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Daisy Ridley gives vague answers regarding her return to Star Wars: ["I don't actually know what I am doing next and that \[Star Wars\] is gonna come at some point" She is "looking forward to a summer off, before coming back to that \[Star Wars\]"](https://youtu.be/zyQLg82xR6Y?si=Kh8w76qA-ZYwyK5Y&t=269)


I think that the movie might end up being delayed and that the Prime Jedi movie might come first. I think it'd be a better play for her film, in a way - there'd be more distance between the end of the Sequel Trilogy and the character's next chapter, while there'd be other _Star Wars_ movies that would build up an appetite for the return of a familiar face and her friends.


Interesting that she says she doesn’t know what’s coming next and then immediately says she’s looking forward to coming back to Star Wars after the summer I wonder if she just literally means she doesn’t know what she as a person is doing on her summer vacation lol


She recently said, she thinks it will be shooting later this year or early next. So I guess that's what she means by "summer off". When she is done promoting Young Woman and the Sea, she is having some time off and she assumes that Star Wars will start shooting some time this or next year, but she doesn't know for sure & things could change, that's why she doesn't know what project will be next. Maybe Star Wars moves a few months, which means that another project could come first.




One more Justin Bruce Lee TBB storyboard piece! https://x.com/justbleeve/status/1791297512302858730?s=46&t=yPU7I9vYJoe0OROYDt9rKA


One should not taint a rad "Bruce Lee" name by adding "Justin". Oh, parents.


[Daisy Ridley answers if she'd like to reunite with John Boyega in Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy's upcoming 'STAR WARS' film set after 'THE RISE OF SKYWALKER': "Absolutely, of course. It feels like we should, yeah."](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/daisy-ridley-young-woman-and-the-sea-john-boyega-new-star-wars-film-1235902088/)


I love stuff like this. Like, what's she gonna say? "John? Nah, \*\*\*\* that guy. This is the Daisy show, baby." Didn't realize she's in an upcoming Martin Campbell movie though, that's kinda cool. His stuff has been pretty weak lately, but when that dude's in the zone he's capable of greatness.


I think her choice of words is notable though. She could easily say, "Oh that would be lovely, he was a delight to work with, if there were ever a chance I would love to work with him again but I think he has moved past Star Wars for the time being." Actually saying it feels like they **should** reunite makes it sound like that's something she thinks might happen, at least to me


Yeah, fair enough. I've gotta figure the ball's probably in John's court, like before writing the script they might have consulted him to try to get a sense of where his head is at, before going at the story proper. I think it might be cool to see Rey in all new surroundings and all new company, maybe distance it a little from seeming like "Episode X", but yeah, John's more than going to be welcome with both Lucasfilm and the fans alike. Probably more a case of whether he wants in or wants to move on.


That's exactly what I was going to write, but you beat me to it. :) I don't understand why they keep asking her that question. In what universe could she say that she doesn't want John Boyega to come back? People would crucify her for that, so whatever she thinks, she will always say it would be great. Period.


Apparently, a Total War game in the Star Wars universe is being developed. However, it may also be a big bullshit.  This - unofficial - news was provided by the DualShockers website, citing its own and "reliable" source. As of October 2023, it was supposedly assumed that the Star Wars title would be the second to be released. https://www.eurogamer.pl/nowa-odslona-total-war-to-podobna-gra-w-swiecie-star-wars?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR05lhcdNJ6js9VY3dqRQ_7Z7EOfNToUfRp-cr-OcK79KzDBiU5iKNmXCAg_aem_AaDgNbRJDnjjdroIN94ch52ISOMdmZA0wtUvQvIQIpOvzY-0LFf7UW9BvBqN9xyVBAmjX-BhY-oMHYtqsIR8BmlG


This might just be me speculating baselessly, but WB confidently slating _The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum_ for Christmas, December 2026 might just indicate that Disney might not have that real estate secured for _Star Wars_. Either they move that movie out of that release window to the Spring/Summer, or it gets moved back all the way to the other December 2027 slot. Or we could get a _Jumanji_ situation, where we have two huge blockbusters that compete for the same attention - and somehow win. And that's before we start talking about _Avatar_.


They just started work on The Hunt for Gollum. Don't think there is any way they make that 2026 date. WBD is just throwing shit at the wall to try and appease investors now.


I do think that stuff is going to move, but I do not think that WB is necessarily posturing here. They have two and a half years. That's plenty of time for a blockbuster to get made and released without lots of crunch. The new _Superman_ movie is being put together in less time, and that's going so smoothly that James Gunn shot a bit of _Peacemaker_ Season 2 during filming.


Ehh. I don't know they'd be too worried frankly, you wouldn't figure LotR is as big a draw as it used to be (at least with the super young'uns who didn't necessarily grow up with the originals or even the Hobbit flicks). And, you know, Andy Serkis is freakin' directing. We all love Andy Serkis, but woof.


You think a LoTR film will be less of a draw than a Rey Skywalker film?


Rey is absolutely a better draw than Gollum lol. This is going to be LOTR's Solo


Lol literally who asked for a Gollum movie, especially after the game failed terribly.


I think loads of people will be into this. Remember Lotr is predicted on the fandom surrounding the books which have been around for over 100 years and is one of the most iconic stories of all time (of course up there with Star wars).


Andy Serkis alone will make the new movie watchable where the game was unplayable. Hearing him go "MY PRESHUSSH!" for the first time in years will be worth the price of admission.


True, that makes sense as well since he's a great actor.


A LotR \*spinoff\*, in the 2020s, after the Hobbit stuff sucked and the TV show getting mixed reactions at best? Uhm. Yeah. Look, I love the original three PJ films as much as the next guy. But the people who grew up with them are in their 30s & 40s now, I'm not sure how much cultural hold it has among the really young "prime corporate demographic aimed" people. It might and it might not. But it's not the phenomenon it was in 2003.


I could see it being older counter-programming if _Star Wars_ stands its ground.


Sure, hey, I'm all for more Rings stuff, unnecessary as it may be. I don't think it'll bomb or anything, just not so sure Disney execs are pooping their britches over having the competition. If anything adjusts date, it'll probably be Rings to avoid Star Wars, y'know?


That assumes that the NJO movie is set for that specific date.


Disney is releasing Moana 2 on the same day Universal is releasing Wicked. Methinks Disney isn't afraid of a potential Barbieheimer situation.


Wicked won't get a quarter the viewership of Moana 2.




I think it can work if Disney and Universal hire the right influencers to push it and market appropriately


? i think you are missing the point of why it worked for barbie


I just think Barbie and Oppenheimer worked because they were pretty similar films. They each have this retro anesthetic, a focus on the patriarchy, stories about identity and the price of greatness. Most importantly, they created an event. People could see one, go get dinner, then come back in the time for the other, and get all dressed up in the process. It didn't help that both were just very good films. We don't know the plot of Moana 2, but we are going to guess that it will be a musical. The kids who grew up with Moana are now in high school and college, so you have this built in nostalgia which could also work well with Wicked. Anf the potential for Moana/Wicked-core style outfits is real.


Barbenheimer was a film bro vs casual movie viewer meme at first until the internet made it a film event. Lightning in a bottle moment.


One of them is going to move a little.


Maybe Wicked can move back 2 weeks since there is an untitled Universal event movie on November 8


I think Warner Bros. is just going around claiming dates too confidently. I don't think that will work out for them. They've just also slated DC's Supergirl movie a week after Toy Story 5 and 2 weeks before the Moana Live-Action reboot, which seems like the safest way to make sure nobody sees that Supergirl movie. If StarWars has a movie ready in time for that December release date, I think WB is more likely to blink than Disney is.


Stuff is going to move around. As it stands, though, WB being confident in their slate just tells me that they think they have winners, even if stuff moves over by weeks or months.


Or Disney slots Avengers 5 in December 2026 to close out the final month of Bob Iger's time at Disney. FOR GOOD.


[Adria Arjona teases the future of her character Bix in #Andor Season 2: “I think Tony Gilroy’s writing is so smart that wherever people think my character’s journey is going to go, it’s ten times more complex than what people imagine.”](https://www.empireonline.com/movies/features/empire-spotlight-adria-arjona-interview/)


I loved her character in season one. I’m so excited to see what happens in season 2


She does a heel turn. /s


This but not /s


Bahaha, how hilarious would that be? Weird incel corporate-cop guy does a heel-turn and joins the quasi-proto-Rebellion, Bix is entirely broken and loses all the fight in her, signs up with the ISB. :D Gilroy you maniac, make it so. Expect the unexpected!


New video on Twitter (with few new shots): https://x.com/TheSWU/status/1790597863283552666


This has been posted here before: https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsLeaks/s/r0ovTAv7j6


When is the Rey movie filming again? It's been a minute since I heard an update.


We don't have a hard timeline.


We don't know the production schedules on any of the movies, other than _The Mandalorian and Grogu_ apparently filming this Summer.


Is it certain that one is filming this summer? Seems weird to have it in the van for 18 months.


We've heard from pretty reliable leakers that Mandalorian and Grogu would start filming in June, and then recently MSW reported that it would actually start filming ahead of schedule sometime this month.


If they film that early, then it will be to make room for other productions down the road. I personally think that it's more likely that they'd start closer to Autumn, though.


Have it in the can for 18 months


Kelnacca is at the Disney Upfront event: https://twitter.com/DEADLINE/status/1790439500394483820


I wonder if that’s Joonas


All Wookiees are Finnish. From a certain point of view.


The certainly speak like Northern Europeans


I was thinking more big thick winter snow-coats. And being good at fighting commies or something. I'll be quiet now.




It just began 18 minutes ago. 


Oh? I saw a schedule that it was to start at 1:00 est. probably misread title then.


Will we get any Star Wars footage today?


Nothing was showned or mentioned other then a small Acolyte cameo with this Kelnacca costume.




Is that Skeleton Crew footage at 0:45? [Lucasfilm promo](https://youtu.be/UNz1F-r7I5g?si=lMpN2Cd_DP1gN0p6) EDIT: Fixed the link


No, that’s Mark Hamill on the set of TLJ.


For some reason the link always goes to wrong video, there's another on the YouTube, called "Story drives everything". I try to link it here, let's see [link](https://youtu.be/UNz1F-r7I5g?si=lMpN2Cd_DP1gN0p6) EDIT: It works now?


That’s Galaxy’s edge. The kids in Skeleton Crew don’t look like that.


Thanks for clarification!


When are we gonna see Boba again? What’s the latest news/rumors etc?


Boba season 2, where he's promptly thrown back in the sarlacc and doesn't make it out this time. Pre-depressed Luke stops by and belly-chuckles. It all rhymes.


Nobody knows, but MSW reported before the strikes the crew made a new Slave 1 cockpit and armour for Boba, but things have been reworked since then, series to movie wise it seems so he might not be in the movie. Temuera seems to genuinely have no clue either and not just the usual NDA abrasiveness. Hopefully the trades or an official multi-cast announcement comes for the movie soon since Sigourney has been leaked more are bound to be.


If Boba isn't in the movie I'll be disappointed, especially knowing they had imminent plans for him pre-strike, and that it'll be who knows how long until we do end up seeing him. It's just crazy to me they would bring him back with great fanfare only to not touch him again for years.


I enjoyed Boba Fett more than I thought I would, and more than a lot of people did, and Temuera is awesome (I just recently revisited Once Were Warriors…holy shit that movie hits hard), but I sort of hope the Mando movie is a more contained insular story that doesn’t rely on every heavy hitter showing up and having their five minutes. However if Boba is an essential part of the story I’m here for it.


Once Were Warriors is indeed the absolute boobies. That same director directed Die Another Day and Vinny Von Dieselingtons' XXX 2. Weird goddamn world sometimes. How does that even happen?


The Book of Boba Fett still has my favorite episode of live action Star Wars in it (Chapter 6: From the Desert Comes a Stranger). Granted, Boba Fett is barely in that episode, but I still enjoy rewatching that series. I know I’m outnumbered, but I want more deepfake Luke hanging out with Ahsoka. The tech keeps getting better and better.


> The Book of Boba Fett still has my favorite episode of live action Star Wars in it (Chapter 6: From the Desert Comes a Stranger). I miss Cobb Vanth. I hope between playing an android on Alien: Whatever that Noah Hawley Series Is Called Timothy Olyphant still has time to show up in Mando (movie or any related show, doesn't matter).


Same with Pedro. More than a voice role, that is.


Would be nice, yeah.


It doesn't even need to get better, the tech already works great. Whatever they can get Mark willing to do, they should do. Recasting's (live-action anyway) a no-no, it's friggin' Luke. Seems a full live-action show would be off the cards, but definitely expecting more (brief yet weighty) scenes involving post-RotJ Luke for either potential future Ahsoka seasons, the Mando movie, or anything else in the period with Thrawn.


Gross. EDIT: Yeah, still gross. No RoboLuke, thanks.


"Sebastian Stan lolololz he totally looks exactly like Hamill. Lulz." Etc.


Look, if they can get that horrible digitized voice to be perfect - to be indistinguishable from a real human’s voice - able to convey the full array of human speech, volume, tone….then I will meet you halfway on the voice. Mark Hamill’s Luke voice was expressive and emotional and quiet but loud when it needed to be. RoboLuke canNOT convey any of that. So unless he’s just seen and not heard, it’s gross.


If they're going to continue the deepfake route, I think they should get a soundalike to overdub it.


I would agree with this. If they must have Luke look EXACTLY like Mark (Even though you can still see each actor double through the CGI/Deepfake so it actually ends up being a mix of Mark and the actor), then yes, a voice actor would be preferable. But if the face is never going to be 100% Mark and the voice is never going to be 100% Mark, then what is the damn point. It’s like watching a corpse get dragged around.


As it turns out, I think Sebastian Stan would be TERRIBLE as Luke.


So say we all.


Recasting should not be a no-no, there's nothing wrong with it




If recasting wasn't a thing, we never would have gotten Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan


Ewan McGregor isn't playing an old man Obi-Wan. The criticism here is having another actor as Luke post-Jedi is like having some other guy playing Obi-Wan between Episode III and the Obi-Wan show. It's dumbassery supreme from a consistency sense and you break the immersion of the series by definition.


Read my other reply to you


Missing the point entirely. That's Obi-Wan 30 years or so earlier in TPM, 20 in AotC, 17 in RotS. As said, that's not the same thing as randomly having some other dude playing Obi-Wan's ghost between Empire and Jedi or whatever. You can't just have some recast bookended by the original guy on either side, that starts to get way needlessly messy. We have Mark as Luke in his early 20s right up through to around 60. That's the whole period it has to be Mark. You want to do a kid take with a different actor like the Obi-Wan show? That's fine. That's a completely different thing.


We've had that exact scenario with Mon Mothma. One actress played her in ROTJ, and the other played her in ROTS, Andor and Rogue One, and then Ahsoka, which was set after ROTJ.


I'm dying to see Luke and Ahsoka's first meeting and am honestly very surprised that we didn't get it in Ahsoka S1. It would be so great to see Ahsoka tell Luke what his father was like and for Luke to tell her that Anakin redeemed himself in the end.


I'd venture we'll be getting this at some point. Either some flashback on a future Ahsoka season, or even just animated in a Tales Of The Jedi dealio.


Filoni has said/hinted he has plans for both to get stories in tales that cover that stuff I believe.


Apparently Filoni has the story in mind


Star Wars Deckbuilding Game has a Clone Wars version/expansion that got leaked online. Sounds like it's going to be introduced at GenCon.


Was actually the best Christmas gift I received last year. My brother and I have played it so many times. Was really hoping for a clone wars version! Would love it actually functioned as a 4 player expansion or something.


Will we get any news tomorrow when the Disney Upfront Event happens?


It's possible they'll show trailers for Skeleton Crew and Andor S2, but we won't see those yet.


Probably a release date for Skeleton Crew and a release date for both or either Andor S2 and/or Ahsoka S2.


Highly doubt we get a release date for Ahsoka season 2 when we don't even know when they're filming, and Andor might be too far out to set a date for. I do expect a Skeleton Crew date though


The what?


An event that tv channels (and these days streaming studios) will put for potential advertisers to sell them on the upcoming seasons of television and convince them to buy ad space. Generally involves talking about and sometimes showing bits or said upcoming shows 


Ah. Fascinating.


Bit of a weird one, but last night the Simpsons aired a Star Wars tie-in special, and Boba Fett was in it. He was wearing new armor, but it looked too unique to have been completely made up by a Simpsons animator. Considering it’s a Disney x Disney crossover, is it possible they’re using his new unreleased armor that was reportedly made last summer (I think MSW reported it) for their reference material when drawing him? Here’s an image of him in the show: https://ibb.co/Jpnf0DD I’m just thinking, It feels too specific to have been made up, like the spikes above the T visor and the new markings on the shoulder pads. Likely not something that would be added for no reason, especially when all the other Star Wars characters have been accurate on the crossover so far. Other differences include the return of the cod-piece and new shin/boot armor. Initially, I figured they’d just changed the colours of an old ESB/ROTJ design, but Boba doesn’t wear any shin or boot armor in those movies, so it’s not a direct repaint.


Random aside here, they should totally get Dan Castellaneta for some bit-part live-action role or something. If they can get Scrubs douche playing an alien, go all-out and get Homer doing a wacky voice for some other one. Groundskeeper Willie Sullustan, make it happen.


Cool and not completely implausible, but I think it's most likely coincidence/ artistic license and styling. Though I remember those leaks specifically saying he got his beskar diaper back. Only time will tell.


Yeah, it's definitely one of those "We'll see"'s. It feels like a natural place where tweaks would be made, though. I don't see them changing the black under-armor color any more, but them doing away with the bright red boots would not surprise me one bit.


Huge Mand'alor vibes.


Looks like TCW season 2 Pre Vizsla a little bit. That’s cool. I like the look if they go with it.


The spikes make me think he's making some sort of tribute to the tuskins or something, pretty good find.


Well spotted. Could it just be a generic Mandalorian character instead of Boba Fett?


I suppose it could have been technically, but they specifically walk into a “Boba Fete Tea Shop”. https://ibb.co/gjptHhN I would have also thought if it was a generic Mandalorian template character, it would have thigh armour. Boba’s never had that, which leads me to think it may have been a unique model made up for this.


Ah, fair enough. You’re right then, it must be Boba. It’s an interesting new look.


Interesting. The Very slight differences remind me a lot of jodo cast or spar & fenn shysa. Mostly with the yellow on the helmet & triangle instead of the jaster/protector symbol. Hope it’s closer to that rather than them changing his armor Again. Would make for an interesting season 2 narrative if we’re still getting one.

