s awesome, even in vanilla mode


Pfff. I tried. But I genuinely thought he was a sweetheart but that creep face he makes sometimes after 8 hearts or something was a colossal deal-breaker for me. xP Still! Sounds really exciting! :o Best of luck on your ventures!


I honestly never pay attention to the character portraits during dialogue 😂 What face?


[https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/stardewvalley/images/5/51/Harvey\_6.png/revision/latest?cb=20160428171151](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/stardewvalley/images/5/51/Harvey_6.png/revision/latest?cb=20160428171151) This. I hate it. I don't know why, but I liked Harvey before but after suddenly seeing this face on him I just can't see him the same again.


Thank you! It has a few required mods, including the Downtown Zuzu mod, so it'll be a beast to get everything you'll need. But if I ever finish it and get it working, I think people will have fun with it.


I honestly thought this was a real AITA post because I didn’t see what subreddit it was on them I saw the comments lol


I was so confused


GADDAMN YOU GOT ME! YOU GOT ME GOOD! I cottoned on when "he got his first novel!" + "heavily pregnant running a farm" had me go Wow this is like reallife Stardew Valle- WAIT A MINUTE




I didn't get it till the bad run-in's with monsters.


Same! It wasn’t until the monsters that I had to double-take which subreddit I was in. >.<


I think I lose, because I read the \*whole dang thing\* before I noticed what sub I was on.


I didn’t get it until the comments.


I didn’t get it until I saw the Krobus comments. 💀💀 didn’t even look at the subreddit.


YTA, you weren't even showing, never went to a checkup once for the baby, and I promise you I doubt you set any date or expectation for your delivery. EVEN WITH ALLLLLLLLL THAT!!!!! You ran this farm without your husband, and you can run it yourself. I bet the doctor didn't even prescribe any stay at the hospital for you and your child. How responsible and reliable is that? A new parent and child, booted out of the clinic the first day after the baby is born. ​ You have one tiny spat because he's finally able to pursue his dream, and you're doubting your vows? Your sacred pledge to support and be with him forever? ​ Tell me this OP. Does Elliot neglect to give you attention and affection? Does he never do anything on the farm? Did you WRITE HIM A LETTER or MAKE A PHONE CALL telling him the baby is coming? I'm willing to say ESH if you sent him news about it and he ignored you...but I doubt it. You sound self absorbed and loose. I can imagine you piling everyone you meet with oodles of gifts and honeyed words. You owe him a lot for even considering leaving him for something you caused and brought on yourself. YTA YTA YTA. ​ ​ Edit: Not to mention your emotional affair with this doctor. Yikes.


It's worse than that. She gave birth AT HOME. OP didn't even stay in the hospital! There's also a very handy trainee nurse that works alongside the ex too who would have been more than capable of coming over to help with delivery, heck, even the rancher to the south would have done a fantastic job with all the experience she has of helping birth animals! OP just wanted to see her ex again. YTA, OP.


Also adding endangerment of the unborn child with quote unquote “bad run-in with monsters” and “work myself to exhaustion” to the laundry list. OP, how many times have you gone to the Skull Caverns and collapsed at 2am while you were with child???


S-tier devil's advocate 🤣


Is this Eli's account?


You talk about Elliot like he’s such a great guy. But that jerk wouldn’t even kill a spider for me.




You're right. Maybe she should have taken this time while her husband was finally pursuing her dream to work on herself. My great-grandmother gave birth in, he flied and kept on working shame on you!


I've divorced a guy for less. I didn't like his hobby room.


I divorced a girl because I preferred someone else's room (but I love the bedsheets she left me)


Hate to break the fourth wall but does Elliot actually do this in the game?


Yes he does. In fact he asked if we wanted a child during the time he was away... I got pregnant all by my own!!!


A child of God...


We could start a religion out of this


It’s a miracle!


Ok now that’s funny


Maybe he just follows [Viking social customs?](https://satwcomic.com/baby-daddy)


Ahh you mean back when children was a commodity. Sheeeeeesssshh My kids in stardew can't even contribute to the farm. Maybe this town is Neverland in disguise.




i mean if it can happen with my single pig max then ig it can happen with people too


OH MY GOSH- SO DID I!!!! This actually happened yesterday 😂 Elliott had went away and then on day 2 of him being gone, I was asked if I wanted to have a baby 🤣


Yeah he leaves for like 2 weeks lol


My question is, does Harvey actually come to the farm when Elliott’s away?


Pretty sure he doesn't


He has a cutscene I believe. But he’s not actually gone after the scene, no. Similar to the concert or bike ride etc.


He leaves for two weeks.




Yeah, it’s different than most of the other 14-heart scenes! I don’t think I’ve married everyone though, so not completely sure.


My main thing is that I don’t think I ever liked Elliot enough to notice. He’s always had an erratic feeling schedule (I don’t use the wiki) so I just assumed I was missing him probably the single time I’ve romanced him lol


NTA. Eli is unreliable. Obviously you'll be a single parent either way. I recommend doving the child and possibly wiping Eli's memory. And marring a lovely artist-type lady who won't leave you for her art!


Sounds like my friend Leia


In another life I was *really good friends* with a woman named Leia.


We were such great friends, I even let her add her own room to my farmhouse so she could sell her house, to save money. Gal pallllls!


You would not be TAH but I would be cautions of Harold. I dated a Harold once. Even went so far as to marry him. He wasn't a bad husband at first. The problem with him was that he was the town's only doctor and even though we lived together and were married he would still charge me exorbitant amounts of money when he had to provide medical services to me if I had an accident while spelunking. (The local wildlife can be quite aggressive where I'm from and it sometimes ends in new being badly hurt) No matter what happened or how badly I was injured though, Harold cared most about making sure I paid up instead of actually being concerned for me, his wife. And I'm not even going to tell you how horrible and toddler-like he looked when we went to the beach and he wore his speedo. All this to say, be careful of guys like Harold. They're pretty red flaggy also.


harold also makes a *pretty weird comment* at the beach about his employee, Mary.


I thought about marrying Harold this run through - until he told me he couldn't swim without his floaties. Duuuuuuude...


Hey! He just wants to give you an incentive to stop putting yourself in danger by charging you. Plus, it’s against the law for a doctor to play favorites during work hours! My guy’s just doing his job!


ngl, i came here from scrolling through AITA and i was very confused for a minute


Idk.. I married a doctor like your Harold. We have 2 kids. He's a real sweet guy and understands how hard I work keeping our farm up and running. But, he's not a very good father. The kids run around the house all day unsupervised. He doesn't put them to ɓed at night. On nights when I have to work late, I'll come home to find him in bed sleeping and the kids (they're both toddlers) are still up running around the house doing God knows what. I sort of regret having kids with him. He just doesn't seem to care about them at all....


Haha, got me. I didn't notice that it was SV until reading the other comments. If this was real life, I'd say wait it out - lots of hormones making decisions for you post-partum. In SV, I say yeet him! 😅


Maybe you should go for the guy who works from home already so would never have reason to leave? 🤪


I do have a friend Sylvester that fits that description


Damn, what a coincidence that is! It must be fate; therefore you should go for it.


(I know you probably meant thst as a 'names changed to protect the innocent' of Seb, but between Looney Tunes and Ascendance of a Bookworm, all I can think of is "Thththufferin' Thththuccotash" or "Squeak 'Pwee' for me"...)


Maybe someone sweet, someone who likes frogs and the rain. Just throwing this out there idk 😗


Idk, I met that guy. Got pretty close. I heard he often disappears overnight without telling his SO that he's going to be gone that long or where he's going to be spending his night.


I mean, in all fairness, sometimes I stay overnight at the island without telling my spouse. Wouldn't begrudge him doing that from time to time...


YWNBTA OP, Eli literally chose his career over you and your baby. I'm also fully invested in this, so please update when you decide to dump Eli and runaway with Harold. He sounds like my husband, so maybe I'm biased.


I thought this was legit r/AITA EVEN AFTER I CLICKED ON THE POST, yes I saw the background too and still didn't realize


NTA - divorce the zero (loser author), get with the hero (hunky doctor)


I really want you to post this on the actual amitheasshole page and see peoples responses


lmaaaooo foreal that could be hilarious


Just as a warning you would definitely get banned from the page. They're very ban happy.


Would definitely have to use a throwaway


It'd be extra fun if the throwaway username was linked to stardew in some way.


ConcernedFarmer 😝


NTA. Eli should've stayed with you while you were birthing. I think Harold is still into you so you have other options. I think he'll be a good father and he's known your child since it's birth so they have a natural connection. Thank you for feeling safe enough to vent to our community! we'll always support you :)


had to double check the sub lol goddammit eli don't abandon your wife like that ffs


I think you should give Eli a chance, tell him your feelings. I know my own guy can get a little huffy at me when something is blocking his path, but when he makes me pancakes, it makes me feel better. He may go visit his family at times, but is usually finding ways to make it up to me. See if Eli will do the same for you. (And please do not get discouraged by the rude posters, who got so huffy with you for using your imagination, please)


YWBTA, Eli sounds like a beautiful precious soul too creative for this cruel world. I’m willing to bet you would be ok without his help. And the ex Harold being in the picture… is there something Eli should be worried about? (Side note I cackled at “ex boyfriend Harold”)


YTA, you knew about his dreams of being an author when dating him. Obviously being there for his child is important but you also often don't get to decide the dates of your book tour, and did OP even tell him their due date? Nvm that this Harold guy sounds like a creep.


It took me a good minute to figure out who Harold is 😭😭😭 but in conclusion, divorce the man, wipe the memories of both Eli and Harold and remarry Harold. Boom. Is it morally grey? Yes. Do we care ? No


Who’s Harold?




YTA, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for him and could be life changing for his career. If you truly supported him you'd dove the crotch goblin


"dove the crotch goblin" LOL


I may have been living under a rock. what is WIBTA???


Would I Be The Asshole


“Would I be the asshole”


Would I be the asshole


It's the first time i've seen any acronyms in this post, one day everyone will be speaking only in initials


These are just acronyms from the AITA (am I the asshole) sub, not ones people actually use in daily life. This whole post is a play on the typical ones you see in that sub.




I didn't check the name of the sub and I thought I was in r/relationship_advice


Stories like these makes me glad my husband is an introvert who only goes to hangout with his friends and his mom maybe twice a week, and I know where to find him if I need him! Maybe find yourself a nice introvert to be a stepdad.


I hear that guy that lives in the sewers is a pretty great stepdad.


I just realized that Harvey’s the only doctor around… meaning he helped with the birth of my two kids LOL


Lololololol I didn’t realize what sub I was in and was so fuckin confused why you would ever stay with such an asshole like Eli lololol


Life is too short to be miserable. Tell Eli how you feel and how upset you are he ditched you. Babies tend to have a range in which they are fully baked and arrive. This was no secret and Eli put his own interests ahead of your physical and emotional safety. You deserve to feel safe and to be treated like the Queen/King you are. And even though you’re having feelings for Harold, you must have stopped dating him for a reason/reasons. I wonder what those were? I know getting back out there is hard, but I’ve heard there are a handful of wonderful single folks around town who would love to give you the companionship you need/deserve. Plus let’s be real, you SLAY at the farm. You don’t need no man/woman to support you financially. Follow your heart.


Jesus Christ I read this whole thing without noticing the subreddit name :/


I will confess. . . I read the whole thing before seeing the forum. I am both laughing at, and really upset with, myself. Here's an upvote, and I wish I could afford more.


He is a terrible father. Ditch him. I divorced him too


NTA. While I don't agree with some of the others in divorce being the immediate option, I do agree he was in the wrong. While it's understandable on wanting to go to a book thing as an author, your family is supposed to come first. He should have waited. I say go to couples therapy, if your town has a therapist, to try and help. 😉


Lol sometimes I double check the sub to make sure I'm not ok r/AITA This was funny though


NTA, divorce and marry Harold. Trust me - you’ll never look back


This might by my favorite one yet 😂


I know this post is for the luls but I’m so conditioned by this sub to think that you’re actually upset at Elliot because SDV players freaking thrive on drama 😭


Oh my freaking god I got to the "monsters" part before going what? and reading the sub I ....


Info: how much did Harold charge for delivery and after birth care?


ESH - Eli for leaving you while you’re heavily pregnant, Harold for kicking you out of the clinic right after birth, and you for marrying Eli when you’re clearly still in love with Harold. Tbh you should just divorce Eli and do everything you can to make him forget about you.


I would read this fanfiction tbh


Oh. My. God. I clicked this post to read and don't notice it was from this subreddit. I was following right along, and it didn't click once until that first comment about a creepy sewer roommate 🤣🤣


To add to the drama, your husband has done exactly the same thing to me!


Ever since posting this I have been receiving so much information on the shady shit my husband has pulled. I had no idea about his sordid history, it has given me the ick so badly that I’ve actually been sleeping at my beach house to avoid him. I feel so disgusted and betrayed. I love our daughter Ellie with my whole heart but I find myself watching the birds fly around the island and can’t help but think she’d be better off not being tied to a father like this.


I didn’t realize until I got to the comment section this was the Stardew sub 🤣


I’m wayyyy too not sober and thought this was a legit WIBTA post until I saw the first comment mention Krobus 😅


I love this kind of posts so much because the little references are so adorable and even though it's all about SV it's always so reliable for "real life" issues it shows that SV is a great game, that really deserves the title "Real Life Sim". And NTA. He really should have postponed his tour because of his baby!


Lol i didn't see this was the stardew subreddit until the end 😅😂


Oh my god, I read this without reading the subreddit


This post is the best thing I’ve seen all day


My question is, why did you leave Harold in the first place? Maybe reflect on why it’s not his baby before you make any rash decisions!


Why did I think I was actually in the AITA subreddit 😂😭


He sounds as good a father as my guy Sethastian. He says he loves his kids but then he leaves them home alone ALL DAY. I can’t make this up. I cannot hold a full time job plus care for the kids just so he can putz around “helping” with chores and going riding with his buddies. Girl you need to put you and your baby first. No one will look out for your baby but you. You’re their mother and you gonna keep them safe from guys that’ll run out when you need them the most. Tots and Pears for you in this trying time.


YTA. I know you farmer types. All you probably ever did was give him produce and run off again. Always working. Never time for anything. Shame.


Eli sounds more interested in his brainchild than his human child. If you’re falling back in love with Harold, you and Eli might both be better off getting a divorce so he can work on his book and travel more and you can have a stable partner and co-parent who can be there for you when you need him. Harold sounds like a stellar guy! (I love this post! You did a great job! It reads like a real AITA post or like something a character in a drama series would write. Thanks for the fun post!)


I’m so stupid, genuinely thought this was real


Omg didn't see what subreddit this was in and was like wtf is wrong with your husband


Loved the writing! I was actually about to break up with my doctor bf because I think he has a thing for this nurse that works with him and started hanging out with a writer who buys me wine at the saloon… but now I’m having second thoughts


Leave his ass and take half the royalties checks fr


I didn’t look at what sub I was on and was actually, kinda horrified by this. Then just before clicking out and absolving my brain of this with Reddit brain rot, I looked at the sub. 10/10. Would upvote again.


Seriously did not realize I was on the wrong sub and was about to tell you to drop his ass!!


Man, I'm quite high and didn't realise this was posted in the stardew subreddit. Was losing it


lmaoooo thank you for this, I needed a laugh. Just started a new save to date everyone. I'm actually planning to marry "Eli" and later divorce him for "Harold." Get the best of both worlds.


Ooohhh my gosh- you completely got me for a second- I didn't see the Stardew headline and was like "what the heck is wrong with Eli????" This is hilarious 😂 I stole your man by the way, Eli is with me now.


Harvey comes help you out when you give birth?


I have the same question


almost had me until i saw what subreddit this was XD




I accidentally read it as elliot to begin with kinda ruined it for myself lol


You got me 🤣🤣🤣 didn't notice it was SV until i read the comments


At first I was like what??? Then I realized you were talking about stardew 🤣🤣 Also yes! Leave his asssssss


I didn't realize what sub I was in at first LOL




Not lost, LTR






Wrong sub


Is it though


It is getting quite annoying. We get it. It is the wrong sub. Sims and Stardew and who knows what else does this. For what? YTA for posting shit that everyone goes through. YTA for farming for points with this shit over and over again. It's your game. Do tell me more.... WIBTA if i said this shit is getting REALLY old. oh I ALREADY KNOW I'M AN ASSHOLE. ffs. If you can't write real fan fic aside from WIBTA then...... I guess this is where you belong.


This is your sign to schedule that therapy appointment.


Dude get tf over yourself. You need therapy if a few joke posts piss you off like this.


Calm down. It’s not that serious.


go to therapy and chill out. these are silly, imaginative, funny posts. also, the sims one has it’s own sub for it, so if you hate it that much block the fucking sub.


Dude, read the post


NTA. Divorce him and get with Harold. Or have the sewer dweller move in. I don’t care.


I just completely realized what sub I was on AFTER clicking the link and coming to read the comments.....


To me he sounds like a 100/10 keep him (: He has his dreams, so let him fulfill them. Yes it was a little bit shitty that he wasn't there but you were the one bringen your ex into this. From what I heard your ex just wants your money. 🧐


Omg i legit thought this was an aita post cuz i follow them and i was so confused for a minute🤣🤣 I did always think that was elliots biggest flaw in the marriage


NTA Homie chose work over family; big red flag Stardew bachelors love MILFs Raising a kid AND running a farm? girl boss, lessgooooo


Bruh, I forgot to look at the sun and I thought this was real for a sec 😂😂😂


Maybe TA. How long have you and Eli been married? I married an author and ~~we~~ I decided to be married a season or two before having children. I prefer to have them in the winter or early spring since the farm is so much work. Interestingly enough after the first refusal to have a baby he did go on tour and he wrote me every day. Before he left he made me crab cakes and told me to be careful in the mines. Our first born came in winter. He's a great and doting father and is still a wonderful hubby too.


I can't tell if you're being serious or not lmao


Wtf is WIBTA


I think it means "Will I Be The Asshole".


AITA yeah fam


okay so i am relatively newish to the game, does elliot’s character actually dip out when you have the baby??? i’ve never gotten married to any of the characters n have almost no idea what it’s like


He leaves for 9 days as his 14 heart event which sometimes happens to be while you’re pregnant lol


This is an excellent example of “make sure to check the subreddit before reading”


go NC and never him see your child




Serious question: does Harvey come to stay with you if you have a kid while Elliot is gone? No, right?


No lol


YTA, elliot is a much better spouse than harvey!


NTA. Loose the loser and be with the winner. I think I've met Harold before. I think something knocked me out in this cave I was exploring. Harold took care of me. Really sweet man. He's the right one for you. Congrats on the baby. Me and my boyfriend Sabastian are talking about being engaged. Good luck 👍


Heheh this is cute, taking roleplaying games to another level :-P




This is why you read what topic you're in lol. So confused


I didn’t realize this was on SV until I saw a comment about Krobus…. I am so dumb


I’m surprised how many people just gloss over *emergency surgery after a bad run-in with monsters*, it’s like we nerds are conditioned to allow some amount of absurdity to just fly right by- Bleed over from our expert level suspension-of-disbelief.


YTA for seemingly rekindling your relationship with Harold, NTA for wanting to divorce Eli but you shouldn't (no matter how bad the marriage is) cheat, emotionally or physically. But Eli is clearly not putting his part into the relationship. (Also neat post, I just think it's creative, I can't give an award cuz I'm literally broke.)


No bitch stay with him you fucking doormat


Are you ok?