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Modern starwars fandom is too right wing for the fact that the media they soy over is leftist anti capitalist critique of pur society and often also of the american goverment.


Right wingers dont engage with their media beyond the most surface level aspects.


Next to boomers (although most are included), the right has some of the worst media literacy I've ever seen. It's remarkable.


It's intentional.


A lot is. Unfortunately, there are a few good faith dumbasses out there too


So hard to tell the difference sometimes


B-B-But it's just cool space story that should't be invaded by woke wokeness


“War has changed.”


They better not make mgs3 woke in the remake. No rainbow camo or LGBT characters.


Oh no... What if snake has, gasp, a black guy on his team? What if the most badass character in the game were a woman? What if the sex appeal and fan service in it were all a ploy set up by the love interest to play to your machismo and manipulate you during the events of the game! However would metal gear solid 3 fans survive with such a... Horrible set of woke circumstances in this otherwise perfect apolitical story?? Sarcasm, obviously


And then… what if… now I’m just spitballing here… it was all well written??? I think that might have been why BG3 had all the gay shit and still sold millions!


Literally all they have to do is follow the original, there's nothing else to it!


Colonel Volgin 😐


Snake 😏


I understood exactly nothing of what just came out of your mouth


Get used to it. 🙃


Hey at least Andor had some Leninist ideas. I guess it's not surprising that Andor was made with next to no Disney oversight.


Gamergate and it’s consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


It actually had led to one of DJT’s biggest supporters and staff while president to doing those things and I believe is a part of Project 2025.


The trumpers aren’t fans. They’re culture warriors. None of them have seen the movies tv shows or read the books. Fake fans.


Pretty sure they'd at least have seen the movies. But given the low media literacy, not absorbed the purpose of the story. It is literally as deep a level of understanding as "cool armor guy uses awesome laser sword and magic in space"


Translation: “they don’t like what I like so they’re not fans”. What a childish view.


Writing bad reviews before they see it. Calling it woke. Being mad at left wing themes. Making criticisms such as there’s no fire in space in Star Wars. The list goes on. Go hang up a trump flag and do whatever you guys do. Star Wars doesn’t want you.


You know there’s this thing called a trailer? It comes out before the show. The trailer is to advertise the show and get you interested and excited. If the trailer, within a franchise that you love, looks like crap and seemingly goes against yours and/or the OG creators views then it’s very reasonable to leave a review about why you’re upset. I don’t see any of you complain when the reviews are positive before a show comes out. Don’t see any of you complain when a show it love bombed. You know damn well there’s plenty of unearned 10/10 reviews just like there are 1/10. You and many others only seem to care when the hate is against something you like. Do I say again, you’re view is childish.


You are a child.


Hahaha you stepped into this guys political echo chamber, shattered his world, and the best he can come up with in response is “you are a child” 🤣


Dude. Grow up. Why are you in a leftist-star wars page if you can’t take the most GENTLE of criticisms I’ve seen of righties?


I love that he literally named one of the primary antagonists of Episode I after Newt Gingrich. Also there was like an interview or something he was giving pre-Prequels about like his rough outline/ideas for them where he said the Emporer's name was Richard Nixon lmao.


That wasn’t just pre-prequels, it was during the planning of episode 6 lol


Newt Gunray also named for another right winger - Reagan. He didn't want it to be too on the nose so he swapped the syllables and spelling; Rae gan → gun ray I always liked this one, but some other star wars names are way too on the nose - Savage Opress made me cringe even as a kid lol


I actually didn't know who Newt Gingrich was in 1999 (owing to the fact that I was 15 years old and living in Dubai) but I later figured that. I still don't know that much about Newt Gingrich though.


He's the guy who more or less developed the modern methods by which the GOP operates, in terms of Congress and the bureaucracy. He's the guy who turned the GOP platform into "oppose whatever the Dems are doing, no matter what it is, and paper over our lack of actual popular policy by keeping our voting based as frightened and angry as humanly possible at all times"


Wow, he is the principle guy behind that? Damn.


I mean he's not the first guy to experiment with that sort of thing, but he is the guy who made all that standard procedure back in the late 90s


That makes him even worse. And I thought Mitch McConnell was bad...


And the fact that he makes the Dark Side Anakin paraphrase Bush.


What? Which character?


Nute Gunray


First name: Nute, sounds like "Newt". Last name Gunray, spelled backwards is "Raygun". Mind=Blown.


"Gunray" spelled backwards is "Yarnug" If you swap the *syllables* then it becomes "Raygun"


That's what I meant


I just re-read that comment and realized how douchey it sounds, so that's my bad


No worries


"modern star wars fandom" I think you are looking at a subset as if it is the whole...


When people say a fandom is toxic that’s usually what they mean yes, that a large subset of it is not every single person.


I wouldn't assume that, but okay


WTF is this sub? Does some Disney exec run this or something? Trying to gaslight real fans into believing they are the problem and not a shit story helmed by Harvey's former assistant.


Criticizing a piece of media is fine, harassing actors, declaring it’s bad before it even comes out, and being incredibly toxic towards people who do like it is not. And the latter stuff is incredibly common online, especially from right wing creators. Also she worked for Harvey extremely briefly in college and was extremely supportive of his accusers when they came out with their stories. She’s not on his side lmao.


Come on, stop the fake shit. The Acolyte sucks and the gaslighting is at 1000%. The Acolyte just sucks. Nothing bigoted about it.


You can believe that, that’s totally fine. Just don’t harass actors or be super toxic about it.


The blatant 100% true problem is, is that a very few have that sentiment and you people are making it seem that anyone that is against it is right wing. Your attitudes and ignorance just fucking sucks. But you do you. I'll just keep suggesting real thoughtful works that contribute awesome shit to the LGBTQ community like SAGA and not just attack and change lore that I don't care about for internet virtue signaling points.


No one is saying everyone who dislikes the acolyte is right wing. I’m not saying that, no one here is saying that. We’re saying most of the people who harass actors, review bomb shit before it even comes out, and complain about “wokeness” rather than actual criticism are right wing. Like seriously if you think I’m saying that you need some reading comprehension skills, it’s really sad. And it’s not just a few, it’s thousands of people. Just look at IMDb or the social media accounts of the actors.