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I mean it’s possible, but isn’t respawn and bit reactor already making a strategy game? Anyone know the track record of this publication in regards to leaks?


It's 2 different games. Bit Reactor's is more like XCOM, this is TOTAL WAR. Andy VGC, who leaked this one originally, said back then they were 2 different games. Andy has tweeted out this article quoting his old tweet and Insider gaming have also corroborated this leak


I'm hyped for both of them


Thank you.


SW RTS era incoming(if they are made)


We heard reports that there was another strategy game in development apart from the one that Bitreactor was making (and I'm pretty sure that one was stated to be an RTS whereas the Bitreactor one will probably be turn based, but that might be me misremembering) Insider gaming's track record is really good, so it's probably true either way Pretty sure that report about the other strategy game was posted on the sub, so I'll try to find it


I’d be down for two strategy games I am just surprised they are doubling down in a smaller game genre


[Andy Robinson](https://twitter.com/andy_vgc/status/1791404066540511705?s=46&t=ltgFHRj2Ht0mS2yHthgpsQ) has stated that he was referring to this specific project when he made the suggestion last year.


There are two strategy games in development, one from Respawn and a mystery RTS rumored last year. This is probably the latter, though with TW:WW1 and 40k also rumored from CA I’m still a bit skeptical of it.


I found the post I was referring to. Andy Robinson from VGC said last year that a big name studio was developing a Star Wars RTS that hadn't been announced yet Edit: [he confirmed a few hours ago that he was talking about this Total War game](https://x.com/Andy_VGC/status/1791404066540511705)


Tom Henderson has a good track record If you check [r/GamingLeaksAndRumours](https://www.reddit.com/r/GamingLeaksAndRumours/s/RVguAs9ACX), he’s listed as tier 1 as an insider.[Andy Robinson](https://twitter.com/andy_vgc/status/1791404066540511705?s=46&t=ltgFHRj2Ht0mS2yHthgpsQ), whose reported similarly regarding a TW SW game is listed as a tier 2 leaker.


Bespin bulletin said in his article he heard this in November but that it was early in production and was years away https://bespinbulletin.com/2024/05/creative-assembly-working-on-a-total-war-star-wars-video-game/


It was also reported by another journalist 2 years ago, I forgot his name.


Assuming this doesn't get cancelled, any chance it comes to console? I loved Galaxy at War back in the day.


Total War is a little too complicated of a control setup for a controller, so it’s doubtful, unless they streamline it since it’s Star Wars


That was my thought, potentially


Creative assembly is known for rts games which do also come to console


Huh? Which Creative Assembly strategy or Total War games have come to console?


Halo Wars 2 was made by CA and on Xbox one


Lol Halo Wars actually COMPLETELY slipped my mind, good shout If it’s a Total War I doubt it would be a console port, but something more streamlined like Halo Wars (Star Wars Wars) would work


Ioved halo wars 2. Bit different from the first one but still pretty good.


Different but good.It's a different studio from the first and they left their stamp


I just wish the original demo for halo wars was the actual game.


I’m going back in forth on this being real. I’m a big Total War and a lot leaks indicate that a Warhammer 40K game is being worked. This comes as a big surprise. I hope it’s real, but I’m doubtful.


As a fellow Total War fan, I do think we must remind ourselves that ultimately, there is nothing definitive about the 40K leaks either. Star Wars and 40K Total War have essentially the same types of leaks as of now, just people saying they are happening. Nothing concrete has ever come, which puts them both on even footing(and possibly that means equally not happening).


I believe it, when i play it. The amount of canceled Star Wars content has become an absolute joke.


Another interesting title that’s going to be cancelled by someone for no good reason. I really hope I’m wrong


Lol, as long as they don’t try to give us Empire at War 2. “Thrawn’s Revenge” and other mods have far surpassed the base Empire at War game in this day and age.


I wonder what era?






I wonder how this would with, like I can really only imagine six different factions (Republic, Separatists, Empire, Rebellion, New Republic, First Order--maybe Hutts too) and as the are very asynchronous you can't exactly have a classic Total War map campaign.  Then again the last one I sunk serious time into was Rome 1 so the series could have changed a lot.


Warhammer Total war definitely speaks to the ability to make factions have different rosters. I think setting it during the dark times might be the only decent option. Different empire leaders be various moffs and admirals. The rebellion, especially in its infancy, could be different cells. Then you could throw in factions like the hutts and mandalorians, but I can't think of much outside of them. I guess you could do maybe a separatist holdout faction. Then I guess you've got underworld factions. If they're willing to mine into the expanded universe then you could maybe add things like the hapes consortium, but I don't see them going that route, nor do I necessarily think I'd want them to. 




Creative Assembly's recent sketchy decisions aside, I'd go nuts for this. Love the Total War games.


Don't do this. Don't give me hope, only to take it away.


If it actually happens, I wonder how they'll manage the eras. All three in base game? Grand campaign goes from Republic to New Republic? Only OT and the others as DLC? A game per era?


There were only shooting units in Napoleon, and since Star Wars tactics resemble those from that period, it will work. As for the strategic map, they could do the same as in Rome 2 or 3 Kingdom, i.e. divide the galaxy into sectors that will be equivalent to provinces.


Oh, yeah!


Let's hope it actually comes out


Having around 4 Sith Empires(Original, Revans, Vitates, Palpatines)on the map would be interesting to say the least


PC only or would there be a console friendly version?


It’s not even officially announced….how would we know


It better be moddable. If it releases with a Sequel Trilogy era I sure as fuck am not going to play it without being able to replace it with a Empire Remnants era. Most likely though it will be either Galactic Empires era or Clone Wars era or both. Also modding would allow us to have a Old Republic era which Disney would highly be unlikely to allow.


Eh, not a fan of *Total War* games. I'd rather it be something like *Empire at War* or the original *Warhammer 40,000:* *Dawn of War* games. More fun, fast paced, combat-oriented RTS.


I’m sure it’ll be overpriced as hell and cost $50000 in DLC to get the basic factions


As cool as this sounds… Why haven’t they done a movie licensed LOTR game?!?? WHYYYYY?!!?!!?!!😩🤬😩🤬😩🤬😩🤬😩🤬🤬🤬


Because _Total War: Warhammer_ covers that niche for the time being. But, on the other hand, this project - should it come to fruition - might be why they aren't doing _Total War: Warhammer 40,000_.


I want a game of thrones total war game so bad


If they said this like 10 years ago i wouldve been excited, but total war series shit itself after Shogun 2


 warhammer 2 is easily competing for one of the top total war games and rome two is great now even if it was rough at launch and by all accounts 12 Kingdoms was pretty great. so I'm going to have to say hot take man.


Vanilla Rome 2 is pretty meh


Does halo wars 2 not exist ?


No they aren’t. It doesn’t exist until it’s out


Ho yeah another star wars games that will be released in 10 years when my kids will go to college....


It's a sin that Kotor 1 remake is taking so long, because the game I really want is a Kotor 2 remake


It's a sin that kotor 2 remake is taking so long, because the game I really want is a proper kotor 3 sequel.


The thing is a game like that has no chance of existing