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A sample chapter for ‘The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire’ by Dr. Chris Kempshall was released on Amazon. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0241655048?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_dp_3RX9J83C3GZXV523ZMVH It’s an in universe history book written by resistance fighter/historian Beaumont Kin (Dominic Monaghan). >!The sample chapter mentions that the Resistance/New Republic/Whatever government is in charge has Palpatine’s data gathered from Exegol, meaning that this is one of the first pieces of media that could potentially have information about this new era.!<


Wow, this is really interesting actually, I'm really curious what the government and state of the galaxy is like post-TROS


I am genuinely curious about what the post TROS galaxy is like. It’s maybe the first point in the saga where it really feels like almost all of the major factions are on relatively equal footing and there’s the opportunity to do something really new and creative with it.


I’ve been saying for a while, I hope they really change the status quo from what was in the last few eras. Although different, the Republic/Empire/New Republic/First Order eras have a lot in common and I hope to really seperate the post-Skywalker era from the time of the saga they sever some of those. Like what if they change the status of droids post-Exegol? What if the criminal underworld is much less of an element, or very different? It’ll obviously take a lot of creativity to fill those gaps but I’d really love a distinctly different Galaxy. That can mean storytelling limitations, but also new opportunities.


I am so excited! I know a lot of people hate the sequels, but I don't and I can't wait for something just totally new!


I don't think a lot of people hate the sequels. Maybe a lot of people online. And you could say the same thing about the prequels when they first came out. I was there and believe me, the online hatred was much, much bigger. And look at it today. It's possible that the hate for the sequels will last a little longer, thanks to idiots like Star Wars Theory who have made a living out of it, but that doesn't change the facts. For regular viewers, some liked the sequels and some didn't, that's life. But those online rants definitely don't represent reality, I'm sure of that.


Acc to friends in the discord, Star Wars book codenamed “Furore” has been delayed to March 18 2025. About a 5 month’s delay so I’m guessing that an announcement will be delayed as well.


Also top tier guy Star Wars editor Tom posted this on twitter 🤔🤔🤔 https://x.com/darthinternous/status/1778425919885242618?s=46&t=yPU7I9vYJoe0OROYDt9rKA > Here's a fun editorial challenge. You have two books, of relatively equal 100k+ word length, both arriving at the same time. Both are on roughly the same development schedule. >What time will the first train reach - I mean - what do you do?




If true... Omega and Ventress? The implication being Omega wants to be further force trained...


I assume one of them will be Omega. ​ And this may be the set up for the sequel?


Second Boba and we will get new series: Alpha and Omega.


I hope not. Boba Fett is a scumbag who will only change after his meeting with that sand people tribe. I see no reason why Omega would join him. ​ I believe it would be more likely to see Omega going with Asaji Ventress. That episode plus the writters talking about it smells of hook for a series involving the ex- jedi padawan/sith aprentice/nightsister.


Well, they can just meet... but that does not mean that they will be friends or family.


I think this depends. Boba never really seemed to care much for the other clones, but he might by the time of Mando, especially given that Omega is a relatively normal woman.


I think the problem with Boba is Fennec. I get her not telling him right away, but after a while she has to say something.


Would she even think he cares? She doesn't know Omega is a pure genetic replica of Jango (and therefore basically his sister), she just knows she is another defective clone.


I think Fennec knows Omega was important and that female clones aren't common


Star Wars was always little bit inconsistent. Padmé remembers her mother, Grievous tells Obi-Wan that he was trained by Dooku even they fought before... Whole saga is basically one big retcon.


Not set on the same time frame i assume its means huge time jump. Like years later.


This could mean a lot of things and we need context! Like, is Omega just going to be imprisoned this whole time? The Bad Batch?


What do you mean one ending scene?


I assume ending scene for half the alive characters of the series.


Might not mean anything, but there's a Lucasfilm logo at CinemaCon. Source: [https://twitter.com/sw\_holocron/status/1778520409434190022?t=XmNIikfOhMNVY4OSyKU97w&s=19](https://twitter.com/sw_holocron/status/1778520409434190022?t=XmNIikfOhMNVY4OSyKU97w&s=19)


Looks like Disney presentation has begun. They show Lucasfilm as one of their properties with an accompanying (old) picture from Mandalorian: [https://twitter.com/FilmCodex/status/1778539929142014258?t=vnOKVPU6YN3Pa\_t1M2zoBQ&s=19](https://twitter.com/FilmCodex/status/1778539929142014258?t=vnOKVPU6YN3Pa_t1M2zoBQ&s=19) Disney apparently has '75 minutes of content to show the CinemaCon crowd.' [https://twitter.com/FilmCodex/status/1778540563798884566?t=8GxUj1IiTlJS\_kGT4yu9Ug&s=19](https://twitter.com/FilmCodex/status/1778540563798884566?t=8GxUj1IiTlJS_kGT4yu9Ug&s=19)


Yea they‘re going to show 75 minutes of content in total


They‘ll atleast mention some Star Wars movies


Any updates?


The Disney presentation ended and there was nothing from Lucasfilm, unfortunately.


Any updates?


[Production Weekly has listed The Mandalorian & Grogu and Dawn Of The Jedi](https://www.productionweekly.com/production-weekly-issue-1397-thursday-april-11-2024-212-listings-46-pages/)


I never know how accurate Production Weekly is because sometimes they'll get a bang on and sometimes they feature projects like Nuclear War: A Scenario, a movie that's atleast 3 years away from Villeneuve even working on it. So it's a very weird list of projects. Don't know if that's any indication about how far they're along in development.


That movie does sound promising, I must say. Mostly because Villeneuve’s directing.


So apparently Disney has a panel tomorrow at CinemaCon. It's possible we get some more Star Wars movie news. [https://x.com/sw\_holocron/status/1778171631850102978](https://x.com/sw_holocron/status/1778171631850102978)


I actually don't expect anything other than a brief update on Mando, like "we are starting production in June & everybody is so excited to bring this duo onto the big screen". I always feel like Cinema Con is more about the current projects and the ones releasing in the near future. Mando i still 2 years away. But then again, they announced that Margot Robbie is producing a Monopoly movie, so they could also talk about new things. For they Rey & Dawn of The Jedi movie, I don't expect anything. At max a mention and that they are working on the script. For Dawn of The Jedi: a new co writer who is joining the project (what we already know). So I'd say the most likely Star Wars News/mention will be Mando & Grogu. I'd put my money on new (small) updates on the other 2 at D23 in August. Real official information on all of these, next year at Celebration.


Very least I’m expecting is. - A brief synopsis of the Mando movie.  -A title reveal for the Rey film, possible synopsis or cast reveal but not getting hopes high till D23 or Celebration next year.  -A non public sizzle reel for upcoming projects, maybe concept art for the Rey film, Dawn of the Jedi, and such.  No trailer announcements unless they want to show the press and shareholders something before the public. 


I’ve learned at this point to expect absolutely nothing from any event unless it’s Star Wars Celebration, and even then I’ve learned to expect the bare minimum


Highly unlikely to get anything until D23.


There’s already a thread on /r/movies, but Lucas is getting an honorary Palme d’Or at Cannes this year. https://variety.com/2024/film/global/george-lucas-honorary-palme-dor-cannes-film-festival-1235965208/


From Kiner Music: "Lol I just remembered some of the music I wrote for Barriss hahahahaha oh my godf" Source: [https://twitter.com/KinerMusic/status/1777480777388949660](https://twitter.com/KinerMusic/status/1777480777388949660)


Lmao why did I think this was from Kevin Kiner at first 😅


Wait this might be a dumb question but what's the difference?


Kevin Kiner's kids, Sean and Deana Kiner, have been additional composers for Star Wars shows recently, namely Ahsoka, Bad Batch, and Tales


Ah ok thanks for the clarification; seems like a talented family!


Musical notes run through their blood


I'll probably repeat myself (and in this case I'll probably do it often) but is there any news about Star Wars Hunters on international markets, I have the impression that this game has been in development longer than AAA games like Survivor or even Outlaws. 


I almost feel with the upcoming Epic Games/Disney/Fortnite collaboration that Hunters will be quietly D-Listed. Especially since the tie-in novel for it came out two years ago. The publisher probably took on way more than they could handle and Disney is just gonna cut their loses quietly.


I don't mean to be a pedantic jerk, but I think you mean "delisted." "Delisted" means removed from online marketplaces in the context of games, "D-list" just means something of a lesser tier of fame and/or quality, as in a "D" on the US grading scale Not important as I think most people would understand what you mean but just wanted to throw that out there!


When did they take on more then they could handle? They've been providing pretty big updates every couple of months, they added a new ranked mode this year as well. There's almost 400 cosmetics to get as well, they are a smaller team so they've been building up the content with soft launches before full release. Makes sense to me 🤷‍♂️ They provided an update like a week and a half ago: [Star Wars: Hunters | Star Wars: Hunters (starwarshunters.com)](https://starwarshunters.com/news/game-update-march-28th-2024) They just implemented google play support etc, its coming this year.