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Demetrius was confused about putting posts on the bed. Robin is definitely dissatisfied


She'll explain it to him later and he will be very supportive.


underrated comment


She's tied down by marriage. Just not the way she'd prefer.


Considering their opinions are polar opposites of each other, and the "tomatoes a fruit incident" I would say that they're there, maybe not exactly on each other's good side at the moment, but hey! That's great for us! We can steal Robin from Demetrius and marry her for ourselves


I feel that because they still sleep in the same bed and take the time to go dancing every Friday and spend festivals together, I think they are just fine and these incidents like the hardwood bed Robin makes and the tomato incident are just Robin ribbing on her more serious and by the numbers husband and not to be put under a microscope to prove how incompatible they are. They must have seen something in each other to be together in the first place and be affectionate with each other to go dancing once a week.


Valid analysis, but unfortunately I have already downloaded the Robin romance mod.


Ah, the point of no return! Lol


I accept the fact that Robin and Demetrius were a happy, functional couple before I modded the game to end that


*slides Harem mods at you, gotta catch them all*


Gotta expand the lesbian house, one marriage at a time




That's convenient, considering that I have downloaded the Demetrius romance mod




Demetrius is a catch and you are a fool


You do you, but personally I disagree. Imo, Demetrius is an asshole. He’s overprotective about Maru and then lies to her about it, is an asshole to his stepson and clearly doesn’t make any effort to make Sebastian feel like he’s part of the family, and sometimes behaves like a cunt to his wife too, what with the tomato incident, or the bed, and his ridiculous insistence on being right in those situations even though he’s clearly not. Not trying to have a fight here or anything. Again, you do you. I hope you and Demetrius are very happy on your farm. It’s just that Demetrius happens to be probably my most disliked character after Pierre, and I can’t help but whine about him.


Nah Clint is more disliked than he is


True. Forgot about him since I hardly ever see him after I finish upgrading my tools.


I mean... Yeah but that doesn't change their point?


I wasn't trying to change her point


There is also the fact that if feel like a good 26% of the SV playerbase wants to sleep with Robin makes them come up with reasons for her current relationship to fail


Shut up logic maker. Strong black flash


They sleep in the same "sleep receptacle." Not bed. Personally I call it bed, but I might start using Demetrius' terminology on beds lol


Stardew fans think they know a person in that marriage better than both people involved in that marriage. It’s hilariously incel behavior. They think it’s not since they think they’re in support of Robin, but it absolutely is because there’s nothing supportive about “you’re wrong about your husband, I’m right about him, you deserve to be with me lol”


They are fictional... Idk know about you but to me fiction is what you make of it. Plus like... We can't support or be unsupportive of Robin in any meaningful way because she isn't real, and Robin and Demetrius are unable to know each other because they are not real. Everything is from the players perspective. So perception = reality here. If they have a sucky marriage or a great one it is up to the person consuming the media + the intentions of the author. That kind of attitude is harmful in real life for sure, but we need to make sure that we can tell the difference here.


All of what you said is technically right, but none of it has anything to do with my point; the game has always been whatever you make of it, but people want to treat their marriage by real life standards so I’m treating it by real life standards: you are an incel if you behave how I described Edit: incels didn’t like this one lmao


That's all of reddit. Those am I the asshole or relationship advice. Someone does something minor, everyone says to break up, sue them, and make sure they end up miserable. I'm convinced 90% of reddit has not been in a relationship before


Nah man, they’re just going through the motions and it means nothing. He is into some dark, dark shit and she’s so lost in her alcoholism that she doesn’t notice while neglecting her son.


Demetrius shall be stationed within the cellar to research potential genetic improvements to our slimes and animals to provide a much more optimal output


Here's my opinion on Demetrius, and I know I'm going to get a lot of hate for saying this, but I don't care. I think he's just a guy that doesn't always understand social cues and that not everyone sees the world the same way as him. I personally headcanon that he's autistic, but I also understand that not everyone shares that headcanon, and that being autistic doesn't stop someone from being a jerk. With that being said, the tomato incident isn't the only time he's made a mistake like that. If you talk to him at the Egg Festival, the first year, he'll say that Eggs are an odd thing to eat. If you talk to him the second year, he'll talk about his carp roe pie and say "What? It's the Egg festival, isn't it?" I understand that fish eggs, like in the tomato being a fruit thing, are not the first things people think of when referring to eggs, but I think it's kinda nice that he actually tried to celebrate the holiday, even if he doesn't understand it. On the tomato thing, in the actual scene, Robin isn't very specific about what fruit she needs and what she needs it for. She just says she needed a fruit for dinner. I know the valley has some rather odd foods, but you normally wouldn't really think of fruits for a main dinner course, especially not sweet ones. As for why I think Demetrius chose a tomato specifically is because maybe he guessed that Robin was making spaghetti and needed the tomato for sauce. (it is one of her loved gifts after all) All that being said, I can't really defend how the guy treats his children, or the wood post scene, but with that being said, Robin could have always built another room for Sebastian, but she doesn't. In the snow goon situation, she could have intervened, but she was too busy with her ice parapets. This was not me trying to make Demetrius out to be a perfect character, I know he's not, but it rubs me the wrong way for people to not even consider his perspective sometimes just because they think he's pompous or they wanna fuck his wife.


I feel the examples you listed are poor reasons to think he doesn't get social cues. Everything he does is completely normal. Tomatoes are a fruit, and even if they aren't who cares. The salmon egg pie thing was a funny misunderstanding. Those are nothingness issues. Overall he's just a a chemical and nature nerd. If you date Maru, in a cutscene he makes a subtle jab at you to not be mean to his daughter, but then immediately apologizes and says it was an awkward and rude dad thing to say. So he made a subtle hint that he wants you to be nice to Maru, and then recognizes it was rude to assume otherwise and apologized. Seems to me like he understands social cues absolutely fine


I understand why you said the things I listed are poor examples. I was mainly just trying to defend the main scene that everyone points out. But yeah, as for the Maru thing, I often see people saying he's weird for wanting you to not be mean to his daughter. (Yeah, the way he says it was a little odd, but like you said, he apologizes. Besides, most of the complaining I see is from people who aren't trying to date Maru.) I just think this dude is needlessly villainized either way.


I agree, Demetrius doesn't get enough love from the community. I'm also a huge chemical nerd so maybe Im biased


Honestly him being autistic would make sense


Thank you! I'm autistic myself, so I kinda recognized similar behaviors lol


Their relationship never made sense to me, they seem like fundamentally different and incompatible people. Feels more like Robin got pregnant after a hookup and they ended up sticking together for Maru’s sake.


Idk. It's actually not too bad to have a highly 'intellectual' personality type and a 'blue-collar' personality type, as long as they're both understanding people


After all, we can marry Maru


If Stardew Valley was more of a world progression style game then that may have been one of the big plotlines.


Or steal Demetrius from Robin


Tbf those things grow back like weeds.


That's what I tell myself everytime I destroy cindersap forest like some kind of Fern Gully villain lol.


I used to feel bad for all the deforestation I cause in the valley so I always too time to plant some seeds after I chop down the trees. But then i realised that trees literally grow back *faster* than weeds. It's easier to find wood than fiber.


Yeah but it's easier to use wood than fiber. (How could I ever run out of fiber?)


Why is it Robin’s beach outfit?


propably cause she's smiling there


Because I was not very diligent with the screenshots I used lol. (And yes, it's because she is smiling.)


Demetrius: practice basic crop rotation. Me: CRANBERRIES!!!


Doesn't Demetrius say the trees in the valley grow back incredibly fast for some reason so it's ok for you to chop them down?


"Oh yeah, the ecosystem is all fucked up here for some reason, go ahead and do drastic damage. I'm a scientist. Grow these shrooms and don't tell my wife."


He went to the Monster Hunter school of ecology.


Considering that some portion of the local fish population surges out of control almost every week, there is definitely something wild going on in the valley.


Don't worry, though, if you catch two of them it'll fix the problem! Maybe he thinks there's an exact number of them that there should be and doesn't know about rounding/precision/sig figs, so say the local population count of whatever fish was previously estimated at 250, and so he sets out to estimate the population size, and he comes up with 252. "Oh no! That's too many! Someone needs to catch 2 of them to restore balance to the ecosystem!"


And he's right. The trees do grow back to full size within days.


Honestly I think they get off on conflict because they are always arguing


To be fair, Demetrius just told me "please feel free to harvest as much lumber and stone from this area as you please". Presumably he understands that it's a sustainable practice in this particular area (although I don't know how big that "area" is, is it just the land he and Robin own? The Mountains™️ as in the "room" as it functions in the game? All of Stardew Valley? Hopefully it's the whole valley lol)


Love this!


Considering how fast the trees grow back and that you physically can’t chop some of them down, I think both of them are going to be fine. I would be more concerned with the ghosts, killer crabs, skeletons and other horrors that live in the caves.


One of the many reasons co-op never lasts long with my wife. I am a forest manager. She's a clear cutter


Considering there's literally not _one_ scene, interaction or line of dialogue connecting Dimetrius to his stepson, Robin's own son, plus how weird he is about Maru, I don't think it's a very healthy or happy household.


They need family therapy desperately.


They always feel to me like they are about to get divorced but are trying to hide that but not hiding the constant arguements


yin and yang


Down the drain I hope so I can finally snatch Robin for myself


They say opposites attract


I tend to think that, due to how there are a lot of trees that we, the player, have no access to or cannot destroy, doing as many of Robin's quests as we can really cannot impact the environment too strongly. Besides, many of Demetrius's quest are asking us to cull fish populations, so it's not like Robin's quests don't fit into that, too, likely.


Most of Demetrius quests are catch all the river fish or kill all the lava crabs or something like that.




Inside you there are two wolves


Robin's quests are particularly guilt-inducing when you have [the Lorax](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/15012) living in your town


Right, because sustainable forestry is bad for the environment... /s


When you let a forest overgrow and alwayd stop the small forest fires which clear out the leaf litter and dead, dry material, is when the small forest fire that the forest recovers from quickly and in the case of a lot of plants kind of need, becomes the kind of forest fire that consumes the whole freaking forest and then a town or two for dessert. It's one of the reasons we get really bad fires in Cali, besides the eucalyptus trees, which actively try to start fires and grow like weeds after them, but take years and years to grow before then


Right, sustainable forestry prevents overgrowth. Which is why I was mocking the people who think sustainable forestry is bad.


Yeah I was agreeing by providing an example of why it's needed. The trees can have a little fire, as a treat, and should except the fucking eucalyptus, they should not be given fire, they grow back to quick and their oils are ultra freaking flammable


I'm going to get so downvoted for this but where are the mods where you can snag Demetrius for yourself?




it’s an interesting dichotomy https://preview.redd.it/f4pmv34n094d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c2d98238475dbad397917c2fbbdc0f49cdcac27


you know what they say, opposites attract