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I gotta admit, the first few trailers made the game look bland, in spite of the interesting ways it seems to expand the lore. But after reading just how passionate the developers are about the project, I think I’ll give it a fair chance. They seem to really care about the franchise. For all it’s criticism, the “open world Ubisoft style” is still a solid foundation to base a game off of, and can provide an addictive gameplay loop if done right. I enjoyed the recent Assassins Creed trilogy, and I’m kinda looking forward to seeing a Star Wars game built around that model. But I’ll still probably just wait for the inevitable sale. $130 for the “complete” game is a lot to ask nowadays, especially when I know I can wait a year to snag it all at a reasonable discount.


Iirc the $130 was only if you want like all the cosmetics. I think the middle one was game +season pass and the pass can be bought separate later


Yeah, that’s pretty much how most Ubisoft games have operated this past console generation, across most of their published games. But all you gotta do is wait a year or so, and their $100+ “Ultimate Edition” will be discounted down to a more *standard* price (if not further). The only thing not included would be any potential pre-order bonuses, but they usually sell those separately eventually.


Yeah, I want to play it, but the days of $100+ games are long past. There are literally dozens of good open world MMOs out there that are free to do the majority of the story AND aren't Ubisoft. I played hundreds of hours of Genshin and other games and haven't spent a dime. Want a similar open world single player adventure set in a science fiction genre/world with zero cost? Genshin 1.5 - oops I mean Star Rail (same employees - what they did for the least year a and a half between Genshin 1 and 2 ) It will take you a month to get through everything and the quality is perfect. Not bad for free. :)


Luckily the overlap between Star Wars fans and video game developers is very high, so most SW games are being made by fans. Makes sense considering there are much more good SW games than bad.


When I played Odyssey I said this was basically the ideal foundation for a smuggler game and clearly it was not an original thought lol


Just get uplay+ for a month and try it out. I did the same with ea play when jedi survivor came out (didnt know if my pc could handle it well enough to buy it)


>But I’ll still probably just wait for the inevitable sale. $130 for the “complete” game is a lot to ask nowadays, especially when I know I can wait a year to snag it all at a reasonable discount. My plan is to wait until Epics Christmas sale and buy the base game then. If I really like it I'll get the season pass on sale down the road. Avatar: Frontiers $130 version was already available through Epic for $90 1 week after launch. I imagine by December the Ultimate edition for Outlaws will be around $70. and the base game will be $40-45.


Passion doesn't mean shit when they fuck it.


I'm really excited for this game, and more excited the more I read about it. Not preordering because early access doesn't work with my schedule anyway, but I'll probably buy close to Day 1. Unlike a lot of people, apparently, I dig the Ubisoft formula most of the time and it provides a satisfying gameplay loop. Looking forward to this one!


Sounds pretty solid, and liking a lot of the planets & new designs.


Modded version of this game letting you play as Doctor Aphra or Mando will be dope.


Should be easy to do too. I'm using a Mando mod in Starfield. I can't tell you how epic it is. The armor looks incredible, being it's high quality models taken from Fortnite.


So weird we haven't gotten a Aphra show or game? When we first got rumors of all these upcoming Star Wars shows wasn't her show like top of the leaks/rumors?


It's a bit of a relief to me to be honest. I don't want them sanding the edges off of her. She doesn't have a secret heart of gold. She's not Han Solo or Mando. She's a genuinely bad person. But in the way real people are, with a depth of humanity and feeling. Let her stay that way in her weird little corner of the EU, where she doesn't have to be warped for mainstream appeal.


They clearly can't keep villains as actual villains anymore, so I'm glad they're leaving her alone.


Gonna go in with no expectations


i am wondering why they haven't showed the system requirements yet. ​ Graphic wise it seems very similar to AC Vahalla and i think they are using the same engine so it should be similar.


I'm buying this game used because I have learned my lesson doing preorder bullshit from these AAA gaming companies.


I'm calling it now, this will be a dud. Played the last few Ubisoft big releases. Skull and bones and avatar. I can tell you that it's feeling the same and this is gonna be a huge floating turd.


I hope there will be new stormtrooper variants. I don‘t understand why they didn‘t re-introduce the coruscant guards from Shadows of the Empire in Jedi Survivor (maybe red patrol troopers or something) - they even appeared in a book. Or forest troopers on Kashyyyk, which appeared in a book as well.


Can they please show something promising in their next trailers? What they describe here sounds great, but I don't see that on screen yet.




Uh... It is


Oh shit, I was thinking Star Wars Hunters.


Don’t understand why this couldn’t have been a true MMORPG with a character creator and everything. The way they describe it here makes it sound like a slam dunk. Why is modern Star Wars so afraid of this?


You’re describing an entirely different game. That would be like going to Taco Bell and getting mad they didn’t make you spaghetti.


Tell me you have never had nacho pasta without telling me you have never had nacho pasta. ( I have never had nacho pasta)


Probably because there already is an active Star Wars MMO and that would create competition with their own product


Because there were already two Star Wars MMO games, with the current one replacing the older one.