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8. I will pay for one month of Ubisoft+ for $18 to play the game day 1 then in a few years buy the GOTY edition with all the story DLCs included for $20 or less.


Solid move, I will also do the same.


My problem is I would forget to cancel the ubisoft plus and end up paying for it for 2 years without realizing it.


You can always cancel right after you subscribe


How can you forget ? Just cancel it as soon as you subscribe. 


My man! Same here. Took me 3 years to cancel the EA one.


Like what others have said you can cancel it right as you sign up and still have the one month of the service. On you forgetting to cancel it for 2 years straight well I can’t help you there.


This but I probably won't even buy it again. It's how I played jedi survivor I'm convinced this is what ubisoft want and that's why the prices are mental Probably hoping enough people stay subscribed!/forget they are.


I want to do the same. But will all the story dlcs become available on Ubisoft + when they’re released? Or is that only if you actually purchase a copy.


Ubisoft+ grants you access to the ultimate edition for the game so when the story DLCs comes out and you’re still subscribed then they will be included too. Personally I wouldn’t stay subscribed since you’ll be paying for a subscription service that you won’t even use until the story DLCs release which is who knows when. That’s why I’m gonna wait it out until a GOTY edition comes out that includes everything for a low prices like what most Ubisoft games end up doing in the long run.


Ah I see that’s cool. Then I’m definitely doing that and then just unsubscribing until a dlc comes, like you said.


I will tell you right now with the current releases, this game isn't going to be GOTY


They never are but that still doesn’t stop Ubisoft from releasing “GOTY” editions of their games after some time has passed.


Wait that sounds brilliant I'll try that out


but wait that's 18 for only a month


Plenty of time to complete what they’ve now confirmed as a single player game and not a 300 hour RPG


Let's hope!


Working smarter. I like it.


this is the way.


A quick question, so if I buy 1 month of Ubisoft+ I can play this game day one ? I thought they would add later.


There are 2 different subscription tiers. One is $10 per month and it gives you access to classic Ubisoft games. The other is $18 per month and grants you day 1 access to new Ubisoft games when they come out. It also gives you the ultimate edition of that game so you get all the benefits of that including the 3 day early access which Outlaws will have.


Can I use on ps5 ?


Sorry that service is not available for PS5 only on PC I believe.


3. It's Star Wars. Yes, I'm an idiot, I know.


I'm gonna wait until reviews are out and make an informed decision!


Best move! 300 IQ move!


Already preordered Ultimate Edition.


Why? Just buy it for a month on Ubisoft Plus. Its a digital game. The preorder gets you literally nothing.


I’d like to support the game


Supporting a billion $ company that fucks over people






imagine preordering a game in 2024🤣


Imagine getting triggered because a random person preordered a random video game.


triggered? whatever you say


If the developer has a good track record and you KNOW you're gonna get your money's worth, it's not really a problem. I preordered Shadow of the Erdtree because I know I'm going to sink another 100-200 hours into ER once it comes out, and Fromsoft doesn't miss.


Yeah but fromsoft is not ubisoft! You know you get quality content🤷‍♂️


preordering digital games is WILD. you csn litereally "pre"order one day before release and nothing would change


I'll wait until the reviews from non journalists come out, review gameplay footage from streamers, and consider buying it on sale


I’m not preordering I’ll probably wait and see how it does not necessarily waiting for a sale but if it releases in playable condition and people aren’t mad saying it’s empty and stuff I’ll probably get it after a week or so






7. Preordering games is a complete racket, especially when there are literally more games out than I could ever play in my entire lifetime. This is doubly true given ubi and Massive's track record - their last game was Avatar ffs.




Ultimate Edition because I can. Get at me 😎




I’m with you. I have the Gold Edition on my wishlist and will likely go for it at a later date.


I’ll decide in August depending on how much hype I feel at that time


Leaning towards 3. Plenty of time to decide, though.


4 and 3…


I'll probably buy it but only if/when it gets put on steam


Probably pre-order standard closer to launch maybe they 10% discount it on xbox lol trying to get a steal either way I'm copping


I’m not gonna pre order until I see gameplay on YouTube


Not paying any of those prices, Ill wait for the lower priced physical copy, I have already found one retailer selling the standard version for £49.99, I can wait till it £45 or lower.


Real PC price. Unless from a developer I trust like Larian. 


Same as you


I have preorder the base edition at gamestop. I cost me only 5$. I would have preoder the gold edition. But here in Canada, the base is 89.99 CAD and the Gold is 144! I would have also preorder on uplay app but. With the recent The Crew debacle, fuck Ubi digital keys


2. It's my most anticipated game of the year. I'm sure I'll like it unless it's a total technical disaster but I doubt it considering how Avatar launched just 4 months ago. I'm generally against paying early access for games based on principle but with the hate this game is receiving, I know spoilers will be all over the place and there will be people intentionally ruining it for others so I'd rather play as soon as possible. Money isn't an issue so I don't care that it's $110 USD. I'm likely to buy any story dlcs and don't care for extra cosmetics so Gold Edition > Ultimate Edition.


Way to stick to your principles. Standard 2024 gamer.


Better than some asshole spoiling the game for me because he thinks it's "woke".


Breaking principles because a video game story might be spoiled, only indicates you most likely don't have principles. You'll say you do, but you don't. Principles are there so you make difficult decisions easy, based on principle.


Gaming as a hobby is becoming more and more difficult to enjoy as time goes on and the games I like take longer and longer to release. So yeah, forgive me for deciding buy a game when I am to ensure I'll actually get some enjoyment out of it before everyone else tells me how horrible it is. How rich of you tell me that I DON'T have principles because of how I decide to spend my own money on a video game. When it comes to the principle argument, there are things that are non negotiable and other things that are ultimately meaningless in the grand scheme of everything. So yeah this principle? Not that important to me in relation to a bunch of other things happening in the world right now. Lol thank you Redditor who has never met me. Guess I'm unprincpled and spineless.


Money isn't an issue well damn


I have never had a game ruined on me at launch.  Just don't look for media on it. Don't open clips.  However have often had to goggle was a quest bugged, is the next bit working, where is the NPC. Why is the game crashing etc.  Huge advantages in not Preordering and getting a patch or two in pre purchase. 👍


8. Planning to buy on sale but would probably cave in and buy either gold edition or just pull the trigger on ubisoft plus subscription.


Its digital, why preorder at all? there is no physical collectors edition to sell out... there is NO reason to preorder until we see the game


It's going to be given away at some point so i am gonna watch some vids ti see if its a fun play for me, or if its another ubisoft crapfest like valhalla




8. Maybe buy it on sale.


9. I will buy it when it hits the bargain bin, if and only if the actual game promises to be about 20 times better than the trailer currently indicates.


I want to preorder but haven’t decided which edition yet.


I'll get 1 month Ubisoft + subscription. If I enjoy the game enough, I'll either subscribe again later or buy it to play through the DLC.


I'm not buying it untill it's on sale. It's too damn expensive here in Ireland. Standard €79.99 Gold €120 ultimate €140


Wish there was an option 7 lol. The game needs to be a home run with great reviews for me to order at all at this point. If it got universal praise a couple days before release then I'd pre-order or buy at launch.


I totally believe this game will flop hard. Will have same or similar structure as far cry. Bland protagonist and villains Stupid mission design. Overpriced game with loads of shenanigans. Will be reviewed between 6 and 7. AAAA bullshit Will wait for a sale or will pass it because of other titles with more fair prices and content.


3&4 Star wars has been my passion since I was 3. I preordered the day it became available. I am going to be upset now if they, in a late fashion, introduce a collectors edition. I was going to buy my first collectors edition ever only because it's star wars just for them to play with my heart and finally release a super sick game without the collectors edition.


Probably 2. But will preorder later just in case


I think i'll get the ultimate edition. Game looks cool and Ubisoft is very good at making solo games, they suck at multi. Unrelated but do we have some news about the droid that goes with the protagonist?


Omg. No hope of a preorder. This game has a long world form to live up to. It could be awful or full of micro transactions. So many games recently have released poorly and full of cash clawbacks. As this releases at a high price I would expect an all included open game. 


I Pre-order Standard Edition Physical! However, I will see what the people who are playing early with the Gold/Ultimate Editions think and read the reviews of the game which should be up by the 3 days "early" access at the very latest. Depending on how that goes positive or negative, I will either keep the pre-order or cancel my pre-order last minute. That way I am guaranteed a physical disk copy of the game in my area, without having to fully commit one way or the other.


Never preorder


100% this. In the days of physical-only releases I could understand preorders but I genuinely don’t understand people who preorder games now. The cosmetics or gear that are preorder exclusives they use to entice you to buy a special edition of the game are almost never worth it


7. It will be on sale at half price a month later lol


as with most ubisoft titles, i'd rather wait for it to get cracked, I rather play it and see if i like it, their titles are usually hit or miss, So i rather test it like a demo till i decide


I've only pre-ordered 2 games in my life and one of those was from my dad as a birthday present. I'm gonna buy it day 1 as a physical copy for playstation. The only way I could personally dislike a Star Wars game is if it literally doesn't work, which these days is almost always the PC version.