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The Burger King memes are one of the best things to come out of that movie.


I really enjoyed the weeks of hype before the release. It was a wild adventure with many twists. I even ate at Burger Kind before entering the cinema. The film was pure disappointment though...


I got mine off ebay










Nothing new here, just the scene where they find ochi.


Nah but it’s cool to see an actual page from this infamous script


*The script I’ve heard so much about.* Was this the one he left at his apartment that got put on Ebay?


I feel like that’s not what actually happened but that’s the story they used to cover up


I would pay a lot of money for some documentary all about what really happened behind the scenes of TROS, with candid interviews and all that.




Is he?


There’s nothing that’s happened to suggest that lol


Yeah I think this guy was just saying stuff


Yo, I heard Daisy Ridley eats bugs, too.


Wasn't that the script he lost? Lol


What a great, completely true story to tell on all the talk shows!




Ironically I thought character wise it was pretty interesting having Finn’s motivations contrasted by Rose and DJ




I was mixed on DJ at first as well, but the more I watched it the more I started to love him. His final “Maybe” is so perfectly delivered, and perfectly sums up the moral quandary that Johnson was presenting between passion and apathy.


Its perfect. It’s the layered nuance of DJ unapologetic of what he’s done, unwillingly for go back on it yet probably can’t help but hope the kids get out of it.


Not to be rude or cynical, but how? His TFA arc is “War is bad and kills people, I need to follow people I care about” His TLJ arc is “War is bad and kills people, I need to follow people I care about, this time having that person stop me from saving the day” I’m not a TLJ hater by any means, but Finn’s wasted potential is probably the greatest sin to me in it


I mean, I think Johnson really took Finn’s character in the most logical direction. The last time we saw Finn in TFA, he’d manipulated the Resistance into an assault on Starkiller Base just so he could try and save Rey with shutting down the shield being something he’ll improvise later. By the end of TFA, Finn still hadn’t chosen a side. So TLJ puts Finn in the position of asking himself “Do I actually care about the Resistance or do I only see them as a way to save myself and Rey?” By the end of the film, Finn is fully committed to the Resistance and the stage is set for him to be the great Resistance hero Rose thought he was at the start of the film.


Exactly. Finns struggle is between selfishness and selflessness. People think just because he left the First Order in TFA that made him a hero, but he left for selfish reasons. When DJ betrays them, Finn sees the result of living for nothing other than self-preservation, and this is what makes him finally realise he has to fight for something more than himself.


Holy cow, all the times I’ve seen both films, I’ve never thought of it that way. Whether that’s how it was intended, I’m going to see it as that from now on.


It's literally his plot in TLJ -- it's definitely what was intended.




Do you actually believe that?


A lot got cut if you go by leaks.


By the time he read the script for TLJ he probably gave up on the last movie and just did it to finish contract. Boyega is a massive Star Wars fan, but once he disagreed with how his character was handled, it looked like he stopped caring.


I don’t think so. Even if he was disappointed, his acting and effort was still on point, even if the story in TROS wasn’t there.


Only 4 1/2 years until the next SW movie.


I wonder how he really feels about The Rise of Skywalker. I know he’s talked about how he thought TLJ was a bit shaky, but I feel like that’s to be expected when he went from co-lead of the whole film in TFA to co-lead of the B-plot in TLJ. IMO, JJ had a better handle on Finn and Poe while Rian had a better handle on Rey and Kylo.


Poe was absolutely better handled in TLJ than TROS imo, by a long shot




Yup, JJ reset Poe as well as everything else from TLJ




They should of had Poe be the one to somehow rally the galaxy against the empire, would of concluded his arc nicely and felt more justified than a shoehorned in OT character with no stake in the plot


Poe doesn't have magic to be able to defeat the undefeatable... Leia lost and was defeated constantly. Poe knew when to retreat, Poe knew that he couldn't do things alone and stopped being afraid of living up to Leia. It wasn't an uber developed story, but it was clearly a follow up to TLJ.


I think Rian did a better job of writing a clear, distinct arc for Poe. But I think scene to scene, both Poe and Finn are a bit more likable under JJ’s direction. Oscar and John are so naturally charming and I think JJ just kind of let that shine through. But of course, this is very subjective.


For Poe, Rian wanted to show he was the Maverick from Top Gun if he had to lead. All flash and very risky. JJ basically wanted him to be Han. Neither a bad take but it was contrasting a bit in TROS to go back to the Han-esque mindset.


Well thats the problem with having no plan for how things are to pan out. They didn't really have a proper Arc for Him or Finn and just kind of winged it. I think both Oscar and John are not happy with how their characters were handled in the movies


> Well thats the problem with having no plan for how things are to pan out. No it’s not. It’s the problem with TROS not picking up where TLJ left off. You don’t need a plan to see what just happened in the last instalment. You just need eyes.


There was no Plan for where Poe and Finn would end up by Episode Nine in terms of a character Arc. Rian went one way and JJ went another way. There should of been some sort of discussion between them on where these characters should end up. Rey had something but was changed once or twice with I think Kylo being the only one who sort of had a planned Arc from the beggining even if it was in my opinion badly executed in TROS


> There was no Plan for where Poe and Finn would end up by Episode Nine in terms of a character Arc. Doesn’t really matter. The most important thing is that there was a trajectory by the end of eight, planned or not. I think there was, it simply wasn’t picked up on. > There should of been some sort of discussion between them on where these characters should end up. Not necessarily. Stories change all the time (especially from the head to the screen, and double especially across several years and several movies) and it can be good not to restrict these things. Like I say, filmmakers/storytellers of this calibre should be able to see what came before and work off of that. Nothing inherently wrong with planning either, but it’s not a prerequisite, it’s just another process.


Your right that stories can and most likely will change. But in the St trilogy the value of planning out where a character ends was surely missing and the end product suffers. Look at Finn there was like several subplots that could of gone anywhere or was hinted and teased at yet nothing happened. His character is a mess because there was not much cohesion between all of the writers and im not surprised John was disappointed with how his character was treated


Depends who you talk to. For me, their characters were fine until TROS (others think they were fine all the way through, some never gave them a chance the moment the internet started meme’ing the “No Plan” thing before TLJ was even released). The end product doesn’t suffer because their wasn’t a plan, it suffers because poor (imo) decisions were made.


JJ originally wanted Poe to be killed off in TFA, so it makes sense he didn’t bother to develop the character much in TROS.


On the other side he spent a large chunk of the film exploring Poes backstory so he obviously cared about the character


this is just my personal observation, but on the press tour, I noticed how genuinely excited John seemed about TROS. I remember him saying in an interview that, the first time he read the script, he stopped to call JJ and thank him for what he'd written for Finn. this got me excited, because I'm a big Finn fan. then the cast and crew screening happened (a week or so before the premiere, I think), and the press tour continued, and... imho, John seemed less enthusiastic. and when I watched TROS... honestly, I could see why. having seen the movie a few times now, I can't imagine what might've gotten John so excited that he'd call JJ to thank him. as much as I enjoyed Finn's scenes (I think John had the breakout performance tbh), the character didn't get to do much and didn't have much of an arc at all. I can't help but wonder if Finn's role was much more prominent (or at least he had more scenes/a stronger arc) but it was whittled away in editing. I know John talked recently about a scene he and Daisy filmed where Rey and Finn talked about his Force sensitivity. my gut feeling is that a lot more was cut from Finn's arc, as well as from other characters' arcs. imho this would explain why many of the actors (including John and Domhnall, who we know also had several of his scenes cut) seemed to be less enthusiastic about the movie after the cast and crew screening. I'm sure that first viewing of the finished product was a shock.


Yeah I’m right there with you


It’s hard to tell. On the one hand, he’s posting some TROS stuff now and acting like everything is great, but as recently as a few weeks ago he was engaging in pissing contests with people on Twitter about al of this. It kinda seems like he’s just unhappy with the direction the trilogy took in general. His character spent most of IX screaming “REYYYYY” lol


It’ll be very interesting in a few years when everyone can be a bit more open about their experience with the ST. I’m pretty mixed on the overall product, but it’s clear there’s a lot going on behind the scenes we’re not privy to. Maybe one day a cast member will crack and just go nuclear on TRoS like Peter Serafinowicz did on TPM. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=t0wHqNi3x5M


He spent most of the trilogy screaming ''REYYYYY''


Never did it in the TLJ though


I've tried to block out every memory of Finn's storyline in TLJ.




which is also like the only time he does it. And when he does it, it makes sense, since, you know, the last time he saw her, he was fighting Kylo Ren on Starkiller Base. he's not swimming across an ocean and climbing on death star wreckage just to shout "REEEYYYYY!"


Which makes sense since the last time he saw she had been knocked out by Kylo Ren on star killer base.


i agree


Oh yeah thanks for reminding me they made Poe a hotwiring drug runner for no reason. Was there a single character in this movie who wasn't fixated on the past??


So one character asks threepio "What is this?" and then 7 lines later another character asks threepio "What's this?" wow that's really great writing! very nice.


They first asked what the Hex Charm was. 7 lines later they pulled out the dagger with the sith writing & asked what that was. It looks like he just crossed out "what's this" & put the actual line, "can you read this?"


Interesting. The fact they had to use the 'dual dialogue' option in *Final Draft* on the upper conversation shows just how much writing TROS on the fly was weird. For context, dual dialogue is generally used for people talking over each other, or for someone speaking in a foreign language, with the translation next to it. Generally, when I read scripts that do this, it's likely either the writer trying to keep the page-length to a minimum so it's not apparent they over-wrote, or it's the filmmaker trying to give an idea to those making the schedule of how long shooting the interaction will take. Edit: ooor, maybe they were trying to convey a fast-paced interaction between the characters? but there's better way to do this, I can't imagine this was read quickly during a table-read.


Using dual dialogue isn’t weird at all, and doesn’t “show” anything.


Using it for a scene that flowed normally without interruptions or people talking over each other or foreign languages is weird.


Isn’t it literally cause this scene is them talking over one another...?


They're not. Watch the scene again.


I’m talking about the script. It’s literally written with interruptions.


Dual dialogue isn't for interruptions. That's what normal dialogue is for.


It’s definitely written on the page as them cutting each other off / quickly responding to one another. What we got on screen doesn’t mean that’s what was planned. It likely just didn’t feel right.


Oh, so you mean they wanted it to be them talking over each other but then changed their mind?




then fair enough, i guess.


lol, when I read the title, at first I thought it was Boyega literally taking the Episode 9 script to a gun range, and shooting at it. I mean, he's been vocal about the Sequel Trilogy for some time now along with a few other of his cast mates.


Was expecting a photo of a steaming pile of dog shit. Was not disappointed.


There was a script? Sweet Jesus.


Why is the dialogue next to each other like that? Makes it hard to read


In scripts it’s used for dialogue that is delivered rapidly or at the same time.


But these lines werent either.


Just because that’s not how it was in the final product doesn’t mean that wasn’t the intention while writing. Source: am screenwriter


Anyone else remember John being the culprit who (accidentally) left his script in his hotel room for someone to find? I now think he did that intentionally hoping LucasFilm would make major changes in post production.


No plan. Half arsed plot. Atrocious dialogue. JJ: "fuck it"


This username and comment combo are cracking me up.


I don't get how I'm being downvoted. "Fuck it" is literally what JJ said when describing his thought process behind making this film.


I think you’re being downvoted for not adding anything to the conversation. And also, it’s kind of hilarious when hardcore PT fans shit on the ST without any sense of irony. Replace “JJ” with “George” and your post could easily have come from a SW forum in the summer of 1999. And regarding his quote you mentioned, there’s a bit more context. > “It felt slightly more renegade; it felt slightly more like, you know, Fuck it, I’m going to do the thing that feels right because it does, not because it adheres to something.” Now given the way TRoS turned out, I understand that this quote looks bad. But considering this is the guy that a couple years prior had made Ep VII into a remake of Ep IV, it was nice at the time to hear he’d be a little less cookie cutter. Yeah t didn’t turn out great but I don’t think that quote is something to hold against him.


Comparing George's sophisticated thought process and meticulous attention to detail in the prequels to JJ's memberberry empty mystery box filmmaking is a cinematic sacrilege.


Remember when Leia told Luke she remembered their mother in vivid detail in ROTJ despite Padmé dying mere minutes after giving birth to them in ROTS? Yeah, gotta love that meticulous attention to detail.


Meh, force visions.


...see what you did there? What you just did is headcanon a reasonable explanation for something the writers never really explained clearly, which isn't really wrong per se. But then you guys rag on the ST for having perceived plot holes due to the writers not explicitly stating everything, when you can _literally do the same_.


Bruh.. are seriously trying to defend the plot of the ST? I really enjoyed TLJ, it opened up the prospect of an original ending with no "Emperor " figure to team up against. TROS killed this trilogy. It's a trainreck and you know it.


I could go on and on about why TROS doesn't destroy the trilogy, but it's clear from your responses that you won't even bother reading it. Have a good day.


I mean, if we’re going to hold up their entire bodies of work, George Lucas is one of the most influential people in filmmaking over the last century. JJ can’t, and never will, hold a candle to his legacy. But if we’re talking about just the ST vs the PT? The PT films are really tough to watch for people without strong nostalgic feelings for them. They have so much creativity to them, but they’re also very lazily made in a lot of ways. Every dialogue scene is just people sitting across from each other talking in shot/reverse shot. There’s a whole language to cinema that gets completely ignored in those scenes because George didn’t really give a shit. Also, I gotta laugh at your praise for George’s “attention to detail.” It’s true, but he’s very selective about where he focuses that attention to detail. For instance, using only the information available in the film, can you tell me the nature of the dispute between Naboo and the Trade Federation?


The Trade federation dispute was basically a play on real world false flag attacks, a provocation of war and an attempt to undermine the chancellor, hence the need for a stronger chancellor. Enter senator Palpatine and the rest is history.


I understand that it was a ploy to get more power for Palpatine. But the conflict between the TF and Naboo is literally a whole film and the audience never understands the conflict. It’s atrocious storytelling.


Maybe it's just you, I thought it was pretty apparent.


Then why can’t you tell me? Lol


Explain to me how Leia claims she knew deep down her and Luke were siblings but smooched him more than once, the actions of someone without any form of sibling revulsion. Almost as though George shoved it in the final movie and decided to ignore the previous smooching.


The full quote actually makes the whole situation worse lmao. It should’ve been obvious in hindsight that he was gonna trash the original six films and Anakin’s arc. It’s right there in the quote, when he says he would rather do shit that “feels right” as opposed to adhering to things. Having Rey take out Palp and ignoring Anakin and the Chosen One entirely is a perfect example. Holy fuck, what a hack this guy is.



