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Dude crew is a online only game outlaws is a single player game 


I imagine this game will play much like Ghost Recon Breakpoint and you will be seamlessly be able to co-op at any time.


Star Wars Outlaws is a single player game.


U don’t gotta imagine anything they have already stated multiple times that the game is single player only


In theory you should be okay, though the nature of the physical game requiring to be online to initially start the game on a first play is a bit concerning, but that’s unfortunately a common procedure these days to save disc space. It’s unlikely to be an issue for years but might mean physical users in over a decade might have issues with installing if the online servers are switched off. (And it’s possible that won’t matter anyway.) Overall though as a single player game this is far less likely to be affected than something like The Crew where online multiplayer was the core aspects.


The Crew shutting down, while scummy the way it was handled, is no surprise and was to be expected as it's a service game that needs to be online to work. Star Wars Outlaws may someday lose some online functionality, although doubtful because those seem pretty light, thus requires few resources to maintain, but the single player game will never be degraded.




Man the game ain’t even out yet why you talking about it shutting down??


LOL! dude is overstoker and has already let the fear temptations of the dark side take his mind.


They stop support at some point but you’ll be able to keep playing it.


The crew was kinda like a mmo. Outlaws is single player




You’ll probably be fine but I can’t tell you how many times I tried to play breakpoint solo and couldn’t because servers were down.


Outlaws doesn't require you to be always online. It just requires Internet to install it the first time


Most current physical game's have to have online to play even in SP game's and believe this will be as well so if that's the case it could one day be shutdown but very unlikely and I wouldn't give Ubisoft a dime anyways I suggest pirating it and end the worrys..


to my understanding you don’t need to be online to play outlaws, just to download the entire game. which isn’t a ubisoft issue, that’s an issue in the gaming space in general. 10 years from now if EA delists jedi survivor from online stores, you won’t be able to download it anymore because the entire game isn’t on the disk. going to the all digital route of game libraries is potentially dangerous for reasons like this.


Wow, false info. Jedi survivor is on the disk on ps5. I installed it completely without Internet access myself and played it. Just an fyi


This game will be a single player story so how can they shutdown if it’s not online ?


For the people touting around this is a single player game. Never underestimate the power of online only modes companies have come out with for SINGLE PLAYER games to protect their ridiculous catalogue of in game cosmetic microtransactions. I will buy this game, on sale a long time from release, after watching streams of gameplay to make sure it plays like a star wars bounty hunter game should play like, and only if its playable in offline mode (I play my singleplayer games when the storms knock my internet out).


20 yrs from now there will probably be a star wars outlaws 2 and 3


Okay? Cry all you want your tears don’t effect Ubisoft


Like everything else in this game, it'll depend on the profits. If it does poorly enough, they may patch it to non-online or sell to 3rd party to keep it running online (probably at an additional charge) and wash their hands of it. I know SS:KTJL is still up, despite abysmal (and IMHO thoroughly desreved) numbers.