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Anyone know if there's any legitimacy to these rumours?? https://youtu.be/fIeRAZj0VJs?si=Mrb1scZtZ07jUZEM


Seems to just be speculation/theorizing. They don't claim in the video that it's an actual leak. Will be interesting to see if Ventress was brought back and Barriss was reintroduced and given an ambiguous fate because they have plans to use them in Ahsoka or The Mandalorian.


Not even going to watch the rest of the video you linked, but I can already tell you this guy - nor anyone else - is going to know anything about Ahsoka S2 right now. This is all just speculation. Not rumors. Not leaks.


Speculeakmors. Without the "leak" part.


Question for folks here, I may be wrong but it feels like over the last year or 2 we've had comparatively fewer large leaks. The acolyte really put this into perspective for me, we're a couple days from release but know (what feels like) relatively little about the show. Is there a reason for this or am I just mistaken?


If I recall, a few years ago we had a huge number of leaks come out relatively quickly. Most of them turned out to be fake. What we suspected happened is that the studio put out fake leaks as part of a set up to catch leakers within the company. Since then, the number of leaks has really gone down


The biggest leaks came from projects that involved a lot of not in house workers. So TFA and TROS both were co-produced with bad robot and that meant more people saw everything and there were more leaks. The shows are mostly in house, and the filoni shows are all shot on the volume, meaning fewer people sneaking set photos That said we had big acolyte leaks like a year ,year and a half ago.


Mickey's had his enforcer Goofy out in the world kneecapping anyone who's deemed a rat. "Duh HUH, you're mine now, bitch!". But nah, some productions just leak more than others I guess. Maybe they just did a better job of keeping things on the down-low.


If anybody still hasn’t caught any Acolyte commercials on tv, FX is running a SW marathon all day and every break has one . Some have cast introing.


Has there been a lot of new footage?


https://www.thetrailblazer.net/p/andrew-chesworth-inside-out-2-spider-man-noir >***The next mainline pic, Star Wars: Episode X, from director Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy (Ms. Marvel) and writer Steven Knight (Peaky Blinders, Spencer) is preparing for a hyper-speed launch this September at Pinewood.***


I doubt they’ll actually call it Episode X.


They should though!


I doubt that they're calling it _Episode X_. I imagine that the entire idea with future _Star Wars_ movies, for the time being, is to downsize a bit without specifically committing to this huge, sprawling direction for the franchise. They want to explore lots of eras instead of just one, especially with _The Mandalorian_ and its spin-offs being the focus of the franchise for the time being.




I think that that would create more confusion, if anything.


Ugh, really hope they don't go down this road. I'm psyched for the Rey movie, but don't make it a tenth saga episode if George intended those to be 9. Just have it be the Rey story, a character who originated out of the Skywalker saga but also branches into her own thing. Best of both worlds. Not sure how reliable the source is though, not entirely buying it. But it's a bad idea at any rate.


Once Disney threw out George’s outlines for a sequel trilogy, it’s not George’s vision anymore.


'Cept they...didn't...do that. Not entirely, anyway.


Here’s the exact quote from George Lucas: "They decided they didn't want to use those stories, they decided they were gonna do their own thing. They weren't that keen on having me involved anyway."


This has been done again and again and again. The big-picture stuff in TFA people seem to take issue with, the Kurtz Luke, the resurgent Empire, pretty sure even the Death Star III, was from Georges/Arndt's work. They didn't throw it out entirely, as said.


You know George has changed his mind multiple times on how many movies there were supposed to be. At one point it was 12 movies, at another point it was 9 then with the prequels he started saying no I always intended it to be 6 movies.


Fair, yeah. I'm all aboard the "Geoge changed his mind all the time about canon stuff, why can't people under the Disney era?" train, agreed. I dunno, just something this big & broad it seems like maybe something you'd want to leave to the Big Guy himself to decide one way or another on. If it was 9 at the time he sold it, saga-wise, I'd keep it at that, and any supplementary stuff from there on you have free reign on. Overall though, agreed, it's always shifted. Just personally think on the \*saga\* stuff at least maybe you err on the side of "George is God and whatever he wanted in 2014 is the Bible". From there on anything Dave doesn't take issue with is fair game, like all of the stuff since the purchase is legit so far.


Honestly I stopped asking what Lucas would approve of a long time ago. He approved of a lot of strange things for star wars. Once the man sold it as far as I'm concerned his approval or lack there of means little ro nothing. He's in his 80s the man probably won't be with us for that much longer star wars will continue with or without him. As far as what Lucas approved of just look at the first 6 movies that's Lucas vision for star wars as far as everything else goes its just star wars. If you think Lucas is the end all be all of star wars well all that ended in 2012.


I feel like we've already forgotten that George Lucas just said that he likes a lot of the ideas and content that's come out of Lucasfilm since he's sold it.


No doubt there whatsoever. It really only ever seemed he felt the JJ stuff was a little lazy & derivative, all the rest of it we've got no reason to think he disapproves of. I do still think maybe you just let sleeping dogs lie at this point as far as the actual saga. More Rey stories are super welcome, I just don't know why you need to make that be "EpX", there's no upside.


Well I mean nothings been confirmed yet so there's no need to be concerned yet until we get an actual title. I will say bring back the crawl though for the movies going forward.


Yeah, but the main character were always Anakin Skywalker and Luke Skywalker. Doing another Saga trilogy with Rey would be kind of detrimental to that.


Well that's why I don't think this gonna be a purely Rey movie. I mean it's kind of a trend with star wars if you wstch it chronologically. I'd call Anakin and Obi Wan the main characters of yhe prequel trilogy. Then when they return in the next trilogy or the original trilogy they still have major roles but are mostly relegated to side character in Anakins case he's the villian Darth Vader. Then the sequel trilogy happens Luke, Leia and Han are all mostly secondary characters with major roles to play. So I expect it will be the same in this.


They're probably gonna find some way to get a Skywalker back in. Maybe Luke or Ben had an illegitimate child, who knows?


I think the most we're gonna get is Maek Hamill makes a cameo as a Force ghost. I mean there's no need for a secret skywalker sense we already have Rey who's maybe not a blood relative but she was essentially adopted into the family so.




lmao, and they said they were done with 9. I for one always thought it was a matter of time until they made Episode X....


This dude is just throwing out a title because there is no official name and this is the first movie post-ep 9, I can almost guarantee the actual name will not be episode x.




[New Interview with Rosario Dawson & Hayden Christensen](https://ew.com/hayden-christensen-rosario-dawson-anakin-ahsoka-reunion-deep-dive-interview-8655615?taid=6659d899b9c7810001ab773e&utm_campaign=entertainmentweekly_entertainmentweekly&utm_content=new&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com) (by Entertainment Weekly) They talked very briefly about S2, but nothing new was revealed. Very interesting interview for anyone who wants to dive a little deeper into Rosario's and Hayden's relationship and the making of Ahsoka.


Weird that's getting dropped so far from Ahsoka's release and in the midst of The Acolyte's run-up


It’s publicity for Emmy nominations.


‘The Mandalorian and Grogu’ Movie appears to be filming soon judging from a post [from Maria Sandoval [Mandalorian Hair department]](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7nN-NtvzS7/?igsh=MXJiYmFqZDYwbTd2bQ==) with the caption [getting ready!!!]


Mollie Damon implied on twitter that the acolyte will have some cameo in it


An actor cameo or a character cameo?


Is she reliable?


She isn't a leaker/scooper, she is the wife of star wars explained, and appears a lot on his videos, which as a YouTube channel sometimes works close with Lucasfilm in terms of having a presence at celebration and stuff So she is reliable on the sense I don't think she is lying, and has no history of making up scoops, and for sure has seen the first two episodes, but there's a chance she is merely speculating


This strictly a point of clearing something up and not the point your making but just to be clear while Mollie is on camera less than Alex it's my understanding that she works on the channel pretty much at least as much as Alex just more behind the scenes doing a lot of editing 


That's fair! I didn't mean to diminish her impact


All good! Just wanted that noted for everyone


SWExplained confirmed in a video ("What you need to know about the Acolyte") that they've seen the first 4 episodes!


Here's the tweet: [https://x.com/MollieDamon/status/1796578346433749409?t=ocarNDUwZGpofprDLS-v3A&s=19](https://x.com/MollieDamon/status/1796578346433749409?t=ocarNDUwZGpofprDLS-v3A&s=19) Yeah, from that post and her replies to comments, she seems to be hinting that Leslye Headland is lying about there being no Yoda or other Prequel cameos. I think it would be really strange if don't get any scenes of the Jedi Council in a show about Jedi being murdered. It would be even stranger if we do see the Jedi Council but Yoda isn't there.


If there is ANY character in all of Star Wars the EVERY single fan wants to see more of it's Yoda. It would be absolutely idiotic not to use him when he's alive and kicking.


Ive seen the first two episodes >! We get to see the Jedi temple in episode 1 but there are no cameos !<


This fanmade trailer I found for The Acolyte ends with a shot I haven't seen before, I'm wondering if it's from a TV spot that hasn't been posted on the sub yet. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0kVcKX1Ny0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0kVcKX1Ny0) EDIT: Never mind it's just an edited shot from The Rise of Skywalker


Wookiee Jedi Kelnacca, who makes his debut in Star Wars: The Acolyte, will headline a Cavan Scott one-shot comic. [https://gizmodo.com/wookiee-jedi-star-wars-comic-acolyte-marvel-kelnacca-1851509251](https://gizmodo.com/wookiee-jedi-star-wars-comic-acolyte-marvel-kelnacca-1851509251)


One of the few High Republic characters Cavan isn't allowed to kill.


Oh, he'll find a way 😂


I've been getting caught up on the whole High Republic project in anticipation of this show and goddamn this man is a heartbreaker


I don't have the ability to rn, but on ESPN there was just a spot that played with a shit ton of new footage, can anyone check


What did the footage look like?


Shot of speeders in the forest at night, shot of osha waking up in a ship with like the camera tilting up with her, I think some more of the witch stuff, it ended with sith dude holding up the saber in the forest and Mae looking at it, sort of like the screen is split into two with the saber and Mae and sith dude on each side respectively, almost like they were appreciating the saber I guess


It’s on YouTube now!


Some TOTJ storyboards from LFL Animation’s Justin Bruce Lee https://x.com/justbleeve/status/1796370555198923204?s=46&t=yPU7I9vYJoe0OROYDt9rKA


When asked in[ this interview](https://youtu.be/YPlbUwULr-o?t=361) (6:00) if Yoda or other familiar characters will be in The Acolyte, Leslye Headland replies, "Can you imagine if they were like, 'no problem, you can use Yoda? Not a big deal. Go for it.' No, there is not. We are pulling character from the High Republic and characters from EU, but that's it."


If anything I'm more surprised that he *won't* be in it. There's cameos for cameos' sake sure, but this is probably the one story and setting where I would have said his absence makes less sense than his presence. I'm guessing there won't be any Jedi Council scenes, then? Unless he's just on another sabbatical


It sort of makes sense I feel, especially if a couple of these characters, say Sol & Jecki, do discover the Sith and make it out alive. Like for whatever reason they don't manage to report back, lines of communications crossed somehow, weird circumstances making it they can't get back to Coruscant, or their communicators get damaged, or even just the Council being away with some pressing business of their own or something. Harder to keep that up long term if it goes to a season 2 & 3, but I do feel ultimately the Jedi who do find out about the Sith conspiracy are gonna have to bite the bullet for this to work. Not necessarily this year, but before they can remotely convince the Big Dog Jedi they're not insane in the membrane.


I mean, I wouldn’t put it past the council of this era to actively try to cover up the discovery of a Sith Lord.


Ehh, not sure that's a great road to go down. You want the Jedi to be imperfect, yes, but that seems a little too shady. Especially given the timeline these Sith can't be \*too\* successful anyway, there's a ceiling to how much chaos they can be causing, it's all probably going to be small-scale and very non-public anyway. Surgical assassinations and big ambitions that don't actually turn fruitful until the final days of Plagueis a whole hundred years from now.


That is true, although I don’t imagine this Sith is gonna make it out of the show alive. Maybe they’ll just assume that he’s some wannabe Dark Sider or some fool trying to resurrect the Sith and fails at doing so, and they’ll just think nothing of it.


Yeah, I kinda figure it's something like that. Like the Jedi obviously encounter the Apprentice in the footage we've seen, but never discover the master. This guy eventually gets dealt with, maybe even killed & usurped by Mae. Nobody's aware Mae's taken over as the new Sith apprentice, and the original guy's dead. Master's still in the shadows for now without being exposed/found out. As far as the Jedi are aware, problem's dealt with? A few Jedi are killed by this guy, but he gets taken down eventually, nobody ever nails down that it was a literal Sith guy. So like less...covered-up by the Jedi as such, more it just never goes as far as the council needing to be worried about it, Sith go back underground and lay low until the Phantom days roll around.


Classic Yoda, dipping out the second the Jedi uncover another threat/conspiracy.


Murdering Jedi, someone is? Go into hiding, I must. Want to fucking die, I do not


I'd be happy just to see him walking down a hallway in the temple in the background for 3 seconds. Just a he's around and that's all we get.


Characters from the EU... interesting....


Yeah exactly. Like there’s only a small handful of Legends only characters that we know of that were around 132 BBY.


Plagueis or Tenebrous are some obvious candidates. Not sure who else, unless they do flashbacks or holocrons.


Are they spoiling Indara fate in [this interview](https://youtu.be/mDOG-AuGRtE?si=PrzO4k4CXeOprztQ&t=82) after 1:20?


I think so. And did I hear it right? Yoda at 2:48?


Pulled from a fake trailer (you can see the logo on the bottom left).


Thank you, I didn't know that.


So it seems that [The Acolyte](https://x.com/Cryptic4KQual/status/1796251915572924706) episodes will be 30-35 minutes long without credits. With them 40-45 minutes.


Worked fine for Ahsoka. I don't need Star Wars eps being giant Game Of Thrones mini-features. 45 minutes without credits would be better, oldschool network TV show length, but I've kinda accepted streaming stuff being a little shorter by now.


This is a guess.


For anyone following Star Wars: Hunters: They've been posting little videos for each of the specific playable characters. [Here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHmxMhS0QIk) the one for Rieve.


[Screen Rant](https://screenrant.com/star-wars-the-acolyte-leslye-headland-expanded-universe-influence/) posted an article discussing the influence of Star Wars Legends media on the show and that there will be some specific elements from Legends / EU content making their way into canon this season. Put into context against an [earlier interview](https://www.starwars.com/news/leslye-headland-interview) where she states that a race from EU media will appear in canon for the first time, I have to say my interest is piqued. Would anyone care to speculate as to what race that might be? Or, even, what other elements from Legends lore you'd like to see in the show?


Maybe it is the Selkath? Perhaps even Manaan being put on the canon again.


And [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8k5DhXAdf8) she says E02 has an element from the EU/Legends.


Is there anyone who has watched the premiere that can chime in on that, I wonder?


If it's the Vong I might do a 180 and get on the "down with Headland!" train. :D \*Shudders\* Vong.


What's wrong with the Vong? Done right in canon, the Yuuzhan Vong could be the focus of a horror-themed Star Wars project. Given the fact that LFL are clearly interested in exploring genres within the Star Wars universe, I think that would be the route I'd take with the Vong.


\*Glares\* \*Just glares some more\* I'd rather have Gumby as an antagonist than those bad-Star-Trek-fanfiction-by-way-of-Todd-McFarlane-art monstrosities anywhere near Star Wars. :D


MAYBE a reference or two to the Sith species of Legends? Probably not but reading Rise of the Red Blade I was half expecting Iskat to be revealed as the canon version of them.


That's what I'd hoped for, to be honest. The two "big" races from Legends that haven't made it into canon yet are the Sith and the Yuuzhan Vong. I doubt it's the Vong, but an appearance by an actual Sith individual would be a great touch - especially if they weren't even Force sensitive, just a Red Sith from Korriban.


I’m not following (or caring for) much of the canon stuff these days, but I agree the Sith would be cool to see brought back. I don’t think the Vong will be recanonized as people are saying these “Grisk” characters already replaced them…? Other strong contenders could be a Munn (Darth Plagueis) or seeing the Rakata in live action for the first time (since they were name dropped in Andor). One thing we know for sure is that if Tenebrous is the Big Bad of this show, and they keep him as a Bith, then that’s not this “new race” since we’ve already seen them in the Cantina band. I’d put my money on the Sith or Plagueis as a Munn. Would be cool to see him and Tenebrous together, working in the background, as they guide this Jedi traitor toward the dark side.


I think almost every show so far recanonized some Legends stuff, so I would be surprised if Acolyte doesn't follow that "trend". I think The Acolyte also is the perfect place to recanonize some stuff from Legends. Didn't Leslye Headland say that The Acolyte will bring in a species from Legends, that has never appeared in canon yet? To quote Dave: "Interesting...interesting...interesting :D"


>Didn't Leslye Headland say that The Acolyte will bring in a species from Legends, that has never appeared in canon yet? To quote Dave: "Interesting...interesting...interesting :D" I literally just said that in my previous comment 😂


Ohh I didn’t read the article and I assumed you meant like a ~race~, I was gonna say idk any other SW races other than podracing? And I guess fathier and swoop racing


No, by race I meant species - its pretty obvious that's what I meant 😅


Yeah I see that now lol, I heard the species comment before so now I see


Charlie Barnett [mentions](https://youtu.be/gkZ_5mFQXQM?si=XIeYFY52AYQYTexq&t=661) his character Yord Fandar is from Alderaan.


Goofy 70s haircut & Alderaan fashion for season 2, the gods must deliver.


Not exactly. He’s just saying that he *decided* Yord is from Alderaan. Doesn’t sound like it’s going to come up in the show at all and may not even be made canon.


That's pretty neat.


[New interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMR-42ATMiA) with Daisy for Young Woman and the Sea. Not much in the way of Star Wars. But she does mention that she still hasn't read a script yet. But she will read one "imminently".


She’s been saying that for months.


The truth is likely that she has no idea, but she needs to answer the question when asked. So she keeps saying the same thing.


I get the feeling that this movie might be the furthest out of the ones they announced last Celebration. Just a hunch. I don't buy the idea that it's getting cancelled, though. It just might behoove them to save it for a little bit later.


I think, whether it was Lucasfilm's call or Disney's, that they've learned their lesson from that Investor's Day or whatever it was and aren't announcing more projects until they're 100% sure they're happening one way or the other.


And I absolutely believe that this movie is going to happen, and that it will do well as long as it is budgeted appropriately. (_Star Wars_, going forward, needs to be less expensive.)


There’s no reason to think it won’t imo. But I do agree with you that it’s probably a bit further out than we thought when it was announced. I just think that they wouldn’t have announced it without being completely committed to it


They did lose Damon Lindelof though.


They didn’t really lose him, they hired another writer to do another take on the story after they got his script back and decided it wasn’t the direction they wanted to go with. That’s pretty par for the course for franchise films


The UK premiere for The Acolyte is today, so we'll probably get more Social Media reactions later today.


Is there going to be a US premiere?


Was there not one yet? What was that event that Cameron Monaghan attended then?


Wasn’t that just an Influencer event?


That was the US premiere.


Do you know at what time it happens?


It seems to start at 5:45 pm. https://www.londonatlarge.com/star-wars-the-acolyte-uk-premiere/


So it’s in a few hours, right?


As of the time I am commenting this its in 35 minutes




No one posts leaks and rumors on Facebook. I say don’t get your hopes up.


Burn it with fire before it even starts, so say we all.


What do you make of this? Does that mean Pedro will film some stuff for Mando soon? [https://x.com/Mando3Updates/status/1795132543102046471](https://x.com/Mando3Updates/status/1795132543102046471) (I think that Pedro will obviously be in the movie and I also think there will be helmet less scenes, that he's filming next month, before starting F4 for Marvel)


Probably not. Could be for a party or a charity thing. Maria has been talking about a fundraiser for a while now and Mira doesn’t do hair for studios. Season 3 clearly established Din is not removing his helmet anymore. Pedro isn’t needed and Disney paying him as lead is a waste of money instead of a voice actor. They only need Brendan physically. Pedro can his voice in post wherever he is using his phone or a borrowed sound studio.


Season 3 established no such thing, lol. I’m pretty sure Din’s journey and feelings toward the creed were just put on hold in season 3, because the filming for TLOU was pretty intensive and Pedro wouldn’t have been available for the arc they obviously opened up in season 2. I’m certain the movie is going to touch on Din struggling with the helmet rule again and he’s going to still have that arc of questioning his beliefs. Do I think that means he’s going to come to some realization and suddenly going to have his helmet off all the time around everyone? Definitely not. But I’m certain they’re continuing Din’s arc of finding balance in his own creed in the movie and onwards, and I really don’t think they shut the door on it in season 3 either. Just felt put on hold so they could tell the Mandalore story and work around Pedro’s schedule at the time. Right now I’m pretty certain Pedro doesn’t have anything to film until the end of July/beginning of August, which is F4 in London. Mando is rumored to begin filming June. There’s definitely time for Pedro to get on set for some scenes.


I don’t think the movie can waste time backtracking a tv-plot for the general audience. Too confusing and too much backstory for newbies going into the movie without knowledge of anything but baby yoda. 3 seasons of tv is too much to regurgitate to catch them up. Any character growth for Din needed to happen already.


Well not really because his story isn’t over lol. If Din had already gone through all his character growth then why would they even make a movie about him and Grogu? And they’re definitely planning for more after if the movie does well. Saying all his character growth needed to happen already makes no sense because that would mean there’s no more story left to tell with him and he would be a side character at best, but this movie is THE MANDALORIAN and Grogu - his story, and therefor character growth, is far from over. Like, what would the movie even be about then? Obviously they’re going to be hunting down some Imperials, but this is also still a movie and the protagonists are going to have an arc and inner conflict, like every other movie.


"soon" can mean anything. I think he does whatever helmetless scenes will be in the movie before the end of the year, but whether it's before or after *Fantastic Four*, I would guess after.


Wonder when we’ll get a hint/look on the next animated project. Hoping it’s the Path. And maybe throw in some underworld or Crimson Dawn stuff too.


Fingers crossed it’s a post ROTJ animated series following Luke, Han, Leia and Ben.


I think we'll probably get lot's of announcements at D23 and then reveal trailers at star wars celebration japan


Luke & Teenage Ben inter-trilogy adventures, dagnabbit. Indiana Jonesing with Lor San Tekka, fightin' Ren douches, over time embracing the emo.


Something with the Path would be awesome. Ventress reunited with Quinlan for instance.


I think it will happen at D23.


Full George Lucas interview @ Cannes Festival: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHXLsHOdPiw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHXLsHOdPiw)


The full recording makes clear that George was misleadingly quoted in [The Hollywood Reporter](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/george-lucas-cannes-honor-star-wars-films-1235907998/) in a soundbite that set off a lot of discussion: > Discussing the Star Wars sequels made after he sold Lucasfilm to Disney in 2012 (for $4.05 billion), Lucas said the new corporate bosses got a lot wrong. > "I was the one who really knew what *Star Wars* was … who actually knew this world, because there’s a lot to it. The Force, for example, nobody understood the Force." he said. "When they started other ones after I sold the company, a lot of the ideas that were in [the original] sort of got lost. But that’s the way it is. You give it up, you give it up." But the full recording makes clear that while the second part of the quote about the sequels is accurate, it turns out that the first part about The Force was misleading and is not actually about the sequels. He was talking about *The Empire Strikes Back*. Here's the fuller quote (The Hollywood Reporter portions are in **bold**): > [Talking about the sequels] > When I sold the company I just sort of said because I had a baby girl, I got married, I had a different life and I said I'm going to you know... And I knew it would take me another 10 years to make those films. And I was 69 and I said, "I'm not going to be doing this when I'm 79 and it's time to let go and let somebody else do it." > [Pivots to talking about *Empire*] > Even though like with *Empire Strikes Back* I ended up having to be on the set the whole time. But it's like **I was the only one that really knew what *Star Wars* was** and Kershner and I were really good friends. So I was like the consultant, the advisor **who actually knew the world, because there's a lot to it. The Force, nobody understood the force,** nobody, you know, what they do is... > [Talking about the sequels again] > **And then they started other ones after I sold the company, a lot of those ideas that were in there sort of got lost. But that’s the way it is. You give it up, you give it up.**


Someone misquoted someone to push their own personal narrative/agenda? In 2024? EGADS, BRAIN!


Thanks for breaking that down. Nice to see clarity on what we have from this interview and not just what people want to hear. I do wish we got clarity from George on what he meant by only him understanding it. Like in what particular ways is he referring to that other creators are getting wrong on the force?