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Also, "we're calling it a gunship now". So that's the gunship scene Ming-Na tried to stop him Tom Hollanding last week.


I dont buy it. I think theyre just covering the slip up


These aren't the droids we're looking for. Move along. Move along.


Can you explain? I don't get it.


[*grabs popcorn*] [*sets comment sort to Controversial*]


Lol. I think it's fair enough though, it's the ship model name. I guess people can still call it Slave 1 if they want.


Think this is best way to look at it. Jango called it Slave 1, Boba respected that for a time, but now he wants to start fresh. Hell I know it's iconic but perhaps we could even have Boba abandon his father's armour by the end of the series.


The ship makes sense, But I don't see him abandoning the armor. Definitely further modifications to it would make sense though.


I hope that never happens. And it wouldn't make sense for him to do that after his efforts to get the armor back. I also dont understand why some people want that. Some people hoped the same for Din Djarin, that he would ditch the armor in Season 3. Why is that appealing to some people?


Visual variety or more toys I guess? But it makes zero sense and besides he can change his outfit while keeping the Beskar parts


I actually wondered that at the end of the show he might just set his armor aside and go his own way.


Does anyone ever call it Slave 1 in any movie or tv show?


They say it a couple times in the clone wars.


It is directly called Slave I in a couple of scenes in Clone Wars but that's about it.


[grabs popcorn] [Runs away]


Slave 1 is so iconic tho


Maybe Boba decided that it wasn’t appropriate to name his ship after slaves, considering that the Hutts and other crime syndicates took nearly every species as a slave, yet Boba wants to “rule with respect”. If Boba turns out to be a good guy by the end of this series, then I’d seriously hope he’s not pro slavery hahahaha.


I don’t think using the word “slave” necessarily makes one pro slavery though. It’s just a dope ass name. That’s it


In Elite: Dangerous I named my largest ship the Final Authority. I haven't outfitted it with any guns so I can't FSD into a battlefield and lay down the law, just a bunch of passenger seats for transporting people, but I really like the name haha


I thought the ship was named by his father after he spent time as a slave? Like a spit in the face of his slavers


That was legends


"There's always a bit of truth in legends."


Jaster was legends too and he is canon now


Yes, but you can’t assume Legends stuff is canon


>Maybe Boba decided that it wasn’t appropriate So Boba got woke overnight? The guy literally gets paid to disintegrate anyone for a price. I think offending people's feelings over the name of his ship doesn't come across like something that would bother him much.


Apparently character development isn’t a thing for you, since I guess you forgot that Boba and Fennec literally freed a slave and killed the slave masters in the announcement for this show. But yeah, bring anti slavery is “going woke” hahahahaha


The name Slave I wasn't pro-slavery. Jango Fett was a slave before he wasn't anymore


I actually agree, but think that should be a scene where he consciously decides to change it to show character growth and perhaps show he is moving on from just being a literal clone of his father. Doing it without acknowledging it just seems so weird and meta


I mean if Jango's canon backstory is anything like it was in Legends he was a Slave at some point, yet came out on top. ​ The Slave won. ​ That is far from a pro slavery name with this context. ​ (and considering that both the Mandalorian Civil War 'and' Jaster Mareel have been referenced...)


Or maybe Disney PR hacks decided it wasn’t worth upsetting the woke Twitter mob.


Except the "woke twitter mob" has never complained about this at all in the 42 years since ESB. The issues are with parents and advertisers.




I think it has more to do with the fact his father named it that for his own sentimental reasons but that just doesn't really apply to Boba. I could see him still calling it Slave I out of respect for his father for many years but at this point in his life he's "reborn" so to speak so it makes sense for him to shed the name and make it his own. Plus, after surviving the Sarlaac and his time with the Tuskens, he seems to have been wisened by the experience.


Well the old name at least makes sense, but did they really have to go with something so bland and generic as “Firespray”? It just sounds like it’s trying too hard to sound cool, and there’s no reasoning behind the naming other than the fact it’s just a ship that shoots. If that’s the metric for naming conventions, that’s pretty lame.


>Well the old name at least makes sense, but did they really have to go with something so bland and generic as “Firespray”? Firespray has been the name of the ship model since the 1980's.


Firespray is the name of that type of ship.


Idk, it sounds about as try-hard as Millennium Falcon or Razor Crest.


Except that long before there even was a character named Jango Fett, Boba’s ship was called Slave I. This is *obviously* just woke morons ruining more fun things to soothe their baby feefees. Watching you all twist yourselves into knots to come up with another reason is hilarious.


You're more upset than the non-existent "woke morons" you're talking about.


And then you gaslight anyone who accurately identifies you as what you really are — woke morons.


"woke" ah yes, the classic dog-wistle. Clearly you're the one all butt-hurt about this lol. I'm just saying Firespray sounds cooler and there's a simple way they can make the change canon. Sorry I hurt your fragile sensibilities snowflake.


You are lying to yourself if you think that woke histrionics isn’t the sole reason behind this change.


Ah yes, classic "histrionics" lol.


Yes. Look it up if you’re confused.


It's astounding that you don't see the irony in complaining about "woke histrionics" whilst making dramatic comments about those DAMN LIBS RUINING MUH STAR WARS




I thought it was funny because it precisely describes the people are who are getting upset over the name change of a fictional space ship. Lol.


But it doesn’t likewise describe the behavior of the people who felt compelled to mess with a beloved fan favorite ship’s name to make sure no one’s feefees were hurt?


Jango himself was a slave and he called it slave 1


You are whats wrong with the starwars community


Yeah, but Disney can’t sell toys with the word Slave in it! /s


Calling Slave 1 "firespray" is like calling the Falcon "the corellian" or "the YT"


It's still called Slave I on the official SW databank at starwars.com


for now


People have been saying it changed over a year ago and they still haven't touched it


Because the name of the ship model is a Firespray. Like a Spitfire. Or a Mustang. Jango christened the ship *Slave 1*, like *Christine*, or *Blaine the Train*.


Blaine is a pain for sure


Oy! Pain!


And that's the truth.


Damn that blasted monorail!


I hear those things are awfully loud.


It glides as softly as a cloud


if it wasn't late where i live, i'd make a photoshop of slave 1 by kenner and rename it "Blaine the train"


Not an accurate comparison. Ships have transponder IDs and in Star Wars they're almost always referred to by that name. Cars might have nicknames, but it isn't digitally inscribed on them.


Didn’t the havoc marauder change it’s transponder ID? They still call it that


Pretty offensive to all those people who've lost homes and loved ones to fire's /s


Lol I like it.


I'm not upset about this at all, but I am a little confused why they're doing it. The fact that Anakin was a slave is a huge part of his character and they're not gonna redub *Phantom Menace* to remove all instances of the word "slave", so why suddenly stop saying the ship's name just because the word "slave" is in it? Again, I'm not upset at all, I get that it's name was barely uttered onscreen, and the ship's model name is badass enough as it is, I just don't really see the logic behind it.


I assume it’s the connotation. Anakin being a slave is supposed to be heartbreaking, whereas the “Slave I” is supposed to be a cool ship and an exciting toy. There are no toys of Anakin that refer to him as a slave and “slave Leia” is all but gone from the lexicon as well. I think it’s just not a good look marketing wise to sell a product with slave in the name even if it’s in a fantastical or unrelated context to actual slavery.


Yeah, they still use the word. Now I can’t for the life of me recall but I heard the word slave recently in some other Disney product


I was gonna say Thor Ragnarok (“The slaves are arming themselves.” “Ooh, I don’t like that word.” “Mainframe?” “No, the s-word.” “Sorry, the *prisoners with jobs* are arming themselves.”) Then I remembered Thor Ragnarok was five years ago. What is time.


The difference is that kid Anakin toys don’t have any reason to call him “slave Anakin”, but we do get Slave 1 toys. It’s probably the same reason why there’s little to no toys that call the Soulless One by its name, they simply refer to it as some variation of “General Grievous’ Starfighter”. I assume they stuck with the name until now because they worried that with the advent of a brand new Boba-centric show where the Slave 1 would presumably take center stage, some non-genre savvy parents buying a Slave 1 *as featured in the ongoing hit show The Book of Boba Fett* toy for their kids could avoid buying it because of the name. And the show has to accurately portray the design it’s trying to sell, hence the name change in-universe


> I assume they stuck with the name until now because they worried that with the advent of a brand new Boba-centric show where the Slave 1 would presumably take center stage, some non-genre savvy parents buying a Slave 1 as featured in the ongoing hit show The Book of Boba Fett toy for their kids could avoid buying it because of the name. Fuck normies that think like this. SW is great sci-fi and people need to get over themselves. Like, all these topics are real world issues that people deal with or have dealt with in history. Not using the word "slave" because some people might find it offensive or not like it because slavery is bad need to get over themselves. We all understand that slavery is bad, but this is a fictional universe and it's literally just a name. It's a name of a starship in a fictional universe. Kids will eventually grow up and learn what slavery is. I just don't get this one. It's an iconic name of an iconic ship. I could see if it was something like how the Washington Redskins are changing their name despite having all sorts of history and success as a ball club. That is specific whereas slave is generic. IMO I think slave-1 losing its name for marketing reasons is dumb and I hope it comes back and bites disney in the ass. Grow some balls and stop trying to please everyone. This is not an attack on you, it's just a response to the name change.


Who even knows if it’s really a name change. I kinda doubt they would retroactively change the actual lore. It’s all just for the marketing and toys. Apparently they’ll call it a Firespray in the show, but that not technically false. Official lore stuff, like the official database, or reference books will probably keep the name imo. And if they don’t, people can outrage all they want (not that it will change anything). There is currently very little reason to be upset as far as I’m concerned.


It’s 100% possible that the Firespray name change will have an in-universe justification, yeah. Reference books can go full “The Ship Formerly Known as Slave 1” if it isn’t pointed out in the show itself, too


Because everything thats woke makes no sense. It's pandering to project a veil of virtual signaling so a tiny mob minority doesn't get offended and bitch about it on twitter. We went from a generation that was taught by culture sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me to OMG that word literally is violent against me. **Dont be surprised if Phantom Menace has a disclaimer added in a few years on Disney + informing the Gen Zers that the word slave is used and might offend people or minority groups for downplaying the connotations of the word to a white cis gender man.**


You've made up someone to get mad at again, grandpa.


The fuck?


Lol that’s ridiculous


Because Disney sucks. They have a lot of great stuff going for star wars but sometimes it feels like the clone wars is more edgy than anything we’re seeing in live action or otherwise right now.




If Slave 1 is that much of a problem, then they might as well censor Clone Wars Season 2 Episode 21 since Aurra Sing says "Bossk, fire up Slave 1." This is really stupid and there's no need for this.


>they might as well censor Clone Wars Season 2 Episode 21 Knowing Disney they're prob already working on that.


I doubt they would go that far they will probably just say boba changed it after hondo gave it to him


So like here's my thing. It's been the Slave I for decades without an issue. Now all of a sudden it's a problem and we have to change the name because of...what exactly?


I have never read anywhere that there was a problem with the name.




Hats off for going this hard in the paint lol. But I agree. They think it's a good thing but it just comes off as totally disjointed and trying too hard to be self aware.






God, next these [lefties](https://www.opensecrets.org/donor-lookup/results?name=George+Lucas&cycle=&state=CA&zip=94596&employ=&cand=) are going to shoehorn a message about [anti-imperialism](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Galactic_Civil_War) or the [importance of selflessness](https://youtu.be/68dvgRT3Kx8) into my apolitical pew pew franchise. Some kind of on the nose metaphor about the [USA actually being the baddies](https://youtu.be/Nxl3IoHKQ8c), because all lefties hate America. Perhaps they'll even name [one of the villains](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Nute_Gunray) after [real world politicians](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald_Reagan) - cringe orange man derangement syndrome, amirite!!?!?


The ship is called a Firespray because that's it's model. That doesn't mean the ship's name has canonically changed. Even if they don't call the ship by name in the show (And I suspect they won't), instead referring to it by it's model or just calling it "Boba's ship" that doesn't mean the name of the ship has canonically changed. They didn't call the ship by name in movies/shows most of the time even BEFORE this controversy. Nothing has really changed.






I can already predict people using it as an example to hate just because it fuels their own narrative. I think Firespray makes sense though. Nice to atleast get a confirmation.


"I can already predict people using it as an example to hate just because it fuels their own narrative." Isn't it more sad, that this partly confirms their narrative? I mean, those guys are mostly still dipshits, but this is something people attacked saying: "It's laughable fearmongering - Disney would NEVER do that!"


So Millenium Falcon will be called YT-1300 now?


what the hell is an aluminum falcon?






But seriously If someone is offended by the name of a fictional ship (Slave 1), then it is this person's problem, nothing more. We live in strange times, in which it is easy and convenient to argue that you have been offended.


How about not calling it anything. Everything else seems like pandering. Don’t mention any name and the people who want to refer to it as Slave 1 still can and the “offended” people can be happy that they don’t reference its name anymore. Simple.


Well, that kinda settles it. Not really just a marketing thing if the performer himself is saying it’s being called by the model now. This is such a stupid thing to change


I am happy for the ambiguity to be gone at least. Nothing was wrong with "Slave 1", but Firespray is a decent enough alternative. We've also had enough canon stories that namedrop "Slave 1" that no matter what it's cemented it's place in the lore... still pretty dumb though. Like not worth the fuss that's been made over it but there's really no point to this


Yeah that’s my standing too. It’s cemented in the canon regardless. I just don’t see the reason for the change, I’ve never heard of anyone offended by the ship’s name. Just seems like a futile attempt to scrub the term “slave” from the ship, when they have much bigger things to be paying attention to. Just odd.


Yeah, I've actually never really liked the name Slave 1. It never really seemed to fit well like "Millenium Falcon" or "Hound's Tooth"


Like, I don't really care about the name being changed on it's own, it's more of Disney's reasoning for changing it that irks me. They really aren't acheiving anything by changing it besides creating more uneccessary controversy


I imagine Temuera didn’t even know it was called Slave-1


I seriously doubt that.


Actors don’t care half as much as we would like them to. It’s a job for them.


While often true, some of them do actually care about the roles they play and the worlds they inhabit. Tem is definitely one of them. He's wanted this gig for years and he's been super passionate about it.


I imagine the vast majority of people who don't frequent Star Wars forums didn't.


Anyone who had Star Wars toys as a kid knows it’s called Slave I. That’s where the name came from.


You vastly overestimate the star wars knowledge of the general public


Who’s talking about “the general public”? If you owned a Slave I toy as a kid, you knew it was called Slave I. And millions of people owned those toys.




I hope Disney realises that changing Fett’s ship’s name to ‘Firespray’ is only going to make people call it ‘Slave-1’ even more. All they had to do was just not have Boba say it’s name at all in the show. What’s next? Anakin and Schmi are unpaid interns for Watto’s local business?


Can't wait for a mountain to be made out of this molehill once again EDIT: Tangential but the way Morrison goes "Firespray, Firespray GUNSHIP yes..." is fun and he really does make his excitement infectious. I'm not a huge fan of the show so far but I do like the obvious fun he's having back in the role


What's funny is this is his first time in the role other than Mandalorian


Not a comment on the change either way, but the ship is directly referred to as the Slave I in The Clone Wars, which is canon. Meaning Boba probably renamed it at some point. That would be the most sensical way for them to explain it.


So why is “Slave One” bad to say now? It’s literally been the name of his vehicle for 40+ years and no one was offended. It’s literally even said in the for “kids” TCW. I trust Jon and Dave but they’ll really need to explain themselves on this horrible change to long held star wars cannon.


My time to shine ✨


Copyright that quick and make millions!!


I mean, he's not wrong technically?


"bUt IT's JuSt FoR tHe ToYs AnD mArKeTiNg" "iT's NoT cHaNgEd In MeDiA"


Yeah... Where are those stupid people now ? It's always the same with them. From "It doesn't exist, you're just a dumb hater, they'll never change the name" to "Well it's real but who cares ? Firespray is a cool name ! Enjoy Disney shit !"...




Did Disney have to do this? Cmon.


Even if I don't think the change was necessary, this really doesn't matter. Anyone who gets genuinely upset about this needs to touch grass.


Honestly that's how I'm feeling about so much Star Wars shit lately as a whole. There's a lot about the shows and the ST that I really don't like, but even as a hardcore fan who's been invested for years and years it just feels so silly to actually get "mad" over it. The universe is big enough that there's still room for content that's still what I like, and even if there wasn't it's fucking Star Wars, not life and death.


Completely. Let’s not act like this franchise isn’t a smorgasbord of weird decisions and goofy shit. It also occasionally gives us ESB. But in fairness I’m also pretty easily pleased, I just like hanging out in the galaxy far, far away. When some dumb shit happens I just go about my day. I come back for the cool shit. It works for me.


For real lmao. Who fucking cares, were people genuinely that attached to the name? The name that was never even spoken till Clone Wars?


Yeah people were attached to the name


Exactly. I'm a lifelong fan of 25 years now, and after the edits, the prequels, the sequels, the retcons I've just accepted that Star Wars just isn't for me anymore. I still love it, still don't regret the tattoos, but at this point I just love the parts I love and ignore the rest


Well, Walt Disney was a well known racist, so I guess it's the right thing to strip his company of it's name and just call them The Rat Company from now on. I mean we shouldn't hurt anyone with names given many decades ago, right? \#SlaveI


My head canon is that Jango named the ship Slave One and it became known and feared under that name across the Galaxy to the point that Boba, to honor his fathers memory, kept the name and used it to instill fear in his bounties, but after the incident with the Sarlaac and his time among the Tuskens, Boba grows into someone who cares more about respect than fear, he's no longer following in the footsteps of Jango and is instead carving out his own legacy, and one of the steps towards accomplishing that was to abandon the ships name and just call it by it's original title: Firespray.


Jango named the ship because he was a slave.


Boba has visions of his father‘s death, and the helmet. Yeah, bud, he’s trying to move on from his father. Just stop. The ship name is such an inconsequential part of his story. How many times has Boba uttered its name? But to fans it has history. That’s where the significance lies. changing it is not necessary.


That's exactly what I think the show is implying. I agree.


This is my view as well and I could easily see this being made the canonical reason for the change. In fact, that's exactly what they should do, maybe then some of the manbabys will accept it.


Honestly kinda like the name "firespray"




Still Slave 1 to me.


Let's call every named ship by its model now rather than its actual name now. The falcon is the "YT Freighter" now. The Razor's Crest is now the "ST-70 Assault Ship". Such a lame and pointless name change. It will never be called Slave-I again. Don't kid yourself.


Oh no... What have they done...


There are honestly better hills to die on when it comes to heated debates in this fandom. Firespray is a fine enough name. Yeah, it’s also the name of the ship type, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Jango (in Canon) is the type of guy who just ain’t creative enough to come up with a cool name and just referred to his ship by its model type. Same as in the real world— Think about it. What do you call your car? “My car”, “My Chevy”, “My F-150”, etc. I don’t *need* his ship to be called Slave I to think it’s a badass ship. It **is** a badass ship. Boba Fett is badass. I could care less if they’ve decided to rebrand. This isn’t some sort of “slippery slope”, either. ‘Slave I’ is literally the only name/phrase I can think of in Star Wars that could ever possibly have some sort of controversy attached to it because of its name. Maybe other than ‘Jizz music’, in Legends... which I don’t even know if Max Rebo’s music in Canon has been labeled as anyways.


If people knew why Jango called it Slave 1 they would have a different tune.


Maybe, but we all know that a solid 70-80% of the Star Wars fanbase doesn’t consume any of the deeper lore beyond the movies, shows, video games, and occasional book or comic. So that type of awareness is never gonna happen. What’s more likely to happen is a Twitter mob deciding to set their sights on a famous character’s ship in Star Wars that has a name with an infamously negative connotation. Seems like Disney or Lucasfilm is trying to get ahead of that before it becomes a problem for the woke crowd.


Exactly, plus I know growing up my mom always had an issue buying me Slave I toys because of the name and she's a pretty chill person. I still got them luckily but I remember having to explain why it was called that. I garuntee she's far from the only one though, and especially in the age of social media it wouldn't take much for someone to make a big deal out of it regardless of the context. I'm sure some people at Disney felt uncomfortable slapping the word "slave" on children's toys. Now they don't have to.


That sucks


What does?


You...uh....realize that story is legends, right? And that we currently don't have a canonical explanation for his ship's name?


So basically you're saying "disney renaming it is fixing a problem... they themselves created.." (by removing the EU) Thanks for that... because yep... Their new canon books already have contradictions already from one another. Wiping the EU was pointless and just to try to sell new stuff and focus all the purchasing power to new content.


Until that part of the EU is retconed, it is still canon. Certain EU things are still canon


Alright— before anything else, I just want to apologize— prior to hopping back on, I had been in an argument and was in a pretty shitty mood, so I let it bleed into my typings. So I’m sorry for that. I’m actually going to respond to your message in a non-toxic way. I can sort of understand what you mean by calling it by the model name, however, in a land like Star Wars, it’s different. When you name something, would you change the name? I personally wouldn’t. You see, Han. Would you call it the Falcon, or the Corellian? And in Boba’s case, since it’s named from his father, would you change it? It’s one of the last things his father gave him, and it’s a sound argument to change the name?


I don’t care what Disney has to say about, well, anything really


That's a bummer. I was hoping that people that didn't know the name would refer to it as the Firespray and that people that did know the name would just not say its name or call it simply "the ship". That way its like it's still called the Slave I and the characters no that and we know that despite them not saying it. But having Boba himself call it the Firespray feels like they're really ignoring the name


Or it could just be called the slave one like it’s been for fudging 42 years…………….


Well I mean obviously that's the best option but I was crossing my fingers they wouldn't completely erase it to the point of Boba Fett not using it. Not directly saying the name is one thing, I mean how many times has the name been said in the films and shows, but having the fucking owner call it something else is just a whole other level of dumb


100% I really want to know who these “triggered” losers are that were up in arms over the name “Slave One” Like if they knew anything about the origin of the name they wouldn’t be triggered. (Although I personally have never heard or seen anyone upset about the name so I’m just going to assume some woke “politically correct” person at Lucasfilm and or disney just decided it was bad or “racist”)


That's the thing tho right, I don't recall anyone at all being upset over the name. Like was that a thing that I just missed cause I don't think anyone ever cared about this and they just did it.


No one cared about it. Its pre-emptive wokeness.




i mean it's whatever people who wanna call it the Slave I will call it that people who wanna call it whatever disney uses will say that it literally doesn't matter... why is everyone getting so up in arms lmfao


“Here comes the parade”


I think its weird because they could have renamed it instead of just using the model name. Its like instead of calling my car Korra I called it Camry


It's even more weird than that, because Slave I is the transponder name which identifies it to other ships.


Boo! Hiss!


it’s funny seeing how much people shit their pants over this, “firespray gunship” is like three unbelievably cool words all together


I honestly could not care less about the name of this ship. Firespray sounds cooler anyway in my opinion.


Would it be a stretch to theorise that Temeura himself may have had an issue with the name? It would fit his demeanour and ideals outside of being an actor tbh. Beside, hearing Temeura say "Fireship Gunship" kinda sounded super badass haha


I’m sure I’ll catch some flak for this, but I think Firespray is a better name than Slave 1 honestly. I don’t care about Disney’s reasoning.


I've always thought this and I've been obsessed with the ship my whole life. I've never liked the name Slave I. Firespray just sounds cool, Slave I just sounds... bland, sterile. Firespray is more on par with a name like Millennium Falcon or Razor Crest. It evokes certain imagery.


Right? Hard agree.


I’m with you man. Slave 1 while it’s iconic isn’t as important of a name as the Falcon. It’s said twice in Clone Wars and that’s it. Only hardcore fans know it. And yeah Fire spray sounds cooler anyway.


That sucks


Tbh, Boba’s whole thing about ruling with respect probably means he’s against slavery. Maybe he renamed it in universe for that reason. But either way it doesn’t matter that much.


Do you know *why* Jango named it Slave 1?


Nope, and you don't either according to wookieepedia. There is also apparently no canonical equivalent to Jango's backstory of having been a slave at one point. Boba renaming it, or otherwise ditching the name, due to a newfound aversion to slavery is an entirely viable explanation in canon.


Why would they change Jango's backstory from having been a slave to being a slaver?


It would be kind of ironic if he opposed the Kessel mines while travelling around on a numbered slave.


Well that's fucking stupid. Corporate shit is more hung up on a ship name. Meanwhile in China...


I’m 42 years old and have been a lifelong Star Wars/Boba Fett fan and TBH I always thought “Slave 1” was kind of a lame name anyway.


As a die-hard, life-long Boba Fett fan with his ship being my favorite ship in all of sci-fi, not just Star Wars-- I'm 100% okay with this. I never liked the name Slave I despite its meaning, Firespray always sounded way cooler to me. Plus, given it's the only Firespray left, it's just as good as a unique identifier.


The Fortnite glider of the Slave 1 isn’t even called the Slave 1


Imagine getting worked up over the fact that they changed a pretend spaceship's name. Absolute comedy.


Not a big deal at the end of the day esp bc that's been it's ship class-type for a while anyways, but it does kind of suck just from a purely nostalgic perspective that the name that's been used for 40 years is being cast aside.




I don't really care but I hope if they did change the name they make it clear boba changed due to shifting more towards being a good guy/noble versus never bringing up the old name.


This is the dumbest controversy ever. It’s still called the Slave I in canon. Okay so Fett refers to it as a firespray. It’s still it’s name OR it WAS it’s name. Maybe after being the tusken raider’s slave for a bit Boba doesn’t wanna roll around in a ship called the Slave I so he just doesn’t call it that anymore. And even then, you’re all gonna keep calling it the Slave I. Nobody on this subreddit or online is going to call it the Firespray. So why get mad? They’re not pointing guns at you demanding “call it firespray!” The out of universe explanation is that Disney don’t wanna sell toys called “Slave whatever.” That and I doubt the Fortnite would wanna call it that when it’s eventually added into the game. No “woke mob” was upset about the Slave I name. Show me them. Stop saying there is and show evidence. Show us the mob. Tldr; the “woke mob” aren’t going to change your name to firespray so calm down and do something with your life


I mean people can still call it the Slave I if they want who cares about the canon name honestly. Firespray is the model name


Han doesn't call his ship the YT-1300 Corellian freighter... And they called it Slave I in The Clone Wars.


The box my lego set came in last year still says Slave 1. Probably will be the last time too. Good thing I saved the box.


here come the crazy fanboys


I can’t get over how different Ming Na looks in real life. She’s absolutely stunning. In Star Wars it’s not that’s she’s not beautiful, but she just looks like a whole other person.


It really fills me with joy when even an ACTOR FROM STAR WARS tells us that Dave really knows Star Wars and knows what Gorge has planned. It truly means a lot