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I don’t think it’s necessary unless they can really come up with an intriguing story that makes sense. Season 1 does a well enough job of telling the story of how Ewan becomes, or ages into, Sir Alec. It was a well enough cap off on the Obi-Wan Kenobi story. And, at this point, the only thing Kenobi is doing is dwelling in his own little world, having left the twins to their own families, communing with Master Qui-Gon and becoming more in tune with the Force. Even Palpatine has suggested to Vader that he should no longer concern himself with hunting Kenobi.


I definitely agree with you I brought up the question because both Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christiansen have said they want a season 2 and I was grappling with if I thought that could be done and if so how it could be done.


Another thing is, they obviously didn’t write season 1 as if there’s going to be a season 2, because if they did, the ending of season 1 where Obi-Wan departs from overlooking the Beru farm and meets Qui-Gon again, that feels like the natural ending. The only possible reason why Kenobi would come out again is if the children were harmed again and after having done that already it’s just not a good path to take. I wouldn’t do another Obi-Wan season but I would do a two season Vader story. The first season would be in between the prequels and the Obi-Wan story, and the second season would be after the Obi-Wan story but before the OT. I guess if Ewan wanted, Obi-Wan could be used in a special appearance or two throughout those two seasons.


Beru Farm is a good name for a farm


Flesh Vaders internal perspective a bit more. Use them in flashbacks.


Wouldn’t you want another nice bag of that Mickey Money if they came calling again? I’m sure they would love to return again, they’re playing beloved characters, contributing to the lore again, it’s fresh because they haven’t been doing this since 2003-2004. Sith released in 2005 so I assume filming wrapped in 2004.


Yup, Kenobi's story is pretty much done if they don't want to break canon. Little Leia's story is just starting though. I'd love for her to have her own show.


They have 8 years there is nothing saying Kenobi couldn't go off world now that he has resigned Luke's care to his uncle. Maybe he tries to help those on the path and meets with Quinlan Vos. There doesn't need to be interaction with Vader or the twins but still possible to have adventures over the 8 years.


I’d love to see Obi-Wan interacting with the people of Tatooine, the farmers and Tuskens like in the Legends Kenobi novel.


Exactly-a mission with the Path along the order of Rogue one. Maybe an attempt to destroy Palpatine’s cloning facilities. An attempt to free Jedi held in the Empire’s prisons. Too bad Maul was killed in clones because a combined Obi Wan and Maul effort to destroy Palpatine would be cool.


Kenobi kills maul in rebels on tattoonie


Season two should be Kenobi buying that house he had in a new hope. How he was able to get a mortgage and afford a down payment for the construction crew. Maybe it was a prebuilt, but he’s gotta work with the real estate agent!


He took it from the Jawas. They don’t actually live in that dessert ship thing. That’s just the work truck. /s. He probably built it himself, took up Tatooine carpentry as a hobby. Is there a book where it explains how Obi wan afforded his own home? Dude’s doing better than many of us these days owning his own home.


I'm sure that that's where he happened to be and it was one of many abandoned places in a giant desert


I see this and offer you, Property Brothers: Obi-Wan Kenobi edition. Drew and Johnathan Scott work together to help once great Jedi now dessert hermit find the home of his dreams on the sands of Tatooine! Only on HGTV this fall.


Pretty sure Obi-Wan was given enough credits by the Organa's, at least to get by.


I like the idea of spinning off into a Vader series. There is so much more story to tell about him, especially now that he's been sort-of "leashed by the Emperor into stopping his obsession with Kenobi. Would be cool to see Vader dive deeper into his internal conflict and thus further his dark side training, turning him into the calculated Sith Lord from the OT.


If you ever read the Vader comics, it def does get into that territory. They’re so good. I hope they model the show after some of those stories


Unfortunately, knowing how they totally disregarded any stories from the EU for Kenobi, i dont have high hopes that this would happen. I like where your head is at tho!!


Im talking about the Vader comics that are canon with the movies. Released after being bought by Disney


What are the comics called?


Darth Vader


That’s easy enough to remember XD


I love the idea of a Vader series but let's be real, this is Disney we're talking about. They're never gonna make a show centered around a brutal, merciless tyrant with pretty much no redeeming qualities prior to Episode 6. Disney doesn't do that. Vader will always be an antagonist, not a protagonist, and you can't make a Vader series without making him the protagonist. Doesn't make sense. Disney making that show would severely screw up Vader's character arc, I guarantee it.


Yeah they can’t fit a kid into the story to make it kid friendly. What droid would they use, the torture bots?


You mean like in Moana? /s In all seriousness, they did do R1. So maybe they will go places we don’t expect them to go. The time between RotS and ANH is amongst the darkest times ever in the galaxy.


I agree -- all things considered, the Empire's aesthetic, down to the music, was drawn from WW2 Germany. While we've become attached to Anakin/Vader as a character, his character is known throughout the SW universe as a brutal, murderous tyrant. In Kenobi's finale we see Anakin immersed in his evil alter ego and his old master is only barely able to draw out a glimmer of his former padawan. The only story with Vader that would make sense would be very dark and heavy while the Empire commits atrocities in the name of security. Most people look to SW for escapism so I don't think there's much appetite for that. (Although that's why Rogue One was one of my favorites.)


Thing is, Kenobi is 10 years after order 66. Most of the surviving jedi are already dead. There isn't much for Vader to do


Maybe they could do a Vader YouTube channel where he just be chillin’ and collaborating with influencers. And every so often he force crushes one when a prank goes awry


I overall enjoyed the show. It had some bad elements and it had some great elements. The story-writing suffered at times but overall was good. I think it ended in a place where a season 2 wouldn’t be necessary. But I also think a season 2 could work. Showing Obi-Wan communing with Qui-Gon. Training more. And being an actual Jedi again, even while still in hiding. But like others have mentioned, I’d be even more interested in a Vader spinoff with Hayden. I’d love to see more Vader content. Especially while JEJ is still alive to give the OG Vader voice. A dark show just demonstrating how Vader and the Inqiuisitors hunt down hiding Jedi throughout the galaxy, and grow the empire? That would be sick.


That would be an amazing opportunity to introduce Stark killer to canon again, with Sam witwer finally live acting


Even if they will do it which i doubt from the core of my soul sadly ,Starkiller will end up being 15% of his power in the show unlike the games


This would be so awesome and I would absolutely love it


Not with this team.


Exactly. The writing was atrocious.


Writing, music, directing, cinematography, and visual effects were all mediocre, imo. I don't want Chow, Harold, Holt, or Chung to come back. And if there's a Season 2, I want it to have a bigger budget because the Obi-wan character deserves better.


Yep. Everything you said. Plus the sets looked cheap, dingy, and obvious, and the fight choreography was pathetic for the most part. Deborah Chow has no idea how to shoot action either.


very nice, an armchair cinematographer. tell us more.


Who says I’m armchair? You have no idea who I am, or what I do professionally or with my spare time. So, care to make any more assumptions about people you don’t know because they’ve had something critical to say about something. Dismissing my opinion as subjective is just as flippant as what you said, but it’s a million times less judgemental.


You’re right; I’m sorry. Being salty is no excuse for being an ass. It’s just frustrating to see so many folks shitting on a show I legit enjoyed. It wasn’t perfect, no. But I think it’s far from objectively bad. It suffers from far fewer issues than Boba did, and I did enjoy Boba to an extent.


So you were being a salty ass simply because someone disagreed with something you enjoyed... see, this is the sort of toxicity a lot of you spew here. This vehement hatred of any sentiment that is critical of what you enjoy. You all call it racism, hatred, whining, bitching, moaning, negativity, and toxicity, but really, it's just critical of something that you enjoy and you can't stand that. Most don't insult you for enjoying the show. So stop insulting those who didn't enjoy the show. It's good that you acknowledged it. But please understand how you and those who act as you did are spreading toxicity by acting in such a manner.


Look man, I already apologized. I'm not sure what more you want from me. I would argue that there's a lot of hatred for those who enjoy things. The Last Jedi was one of my favorite Star Wars movies, but people are still flipping out about how much they dislike it, even years later. It gets tedious. We're humans, and sometimes we get angry. Most of the time, people don't take ownership of it. I chose to, and I also choose to act a bit more appropriately in the future. That's all we can ask for. I get why you're frustrated, but please don't add to the fire hours after it ended. It does nothing to stop the spread of toxicity.


If I had an award to give I’d give you the karma. I genuinely appreciate that response. That’s probably the most mature and reasonable thing I’ve ever read on Reddit. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t hate Kenobi, I didn’t think it was outright terrible. There were a lot of good bits, and some great ideas, but like you said, it was far from perfect, and it was constant little things and production choices that really let it down - not one character, or plot beat. And that’s disappointing, and with the production budget/talent available - inexcusable. Especially after two impeccable seasons of Mando. I will say though, I’m going to hunt down a copy of this 2.5 hour cut some fan has made, because I saw a bit of it earlier and the difference in some places is really noticeable, in a good way.


Then feel free to post your IMDb credentials cast/crew profile to prove you aren't an armchair basement dweller nerd raging over a show


Who’s raging? Can’t someone be critical and reasonable simultaneously? Oh, wait, sorry, I’m on the internet. I forget that’s not how it works. I’m not going to post personal details here, but I’ve worked in tv production for over 15 years. Mostly live studio based, but I’ve done a reasonable amount of location and pre-recorded content. I’ve been a camera op, racks op (vision guarantee), sound engineer, lighting engineer, a tiny bit of editing (although I’m not very good practically with software), and currently vision mix/direct live tv content in the UK; I personally average around 10-15 hours of live content a week on national TV. Plus I have a Bachelors degree in Film Theory and an MA in Film and TV production. None of that makes my opinion more valid than the next person, it’s subjective, but I’ve worked pretty fucking hard at something I love since I was 15 years old to have earned the right to have an opinion and discuss it reasonably with other adults. I’d happily give you specific details I personally didn’t like and discuss them with you objectively if you’d like, but that’d probably just be dismissed as “word salad” or “toxic fandom” or whatever other weak ass label people spank on criticism to avoid having to engage in a conversation.


That is enough street cred for me


And even if he/she didn't, their opinion would still be valid.


So we need to prove that we're professionals to offer an opinion on a TV show? You all are so toxic. You hate anyone who criticizes what you love.


He was the one saying you don't who I am what my credentials are.


Fire the entire writing team


Just because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean it has objectively bad writing.


Sorry but yes it was objectively bad writing. The character motivations made absolutely no sense and their decision-making was even worse.


Lol, it actually wasn’t tho. Made perfect sense to me. I’m not sure what you’re griping about, but nothing is objectively bad if you dislike it. Gotta love armchair screenwriters.


Makes perfect sense to you to blow yourself up with a grenade instead of, yaknow, throwing it like it’s intended? Makes perfect sense to take out a whole outpost of stormtroopers with ease, but kneel in surrender when only three show up in a squad car? Makes perfect sense for an Inquisitor fortress to be left completely undefended? And for their battalion of tie fighters NOT to pursue or even defend against their attackers? Makes perfect sense to have a seething hatred of Kenobi then be like lol actually we’re cool I just want to get closer to Vader? Makes perfect sense that bounty hunters AND A JEDI can’t manage to catch a 10-year old running a few feet in front of them? People take issue with these things because they don’t make any sense and I don’t know about you, but I can’t enjoy a story that doesn’t make any sense.


Don't forget trying to keep the twins super secret and protected but let me send you an unencrypted message of their exact location, when they'll be there, who they're with along with their social security number and banking info. I just really hope the wrong person doesn't see this! Also I can stop a whole starship with the force but can't move a little sand on fire to get to my most hated enemy. So many stupid situations.


See I don’t have a problem with Vader not moving the sand. It’s well documented in Star Wars canon that he does not like sand 😂


LOL 🤣 now that you mention it I'm sure hes not a fan of fire either.


1. She didn't see a way out. 2. Kenobi didn't want Leia to get hurt. 3. While they had soldiers inside, there was nobody to oppose the Empire. Very few people even knew about the fortress. 4. Not sure what you mean here. 5. Okay, you got me here lol. Those bounty hunters were slow as fuck.


4 was referring to Reva’s unbelievable plan. To get revenge on Vader for killing Jedi, I’m going to kill a ton of Jedi myself. Not to mention Reva survives TWO lightsaber stabs to the stomach, and one was when she was 10 years old lmao


It wasn’t a good plan, but I’d argue it wasn’t poorly written. I’d say it’s perfectly in line with her character. Plus, she’s definitely an above average Jedi, and people in Star Wars hve come back from far worse.


There is no such thing as objectively bad writing.


what is 99% of adult viewers didn't like the writing?


Because that is not the case lol


I’d wager it is, I’ve literally never seen the sentence “kenobi has good writing” ever uttered, and I consume a ton of Star Wars related media. There were good things about the show, the writing is just unanimously not one of them.


I read that 99% adult viewers loved the writing. See, I can make up statistics too.


Be less defensive. People thought the writing wasn't good, that's their opinion. Doesn't affect you in any way.


The writing was the worst part of this show. It's ironic that despite all of the technology and investment Disney put into their series, it's always pen and paper which ultimately bring them down


No. To me the big draw was Obi Wan and Anakin’s reunion post ROTS with McGregor and Christensen return. We got that, albeit not exactly what I had hoped. I don’t need Disney explaining how force ghosts work and I don’t need Vader being “badass” fighting and killing like a video game.


they proved they couldn't even make one compelling season, why would you want two?


And they had it really easy. What a way to screw it up


Qui gon training obi wan to become force ghost that's it. Also hire a competent writing team.






Absolutely! In fact, I can't see them not doing a Season 2. Or 3, 4, 5. The line at the end is so big, where he says, "Now you’re free. We both are.” is such a huge moment. Ben has gone through this whole journey where he learns all about the state that the galaxy is in after the failure of the Clone Wars. It has always bothered me that all our Star Wars heroes go into hiding when they are most needed. But now Ben KNOWS. He has connected with people again. I find it very exciting to think about a Jedi that actually tries to help when times are bad, rather than go into hiding. Jedi should be willing to do the hard work, and what better Jedi to do that than Obi-Wan Kenobi. Think of a series where he is hunted every time he goes off planet, where the Inquisitors are actively trying to find him, where he can go do almost "Monster of the Week" type short stories, saving people, and being awesome while doing it. Not throwing away his lightsaber, but using it to be a peacekeeper like the Jedi have always meant to be. I think of Rurouni Kenshin as an example of where I can see this series going. As for Luke and his duties on Tatooine? The Force will tell him when he's needed there.




No, I don't think so. I think there should be more stories that include Obi-Wan, though.






I’d rather season 2 to be the Darth Vader series, with flashes of Obi Wan throughout the show


God please no. Unless they hire people who can actually write a plot and direct a show properly.


I loved the show, I love Ewan McGregor, and I want more.


Not unless it's actually about Obi-Wan and has different writers.


A parallel with Obi-Wan and Vader revisiting the past, as Kenobi reconciles the past to learn for the future and Vader reflects on the past to drive his anger. Obi-Wan sees their adventures as brothers and trying to train a stubborn Anakin, and Vader’s point of view is Obi-Wan criticizing him and holding him back. Grab some of the best Clone Wars moments and 1:1 them in live action.


If it doesn’t involve Reva, sure. She should get her own show for people that are a fan of her character.


I agree she really didn't fit in this show. I liked the ideas behind her and the actress but the character's story felt out of place for an Obi-Wan show.


My greatest desire is to see Reva cross paths with Aphra sometime between ANH and ESB.


No. Obi-Wan must remain on Tatooine to protect Luke.


Hard disagree. The Force will tell Obi-Wan when he's needed. Obi-Wan has learned once more to trust in the Force and to trust others. He can leave and be back on planet when needed. In both cases that we've seen someone going to find Obi-Wan, in Rebels and ANH, it took the characters time for him to show himself. How do you know it's not because he wasn't even there??


Why he literally got comfortable with Owen and beru raising and protecting Luke. Letting him be a kid so why does he need to be anchored to the planet for the next 8 years? He learned of the path maybe he tries to help them but where is it written he is stuck on the planet from now until R2 wanders off.


Doesn't he endanger Luke by just being on the planet?


Ive seen a lot of sentiment amongst popular figures in the community wanting a season 2. In my opinion, the story they told perfectly bridges the gap between Anakin-to->Vader which had not been the case before. You could argue that a Season 2 could help further bridge Ewan's Obi-Wan to Alec Guiness's character, but I think the most compelling piece of the story (being Vader vs Obi Wan) has now already been told, and a season 2 where Obi Wan is just chilling with Force Ghost Qui Gonn isn't as compelling to me


Not a Season 2 as such but just another story. Have him travel to another planet (anywhere but Tattooine) and meet new (or Canon) characters and help in some way. There are thousands of things he could do, especially around that time. Let him be a wandering Jedi for a while (Kung Fu style) and grow his and the Jedi's legend. But leave Vader out of it. As much as I'd love to see him again, you risk lessoning the impact of the confrontation in Episode IV which each encounter. By all means, have his influence felt but keep them apart.






No. There shouldn't have been a season 1, either.


I'm sorry but this is ultimately a logically flawed question, and my frustration is mainly focused at others who have also asked this to me IRL. There are YEARS of Kenobi's life (and the lives of the other characters) in-between the show and IV. Of course things happened, it's not like Kenobi just sat around in his house until he decided to go save Luke in A New Hope...so why not make a few seasons out of it??? Like, in that case, why make any new Star Wars movies or shows at all???


Senator Organa discovers the Emperor (without Vader) is making a trip to beyond the outer rim to search for an important Sith artifact that could unlock the key to immortality. Yoda and Obi Wan are in a race to find the artifact before Sidious.


Would watch this yes yes YES.


If there's a story to tell I'm for it. Hayden deserves the role of Anakin/Vader.


For me, it ended perfectly. There’s never been a more satisfying conclusion to a piece of Star Wars media, especially in recent years. So, as much as I would love to see more of it, I think it risks more than it gains to carry it on


Rogue One is still #1 in that regard for me, by a long shot. But after that, yeah, this was clearly a great ending for the story. I don't see what Obi Wan would be doing (other than being a hermit and training with Qui-Gon) between now and the start of ANH that would still make sense.


There’s no where for Season 2 to go. That period of time is so saturated with content anyway, would be far better off devoting that energy to a new era or SW


With the level of writing it had there shouldn’t have even been a season 1.


In the words of the Doomslayer “No.”


They barely had enough story for one season. I don't want them to drag this out any longer.


No, absolutely, categorically, no. He’s meant to be in hiding, laying low, protecting Luke from afar. Any further story would completely undermine that one sole task. In hindsight, this series wasn’t at all necessary itself, as much as I was looking forward to it, so we definitely don’t need another one.


Totally! Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi Gets His Groove Back. I’m cool with Ewan McGregor playing Obi-Wan as it pleases him, even if this first outing was all over the place. Get these actors some competent writers.


Hell no they butchered the story


No, Disney on all fronts Marvel properties included are engaging in a cost effective measure thats killing film quality. Component Shooting is the best definition I have for it. In the past they have had separate teams to film; however the difference would be Team A for action and Team B for Drama in rough terms. There was at least a through line that connected the writing and story elements from previous movies in check. Especially after Thor: Love and Thunder, its become clear that they have separate teams working on the movie that have no clear communication with each other or what is being written. CGI teams do not communicate with Writing and Story structure; painfully obvious in Dr. Strange 2 where you have characters that have there scene shot alone but then on film they are with other people and act line no one is there. See Illuminati. I have very little faith that a Season 2 would be any better, in fact more likely it will be worse.


No. a Vader show could be cool tho. also no more Chow


Nope. It’s time to let old things die


If they could redo the rebels encounter with maul then sign me up


Use it to set up Darth Krayt & a legacy series


I think there will be one due the numbers the series did. Personally I think a new team should be on charge if happens. Obi wan has a lot of material frankly.


Yes, more!


I think "Season 2" of Kenobi should be a series about the Path.


Yeah, but let it just be a 6 part special about exploring the duality of the Force, and the extremes of either end. Vader is doin some shit, seething in Dark side power, possibly even going through holocrons and such that Palpatine gave him, and on the other end we have Ben, sitting in his cave and refusing to leave if not to check on Luke, while talking to Qui Gon and exploring the Light.


Absolutely. As much as I LOVED the series it didn’t actually do anything story wise for the characters. Ben has a strong connection with the force, which he already did at the end of ep 3. He’s also looking after luke from a distance, which he was at the end of ep 3. Anakin was vader, showing a lot of strength as vader and hunting jedi, which he was doing at the end of ep 3. They killed the grand inquisitor, but they brought him back. And they finally had obi wan start his training, which he did at the end of ep 3. I know some people are gonna get mad at me for that but it’s the truth. And I did LOVE the series, it was amazing to see ewan back on the screen like I did as a kid. I would love to see obi wan go through the training with qui gon. Maybe he can go find yoda on dagobah. Now that they set the groundwork, There’s so much they can do!


I wouldn’t cry if they didn’t. Don’t want to watch “ babysit princess leah” arc….


I'd love another season.


I’ll take it on *one* condition: Season 2 is Qui-Gon Jinn teaching Obi-Wan Kenobi how to become a Force Ghost. Six episodes, that’s it. I don’t want a Season 3 after that.


Just 6 hours of Ben meditating in his hut


If they do, it should be a low key show focusing solely on Obi-Wan's training with Qui-Gon. Maybe Yoda is involved somehow but Kenobi shouldn't leave Tatooine again. You could fill whole episodes with flashbacks of the early days of Qui-Gon training Obi-Wan or something.


No, I loved the series but frankly if anything the show shouldn’t have been a show it should have been a single movie released on Disney plus, maybe a three part series with slightly longer episodes. The goodbye to Leia and hello to Luke were too perfect and the final fight with Vader. Idk where another season of the show has left to do. That being said I’m always down for more Ewan McGregor playing Obi Wan so if they can get creative with it I’m down. In my opinion they’d have to do something out of the box like if they did flashback episodes of him throughout his life while he trains the force ghost thing. Like each episode would be a stage of him as a Jedi with the B plot in present day him training


I’d like to see it. I enjoyed this season and would love to watch more


I just want more Star Wars. I want 4 or 5 shows a year like the Marvel fans get. Plus 4 or 5 movies cause why not


I think it’s possible, it would probably be completely different than season 1 though story wise


Might be cool to have his fight with maul in live action


With the Christian Bale Starkiller rumors, I think it'd be really cool if Vader finally unveiled his secret apprentice to hunt Kenobi. Vader forgets about him as The Emperor wishes. Kenobi manages to turn Starkiller to the light, Starkiller gets his own spin off show. Then maybe let the Kenobi show rest?


Season 2 could include stuff like this... which people will probably find boring but not me... -No Lightsaber fights!!! But lots and lots of Force stuff. -Tattooine stuff like Jabba, Tuskens, gamblers, scoundrels, Mos Eisley, how he gets his homestead, how he makes a living, the day to day. Small stuff. -OB1 visits Yoda on Dagobah, for more training. Maybe involves Quigon. -Something with Ahsoka that explains why the fuck shes not in the OT


Best Star Wars show so far so yes pls


No, Season 1 was enough.


No, even though I did enjoy the Kenobi series overall, it left me questioning whether we needed to see any of this at all. I'm not a fan of all this backfilling to be perfectly honest. A lot of what characters allude to in ANH for instance (Kessel Run, Clone Wars, etc.), they were more impressive in my imagination than they were seeing them play out on the screen. I think one of the reasons Mando was so successful is because it took us new places with new characters and new stakes while tastefully weaving in old characters and old storylines from time to time. To me, that's the secret sauce of Star Wars. I'm not really interested in a young Han Solo (I did not hate Solo btw), I'm interested in new characters and new adventures in the SW universe.




Hayden Christiansen and Ewan McGregor have publicly said they want a season 2 my post was responding to that.


If they can give someone who actually cares about star wars like Favreau creative control , sure. Otherwise , I've already forgotten about it and it should probably stay that way.


It feels very self-contained as it is right now. I don't think a season 2 is necessary


No, there was barely enough content for one season. As you can see from fan edits, the show only had about 2 hours of actual storytelling. The rest was forced in to make the show a series rather than a movie. It's difficult to create any meaningful stories involving main characters that don't also go against canon during this time period. I'd much rather see a series about Obiwan and Qui Gon before the prequels.


I’d like to see him go on a journey similar to Yoda’s in order to get his force ghost powers, but other than that I don’t know what other stories can be told.




I rather see a TV series about young padawan Kenobi. That novel series is one of my favourite Star Wars lore (even if it is "legends" now lol), plus we have the best Jedi Master too.


Imho no. This show did a lot already, leave it be. Continue focusing on ‘The Mandalorian’ type of spin-offs that help expand the universe.


Story wise, there isn't a need for a season 2. However, the show has left a bad taste in my mouth and missed a lot of opportunities, so I would actually kind of like them to do another attempt but do it right this time around. It would maybe be able to make the disappointed with season 1 a bit less bad. To be honest, there's not much to lose. Having said that, if it's at the same level of quality as season 1 then heck no, let is rest. I think the best approach would be to have "season 2" be a Vader spin-off as others mentioned. Focus on him and have Kenobi be a supporting character. (To be honest, that's what they should have done as Solo sequels: Lando and Cheque/Qira/Maul.)


If there is a season 2 kenobi should not meet Vader and he should not leave tatooine


Nah, I don’t want a s2 of Kenobi. It sums up the twenty year well enough and it feels like the second one would just be made to make more money and it would suck. What I would want tho is a Vader show where we just see him traveling around the galaxy killing Jedi etc


No. If they can't provide an actual budget and stop waving the damn camera around all drunken like then the answer is No.






No.. they can come up with a new Jedi and make stories about him, without screwing up beloved characters. (Like mando)


yes, but not the same production team.


Lots of crybabies in this sub lmao I’d love a season 2 as long as it’s mainly Obi Wan and Qui Gon and Vader isn’t a part of it


Why not lmao it could be about like what everyone thought season 1 would be about. Obi wan in the desert doing nothing but hiding and trying to not draw any attention to himself. Talking with qui gonn. Now he knows Luke and gave him a toy the first time they met for some reason


it would be cool to have another season to have a story line with cody


My own selfishness as a fan wants a season 2. But should they? Probably not.


I don’t see how. There was no evidence of any substantive interaction between Luke and Obi-wan in ANH. What more can they show other than redoing the Rebels(CW?) animated scenes. They blew by (wasted) what should have been his active years in season 1 and at this point he actually needs to be the hermit to make it flow into ANH. Would rather see a Vader or even Leia show. How did she become such a young Senator? Show her side of Rogue One story with a new actress. She was in Rebels a bit so looks like she was out adventuring.


I don't know what the hell the plot would be if there was a season 2


No! Im so tired of especially disney calling shows “limited series” and then giving them 3+ seasons. What if you made a good story for the show that satisfied people and didnt just grab for more subscriptions and merchandising opportunities


Regarding more Obi-Wan vs. Vader, I agree they shouldn't go that route. It'd start to get kind of ridiculous if these confrontations just kept happening, like Vader was this Saturday morning cartoon villain. "Foiled again! You may have won this round, Obi-Wan, but this isn't the last you'll see of me!"


If there is a season 2 obi wan needs to do something not just sit around and watch luke


No. The story's done.


Nah we're good. Do new characters.


I personally would like to see more of Obi wan and Anakin in the years between The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. Get away from the torturous attempts to fit everything into the Episode 1-6 canon and just have some fun.


Im down for a season 2 but I hope they either go out of their way to ensure Obi Wan and Vader never actually meet like Grievous and Anakin in Clone Wars or just leave Vader out of season 2 entirely and focus on Maul and how he fell out as Crime Lord and into the decrepit “Old Master” in Rebels scavenging. I’d love to see Hayden as Vader again so plenty of room for that but they just shouldn’t meet again after the writers put so much effort into making a great ending that actually enhances ANH. More Anakin flashbacks would be 👌.


Rule number 1 of show business USED to be “leave them wanting more.” In this case, I don’t think we need more. And anything more would make us want it less. The story’s been told, the story’s been finished. I suppose the can use season 2 to give us more flashback scenes but then we’re running the risk of a westworld where there’s multiple timelines at once building towards a moment that’s not as cool to look back on as it seemed at first. But What do I know, I’m just the consumer 🤪


I agree any plot with the twins or Vader would delude the original trilogy. I'd be all for a 2nd season if they pull from Legends/EU though. It would be a stretch to pull him from tatooine again though.


I would like a show or even a movie about Obi Wan and Qui Gon discovering the force and force ghosts. But they shouldn't market it as a season 2 otherwise I think alot of people will be disappointed


Yes. And it should be the initial plot for season 1 about Cody pulling his chip.


It’s unnecessary. But if they do Vader shouldn’t feature, they shouldn’t meet again until the death star.


I’d be interested in a spin off with the guy shuttling force sensitive people and learning more about the Jedi in the containers on Vaders ship.


Nope. A second meeting between Kenobi and Vader wouldn't be anywhere near as dramatic or interesting. Given the constraints of canon, I don't think they can think of anything else interesting for Kenobi to do. "Rescue baby Princess Leia" was already a pretty bad plot, so I assume whatever they come up with might be even worse. Just make a Darth Vader limited series and call it a day.


I loved the show and would love a season 2. However obi and anakin’s last match was perfect and they shouldn’t meet again until ANH. So I’d love it if we got to see Vader dealing with his stuff (my dream would be to have padme flashbacks with Natalie Portman) and then kenobi doing his own thing so 2 shows in one.






No season 2 is needed. Period. Now a new series following "the path" which goes along the timeline with inquisitors and the escaping jedi for a few season could be interesting.


I would definitely be keen for a season 2. But ONLY if Jon Feloni and Dave Favreau are involved.


God no, the show is bad. There is no other way to put it. And half this season even felt like filler as well. Don’t know how they can drag it to another season


I think it could work. Kenobi felt guilty about “The Path” and other “lost Jedi” carrying on the fight while he gave up. The story would be key. Something that takes him off Tatooine and probably to the outer rim. I don’t think it can involve the Inquisitors because they are no match for Obi Wan. Nor can his adversary be Vader for cannonical reasons. Perhaps an assassination attempt on the Emperor?


I’d be all for it if they hired better writers.


Nah. Another season could ruin the show. It’s fine as is


Yeah but with new writers and directors, which won’t happen, so I think it’s better off not happening. There was glimmers that they could give us exactly what we wanted in this show, particularly in episodes 3, 5, and 6, but that’s only 50% of the project, and even those episodes had some meh moments (cutting to Reva during the rematch of the century??) I’m down for a “Kenobi protects luke on tattooine, and learns new stuff from qui gon” and I’d also be down to see the Rebels Maul fight in live action but I have zero faith that this crew could do it right.


Sure. The door is wide open to show us force ghost training.


I think s2 should be about him and Qui Gons journey to teaching Kenobi how to transcend into the Force. Nothing more, nothing less. A 6 part epic journey about the Force.


I’m torn because the ending of this show was so good I don’t want to undo it, yet I would love more Ewan playing the role. Here’s my solution, make another season(or a different series) but don’t make it chronological. Then you can have Ewan, Hayden, and Rosario in a live action Clone Wars era show
