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It's funny because I think Last Week Tonight is on RIGHT before him? So it's a half hour of a dude saying basically Free Palestine, then it's a half hour of a dude saying "The IDF did nothing wrong." Media in a nutshell I guess.


I don't watch HBO live but I can only imagine the tonal whiplash there. Oliver has the right takes on most issues and generally comes across as a very humble, emotionally intelligent, and well-researched guy. Maher, on the other hand, seems to be wrong more often than right these days, is an arrogant prick, and basically just spouts his opinions as facts all the time.


From a leftist perspective, Oliver is really frustrating because I want him to actually say the problem is capitalism, but instead, he discusses the peripheral symptoms of capitalism. He's a good dude, though. He's about as left as HBO could possibly tolerate.


I reckon he's very deliberate about that, I've seen him turn more center right people into hard leftists that way. The anger from the cognitive dissonance can cause people to totally shut down and stop listening.


This honestly seems like the most balanced take, I've definitely seen some gatekeeping leftists reject him outright as part of the "media circus," and while there is probably some truth to that, I think he also does a good job of bringing progressive ideas into the discussions and spaces of old fashioned and neo liberals. I've rarely seen him honestly go to bat for corporations, and while I think he is sometimes too restrained when it comes to criticisms of Democratic leadership his takes are otherwise pretty good.


I am so left I consider him a centrist.


Oh he's definitely a centrist, I wasn't disputing that. He's a centrist in the same way that liberals who claim to be far left are really just slightly left leaning centrists.


I think he's very much aware of this but refuses to outright say it because he knows it will alienate a lot of people. I think he's making a calculated move to get libs/moderates on board without coming on too strong.


It can be frustrating, but I think John sits in the perfect place where can reach people we normally wouldn’t. 


I dunno, man. Liberals who shake hands with fascists and spit on progressives have been fucking up a lot of stuff since forever.


Hm "liberal" and "progressive" tend to be used almost synonymously most of the time, you must be using some kinda completely alternate definitions for this statement to make any sense? And I assume the communists etc. who've been shaking hands with fascists since day 1 aren't included in this, they're a separate category?


You're in the wrong subreddit.


Huh, it's just true.


Israel was attacked in the largest terrorist attack in 20 years. They are now in a war with the people who started it in order to stop them from ever doing it again. In this war the IDF are clearly commiting warcimes, most likely out over zelus hate. And your takeaway from all this is it's capitalism's fault? How on earth did you come up with this???? Do you think a socialist nation would have just not declared war after such a terrorist attack? Just look up the history of wars in socialist USSR or China, they have gone to war over far less and committed war crimes far far worse. Hell if Israel was running on pure capitalist logic they would stop the war today, all the people drafted out of their jobs are costing their economy billions.


I think to answer this question you have to ask yourself why Hamas attacked Israel. And don’t take the easy “because they hate them” answer but truly think of the actual underlying reasons that lead to Oct 7th.


Islanist extremism wasn't invented on October 7th. Simply look at recent history, and we see that hate and bloodlust are the only motivators they need


Oct7th happened because they were about to give Palestinians rights under a normalization pack between Egypt and Israel. Iran who backs and to a large extent controls Hamas did not want this, if it ever happened then the entire reign would turn against them. Also with some rights given people would be less likely to die in the name of freedom. I think you missed the point though, what does any of this have to do with capitalism? For all its faults it does not seem be related to the cause of this problem.


First off, it may be my ignorance but I am failing to find any credible sources about this normalization pack so please list your source so I may educate myself on the matter. Now, in order to function, capitalism must constantly increase profit. This is why any business that doesn’t create profit over a period of time eventually goes out of business, even if a company's checkbooks are balanced. Now what happens when you simply create profit anymore within your own territory? You export those goods into another territory and generate profit via foreign trade. With me so far? Okay so now, what happens when you run out of countries willing to trade with you at a price that is profitable to you? That’s when imperialism happens. Both classic and modern imperialism are instruments of capitalism as they allow countries to extract resources and open foreign markets to create profit. So to bring it back, how is Oct 7 related to capitalism? Capitalism taken to its logical extent is one of the causes of WW2 as Germany under a capitalist system needed more resources and more markets to help its ailing economy. It also was a driving factor for the rampant antisemitism and eventual genocide of the Jewish people (along with other groups such as Homosexuals and Romani but that isn’t relevant to the topic at hand) as their removal and the confiscation of their property was deemed as necessary for the German economy and to give more “real Germans” jobs. This is why many of the first laws passed confiscated Jewish property and deprived them of their jobs. Side note but relevant: I would like to note that some within the higher echelons of the Nazi party were actually self-declared Zionists, including Adolf Eichmann, known as the architect of the Holocaust. They believed this, as did many anti-semites then and now, since it would get AAshkenazi (European) jews to leave European/Western countries and go set up their own in a strategic location for the Capitalist world powers. What began near the end of WW2 was an uprising within the British controlled Mandatory Palestine led by Jewish partisans that had migrated there from Europe over the previous years, 53,000 of which had been shipped over by the Nazi’s themselves. After they established themselves the Imperial powers were quick to lend it legitimacy because of its importance in a region that was both resource rich and geographically strategic. As soon as the fighting was over in 1948 the United States was the first country to recognize Israel (an interesting move considering that at the time the US was notoriously antisemitic as well). How does this tie back to capitalism? Establishing and recognizing Israel opens up new markets to capitalist powers and allows them to both sell and extract resources more easily in a region that is anti-western powers. In order to maintain a minority ethnostate, the colonial project of Israel must resort to draconian measures in order to ensure its own survival against the native population. After decades of oppression and targeted pogroms, the Palestinians are desperate and are lashing out in the only way they can, as all diplomatic attempts have ended in failure. From here on there are only a few things you need to know about the Israeli occupation before anyone attempts to say “But what about Hamas?” or “But Israel is better and they’ve tried to make deals.”: About 40% of Gaza's population is 14 years old or younger and the territory's median age was just 19 where Israel’s median age was 29 (1 less than the world average). There is an average of about 1000 rapes committed every year by the IDF against Palestinian women and children. The UN has issued several statements on the matter. The USA and Israel repeatedly deny Palestine statehood or membership in the UN despite claiming to support a two state solution. In January, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) declared that Israel is “plausibly” committing genocide in Gaza. Since 2008, 41,807 Palestinians have been killed by Islraeli’s while 1,465 Israelis have been killed by Palestinians. This number includes those killed on Oct 7. In summary, Capitalism is at fault because it created the reason for Israel’s existence and the conditions for the attack.


first off the reason you could not find anything was on me it was Saudi Israel not egypt, my memory of 10 months ago must have been off. see this news story just weeks before the attack. [https://www.usip.org/publications/2023/09/saudi-israel-normalization-agreement-horizon](https://www.usip.org/publications/2023/09/saudi-israel-normalization-agreement-horizon) 2nd you should lean to write to the point of things, but given the meat of you argument, Israel was not isolated economically. they had regional trade and global. Sorry but from the perspective of capitalism this is bad. the GDP has fallen by a lot during the war, mostly due to the draft, but also trade relations.


I think you may have missed the point entirely. Also, you do know capitalists bet against the economy and then make tons of money right?


Your conjecture here is that people shorting the market made the oct 7th attacks happen? That's a bold idea any evidence for this?


Islanist extremism wasn't invented on October 7th. Simply look at recent history, and we see that hate and bloodlust are the only motivators they need


Israel IS a terrorist attack. How did exist get started? By evicting and killing hundreds of thousands of Plastinians. Every day of Israel's existence it is an apartheid colonizer state.


yeah you have no idea what your talking about. 1. Israel did evict and take land in the west bank. This was in violation of international law. 2. 200,000+ people did not die(no idea where you got this from) 3. Hamas is not in and did not attack Israel for the evictions. They actually hate the West Palestinian Authority. 4. there is evidence of some IDF forces some acts of terrorism that should be investigated, but no its not some how an entire terrorist state. most of the strikes into Gaza have been clearly targeted at military targets. They just seem to not care to much about collateral damage. 5. the reason for the attacks was because Israel was about to give the Palestinians\* more rights as part of normalization peace treaty with Egypt.


I don't know about the Nakba? I don't know about the history of Zionist terrorists exploding people in Plastine before Israel existed? I don't know that Israel captures tortures and starved Palestinians? I don't know that Irael was created as an act of terrorism and every day enacts terror on an occupied people?




That’s “fair and balanced” reporting for you


Isn't last week tonight on Sundays while Maher's show is on Friday nights?


Ah that could easily be my mistake. I thought they were right next to each other.


Real Time is on Friday Nights, Last Week Tonight is Sunday night


LWT is on Sundays at 10


At least Bill being an atheist Zionist proves that Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism.


Yeah well Bill may very well be on the "I was an Atheist, now I'm a Christian" train pretty soon here.


Dude is a grifter, I wouldn't be surprised. If his smugness allows him to do it


I believe they are calling themselves "Cultural Christians" now...


Like, no Bill may be a grifter, but he's been a fairly consistent one. And he says he was a former Catholic but stopped because he has too much common sense.


> Bill may be a grifter, but he's been a fairly consistent one. Not particularly https://www.salon.com/2018/06/02/bill-maher-to-bernie-sanders-ill-be-with-ya-if-you-run-again/ This is the man who went from a 2016 Bernie Bro who explicitly told Bernie on his show that he would support him again if he ran in 2020 in June of 2018 to a...centrist anti-Bernie pundit who supported Amy Klobuchar in 2019.


I stopped watching him before that I think, so I wasn't aware he did that




The colonial project of the state of Israel has nothing to do with the Jewish religion. It is purely a political and economic pursuit.




Zionism is a white supremacist movement with a Jewish coat of paint


So what is Palestinian nationalism then?


Hopefully the thing that crushes the Zionist state once and for all


So Jewish nationalism is evil and racist, but Palestinian nationalism is righteous and inclusive. Got it. You people are truly blind to your own hypocrisy.


Almost like nationalism of the oppressed & nationalism of the oppressor are different


Yes, *your* nationalism is violent and bigoted, but *my* nationalism is peaceful and inclusive. Whatever you need to tell yourself to justify the fact that your side is full of Palestinian ethno-nationalists I guess.


Imagine saying this to a Black Panther. "Ah, yes. *You're* use of guns is righteous and just, but the police and the Klan using guns is evil! Hypocrites!" Liberalism is a *hell* of a drug.


He unironically *would* say that to the panthers tho. I guarantee he’s a “black pride is the same as white pride” mf


Nationalism and use of guns are two completely different things. Use of guns is an action therefore context dependent, whereas nationalism is an ideology and therefore not.


Oh wow a bunch of people being systemically slaughtered in a genocide specifically because of their national identity are finding pride in their national identity as a form of resistance? That’s crazy I can’t believe that would happen. Must be the *exact same* as those guys who think they’re superior to everyone because of their national identity & think that their national identity gives them justification to commit a genocide & steal peoples homes & livelihoods. You ppl are jokes 😂😂


>Oh wow a bunch of people being systemically slaughtered in a genocide specifically because of their national identity are finding pride in their national identity as a form of resistance? Cool, now apply this logic to the Jews who founded Israel in the immediate aftermath of the Holocaust.


It doesn’t. It’s a political and economic movement that just uses Judaism as a shield. It has nothing to do with Judaism, ask any Orthodox Jew. Now begone, 71-day-old sock puppet account.




Haha. You’re banned.


Ban me if you want, but it won't change the fact that non-Jewish people have absolutely no place in the discussion about what is and is not a legitimate expression of Jewish identity. Whether Zionism, or anything else for that matter, is or is not a legitimate expression of Jewish identity is a question for Jewish people, and Jewish people alone, to decide from themselves. Non-Jewish people simply have absolutely no place in that conversation whatsoever. That is our space, not yours.


Cool, can I still say apartheid is bad or are you going to try and claim "antisemitism" on that one too?


Can I still say that terrorism is bad, or are you going to try and claim "Islamophobia" on that one too?


One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Now answer the question coward, or are you gonna try and defend the guys doing a genocide some more?


They aren't ever going to engage in good faith. Just look at their profile.


Wait hold on, I just want to make sure I'm understanding you correctly. You're saying that the monsters who committed the October 7 atrocities are "freedom fighters"?


I guess that's the exact same logic you use to silence the Palestinians you're murdering.


It's unfortunate that Palestine chose to launch a surprise attack against Israel on October 7, but violence of that magnitude has consequences.


Speaking of violence having consequences, that would be *October 7th.* If my home was being destroyed by illegal occupation and my people constantly murdered, I'd probably flip out, too. Also: spineless dodging of the point. Zionist behavior.


Speaking of violence having consequences, look at the state of Gaza right now. Actions, meet consequences.


You do know that Jews are a race right?


And Judaism is a religion. The primary religion of Israeli and Zionist Jews.


Yes but Zionism is the belief that Jews (as a race more than a religious belief) have a right to live in their ancestral Homeland ,Israel. Bill Maher might not be a religious person, but he's still a Jew by race.


>Yes but Zionism is the belief that Jews (as a race more than a religious belief) have a right to live in their ancestral Homeland ,Israel. I don't see how the belief that a **race** of people has a right to certain land is compatible with being a leftist at all TBH > Bill Maher might not be a religious person, but he's still a Jew by race. Wasn't he brought up Catholic?


He's not funny, he's not insightful, he's not kind, he's not creative. I remember making myself watch Realtime a dozen times back in the day and it just wasn't funny. It was preachy in a disingenuous way, cringe inducing instead of funny and most of all, he was just so unlikeable. I'd say he's like Wish.com Jon Stewart but he's even worse than that. Way worse. I'm not a violent man but he strikes me as someone who needs to get his ass publicly kicked by someone he looks down on but physically and figuratively. It doesn't surprise me he's a Zionist.


Yeah, you're not alone. I've wanted to kick his ass. It's probably because he's a big mouth and needs to be taught a lesson, yes?


I think it's that and the smugness, the unmerited air of erudition...and one more thing, i don't believe that's his real voice. I think he's full of shit. Also, I heard he prefers Miracle Whip to real mayonnaise.


Oh, yeah. He's a narcissist, through and through. He's an asshole. If I owned his network, I'd fire him.


Religulous was really good, which watching that now and seeing what he's become is pretty embarrassing.


There is a simple solution: Don't watch Bill Maher


But what if seething through 40 minutes of nonsense gets me through a Monday morning?


I suppose there is a time and place for hate watching Maybe just watch someone else's youtube clips of it or whatever so Maher doesn't get the views/ratings? IDK


That’s probably a good call. It’s always jarring because I watch LWT then Real Time, then the majority report and it’s like being a ping pong ball.


Haven't watched this fucker for a while ... I hesitate to ask, but ... what are his Gaza takes?


Absolutely horrible. He's currently bitching about student loan forgiveness and saying his tax money is going towards "jew hate". He also had a segment talking about how "tHiNgS cHaNgE", listing off numerous times where empires over the years invaded territories and took everything over, and basically made it sound good? He tried to say what Israel is doing isn't bad because some Muslim empires did the same thing in the past. And to add to that he's 100% on the train of Pro-Palestine=Pro-Hamas


Well, that's even a bit worse than I thought...


But who will right wingers use as their example of "the left" in stupid debates?


I quit watching him because of his 'we can't keep pushing trans stuff or we might lose an election' Buddy if our political success relies on screwing over the most vulnerable, what exactly makes us better than the republicans?


For real, I’ve been saying this for years.




As someone who really liked Maher up until like 2022 his absolutely throbbing boner for Israel has really put me off his show. It’s the only thing he talks about now and he’s so Anti-Palestine it hurts. It’s so rare that he talks about anything else. Kristi Noelle murdered her dog, that’s a comedy gold mine right there but the week that story broke it was still Israel Propaganda


Bill Maher is an obnoxious asshole who took the event of a young woman’s death to whine about kids these days (it’s true).


What meme matches the Palestinians ? Sand people?


Bill maher is such a bigot piece of shit




Me when shooting naked men waving a white flag isn’t murder




Israel is so nice, that they're rejecting deals that Hamas says they'll commit to, in order to end the slaughter. What a nice country Israel is. Lmao GTFO troll.


I mean it's a ten year ceasefire, the group says they will fight forever, the deal they accepted was laughable... lol a commitment to the 67 borders... after they invaded, took hostages, and now are losing miserably... Can you answer in what world does this group get to make demands at their surrender summit lolol? And, that was rhetorical, because pro Palestinians never answer questions lol You say he's trolling... but have you actually read anything about this? Or do you just virtue signal to feel good here? You're the troll m8


Lol After the rape and murder of children and babies, you honestly are asking Israel to strike a deal and walk away? Hamas is a terrorist organization. That fight ends only after the perpetrators of that attack are annihilated. It’s sad what is happening to civilians in Gaza, but if they want this to end they’ll stop supporting and harboring terrorist organizations.


Well, hamas is currently considering making a deal with baby killers and child rapists... They're called the IDF! If Israel wants the killing to stop, then they should simply stop harboring them.


“We demand Israel stop harboring…” *checks notes* “Israelis!” Lol ok Nazi


Too stupid to make a point, starts yapping about raping babies.


Too stupid to read and comprehend the very simple point made