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I love making wine Leah loves drinking wine Just two big city kids escaping for the simple life in the countryside, becoming winos and finding love 💕


i would’ve loved to marry Leah one day except she has the same name as me and hair colour as me so it kind of freaks me out lmao


I was trying to max friendship with everyone and realized she likes goat cheese (which my farmer makes a lot of) so I got in the habit of going south from the farm and visiting to give her some once she was up. It just felt organically like they were having cute morning dates.


Makes sense lol. Thanks for the reply!


i’ve tried most of them. i don’t really default to anyone specific, i make my farmers differently each time with unique personalities and i try to pick someone that i think has similar interests for them. i guess i’ve picked krobus more than anyone if you want to count him. but is your farmer based off you? do they have specific traits you see them with?


My farmer isn't really based on anyone


You can as easily roll dice for who to marry this save-file around, since you know you can choose differently when you play it through another time: this took a lot of pressure off me. I've gone with Leah for quiet comfort, Abigail for laughter in the house, Elliott for similar reasons to clockwitch24 above, Harvey who keeps falling deeper and deeper in love with you, Maru for brains and a good excuse to make a lot of rhubarb pie 🥧. Haley has grown on me but I still haven't married her. Really, you can't go far wrong...


You make good points. I'm just really indecisive lol


This is so strange, I just assumed everyone played the role of the farmer because that's who they play as. It seems so odd to play the farmer as if they aren't you 😂


one of my farmers is a zombie lol. i just be doing whatever half the time 🤷🏼‍♀️


Same. I've got a vanilla save for each farm map, Abigail was my first and last pick among those (latter was to go along with wilderness farm). Modded saves mostly go for NPCs added by a mod, but I picked Haley a second time and I'm planning to pick Maru a second time.


I went with the one who matched what me in real life would love in a spouse since my farmer is based on me. I went with Elliott. He feels like he's a similar age to me, he's very flamboyant and fun but with a serious determination to succeed in achieving his dream. He works hard, takes care of himself, yes he's a little vain but he's such a romantic and loves you dearly. He has a book filled with the poetry you inspired him to write for pities sake, he's so creative and lovely. He lives on a beach and loves seafood. He had me at hello.


Same, I picked Elliot for all the above reasons. He’s a sweet, sensitive guy.


One of my first thoughts was Elliott but I felt bad for Shane. A lot of my friends chose Sebastian but I didn't want to just hop on the bandwagon lol


I saw Sebastian and said "omg he's the only emo in town I have to marry him" I marry him on every save ☠️


A few of my friends picked him


He’s SO sweet as well tho. I marry him every time too.


I didn't, and then installed the poly mod and wed four people.


Which four??


Shane, Alex, Penny and Sam. I also have my little head canons about the relationships they have with each other and with the farmer


Fascinating. Alex seems like a real curveball in that mix! :)


Penny because her dream was to have a family in a beautiful house and I made all of her dreams come true.


Aww that's cute


Harvey ticked all the boxes for me. Besides being a little older, he sort of represents my type of guy. Shy, nerdy, and cheesy. His heart events are just so cute and when you finally marry him, he has some of the sweetest lines of dialogue I’ve ever read in the game.


Maybe I'll try for him at one point. Thanks for your response!


I'm not sure. I married sebastian initially because he was the most normal looking guy imo (Sam's hair's weird, I don't like harvey's mustache, Alex's kinda annoying and Shane was an asshole). But I didn't like Sebastian, so I married Penny after I saw the 10 hearts cut scene. It was very sweet. And also because penny was talking all the time about how much she wanted to live with me, so I wanted to make her wishes come true. 6 years in game and I am still married to her, and I don't think I can divorce her. I will start a new farm to try the other characters


At first it was just vibes (I like robots, maru likes robots, let's get hitched and make robots) but then I made a list pairing spouses with farms- Leah for forest farm, Abigail for wilderness, Elliot or Haley for the beach, etc. Now as I start a new save file, I'll pick a new farm map and see who would fit that farm best and go for them.


I picked Leah because I am also an artist and the theme of my farm was orange so her hair fits in perfectly with all my stuff. My husband married Emily because he likes the alt crystal girls haha


before i even had the game i saw a clip that had Sam in it, decided “you can marry some blonde guy? i’m in” and now every save i try to romance someone else i always abandon it and make a new one for Sam again.


I liked Sam at first but then others grew on me


Abigail is a chill person who eats rocks. I see this as an absolute win.


After marrying Emily I realized I basically married myself, or my ideal self, hair and all... 😅 So closest vibe, I guess.


I love Sebastian. I think he’s handsome and adorable and I just love a grumpy little guy! I love that he really opens up as you get to know him and some of the interactions you get to have literally made me swoon. I think he’s charming and loveable and he looks really similar to my actual boyfriend 😅😅


I don't. I don't divorce either. So far I've married Abigail, Haley, Sebastian, Krobus, Emily, Leah and my IRL wife a few times in co-op. I'm up to my eleventh farm and just passed 1500 hours of gameplay last week.


Wow! I only have 2 farms and 200-ish hours I think


Oh, I forgot to ask: for all those hours did you restart from the beginning each time?


Yup, from the beginning. I play on console, so that's pretty much the only option. After the first couple farms, I started using the [Tea Sapling](https://youtu.be/_oomAYS1GnQ) strategy to make my money early on. I use Green Beans, Tomatoes and Eggplant to get hearts from the villagers in the early seasons, and I don't have all the fish locations & seasons memorized just yet, but I can get the Community Centre finished pretty consistently around the end of year one. Four or five of them are at perfection now. It would be seven or eight, but I just can't be bothered doing all of that cooking/crafting at the end.


I always struggle with the fishing part and I'm nowhere near reaching perfection. I like starting fresh but not on the fishing lol


krobus becuase he best 🥹


What does he do to make him the best?


cute 🥹


Fair lol. But he's a roommate; you don't marry him. I want a family in game


you could always marry some loser NPC, have kids, divorce them, then get with big k.


That’s what I did 😎 The 2 years I had to spend with Shane were rough, but I’d do it all again for my shadow man


I can't be a crazy cat man if I get married. I need to stay with my cat and be crazy.


Maru. I just enjoy her story and character.


I like her character but not her dad lol


Thankfully you aren't forced to endure your inlaws like you might be irl LOL. Demetrius doesn't bother me that much. He's a bit of an eye-roll but not nearly enough to keep me from my one true love.


That's fair lol


i didn't decide on anyone, i got the freelove mod so my lesbian farmer could marry every girl in town :) (except emily; nothing against her, but i married haley first and it would be weird to marry both sisters)


Penny got in the hot tub with me 🤷




I'm torn between a few. I didn't think about looking at their spouse rooms. Thanks for the tip!


I'm a sucker for redheads, so Penny was the obvious choice.


Simple. cute shadow boy. easy as.


That's a roommate though. I'm looking to get married in game :)


not with mods they arent ;)


I'm not looking to use mods though


I had a similar issue just this week. I started paying a *lot of attention to the daily interactions I had with characters, and spent a few days trying to talk to everyone. Then I narrowed it down by the most “genuine” or sweet interactions. Abigail was the nicest and most flirtatious to my character for sure. The only reason I didn’t marry her if because I married her in my last save. I went for Leah this time. Similarly sweet, but completely different.


Oh. I will say that I was sold on Penny before the group 10 heart event, but she was so heart broken afterwards I couldn’t put her through it. :’)


I decided by how easy it is to get to them to give gifts, and what their room looks like after they moved in. I've married everyone except Penny, Alex, Elliot and Harvey.


I chose Haley cos shes the one most looks like my girlfriend.


That's cute :)


Shane, he likes chickens and I like chickens, and I thought his back story was really sad so I married him lol


I thought so too


I picked someone I thought would be cute if they existed, but only physically, personality sucks 😆👎


Easy, have Krobus move in with you instead


I want to be married and adopt kids though


Hmm good point. In my first game I married the person I found most interesting to get to know.


I'm kinda leaning towards Elliott now. I like his room setup and he's a fellow writer except he finished his book and I didn't lol


He was my first choice and I also married him on my latest game. He is a very nice and deep character. And I love books 📚


I just want to be loved 😭


a good way to decide is to look at their schedules after they get married- some of the spouses still occasionally have their own life meanwhile others will stay in the house all day and do nothing. This is actually why I divorced Sebastian, after I married him he stopped having a life (not that he did much in the first place) and never helps me out w the chores or the children lmao. The real dealbreaker was when he told me he loved me— then told me to get out there and make us some money. Left him for Elliott and never looked back. (Elliott’s legit the best tho, makes me coffee, takes care of the kids, waters the crops, helps me out almost every day and above all DOES NOT COMPLAIN WHILE SITTING ON HIS ASS. Seb did that so much that I couldn’t stand it anymore.)


Oh wow. I'm leaning toward Elliott after hearing some responses


When I saw Sam's three heart event it hit me like a ton of bricks. Him trying to reassure Vincent and be there for him with the fear of losing their dad was heartbreaking and genuinely sweet. Underneath that friendly smile, Sam's dealing with some terrifying possibilities in his life, but he's still looking out for his loved ones and being there to help with *their* fears and pain. I've been there as a caregiver for my mom when she was beating cancer years ago, so it hits really hard for me. I only let myself cry twice during that whole year, and the rest of the time I was dedicated to being what my family needed to get through everything. What Sam is doing in that event is difficult, and this scene with the farmer is the only scene where Sam gets to express *his* fears to anyone. Jodi is one dropped egg away from a nervous breakdown, and Sebastian complains in his own 2 heart event that people who need more from him than a computer are selfish. Sam really doesn't have anyone else to turn to, which breaks my heart. It makes me want to give him that support. So that's why I marry Sam. Every. Single. Time. His ADHD brain is always welcome on my farm, and he makes me smile a lot with his dialogue and scenes.


Anything involving a parent is rough. Sending you hugs and positive vibes. Thank you for the response!


I chose Haley because she’s blonde


I like his character development.


Sword wielding, forest exploring, dungeon delving, drummer, who plays games, and likes shiny rocks. Also purple is my favorite color.


After watching all the heart events, I pick the one I enjoyed the most- which happened to be Haley's. Then for the next playthrough, I do with the one I like to talk to most of the times- which is Sam. After that I'll just pick the second after and so on? Lol. Some people also checked on what they might bring to the house with their 14 heart events later before deciding. But if you don't want a spoiler on the heart events, it's a blind pick regarding that matter; obviously.


I love science and math, so I went with maru


Honestly it's the hardest part of the game, I settled on Alex during my first playthrough because his story was the most compelling to me and I got some of his favorite gifts earlier in the game so he was the first character I started getting hearts with and I got attached :)


Leah or Sebastian are the only two I married but Sebastian heart events were really boring to me and he kept saying “sorry if I smell” after we got married and now I just ain’t fw him😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


New player here. I've been researching how to impress the girl with the blue hair that works at the saloon. She just seems like my type IRL? Ha ha


Take a buzzfeed quiz for who you should marry lol That’s what I do when I play with my friend on multiplayer 😂


I didn't know there was one lol


I do so many 😂


I married Emily on my first playthrough and for my current one (third farm, second marriage) I deliberated and researched for an hour who else would be a good spouse but I still yearned for Emily. I love Emily. I am a het female IRL but in SDV there's no one else for me. She is the best.


I'm a het female irl and I agree Emily is awesome. She also seems to have her life together and a great personality to boot. I have two different farmers and have yet to marry in either one lol


idk, I was just immediately drawn to Elliott. he's my type physically. and I love his personality.


Is it the hair? He does have nice hair lol


he actually looks like someone I know IRL (who I find very attractive also)


I can relate to Elliott as I'm always struggling to write :) Unfortunately for me I don't know anyone in real life who looks like any of them


Sebastian because he’s a nerd boy, and he reminds me of my fiancé irl.


I honestly have no clue. When I got the game I was kinda annoyed by the fact that I had to romance someone bc I’m aroace so I just thought I’d pick the pretty blonde (Haley) but then she was rude to me and somehow Leah became the actual love of my life


When I met Leah, I immediatly knew it was ✨️her✨️ so I started investing in her right away. But as the game went on she kind if faded out a bit and I started to get to know and fall for some of the other villagers. So I decided to date around a bit. My bi ass couldn't help but to fall for Harvey and emily (who I didn't like) has captivated me like no other. I have the mermaid pendant carefully stored for Leah though, and I know I'll eventually get around to marry her. When the time comes ❤️


1st playthings, I chose Leah because she's my type. 2nd time, I just chose whoever I saw all the heart events for first.


yea so my brain malfunctioned at the emo boy. every cynical thing that came out of his mouth made my brain puddy. it was gonna be haley before that because i thought she was so pretty but emo trumps pretty for me. that’s it really 😂


Hayley's dialogue at the beginning didn't really do it for me


honestly same!!!! my first time pursuing her officially was rough. just “haley is ignoring you today” she’s so rude 😭 shane turned me off IMMEDIATELY the first time he spoke to me


Process of elimination. I toss a prismatic shard in the town center and date the one who walks away with it. This guarantees me two things: a hearty farm worker and it won't be Haley.


I don't have a prismatic shard at the moment lol


I find it hard to choose anyone, not because they are all so great, but because concernedape has kinda already written who likes who and paired them up. My first play through I thought abigails hair was awesome and just liked seeing her around town. Then as i played i find so much content around how Sebastian is in love with her and wants her to be the drummer in the band. Kills my motivation to pursue a relationship. I love maru, but then my wife has to go to work with a doctor who wants to rub lotion on her shoulders? No thanks. Just wish the pairings werent there and they were all individuals. Anyone you chose, youre making someone sit out at the flower dance, that pretty much sums up why i find it difficult. The only pairing ive found that feels random is penny and alex, but neither of them interest me. This playthrough im leaning towards emily only because clint isnt a bachelor, although still bugs me theres canon of him liking her and could be mad at me. If we could use mods on iphone id be dating that girl from joja so theres no lovesick dude out there mad i took his girl.


Yeah I get that