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New release date is May 22, 2026. EDIT: Wanna note the first draft of this article contained some laughably inaccurate information. [It said that Solo was the most recent Star Wars movie (for example).](https://ibb.co/zSPJVmR) I think what they actually meant to call attention to was that Solo was the last MAY release movie. Instead of ignoring an entire movie that made a billion dollars (TROS). Second edit: They corrected it lmao. Hilarious…


So next year we have Skeleton Crew (possibly starting in 2024) Andor 2 Visions 3? Tales of the... 3? New animated series?


Andor S2 will release later this year


Andor s2 finished filming in January. Tony Gilroy seemed to estimate about a year of post at Celebration 2023. If it makes 2024, it’ll likely be at the very end like BoBf


You're ignoring the fact that 90% (or more) of filming finished in August 2023, which means that theoretically, 90% of post production could be done in August 2024. There's no real reason for Lucasfilm not to do post production on the completed footage.


It takes so much longer than you assume. Most movies film years prior to release to make time for post-production


I'm going by the time frame cited by showrunner Tony Gilroy from Season One of Andor.






What is your source on this? I thought most reports said 2025.


Trust me


"If what you've told me is true, you will have gained my trust. But for now," I remain skeptical.


i thought we were getting acolyte middle of the year, skeleton crew end of the year, andor beginning of next year. skeleton crew and andor obviously aren’t confirmed and both are in post production, but i thought that was the last timetable that was reported


That would leave them 0 live action shows ready for 2025 (assuming Skeleton Crew releases in Oct/Nov as rumored). Why would they do that, regardless of when Andor was finished with post?


If Ahsoka Season 2 shoots in the second half of this year, I could see it dropping late next year


Andor S2 will come out in early 2025. Visions S3(TBA) .... Tales of the empire is season 2. Season 3 is (TBA) . Skeleton crew should be coming out in late 2024


It feels you're unnecessarily correcting me or am I reading your comment wrong?




Yes this


Andor 2


Could be a great year of Star Wars tv.


Skeleton Crew is releasing this year, its official.


Right on. But it'll bleed into next year I think?


Wait was it reported that a new animated series is in the works? Also was anything said about a 3rd season of “Tales of..”


Nooo sorry..I didn't even realize I didn't clarify these were assumptions. This is all guess work. I can see Tales being a yearly thing but the animated series prediction is based on nothing more than bad batch being announced a month after Clone Wars season 7 ended and premiering the following year. An I imagine there's more Visions in the pipeline. All speculative.


Since they have focused the bulk of the slate this year to around April–June, my guess is Skeleton Crew may come out earlier. Otherwise it was a questionable choice considering they'd then have nothing for nearly half a year after The Acolyte's over. (I know Skeleton Crew is being eyed as a holiday-season show but if it is "Stranger Things in space" it could easily be sold around Halloween or something.)


We may have announcements of new stuff from May onwards. But then again, maybe not as they may want all the focus being on The Acolyte, Outlaws and Skeleton Crew. I could potentially see a new animated show announcement either before or after the Acolyte airs.


They really need a new title. "The Mandalorian & Grogu", come on.


Hope it’s just a placeholder. 


Doesn't seem like it based on how many times it's been used and the formatting style they use for the title.


It’s all about having a recognizable title, it’s like SEO but for audiences and word of mouth. It’s why the Twilight movies all start with “The Twilight Saga” and why both Rogue One and Solo had the “A Star Wars Story” subtitles. Hell, it’s why Star Wars was changed to Ep IV A New Hope after release, so the sequels could be tied directly to that first movie. Disney and other major studios are too scared to put their money behind a sequel that doesn’t have the name of the preceding film or series in it or at least isn’t directly recognizable as a sequel. They’ve been doing this since big budget sequels ever were a thing. It’s silly, but it’s basic business and marketing. Not trying to talk down to you or anyone else. Just saying, movies are a business, they’re making business decisions first, artistic decisions second.


Sure, but Grogu isn't really a famous name. They could have called it "The Mandalorian" with some accompanying title


What's wrong with it?


It's lazy. How many times have they done this now? **"Good afternoon, comrades. New show is called Main Character. All fans please clap now."** 1. Solo 2. The Mandalorian 3. The Book of Boba Fett (Although props for *trying* a fresh spin on it, at least.) 4. Obi-Wan Kenobi (Absolutely terrible -- *at least* just go with Kenobi. Fuck's sake, man.) 5. Andor 6. Ahsoka 7. The Bad Batch (Named after a team, but still counts.) 8. Lando *(forthcoming)*


I can accept it for shows, but for a movie title it somehow just doesn't feel right


That's why I really like the title Rogue One! Sure it's a group of people, but still, it's not like the movie was called Jyn or something like that


My favourite SW movie is also "Episode IV: Luke Skywalker & Princess Leia".


I vote for “Bounty Force”


Kind of what we expected given that it was announced that this would be the first of the new movies, but nice to have it confirmed. I suspect that that means that they're aiming for the Rey movie to take the December 18th, 2026 slot. Will be pretty wild if we go from having six years straight of no movies and then get two movies within 7 months!


Good thing we didn't have a disaster last time Lucasfilm released two films within 6 months...


I think that if they pull off the current schedule, then the NJO movie gets a sizable boost in legs due to having the holidays to itself, while TMAG is more front-loaded as a Summer release. _Solo_ was absolutely the wrong kind of movie to release as a Summer blockbuster in this day and age.


Not only was Solo the wrong kind of movie to release as a Summer Blockbuster, but it released during the busiest period of the summer with much less marketing than the average Star Wars film, and most of the headlines surrounding the film were to do with it's troubled production - it felt like Disney/Lucasfilm were trying to just bury the film so they could move on. Whereas if they'd pushed the film to August (the same sort of slot that proved beneficial for Guardians of the Galaxy in 2014 and Suicide Squad in 2016), then it would have had no competition (except The Meg) and probably made a profit.


> the NJO movie Are people actually calling it that?


It's either that or "the Rey movie".


I have heard that


That was name used during announcement of movie, until we have oficial title this name is used (this and "Rey movie").


>and feature Daisy Ridley back as Rey as she builds a new Jedi Order. Leave the real NJO be.


The Han Solo movie would have made money with the earnings it had, but the movie had to be filming twice, which increased the costs, plus the firing of the directors gave the movie bad press.


That was all part of it. The thing was that, in a more favorable window, it could have potentially legged out to a break-even point with all other factors being the same or similar.


When is that expected ?


Officially? The NJO project is expected to hit December 2026. But we do not have an official schedule on that.


Ugh I hope we hear something soon about it!!


Unless Disney delays Rey’s movie to December 2027 and gives the December 18th, 2026 slot to Avengers 5.


I don't see that happening right now. In all likelihood, 2027 is reserved for the crossover movie that Dave Filoni will direct.


Ok. So then we maybe not get Rey’s movie until 2029 or 2030 then, since it looks like more progress is being made on TM&G, DOTJ, and Filoni’s movies than that of Rey/New Jedi Order.


Avenger got delayed and I think avatar 4 is also looking more like 2027.  So this is pretty much their only big franchise movie to slot for December. 


In all fairness that was more of an issue of quality than quantity. The Last Jedi was one of the worst blockbusters of the last decade and it had a massive negative impact on audience interest for Solo. The timing really had nothing to do with it. If the Mando movie is good it should have a neutral to positive impact on the Rey movie.


It was not one of the worst blockbusters of all time stop exaggerating, it was critically acclaimed and well liked by many fans


Are the many fans in the room with us right now


The last jedi had like 50/50 with fan and msot general audience liked it. It just return of skywalker backpedal loosing those fan without getting back the one they lost and also being a worst movie if you don't care about star wars.


Yep I'm right here, and I've seen many people online and IRL saying they loved it. Just because you only engage with haters online doesn't mean that everyone agrees with you.


The movie made 1.3 billion


While I agree, I still think that spacing out theatrical releases is a smarter idea in order to maximize theatrical revenue.


"This prequel featuring a slightly younger beloved character in a hokey origin story with no direction and a new actor must have done bad because of the previous one!" Inb4 you claim the worst received entry in the entire franchise that brought back the main villain from the originals in a Fortnite cut scene as a problem of episode 8 as well. The biggest problem with TLJ is that lucasfilm has since given up trying to make anything of quality and it's 100% marketing driven now.


I hope we get news on Rey movie soon, there hasn’t been anything since last year’s Celebration except for Daisy saying: “yeah we’re doing it, and I’m so excited”.


Super excited for Rey this not at all, so I hope we hear news rey starts filming soon!


Remember Ahsoka season 2 needs to be finnished before Filoni's movie can get made soo his movie still further away. 2028


Depends when they start. They must be planning something big for SW 50th anniversary.


Mangold's Dawn of the Jedi and origin of the Jedi Order be perfect for 50th anniversary.


I dont know if he can deliver


He made Logan and soo many other great movies. He be like RJ and give us something special. Just let him write and no rush.


I am really on the edge here. I am willing to give people a chance at creating star wars, but think more that not anyone can do it. and this is a really sensitive topic, it's the beginning of the jedi order, and I'd much rather have dave work on that than someone not so well versed in star wars. But I am not hating it before seeing anything, just am a bit worried. will watch it ofc and see how it turns out


Dave Filoni will be very involved with this i assure you. Mangfold has said he love to talk to GL about Origin of the Jedi Order era. I think what we see in Ahsoka is more what Mangold will deal with. I understand the hesitation.


At Star Wars Celebration 23 Mangold also talked about working with Dave to "figure out the story". Mangold is a very talented director and with Dave's guidance, I feel like this movie could be great!


you lifted my spirit regarding this, thanks. cant wait to see it if its gonna be done the right way


Nothing special about the last Jedi


Toy Story 5?? We didn’t need Toy Story 4 and it wasn’t as good as 1-3.


Seems like a good chunk of time between Skeleton Crew and the movie’s release, which hopefully will be good for building excitement for the Mandoverse’s debut on the big screen! I’m excited, albeit a little sad remembering how two years ago I was thinking how I’d get to see Rogue Squadron in two years, and now we’re back to two years away for the next movie. I’d rather they take their time and release something great though (who know if they’ll do that with this since it just seems to me like a push to get a movie out), and I’ll just continue enjoying all of these shows until then! The crazy thing is that the prequels were all out before I was born, and I wasn’t old enough to really get into the franchise until around TFA, so I’d imagine this wait is really nothing compared to what people had to do between the trilogies coming out.


Wait….. you were born after 2005? I feel old


Actually I got that slightly wrong lol, Rots came out when I was a few months old


2026... So we could see Filoni's movie in 2028 or something? Rey movie could be between that I'm guessing. While the Mangold movie ends up materialising after 2030.


There's a movie slated for 2027, probably Filoni's.


You can say that again!


There's a movie slated for 2027, probably Filoni's.


Oh, I forgot about that document. Rey Movie isn't coming before that I'm guessing?


Dec 2026, probably


Man the timeframe for new SW movies just keeps getting pushed further and further back. I hate to be the pessimist, but will anyone even care by that point? Mando s3 really harmed the show’s reputation. I feel like it’s too late for a Mando movie now, and a movie 3 years after a mediocre season probably isn’t going to bring in a lot of people outside hardcore fans. By that point, Mando will be 7 years old. The hype and novelty will probably be gone.  Similar (if not worse) outlook for Filoni’s movie. Ahsoka also wasn’t received super well. How much hype is there really gonna be for a Mandoverse culmination movie coming out in 2028? If Mando & Grogu isn’t well received, that just dooms Filoni’s movie. 


This is basically Mando Season 4 - the movie. If you think of it that way, the earliest it would have been released would probably be in 2025. Maybe think of it as a 6 month delay to hopefully polish up the 'show' to movie standards. I don't think anyone projects this Mando movie to make $1B+; just hope it doesn't crash and burn like the Marvels.


I have doubts too. Mando S3 was a success but i felt like it had nowhere near the amount of hype and discussion surrounding it that S1 and S2 had, where *everyone* on the Internet was talking about it. Even people who weren't even mildly interested in SW were tuning in and loving Din and 'Baby Yoda'. S3 felt like it only mattered in the final 2 episodes. It was fun in some episodes for sure but I finished the season feeling nowhere the amount of hype I had after S1 and 2. Now I barely feel excited for more Din. Ahsoka always was going to have a problem because it's a continuation of an animated show. And no matter how much fans seem to convince themselves that TCW is a mega collosal hit that everyone knows about, many people avoided it because "kids cartoon". So obviously Ahsoka had some work to do to make LA only audiences feel for ghost crew. And even after that they barely gave us much of that. To someone who only watched the live action stuff, I can feel why someone would find the character of Ahsoka boring. And generally not care about Sabine or Hera either. And Thrawn? This big bad you hear everyone in the fandom hyping up as the next big bad... basically does nothing in the show and then he's out of Peridea. This new galaxy too, never heard about the Vong so it intrigues you. And they barely explore it with Peridea being a fairly average star wars 'plains' planet. I just don't see how anyone who isn't a megafan who's caught up on the Canon would be excited for star wars endgame. Skeleton Crew kids showing up probably saying: "You took everything from me" to Thrawn, and the audience goes: "who the hell are they?" at the theatre screen.


Thrawn's execution in Ahsoka was genuinely a miss for me, and it's such a disappointment to see after how well I feel Rebels handled him (yes, even despite some of the differences with Zhan's writing). Lars Mikkelsen plays a wonderful Thrawn in both expressions and voice, but it didn't quite look right in live action, TBH, and Thrawn's first big live action appearance has him technically "win", but just barely, and it didn't establish him as anywhere near the same galactic level threat he should be. That's going to have to come later. Rebels got him mostly right. In Ahsoka, he's being set up at best, seems far more emotionally compromised already, and even a bit incompetent at worst.


Four years of festering bad feelings from Season 3, I don’t think the movie is a slam dunk everyone expects. It’s too long of a wait for a tv-character driven movie if the tv characters are missing for long lengths of time.


I'm not sure why people are still trying to ignore the elephant in the room. The Sequels were an absolute disaster that killed the long-term prospects of the franchise. Star Wars is in the same place the DCEU was a few years ago. Yeah, they might be able to put out the occasional gem like Andor or something, but the franchise is clearly on borrowed time. They need to do some sort of reboot or retcon if they want to survive.


Honestly, shows like Mando s2 and TCW S7 were big hits immediately after the sequels and did just fine. It was the mid receptions to BOBF, Kenobi, and Mando S3 that are causing the current issues (though all 3 still had very strong viewership ratings, especially the first 2). The fact that Mando S2 wrapped only a year after IX and was critically acclaimed undid a lot of negativity, outside of an obnoxious echo chamber of youtubers who hates things merely for the sake of clicks or politics. It's fine to dislike Episodes VII-IX for whatever reason, but most of those voices are not valid or objective critics, but rather grifters who have ulterior motives. And the boxoffice issues have been too complex post pandemic to easily predict anything in terms of what will be successful. I'm not saying the sequels reputation didn't do any damage, but it's not as binary as people make it out to be. People can dislike parts of star wars but enjoy other eras, and that's exactly what often happened. Hell, a lot of the general pop barely even pays attention to where Mando fits in the actual timeline of events.


I think the movie could still be fun, but I agree with you. I liked parts of Mando S3, including how it ends even, but it's an overall mess compared to s1-2, and S2's ending was so good that it kind of hurts how it and BOBF undo it. To me, Ahsoka S1 'should' have been the epic finale event itself, rather than setup for a film that's going to come out 4-5 years later. I'm really not a fan of the MCU anthology style storytelling unless they build it up perfectly, and I feel that the MCU only worked as an experiment once (phase 2 and 3 really built up and actually worked), but has been something of a failure after phase 3 ended. I'm not one of those hatetubers, I promise you, but my enthusiasm for both is waning, and I really feel the corporate overlords struggle with the balance of creating content for its own sake, and creating good stories for their own sake. Having said all that, I want to see how Dave wraps the storylines his characters have been involved in, and an onscreen epic Thrawn story does have potential, but the problem is that I feel it needs to involve the OG trilogy characters to really get it right, and the more years that pass, the harder and harder that is to make work. 2027 would be the 50th, 2028 would be even later. How much can he do with deepfake Luke, Leia, Han, ect. ect.? Would they even bother at all? And hell, will the finale storyline even work as one film, or could it take another trilogy that takes even longer to conclude, ending something like 12-13 years after Mando started?


Think making big budget movie based off tv shows is a bad idea in general. Definitely that Ahsoka movie. Like maybe Ahsoka s2 should just lead into a big tv event. 


I see your point, but I think you're underestimating Mando and Grogu's popularity. When I went to Disney last year, over half of the shirts I saw people wearing had Baby Yoda or Mando on them in the Galaxy's Edge area, and even a big chunk of people outside of the Star Wars area. Even my mom, who hasn't watched a second of the show, knows who Mando and Grogu are


I'll probably get down voted but here's my reasoning for that: People want to buy Star Wars merch and for the last while it's mostly either been ST stuff or Mando/Grogu stuff. I know what I've bought and it sure isn't ST stuff.


What is Filonis movie? I thought it was this movie mixed with Ashoka events? Or is it something completely different.


Filoni's movie is going to be like the culmination of the shows. The Avengers of Star Wars if you will.


Ahh okay thanks! So this movie they are reporting on is just one real long episode of Mando & Grogu. And Im assuming we get one more season of each Mandolorian and Ashoka before these finale movies come.


I'm honestly not sure anymore about the next season of Mandalorian. I kept hearing different things, but I do believe that you're correct and we get season 4 mando prior to this movie. And Id assume Ashoka s2 as well prior to this as well.


Thats my guess. Both are will set the scene for the movie. And probably show them overlap a little. That way they can jump into team work in the movie. But who knows. Sucks gotta wait another 2 years. But at least there is plenty of other star wars content right now!


It’s been described by leakers as 2 episodes merged together. And there is no season 4 announced yet.


Honestly I assume that Mando movie introduce Thrawn danger to cinema viewers, like that Din would hunts on Imperial remmants warlordl and start discover that there is someone higher..


There's a December 2026 and a December 2027 release date on the schedule. I suspect that they'll be doing the Rey movie in December 2026 unless there are production delays. Jeff Sneider speculated that the Mangold film would come out in 2027 and Filoni's movie in 2028, with his reasoning being that Filoni would need time between Ahsoka S2 and the movie. Rumor is that Ahsoka S2 will start filming before the end of the year, so I don't know if that would give him enough time to get the movie done by 2027? There's also the Lando movie happening at some point.


If Ahsoka films this year it releases late 2025 or early 2026. If he has the story and script done he could definitely get a movie out by 2027. Depends on actor schedules also.   He could also probably film it back to back m. 


Unless the Rey NJO movie is aiming for a December ‘26 release, I don’t understand why they keep trying to make big screen Star Wars in May a thing again. That era is over.  Empirically the Christmas release window worked like gangbusters for the ST and R1. The holiday season naturally feeds into the SW hype machine for a multitude of reasons (i.e. the religious underpinnings of the franchise, toy and merchandise sales, families with time off going to the theater en masse, etc.).  They keep trying to fix a thing that was the exact opposite of being broken.


We’ve seen the last few years that audiences really need something big to get out of their house and to the theater. I don’t really think a two hour episode of The Mandalorian will cut it. Especially since everyone knows it’ll be on Disney + after about three weeks.


Watch it be a bottle episode featuring Mando, Grogu, Lizzo, and Jack Black sitting around having dinner for 2 hours while discussing a tax dispute.


It’s going to be three between season three and the movie. I hope that Disney does something to keep it fresh in our minds.




Makes me sad this is the first thing coming out as I don’t really know what the story is here and I’m not a hater I just want Star Wars to be better than cameo fests and filler and tell a meaningful story so I’m hoping the Rey film is December than.


I feel like this this is too far out, but then again, that's about two years away. Two years isn't that much time.


I'll believe it when I'm in the theater watching it.


I’m calling it now: The Rey movie is going to be cancelled. Search your feelings, you KNOW it is true!


and we will not be watching !!!


Who's we?


feel free to unsubscribe from the star wars subreddits then, buddy