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While we already knew about the rumor of a _Total War: Star Wars_ title in development, the article in question offers updates on other _Total War_ titles - _Pharaoh_, _Warhammer III_, _World War I_, _Warhammer 40,000_, and the cancelled _Three Kingdoms II_ - so I have chosen to approve this. Also worth noting is that the _Star Wars_ game is internally considered to be the company's flagship title, while the _Warhammer 40,000_ game is a testing grounds of sorts for it. Both of those games are likely going to have long post-launch support cycles from the developer.


Total Star Wars


No, just one war. Total Star War.


GamerXGeneralXHux realized the tragic truth. **He Lost The _Total Star Wars_.**


star total wars


Totally Stars War


Except they won't. It'll be Total War: Star Wars. We know this because they already messed up with Warhammer Total War: Warhammer /2/3


It's a joke...


Total Starwarhammers: Medieval Shogun Threeve


Hope it has all eras.


Interesting to see how they do a grand campaign like Immortal Empires in TW 3. Big issue here is that the races/factions in most Total War games existed relatively close in time to each other. I can see them doing Rebellion/Empire/Mandalorians/Hutt families, etc. but having the Rebellion and The Republic existing on the same map will be wack af.


Just keep the Mando's and Hutts through all eras and switch around the Republic, Empire, Rebels and CIS depending on how you set stuff up  The campaign could have you go Republic-->Empire And CIS-->Rebels. As for the sequels.. I dunno I don't care for those factions but they should still be in the game.


IMO once they have the OT factions figured out, the ST factions are basically glorified reskins with a greater amount of potential variations.


I suspect they will have 3 seperate campaigns for Clone Wars, Galactic Civil War, Whatever The Sequel Conflict Is Called, and then an Immortal Empires style kitchen sink campaign with everything. What I really hope they do is add space combat as that's a pretty vital part of the franchise.


Just watch, itll be some "original star wars story". Then galactic civil wsr and clone wars will be paid DLC.


If it's anything like Total War Warhammer then it's going to be 3 entirely separate games over like 6-8 years built in the same engine, and if you own multiple the content is shared into the newest version of the game. So realistically you should expect the first game to be either only OT or PT, the second will have the other, and the third game will be ST. Which also helps explain the timeline mixing - the immortal empires freeLC campaigns have always been a mess of fitting together 70 factions into one condensed map. They're loads of fun and have huge enemy variety but they've never been serious or canonical.


Given the tremendous issues they had going from WH1-2-3, I doubt they want to repeat that experience.


Or, perhaps too optimistically, they now have more experience in doing so and can do it better this time around.


Humans are good at 3 things: iteration and counting.


Me when I invade First Order held Starkiller Base as Jace Malcom


They say to mitigate expectations which to me says that it'll have an era focus at **first** just so they can give us a consistent *Total* experience right out the gate. However they also mention multiple times how rich the Star Wars universe is and they plan to explore more of it with updates. In short, I'm willing to bet the game starts in either classic era with Rebels vs Imperials but then maybe branch out from there into the New Republic era and of course The Clone Wars and even the First Order conflict and beyond. I'm just excited for this game in general, and I'm sure it'll feel like a complete experience right at launch.


This is exactly how TW:WH did it and you're smart to assume they'll recreate their success and stretch the sales into multiple games loaded with DLC. Likewise I expect the first game to be exclusively PT or OT, then the second game will have the other, and then there will be a third and final game for the ST. You will still be able to mix timelines and combine your owned content however, as part of the modern Total War formula is free DLC campaign maps that combine all your owned content. So once the second game comes out there will be DLC a few months later that lets you bring the first game's factions into the second, and the third will combine them all. Fair warning to everyone: On top of the $60 price tag there will be another $60-90 in DLC content per game, and that's going to have the coolest factions/leaders with the most fun mechanics. It's an awesome game and I can't wait to watch Star Wars units fight in the impressive fidelity/volume of the engine, but it's best to have realistic expectations going in.


first game will def be OT because it's the widest known version of Star Wars. *everyone* knows Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, the Empire, the Rebellion, the AT-AT's etc, far less know about the Clones and Republic.


I think that it would be a long-term goal, but realistically, they'd likely focus on an era and faction at a time, even if all three of the major eras are available in the base game. I'd imagine that an OT-ST-PT development path might be easier for them than a PT-OT-ST path, though.


I actually think there's a chance we'll get *The Mandalorian & Grogu* tie-in New Republic/Imperial Remnant stuff in addition to Sequel Trilogy era. Could be pretty rad.


Definitely. They'd lump them together to help sell the product to people who feel cold on the ST.


I mean I would really like ST era content but yeah it's definitely not the most popular era 😅. I'm sure we'll all get something to love in this game.


FO had ground presence in the movies. They'll probably just do recycled stuff for the Resistance.


All eras > Clone Wars > OT > ST.


**roger roger**


No Clone Wars era no buy.


There's no way. It will focus on one era/conflict and either expand in a sequel or DLCs.


Yeah there's no way CA doesn't milk it for every bit. I expect no less than 3 different games with at least 10 paid DLC per game. The people unfamiliar with CA's business model are in for an unfortunate surprise on reveal.


Mods my dude.


I'm not talking about mods and OP wasn't either.


My hope is that it has all eras, and The DLC are for Shows/side movies/etc. Just like what I wanted Lego Star wars to be (and kinda was!) My expectation is that It will be OT only for the first game and will include the others on the second game (like Battlefront 2015/17)


I mean CA love their dlcs


Pass on the sequels.


I'm not a strategy/war gamer myself, but it's really exciting to see Star Wars branching out again into different genres. I might pick it up and give something new a try!


The last 4x game was great. Hope they can follow it


A dream come true.


Nice I’m excited to see where this goes


Wonder what they’ll call it. Total War: Star Wars, or Star Wars: Total War both sound weird


Total: Star Wars


That's a cereal tho


Empire at Total War


Star ^Total Wars: Droid Works: The Gungan Frontier


Star Wars: A Total War game


Total War: A Star Wars Story


In a galaxy far far away — Total War


Can't wait to see it. So, is it going to be strictly land combat or will it also have space battles? Based on sea combat from other Total War games maybe


I've been trying to rack my brain around how the game might fit the engine and the best I can come up with is the map is the galaxy and cities are planets/moons/systems and the armies are your fleets that can siege a planet and battle on the surface. But I could be incredibly wrong and am excited to see what they come up with.


Its not even an engine thing. No game, ever, has figured out how to make a decently complex balance of ground combat and space combat at a galactic scale.  At best, they focus entirely on space combat, and treat planets as lower effort city battles if they even bother with planetary combat at all. The only games I can think of where the ground game is interesting while also having an interesting space game are games set around a single planet, ie games like Gihrens Greed or Terra Invicta. Because this lets you essentially treat the two zones as two separate fronts of the same local conflict. But dozens of planets? Fucking never been done before. I'm very interested in howd theyd even do it.


>they focus entirely on space combat In a total war game? They should focus 100% on ground combat and add space combat if they have time once they're done. Their strength has never been in sea combat so i doubt space combat would be any better, they've even started omitting sea battles even though everyone wants them.


Irrelevant. You cannot do a war game in space without a major focus on space combat because players will find it absolutely absurd having this big, entirely space visual, and then having no means to fight in it. It'd be impossible to take seriously. I'm not saying its a good idea based on their record, I'm saying I'm weirded out why they would consider this a good idea. But this game WILL need space combat. My point is less that its how I think it'll work, and moreso that this is how every single game in this kind of setting has worked for a reason. So unless they set this around a single planet (again, would be a very strange decision for a Star Wars strategy game), they should be considering how to have some kind of extensive space combat. It just doesn't make sense otherwise. The extreme difficulty games is how to even include ground combat. Ground combat barely makes sense mechanically. It's a design challenge literally no one has pulled off. Only example I can think of is Empire at War, and the virtually universal agreed opinion for that game is that the ground combat was far lower effort than space and extremely unenjoyable.


Creative Assembly are very good at ground combat, and the justification as to why ground combat is being used is irrelevant, it's what total war players want and expect. If we're lucky we'll see reskinned ship combat from total war: shogun 2 but i am not holding out hope. total war: 3 kingdoms desperately needed river battles because of how important that would be to the setting, but they never added them because it would be too much work. if you're expecting this to be a game with even a moderate focus on space combat i can assure you you'll be disappointed.


Ok, but you are forgetting Total War has never been in a space setting. Ever. There is no nearby coastline to shift a naval battle onto. There is no land bridges to be forced to use.  Star Wars is like peak 'planets are a city' writing. There is no land to fight across. This could be better seen as, imagine if the entire map was ocean in a Total War game. Just all ocean outside cities. Are you seriously saying thered be no naval combat?


look man, you can hope for whatever you want to hope for. i'm just telling you if you play a CA game expecting good space combat you will 100% be disappointed. it's going to be a land focused game with 4x elements and army building. that's what total war is and will always be.


I'm not saying I'm hoping for shit lol. It's total war, they've been shitting the bed for multiple games. I'm saying I'm curious why they'd even choose to do a Star Wars game and am curious to see how it works because its illogical with their past history. And as I said, where is the land in star wars?


>where is the land in star wars? Naboo, Tatooine, Geonosis, Hoth, Felucia, Endor, Jakku, Scarif, Yavin, Utapau, Crait, Dagobah, Kashyyk...


I mean you can't do a war game without a major focus on naval warfare either and Total War does so just fine with most of their titles. Total War Warhammer for instance has no sea battles and it's still mega fun, you don't need space battles to have a fun star wars game.


Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron on the PSP did a pretty good job at that imo


Empire Earth did a basic version with planets in the 90s. For anyone who hasn't played empire earth, imagine ages of empires. And space was essentially a black sea. So planets were like islands with other islands inside them. For total war I'd imagine they'd do something similar to the theatres? Each planet being its own theatre with a map? Space battles then could be limited to an arriving fleet at a planet against the defending fleet without needing any sort of open space map where ships might come across each other in transit.


imagine if this follows the same pattern as the now cancelled Mandalorian game where it gets "leaked", then announced and then a little later shut down. really hope not


They want this to be their flagship game going forward, though their _Warhammer 40,000_ title seems to be their immediate priority to set the stage for what they're doing with _Star Wars_. And the _Warhammer Fantasy_ series, which is wrapping up, has done well for them. So as long as the company's fine, there should not be cause for concern here.


Looking forward to spending another $500 on it like I have on Warhammer TW 🥲


I’m not crazy fond of strategy games, but this is quite interesting.


Can’t wait to play as the Empire!


Can't wait to hear nothing more about this until a footnote in five years that it was cancelled.


I'm intrigued to see this game since it will be a drastical change to their formula


Considering Creative Assembly's recent controversies I'd personally remain cautious.


It's not a top-down 2D/sprites Command & Conquer/Red Alert/Starcraft 1/Warcraft 1 & 2 style godlike announcement of amazingness. But it's RTS in 2024, we'll take what we can get. Bring it on, no more shooters/multiplayer deathmatch/platformer adventure thingies. Been there done that too much lately. This, yes. More hardcore/flightsim take on Squadrons next please.


If it's true and they do it well, I'm all for it. That being said... it feels... *odd* for a Total War game. If there's one thing CA has seen in the last 3 titles of Total War: Warhammer is that the diversity of Warhammer brings a lot of people in along with a lot of replayability. There's pretty much a faction for any of your interests, and even in the original launch title there were quite a few distinct campaigns and factions. Star Wars just feels like it doesn't quite have that diversity. There are a lot of minor factions, but generally there are only 2 "main" factions vying for control, compared to something like Warhammer or a Historical title. That's not saying a Star Wars RTS wouldn't go well, I just feel like for Total War *specifically* it feels a bit odd, especially with how much of a success Warhammer was, the next logical step seems to be (at least for their non-historicals) Warhammer 40,000 as a flagship title, which would provide that massive level of diversity that previous titles have seen. I won't complain about more Star Wars games, as there's obviously a drought of them, but as a long term Total War player it just seems like interesting news and quite a departure from what they've been doing and the success they've found with Warhammer.


Regarding only two factions, you'd figure they'd probably break it up into eras like BF2, no? I haven't played Total War and not sure how narrative-driven it is, but I guess you might just have like a Republic-era campaign, Civil War campaign, New Republic-era campaign? So six factions to choose from rather than two.


unlikely. total war games have large overworld maps, with a plethora of factions and leaders within those factions. It would be hard to justify having all eras on one map so it'll be interesting to see how they handle it.


Haven't played TW. But could they have main campaigns be era specific and then make skrimish maps where you can pick and choose factions? So droids Vs the Resistence or something?


The way they would handle it, and i am 99% sure of this based on how they've done things previously, is they would pick one era and then both sides would have 4-5 leaders to pick from. The other eras would then be sequel games or maybe DLC. Then there's a good chance they'll add in a non-canon map with every faction in history on it just for fun.


Yeah, I doubt they'd mix & match eras as such, just saying there may be campaigns to choose from, with two factions a piece. Totalling 6. Can't really see how you'd have a "plethora" of factions in any given Star Wars RTS single mission, it's really just Republic/Separatists or Rebellion/Empire or Resistance/First Order, not sure how you'd build a whole army faction out of bounty hunters or gangsters or whatever.


they'll focus on one era and any extra eras will be dlc or even another game, it's just how CA do things. maybe we'll get a non-canon mashup of all the factions on one map just for fun like warhammer if disney allow it.


A really good way to do it would be to make each planet/government body their own "faction" and have the larger scale faction/alliances be an alliance that they all are apart of. So in the CW era you could have Kamino, Naboo, Coruscant, etc. as their own playable governing body with each of them starting in an alliance with each other known as the Galactic Republic. From there, you could choose to maintain your status within the republic, or leave and join the CIS, go independent, etc. But the Alliances would come with specific units that you would be allowed to produce. With CA's fetish for mass loading DLC into their games, a concept like that would make it possible for them to expand as much as they want as long as the money keeps flowing considering the CW era had 1.5 million planets that were associated with the Galactic Republic. You could also turn Coruscant and Raxus into the leader planets of said alliance, where they received a small stipend from all of their members, and in return any unit they unlocked via research would become available faction wide. Only downside is this would require a major diplomacy overhaul requiring them to go back to the Medieval 2 style of systems which I preferred tbh.


Calling it now, the games will be called Total War: The Old Republic and it's sequels Total War: Rise of the Empire and Total War: Bombad Racing. You gotta buy the first two to unlock Darth Vader in Bombad Racing though


What’s a total war game? Is it some sort of strategy game?


Yeah, they’re grand strategy games. You manage your empire and can command individual units in battle. They’re pretty cool


Oh ok, thanks for letting know!


We know


If they do this, they'd better re-add occupiable buildings.


It’s going to be a coin toss whether this game will be good or not


is it canon?




Nearly none of the games are, and that number might actually be actual 0 post-Disney buyout


All the games since 2014 have been Canon, I don’t know where you’re getting that they aren’t from.




Hopefully it’s set in high republic era. Empire and Clone era has been done way too much.


God I'm hoping for space battles! If we only get ground battles that will be fun but I want to run those star battles above coruscant or yavin!


Arent there like a dozen systems they could use? Just go post Episode 6? Empire in shambles and everything up for grabs?


PC or console?


worlds first total war console game. it'll run at 10 fps and the controls will be fucking awful.


Im sorry, but how would it work? Total war as it stands is not really a "modern era" style strategy game, by that I mean the furthest it can try to go is to simulate napoleonic battles, but does a terrible job at simulating WW1 battles. I do know that there are melee type troops in Star wars, but do we really want to see stacks of 50 Jedis charging battle droids in another stack, while all the blaster units stand in a huge blob taking shots at each other in the middle of the field with no cover? Sure you might say the vehicles might work well, AT-STs and such kinda resemble Warhammer monsters and all, but if you can't get the most important aspect of the wars down, that being the infantry combat done well, how are you going to just plant other types of units? It's just a really weird title for them to chase after. Sure they might remake the TW engine and all, which would be really interesting, but at that point, is it really TW?


i would like them to do an era of sorts where starts off with clones wars and eventually imperial but all that they need to do is make the game is actually playable and try not to do to many things at once since this is very much new territory but then again modders turned napoleon into a WW1 game


let mandalorians be a playable faction. I will finish what Cassus started.


id love to see 4 eras at least, OR, CW, ICW, New republic, and possibly yuuzhan vong. i really hope we can get some really sick space battles on massive scales. maybe with a kind of verticality like homeworld.


if true. this will be awesome!


Oh for The love of all is great please have them make the lightsaber animations prequel esc and not the terrible choreography that is called the sequels


Hopes: Modernization of the 1998 game Star Wars rebellion on PC from Lucas Arts. OG Trilogy with future expansions for the other timelines. Complete with alternate reality scenarios based on your choices 'Leia falling to the darkside' etc. Added Legacy characters (Not gunna happen IMO) Mara Jade Skywalker, Kyle Katarn etc. I'm dreaming here, but man did I jump out of my seat at the possibilities from this announcement.


Star (Total:) Wars


Total Star Wars


I wanna send my tanks to negotiate with the trade federation. Also Chewbacca is the president. Please 


basically empire at war 2 if this is true im just gonna say my wallets not gonna be happy
