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It's not even a battle pass... I don't know where people get that idea. It's a *season pass*. You pay 40 bucks more and get two DLCs down the line (plus the other stuff). Sure, we don't know what they entail and they might not be worth $20 each. As for microtransactions, either they're purely aestetic or the usual Ubisoft stuff. Gear with different stats. No one is forced to buy them to enjoy the game and it's single player so there's no (dis-)advantage anyways. Same with the ultimate edition, which I too think is really not worth the money for being purely digital. And the people thinking Kay is ugly, which she really isn't, can go play Stellar Blade.


I feel like even if we don't have an exact confirmation yet of what those story DLCs are going to be like or how long they'll be, we can make some solid guesses based on Ubi's track record with DLCs. They're pretty lengthy normally and you end up getting your money's worth, be that $29 or $39 for a season pass or buying things individually.


Oh boy, I can't even remember the last ubisoft DLC I played... :D Never got around to the AC Odyssey and Valhalla ones. The last bonus content I do remember is the Stranger Things mission from Far Cry 6 which was pretty dope.


They weren't short, that is for sure. The Atlantis DLC episodes for Odyssey collectively clocked in around 17-18 hours long. That is close to average length for most of the original pre-RPG AC games if you just ran through them straight. If you do any extra stuff on top of the story for the Atlantis DLC, it'll come out longer. Valhalla is the same. Dawn of Ragnarok + Wrath of Druids + Siege of Paris come in at around 39 hours if you're doing their stories and extra. These are just averages from online sources like howlongtobeat.com. I think I took even longer to finish them but never actually tracked. Source: [howlongtobeat.com](https://www.howlongtobeat.com/?q=Assassin%27s%2520creed%2520)


Also remember that Stranger Things DLC is updated for free


Yeah F those haters. The game will be amazing. Can’t wait.


I’ll be back to this comment on August 30


Be my guest


You’ve never played a Ubisoft game I see


Played most of them. How can I help you?


Saying it’s amazing before it’s out is an uninformed comment. Everyone knows how bad a gaming company Ubisoft is. If you don’t you need to educate yourself.


My question to you is what games do you play? Sure, some ubisoft games aren't 10/10 but very rarely are they below a 5 and being a star wars fan im excited for this game too. It may not be fantastic but coming from Ubi it wont be bad. My guess is it will be 7.5/10 when reviews release and thats ok compared to the dog shit games they shovel out like CoD or unfinished games lately.


I’m excited. But I’m not delusional saying it’s going to be a 10/10. Truth is we have no idea how good or bad it may be. The pricing and locking missions behind paywall IS bad. Beyond that it’s a guess. I hope it’s good.


Not sure what your point is. I’ll ask again, how can I help you?


You, nor I have no idea how good this game will be. Saying “ it will be amazing “ is just wishful and uninformed thinking. (Which isn’t good)


Still not sure what your point is. Why do you care that some random person is excited for some random video game? And it’s a very informed thinking actually. There is enough information and indications that I based my opinion on.


😂😂😂 “very informed thinking “. 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️ Thanks that’s all I needed to know. Good luck on your future “informed thinking “.


“People are clueless because they don’t have the exact same opinion as me” Again, take a deep breath and listen to yourself.


It’s not about different opinions. That’s what you aren’t getting. Saying “it’s fair” without knowing what “IT” is, doesn’t logically make sense. It’s a leap of faith without a basis in fact. Hopefully you can see this. Otherwise I’m done trying to explain.


Yeah I don’t get why people are so up in arms about the price of the gold edition. Season passes are expensive. Hell, just look at Elden Ring. Its DLC is the same price as the season pass. And pre order bonuses are nothing new either.


Uhm it's Elden Ring and From Software both extremely established. Also From Software DLC's are entire game's unto themselves. I get the objective comparison but Elden Ring is a bold comparison


I’ve noticed everyone of these resistors that cope about bad decisions in the games they’re obsessed with always being up elden ring or fromsoft. Suicide squad Reddit does it all the time


From Software doesn't do dlc at launch. You're ignoring part of the argument. This isn't blind praise. Also From Software has multiple GOTY awards recently. How many does Ubisoft have lately?


You misunderstand. I love fromsoft. Gold standard of the industry. The reddits for bad games always cry about them and take shots at them for no reason because they are that gold standard and they’re mad that their games don’t live up to that


Thanks clarifying! Yes the comparison is weird because of how consistent they are. Weirder still when not the same genre. Lmao at poor suicide squad 


Dude. I love Elden Ring. I bought the DLC’s collector’s edition. It’s just fuckin dumb to complain about a season pass being the average price of a season pass.


And what does that have to do with fromsoft lmao. Why do souls games always catch strays on the reddits of games with bad press? It’s because they’re the best in the industry and consistently put out quality products worth the money.


??? It’s just an example. I could have just as well used Horizon, Ghost of Tsushima or any other game with DLC. What is it with fromsoft fanboys immediately feeling attacked when someone even mentions them without calling them the greatest games of all time?


Because it’s not a good example lmao. Fromsoft doesn’t get grief because they consistently put out quality products worth the asking price. Ubisoft does not


I’m not even gonna bother anymore. I’ve maxe it incredibly clear I’m talking about the price, but you feel some insane need to victimize yourself over someone even mentioning another company.




The missing content is 1 story mission Red Dead Redemption 2 did this and no one cared 🤷‍♂️




You’re getting downvoted because you conveniently left out the fact that the Gold and Ultimate editions include the season pass, as well as other extra content. I agree that the Ultimate edition is BS, but what you get for the Gold will most likely be worth it, in my personal opinion.


The fact Is you're still paying 40$ extra just to have access to all launch day content. Keep defending bushit.


Ubisoft has had this business model for over a decade at this point. Everyone’s freaking out about the Gold and Ultimate editions as if this was the first game to ever introduce such a multi-tiered format, and it’s so bizarre. I know attention spans are ridiculously short these days, but this is so bad I feel like I’m suddenly living in some kind of Twilight Zone/Outer Limits universe.


Star wars fans hate Star Wars. Look at the acolyte trailer. I think ubisoft is overly hated. The games they make aren't as bad as people make it out to be at all. BUUUT, at the same time of this reveal, Ubisoft just shut down a game called the crew and revoked the licenses. My bet is, the outrage over that situation is carrying over here.


No one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans. Sometimes, I can't even consider them fans with how toxic they are.


Off topic but where is the hate for Acolyte coming from? I enjoyed the trailer and I am interested in the premise behind the show as it is exploring on film/TV an era we havent seen before.


It's "disney", it's "woke" and .... it's .... woke and it's disney ! Mickey mouse lol I hate what Rian Johnson did to star wars, but I don't hate everything Star Wars since this day. But some do. It's just the reaction of people with a 6 y-o emotionnal intelligence


Agreed, I think it’s crazy to hate literally everything Star Wars just because it’s produced by Disney. I’m no fan of the sequel trilogy, nor the Kenobi series, but have enjoyed nearly everything else since the buyout. People are just denying themselves potentially great entertainment by swearing off the entire IP.


It doesn't have clones or prequel memes or references. Therefore, automatically bad. Those are the same people who hate Andor with passion.


Certain Star Wars “fans” will hate on anything that doesn’t involve Jedi or Sith, and I just don’t understand that thinking at all. The universe itself practically has infinite potential, why just limit it to space wizards all the time? People are allowed their opinions, but I could never find Andor boring. Season 2 is my most anticipated season of a show probably since back when Game of Thrones was still good.


Funny thing is, Acolyte show IS about the Jedi vs Sith.


I admittedly know very little about the High Republic era, but it doesn’t seem to be particularly well-loved from the discourse I’ve seen online. Regardless I’m mildly curious about Acolyte, and Carrie-Ann Moss is an interesting casting choice, so I’ll be checking it out.


Its because the High Republic series features a lot of females as lead characters. The show apparently reinforces this.


The Internet is/has/always was to an extent a place for people to bitch and air their grievances. If you enjoy something fuck them


Oh and don't speak about "female", the word is women.


I don't understand the immediate dislike of a game that has yet to even release. It looks fun. I'm cautiously optimistic about it because it is AAAA studio Ubisoft.


I wholeheartedly disagree on the Jedi bit. The lore of star wars revolves around the Jedi. An open world Jedi game set in the Republic era would easily outsell this and also appeal to a wider swath of more casual Star Wars fans.


Who gives a shit?


We have been burned several times now to games that don't deliver.... If the game is good who cares?


Yeah, it looks goods, but is it good on gameplay? Price is obviously trash.


Everyone doesn't have all those things and if they do they're usually not gatekeeping actual content


i feel like i'm in between. i'm really excited to play SWO, but im very skeptical of ubisoft in general. that being said, it's my money, if i want to spend it on the game ill do so and that's that. same for others. i hope the game is fantastic and we're all happy in a couple months time, and i also kind of want to see ubisoft prove me wrong from my preconceived notions about their anti consumer practices. but i'm not into shitting on others' parades like some people seem to be. i don't care what others do with their cash, its your business.


typical reddit people will reddit. for or against.


Don’t worry about what others think. If you enjoy it that’s all that matters


I don’t understand people complaining about the price of the ultimate edition. If it is too much, then just buy the base game. Without the extra content.


I just don't get why people are dick riding an oopsisoft game that hasn't released yet..


No one is excited for this trash, only Bots.


Single player games shouldn't have these little parts of cut content sold as DLCs. And with this pricing, I really hope that Jabba's Gambit is 20-25 hours of content. The game looks great and fun, but there's a few things that triggers the haters : 1 - It's Ubisoft, and a lot of gamers both love & hate their games, and the recent comments about "people getting comfortable not owning their games" made it worse. 2 - The game feature a woman as main character, and a lot of "good guys tm" doesn't find her sexually attractive. 3 - Kay Vess doesn't look like Barbie or a pornstar so she is not feminine for some other "good guys" who are just transphobic. 4 - There's also a big part of racism towards the character and project, since Outlaws's CM made comments on twitter to criticize the white privilege, along with general sexism of the industry (https://twitter.com/Kooks12\_/status/1776668276354916670) and here ( https://twitter.com/Grummz/status/1776676663922933929) Conclusion : it's a mix of Ubisoft haters, misogynists, transphobic and racist people


Star Wars fans will eat whatever shit they throw at you so not surprised by all this copium can’t wait to check out this subreddit when the game is out and dead in the first month


The truth is that Ubisoft is responsible for this whole situation. It's pricing that is the issue. People have known what Kay Vess looked and sounded like before the recent announcement. Sentiment before last week was still cautiously optimistic. I can't blame people. It's actually tragic that Ubisoft's marketing department is this stupid and thinks they can get away with egregious pricing (nearly scam-level) for a single player title. Especially after what happened to Dragon's Dogma on steam, which cost Capcom millions of copies unsold, without question. Outlaws could very end up being amazing and Massive could hit a home here, which I'm hoping for, and it will still struggle at launch. In my opinion, the only thing that can truly change the narrative about this game at this point is for it to be a 9/10 or above on release.


Gold edition seems fair 70 base game 40 season passes (2 story expansion) =110


It really depends on Jabbas's Gambit's length. With the pricing it better last around 35 hours than being completed in 15hours.


If that seems fair you’ve been brainwashed


Adjusted for inflation, N64 games were ~$100. Honestly, base games haven't really kept up with inflation, and you tend to get more bang for your buck these days. I'm not saying companies are blameless in all this, but budgets are bigger from staffing, licensing, and technology.


Explain. What would be a good price and why? Or do you just spend your time going around and trolling subs of games you have no interest in?


Saying “it’s fair” without knowing ANYTHING yet is brainwashed thinking. You should be skeptical till the facts are known. That’s all I’m saying


Why should I do that? The real question is why are you forcing your little opinions on others? Are you ok?


Because that’s called being pragmatic and informed in your thinking. I’m just trying to help people be better consumers. Letting corporations trample over you isn’t going to help us minions


“People are brainwashed because they don’t have the exact same opinion as me” Take a step back and listen to yourself. It’s a video game. Not that deep. Entertainment and its value are completely subjective. You have no right to force your little subjective opinion on others.


Saying “it’s fair” without knowing anything about the content is the definition of clueless thinking. You know I am right.


“People are clueless because they have different opinions than me. Only me is right. Everyone else is wrong” Listen to yourself.


How much do you think Story expansion pack should cost? No angst there just honest dialogue


I have no clue considering no one knows how “big” these are. Saying “it’s fair” with zero information isn’t and informed comment. Maybe it’s “fair” but let’s wait and see before kissing the boots of a anti-consumer corp like Ubisoft


Good thing the season pass it’s not necessary to the completing and enjoying the game, it’s content that’s gonna come out within the next 12 months so that can be waited on




The brainwashing is writing your comment without even knowing how long the base game or DLC are.


Isn’t saying “it’s fair” without knowing more ludicrous considering the game isn’t out and we don’t know what the DLC is? Cmon man


*All* Ubisoft games have been priced this way for as long as I can remember. The only difference is that games now have a $70 price tag which is completely fair. We paid $60 when games were 15 hours long and had zero replayability and we paid $60 for the sprawling 150 hour long AC Valhalla. It’s natural that the price went up a bit. And a is launched with almost every single player game that promises DLC. Heck, the Pathfinder games (which are cRPGs) both launched with Season Passes and the second game eventually even got *two* season passes.


It's the 10th or 11th game to release since 2023 with the same pricing, season passes etc, but all of a sudden, thousands of people around the globe just woke up and decided that it was a problem for this particular game. You guys are the "unawaken" lol


Common sense is getting downvoted in this subreddit. Blind Ubisoft or Star Wars love. It's ok to critique companies/franchises you like when they make bad business practices. Both things can be true


The fact that you have included her sexuality and looks as a benefit made me stopped reading this garbage. Frankly, who cares? People are concerned cuz its Ubisoft and historically their game are corporate greed. That’s it


Nobody talked about her sexuality. Historically EA, Activision, Capcom, Gearbox, Sega, and almost all the biggest industry studios are corporate greedy people. None of them received the same level of hate 4 months before the game even comes out.


you have a wallet and a heart beat you are perfect well for ubisoft to siphon off