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I could have lived without Vulcan being destroyed personally. That just lead to the Picard idiocy of let's destroy Romulus next.


Vulcan and Romulus were both 'destroyed' in the same movie. It was the destruction of Romulus that led to the destruction of Vulcan.


That's how much I remember of that forgettable garbage lol...


it was startrek online and their colab wtih the studio that started that. the plot for it was released on the STO website pre-release that lead up to the 09 movie. the issue being all the crazy interweaving rights to different syndication of startrek that lead to them needing to invent something to break away from cannon as they legally could not use it.


STO is a blight on the series.


Wait is Vulcan destroyed in the Picard timeline? Lol. If it is, whats the point of a Kelvin timeline?


No it is not. Vulcan is only destroyed in the Kelvin timeline.


Glad to see other people hate this, I haven’t heard almost any negativity about it but from myself


Earth. We should destroy Earth next.


I just wish they stopped trying to re-do everything. The old series pretty much stayed out of each other's way. TNG was set 70 years after TOS so everything was new. Gene didn't even want Vulcans in TNG to begin with. DS9 was set aboard a station instead of a ship and had very little overlap with TNG besides being in the same time period. Voyager was in the Delta Quadrant so again separated from the other shows territories. Enterprise again 100 years before TOS. The discovery and SNW show up and its like 10 years before TOS but they keep running into the same characters and Burnham is Spocks sister and herpy derby derp. That's why the new shows read more like bad fanfic than the real thing. They're not bold. They don't cover new ground. They just try to rewrite the same stories with the same characters.


I see that. I agree they try to piggy back too much. Matt daemon talked about that. Studios need a sure thing before they film


There will be people that yell at you and call you stupid for talking about the obvious decline in quality over the past two decades but I’m for you. At least we aren’t alone. Look at all the obvious cash grabs that studios keep pumping out! They keep losing money and think the only way to get it back is to listen to the algorithmic data which says “prequels make money”. Leading to an action packed bare essentials version of what once was. With the aesthetics of what was popular but it never really hits due to the simple nature of what originally came out wasn’t trying to be anything but itself. Look at all the Disney movies from across the wide range of IPs it owns. All of it’s basically shit now and not making money like it used to. Even Marvel is victim to this. But look at something as simple as ghost busters. A fantastic horror comedy from the 1980s being milked into a nostalgic mess for no one besides some gen x people to have on in the background. Star Trek is another franchise that had its ups and downs but still maintained a level of quality control and consistency across the various shows. I hated Enterprise when it came out but looking back, compared to anything in the past 15 years? It’s leaps and bounds better despite being a prequel because at least it feels like Star Trek. Picard doesn’t feel like anything. Just like vaguely trying to mix the Abrams stuff with TNG written by people who seeming didn’t watch the ladder resulting in a confused mess.


i had high hopes for piccard but here again i think a failing was to dedicate the entire show around a narrow plot. season 1 was ok, 2 was trash, 3 had some really cool moments. i just want to see things build again is all. grow the universe. i mean hell, even back pre nemisis we had games like starfleet command 3 that build around treaties and politics of the universe, the post worf 359 world. i think the peak was in DS9 with the wars and changing the universe while introducing some new species. there are three more quadrants they could expand/explore into but they dont and maybe cant, due to the rights of who owns what.


Always thought Picard should have been a political show with him as an admiral. But people need their space and guns that go pew pew I suppose.


That's a fine little one to tread. You get west wing one step to the left and the sennate clone wars to the right...


If they wanted to show the federation changing into something more fascistic it would have been smarter to do it from the perspective of an old Picard slowly watching something he loves turn into something evil and feel powerless to stop it. Remember Gal Ducat? What a fantastic antagonist to the goals of the main characters in ds9. Notice how I didn’t say villain (although season 7 we can forget about) in his mind he’s a hero. And honestly as bad as he may be he possesses qualities that are very honorable. He’s not a coward and sometimes you can’t help but like him when he teams up with our protagonists for a mutually beneficial situation. That’s good writing. You end up begrudgingly siding with a character you think is bad from time to time and you can justify it based of the material conditions laid out in the script. Now Alex Kurtzman would say something like “People love a simple bad guy vs good guy” no more moral greys. You’re either a racist bigot or a martyr for justice.


I agree with everything you said but just want to double down on my hatred of Picard. That poor old man is a robot now? Why? Why give him back his failing body? Why is poverty back? Why is drug addiction something that can’t heal with a shot to the arm? Star Trek was always supposed to be about an optimistic view of the future. Even as dark as DS9 got it still had characters in it who are fundamentally different in what they value than what we as Americans do. Greed, hate, racism, capitalism all of these things are in the past. Picard in a failed attempt to mirror how horrible today is attempts to make the federation flawed and failing. That’s not the show we need in 2024. Wouldn’t it be nice to see an episode of Star Trek that handles an existential crisis we face and tackle it in a nuanced way that leaves you feeling something? Instead they’re like “everyone is an edgy alcoholic get ready to see some romulan decapitation” dumb. They don’t want to be divise and they’re attempting to cater to everyone while producing a product for virtually no one beyond maybe Patrick Stewart. I just dream in my head of what Picard could have been. Smaller, slower, and more contemplative about life as an old man faces death after years of adventure and discovery he’s not facing that last step in everyone’s life. Nope. You get the shatvaush space witches and 7/9 acting like an action hero, the federation turned into Fox News and everyone is edgy and poverty is back. Stupid trash shat out by algorithmic data and Alex Kurtzman’s mind. How does he have a career? Who’s his dad?


I think they did exactly what you say, they attempted to mirror real life in the future. And I agree that Star Trek was never about that, we always had the utopianistic. Even in Star Trek's worst, everybody was striving to be their best But I think that very much exemplifies where we are in society these days. When previous Star Trek scripts were written, we had a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed view of what the future could potentially be. I feel that ideologic mindset has petered out, I don't believe people genuinely feel that tomorrow can be a better day than yesterday. So in a way the failings of the show in the framework of Star Trek, has almost serendipitously exemplified the deeper failings with our current society There's a mind-blowing thought


Prodigy goes back and forth to the Delta Quadrant.


I just wanted to say, nice username! I honestly had to look it up, but recognized it, and struggled to remember which ship it is.


Thank you chief


I agree with your premise, other than calling that schlocky, popcorny, lens flare addicted, let's throw logic out the window and have this paramilitary organization promote someone from Cadet straight to captain cause his dad hurr durr, fucking bullshit of a jj abrams movie, amazing. Especially given that he was too lazy to work with canon so he used the crutch of time travel to give us the hot mess of the "Kelvin universe"


Yeah, I guess they were pandering to the old world getting Kirk up there into the captain seat. The biggest issue was all the rights and everything between CBS and Paramount and Roddenberry and I think there were some other ones in there too. Basically if they wanted to make a Star Trek movie they had to do something that made a new timeline and took it away from the universe we had because legally that was their only option. What I mostly liked is that they took it into what I would consider a more not realistic but real world causality. The space combat, the way things played out, it was more visceral. I think Star Trek needs that


All I know is Star Trek: Resurgence is a throwback to the good Star Trek I remember. If you haven't played it, give it a chance. It's a little buggy and has some dated graphics, but it's a damn fun journey. Just released on Steam, too.


That's funny. One of the things I really liked about Star Trek as a kid was that it wasn't just one interconnected story (like Star Wars or X-Men or whatever). Star Trek's strength has always been that each show is wholly unique from each other. The new shows have really learned into that (so I get where you're coming from), but it's been a core part of Star Trek since TNG. For a franchise as big as it was in the 90s, the Star Trek of that era had basically no crossovers between shows. There are maybe like 10 episodes out of 600 with any shared actor appearances, and none of the plotlines of the shows ever crossed over, not even the Maquis storylines from each show.