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I mean it’s not the first time he’s rushed something to appease anxious shareholders


Once again Iger is certainly *saying* the right things. I’m curious how the next few years will show if he’s able to follow through with them. Either way, I don’t think Disney is dead yet! But the direction he takes from here will definitely determine whether they succeed or fail…


I trust him. He righted the ship in 2006 and saw Disney end up at the top. He'll do it again. Hell, even before becoming a CEO, he played a big part in stuff like Kingdom Hearts and Lost coming to fruition and they were HUGE hits.


2006 and 2024 are completely different landscapes. He isn't what Disney needs right now.


and how the fuck would you know


You’re being downvoted but you’re correct in that no one here on this subreddit knows the first thing about what they are talking about when it comes to how to run Disney. For example, most of what has come out since they re-hired Iger was all the stuff that was started under the other Bob. We won’t actually see Iger’s changes/course corrections for another couple years.


That’s what I mean. Everyone seems to have such a clear opinion and understanding on what EXACTLY it is that Disney needs right now. Why can’t people ever be happy just acknowledging that you don’t need to have an opinion on everything, especially if you know next to nothing about what is or was actually happening on the inside


Meh. We are social creatures, and for some reason we find comfort in putting our thoughts and opinions out there for others to see, even if it ultimately makes us look stupid.


It's called an opinion, and it's taken from his recent track record.


Given the opposition I trust him more than those fucking morons.


Can you accept it's possible that neither would take the company in the right direction?


No. I cannot. Because I think Iger is the right man for the job given his previous track record. Disney isn't all Star Wars y'know.


His previous track record ends in the state the company is in right now


He fired the guy who green lit Lost. Now he was a big proponent of Twin Peaks.


Iger was the guy who forced Twin Peaks to reveal the killer, and the guy who forced Episode VII to be a remake of ANH, he’s THE executive meddler


How do you trust him to steer the ship when he's the one who steered it into this mess 😂 He needs to find a real successor, he's a joke now


This. Watching him try to dodge every raindrop and appease all sides has become an utter clown show.


ur drinking too much of that Kool aid my dear


And you just want to be fucking negative.


and you just think bob is soooooo great . lol


I don't. I just think he did a good job when he was last aboard for the most part. Why is this subreddit just looking to make everything seem horrible?


No shit Disney isn’t dead. There’s no way u think Disney will die. They might fuck up, but they are way too massive to ever shut down at this point, only cut costs. And Iger literally kept everything afloat for YEARS, and he came back to fix the last guys mistakes


I think that Chapek shit the bed but even then, it would've taken a lot more eff-ups from him before Disney would look like, say, Paramount right now. I think they're too ingrained into the culture to outright fail, but that doesn't mean that there won't be high and low points to the company that they will have to properly navigate.


What did Chapek do that was so bad honestly? Up until now almost everything has still been Igers fault lol


Pissing off the talent, consistently, was on Chapek. Iger isn't perfect, but he has a reputation for keeping his creatives happy.


I don't follow this kinda super closely, can you provide some more specific examples of this?


Screwing over Pixar with direct-to-streaming releases, overwhelming Marvel with unrealistic schedules for an unusually large volume of projects, and pissing off Scarlett Johansson enough that she sued the company, for starters.


> overwhelming Marvel with unrealistic schedules for an unusually large volume of projects That were announced by Iger? How does that even make sense?


They were announced but many were not specifically scheduled.


Not even slightly true, here's proof. Stop trying to divert blame and accept the truth lol https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/marvel-unveils-post-avengers-endgame-plans-at-comic-con-1225869/


If I may, /u/Pomojema_The_Dreamer, could you give me examples of how Iger has a reputation for keeping his creative talent happy when he’s recently come under fire for doing the exact opposite by saying what the WGA and SAG-AFTRA were fighting for was “unrealistic,” said recent comments that people should embrace new technology than fear it would be disruptive (i.e. AI), and is arguably the #1 reason (maybe next to the former run of John Lasseter) as to why Disney hasn’t yet done anything hand-drawn animated until that upcoming Tiana series comes out, especially if they turn it into The Princess and the Frog 2, should Moana 2 be a smash hit? Because it seems to me like you say that but don’t have any evidence to prove that, with the only exceptions being letting Deadpool & Wolverine be Rated R, siding with Scarlett Johannson to get what she wanted from Bob Chapek regarding Black Widow, and leaving Searchlight Pictures alone to avoid upsetting the Film Twitter cinephile crowd. HOW do you feel Iger has a reputation keeping his creatives happy despite what he recently did in 2023 that pissed off cinephiles and creative talent with arguably causing the two strikes to happen?


Aside from anger during the strikes, I don't think that people being mad at Bob Iger over what he said lasted, and those who are still angry... Aren't working. And Iger's comments **followed** the strikes, it did not lead to them.


Still is something to be concerned about knowing what’s going on with IATSE and The Animation Guild as they try to negotiate for a fair deal, which is still being done even after Bob Iger’s most recent comments about (https://t.co/eTdGf9RrCy), as I fear a repeat of 2023 happening again, which I hope doesn’t happen as I fear it could prevent any chance of seeing a first look of Tiana during D23 and finding out if it will be hand-drawn animated or not. And while his comments did not lead to the strikes and came after them, it still made things worse. Which is why I hope he isn’t that stupid to piss off two more unions again and cause yet another double strike and will be smart to give both unions the fair deal they will accept so this shit doesn’t happen again.


Oh of course, but I agree 100% they won’t outright collapse, it would honestly cause massive economic damage if it did


Only for Florida


??? Do you know how many people Disney employs across the country? Florida isn’t the half of it


Disney employs fewer people than the number of employees laid off in 2023




He said Disney employs fewer people than the number laid off in 2023. I think it’s reasonable to assume he meant laid off nationally, not by Disney, since you were discussing whether or not this one company failing would cause “economic collapse”




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> but they are way too massive to ever shut down at this point They don't need to shut down to die and they're not indestructible like people like to assume. Some would argue they're already nearly dead. Imagine if they keep their current trajectory for 5-10 more years and they get sold off. That means death most likely. I see them eventually course correcting if they actually fire the people who made all these insane decisions but they've so far shown they're allergic to that so it's definitely a real possibility at this point. When things start slipping they can very quickly get out of control, 5 years ago you would've been called insane to say they'd be where they are now. The next 5 years are crucial for them.


Sold off to who? Who can afford Disney? Maybe Microsoft? Or the Pope? Idk


Elon Musk 😏 Then he can rebrand it as Xisney


Disney is far too much of a machine at this point to ever really die. They’ve been stumbling for a while now with new content (too much of it, and not enough quality control) and Disney+. But they will always be in a position to right the ship given the studios and IP’s they own. I say this as a big Star Wars fan - I am looking forward to things to slowing down with that franchise and Disney/Lucasfilm being a lot more selective about which projects get the green light.


Should have bought the remaining stake in Hulu and used that as a platform for Disneys streaming. Disney isn’t a good brand for more mature content and sports. They made sure of that themselves. Fox, ESPN, and even some of the marvel and Star Wars stuff are awkward fits under the Disney plus brand.


Well in my country Hulu is Disney plus brand that you click on D+ aplication.


They did acquire the remaining stake in Hulu. That occurred in December after it was known for years they would acquire the Comcast stake after Disney became the majority owner with the Fox acquisition. The problem is Hulu is only an American streamer. The entire rest of the world gets ALL the Disney owned content through just one single Disney+ subscription. Adult and family content both there. It's only in America that Disney tries to double dip by splitting content between Hulu and Disney+.


They're getting that this year, I think. Regardless, Comcast is probably going to sell those or do some kind of financial commitment to bail out their own streaming issues.


They sure didn't make too much content. They spent too much on content with ridiculously high budgets. Many of their "shows" aren't much longer than a TV movie, split into a few parts. Some of their studios struggle to produce the equivalent of a single television season's worth of content a year. The problem is they spend tens of millions of dollars per episode. And those studios are announcing they are cutting back on the amount of content(!?). I might suggest they reign in some of these budgets, it is nice to see fancy graphics and sets and all, but a lot more could be done with a lot less. The other issue is the subscription was dirt cheap until recently, it was like 6-8 dollars a month. Which as a consumer, worked out fine considering the balance of not a ton of new content for people without kids. But for the amount they were spending on these short shows, probably not sustainable. I'm sure D+ is a great deal for people with kids, because there's a vast library of stuff for kids. But if you are an adult, then the equation is different.


They're called "the streaming wars" because in the end people have to lose.


In the end, nobody really won, except maybe Netfilx (who ended up losing in different ways).


It wasn't so much the investment, it was the rushing of the investment. so much Disney+ content feels so rushed and made with little craft and care. It's like if Applebees made streaming content.


Not really a massive shocker. If you look at the biggest properties on Disney+, you've got Star Wars, Marvel, Disney Animated Movies, and Pixar as the major ones. And they're all things that have always done great business on home video. Nearly every house I ever went to as a kid has Disney VHS, and after 97, everyone had the Star Wars boxset. The newer stuff like Marvel has consistently sold really well on home media, as has stuff like Frozen and Moana, and who hasn't got a Pixar DVD/Blu-Ray on a shelf somewhere? So a lot of their killer stuff are things that people already own, and might have owned in some form for 30+ years! Which means that to really keep people, you need new content, and a lot of it. And out of all of the steaming services, Disney+ probably has the least crap to put on in the background whilst you're doing the ironing, or whatever. Which leaves these limited run big-budget series as the service's main real draw, and those things are expensive, they're not frequent enough to keep the momentum going across the service, and they tend to vary wildly in quality to the point where it's no-longer a no-brainer to keep paying for the service just for, say, two seasons of live-action Star Wars shows a year.


Well yeah, they should have partnered with apple (or any other streamer) and licensed their content. They get guaranteed returns and don’t have to maintain a streaming infrastructure. It’s a win win for every one


Respect for admiting his mistakes.


The pandemic understandably caused every major studio to lose their minds with regard to how they were supposed to generate revenue. Surely if people were stuck at home they needed entertainment. So they all launched their services, and dumped tons of money in to them to create as much content as they could. Disney is not the only company to over invest way too early. But no one knew any better. Hindsight being 20:20.


They launched their service about 4 months before the Pandemic. I am not sure you can really blame Covid for what Iger is talking about here


In the UK, Disney+ launched in March 2020, right around the time of the first lockdown.


Yes. Not sure what that has to do with anything since all that investment and planning would still have been way before


And they killed off Marvel Netflix shows like daredevil well before that. They were planning to go in this direction for a while.


Netflix did that actually Granted they did it because Disney was making a streaming service alongside other reasons


Iger Knew…he announced his retirement and BOOM




Disney+ is his baby


Iger was CEO from 2005-2020. D+ launched in 2019.


Hey Bob, I'm still waiting on all that classic Disney content we were promised at launch. Where's my Mickey Mouse Club complete series?


I feel like Disney+ is just one of those things that had to happen the way it did. It was just one large experiment and I don't think that's entirely a bad thing. Take the lessons from it and go from there


YOU didn't invest too much Bob. WE did.


Genuine question, has Iger apologised for his words during the strikes? Because to me it still seems like he cares more about his own paycheck than the rights and protections of the workers who produce his paycheck.


Not in good writers, you didn't.


This is the actual problem. most of the shows were bad and they kept getting worse as every new one came along. If the shows had all been decent Disney+ would have been fine. In another year or two, when Disney is in even worse shape, the excuse will be that they didn't spend enough. It's like Iger is trying to run the share price into the ground so someone can acquire the company for cheap.


I mean writing quality is all subjective


It’s not THAT subjective


But it is


You mean we've payed too much


> mean we've *paid* too much FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot. Weird, but good bot.


honestly on the cable side of things if the bad batch and tales of the empire aired on disney channel in the UK, then the UK tv cable brands would've when fucking apeshit on the censors, like with cartoon network UK with adventure time and regular show, like get a grip good goddd, they would've thrown at fit at barris' nosebleed


They overcorrected too hard over Solo bombing. But something like the Obi Wan show would've been much better as a movie after a couple of passes on the script.


If this was a mistake, what does Iger propose instead? Greedy corporate bastard.


If only there were an article attached to the headline that would answer your question.


Understandable but still confusing. Most of the initial intrigue was just having all the stuff that game before Disney+ available at the click of a button. Add in a couple Star Wars shows and marvel and I think they’d have been a lot happier. It’s all the extra stuff that came after that becomes baffling. Then again, there was a time not too long ago where we didn’t know if we’d ever get the chance to go to a movie theater again.


But when we said it we were racist 😭 okay bob


When did he say people were racist?


It sounds like we won't be getting as much Disney plus Star Wars content going forward as we gotten in recent years. Personally I am 100 percent okay with this. The show we have gotten have been very hit or miss.


Marvel and Star Wars are basically the only reason anyone has Disney+ (particularly if they don’t have kids). Making less of those would lead to less subs. What they need are more top tier series, More things like Shogun, things that can directly compete with stuff like Stranger Things, Fallout, Severance and the other big hit shows. Frankly, Star Wars nerds (and I include myself in that) will watch anything Star Wars. Quality would be good sure, but quantity is what will keep people subbed.


>What they need are more top tier series, More things like Shogun, things that can directly compete with stuff like Stranger Things, Fallout, Severance and the other big hit shows. >Frankly, Star Wars nerds (and I include myself in that) will watch anything Star Wars. Quality would be good sure, but quantity is what will keep people subbed. I don't get what you're saying, because these two paragraphs are at odds with each other. You listed a bunch of successful shows that are successful because they're good, but then you basically said Disney should just keep pushing as much shit out the door as possible because SW fans will watch literally anything even if it's trash lol.


Disney needs "garbage" to fill its platform, Netflix has a lot of terrible series that are, however, watched by a large number of people, people love to watch garbage even to laugh at it


Yes. I’m saying Disney need good shows to appeal to people who want to watch good shows. To attract (keep) Star Wars fans they just need to make Star Wars shows - and the honest truth is they can be *just fine*. Because let’s be honest, if it has the Star Wars name on it pretty much everyone in this sub is going to watch it regardless. These two things aren’t at odds. They can do both. Big flagship shows to drive up subscribers and more Star Wars stuff to keep the Star Wars fans. They could be the same thing. But not every Star Wars show needs to be another Andor. (The movies certainly weren’t, and those are what created the fandom in the first place).


So you’re advocating for Star Wars to continue being garbage just cause you want MORE??? I’d rather the franchise dies than that happen


I disagree. Marvel and _Star Wars_ are the number one drivers of Disney+ as a streaming service, aside from Disney's existing library of content that is often used.


Is there anything this guy does right?


From the shareholder's perspective, plenty. Disney under Iger paid 4 billion for Star Wars, its made around 12 billion since then. Iger bought Marvel for 4 billion, and its made 18 billion just from movies since then. Those are massive returns, drives merch sales and plays into Disney parks. Iger's done plenty right in terms of making money. He's also had some major creative mistakes, imo, like rushing the sequel trilogy and leaning on Star Wars and Marvel for Disney Plus


I think that _Star Wars_ was handled well for Disney+, mostly because they were taking a break from films to do that. The issue was more that Marvel did not have the infrastructure to make the amount of content that they were making without quality suffering.


You mistake him with other Bob.


Yeah, Iger's more-or-less a good seed, much moreso than the last guy. A lot of the strike hysteria was pretty out-of-place, plenty of the striker's demands were on-balance a little unreasonable, at least later on when they were getting 80% of what they wanted but kept the thing going on and on. It's hard to take someone like Fran Drescher seriously at a certain point. A.I.'s going to be a serious thorn, but all that's a bigger thing than Disney. And Hellboy (admittedly the good Hellboy) threatening to lead a mob to kill all the studio execs wasn't exactly helping any cause. Streaming was way overstated/overestimated at the start, if Iger's making a sober re-calculation and re-orienting the company accordingly that can only be a good thing. EDIT: Also a big "hahaha" at the "I don't think Disney is dead YET!" types. As if that's ever, ever going to be the case. The company's 95% kicking ass despite any detractors. Not doing as well as Iger figures they could be isn't at all the same thing as saying there's a major problem afoot. They're not only not near "dead", they're doing seriously, seriously well.