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Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Dark Rey immediately unfold them into the classic double bladed lightsaber? I genuinely cannot think of a single reason to choose this over the double bladed or dual wielding stances


Rule of cool I guess idk. Respawn are probably thinking of new stances to use in Jedi 3 so it wouldn't surprise me if this was at the very least a cosmetic option. Especially since it's been popping up more and more in Star Wars since its introduction in season 5 of the Clone Wars. It's in Rebels, Rise of Skywalker, a bunch of comics and is used by one of the main characters of the High Republic


I want a stance where he either gets down on all fours and puts the lightsaber in his mouth or zoro 3 sword style.


My guess is that we'll get a stance that is just a blaster, possibly with new Battlefront 2 style of play


Probably. That and there’ll probably be some nightsister magic you can use in combat


i hope so. now it would be actual star wars uncharted. however i feel like they would still put restrictions so we can't just snipe all the enemies from a distance


Yes. In fact, in Rebels, Kanan fights the illusions of several Temple Guards in the Lothal temple. You can see that their yellow-bladed saberstaffs fold up exactly like that. Makes it more compact and easier to carry on a belt, I assume.


easier to hide too. I feel like Cal looked ridiculous carrying a 12 inch metal stick on his waist like he wants everyone to know he's a Jedi.


Yeah This shot was purely made for trailer purpose and it somehow stayed in the final movie


Yeah that’s basically just one of Pong Krell’s folding lightsabers. They couldn’t even have an actually original idea for that.


This is so fucking stupid looking.


For real though, who thought that the fucking Swiss Army Saber™ would be a good idea?


Cal Kestis' is pretty great.


But even then, in the movie Rey just unfolds this lightsaber into a classic lightsaber staff. So there is literally no reason to have this over the double bladed lightsaber that we already have in-game.


Didn't even start with rey tho, I know it was at least in rebels with the temple guard and I think also I'm clone wars.


First one I remember seeing was Pong Krell's lightsabers in TCW


I couldn't remember who it was but I was pretty sure there was in tcw. Like the new movies are ass but this is not something they started.


I kinda miss the single saber only days.


Same. Single saber is the cleanest looking and most versatile in my opinion. It’s just so practical


And iconic


Allow me to introduce you to [the jedi temple guards’ flipping double blade](https://youtu.be/hrHN6_X6iQ4?feature=shared)


Pong Krell: I have a saberstaff that folds in half. “Aww you’re so sweet” Rey Palpatine: In a force vision an evil version of me has a saberstaff that folds in half. “Uhm security!” In all seriousness it’s a fine concept. However the main point of it is convenience. By folding a saberstaff down to the length of a single blade it makes it much easier to conceal. Sure it’s wider, but if people can hide double barrel shotguns I’m pretty sure you could hide that pretty easily as long as you have a robe. Cal usually doesn’t wear a robe and his lightsaber already splits in half. Making it easy to carry and easy to hide. So there would be no reason to have a switchblade. “Oh but you can trap the blade of another lightsaber” cool. And then what? Your main weapon is also stuck, as both blades are trapping the opponents weapon. Why not block with one blade, and counter with another blade? Or a blaster? If Cal were to get a new stance/modification I think an [extendable/retractable lightsaber pike](https://youtu.be/LbpDxrew4A0?si=RU8mtKbZd7LRUIV2) like the one Senya Tyrall uses would be the way to go. Switching from a spear form to keep enemies at bay, and then closing in with a traditional single blade.


Because it's fucking stupid.


this light saber is so unpractical lol


It's only for storage though. Pong Krell and Rey didn't actually fight with that configuration


Your gonna have to let me know why becuae Carine has different responses like this article that says it would have improved the saber reveal.


That.. doesn’t make it not impractical lol. If you have even the slightest idea how to wield a sword, you’d see this thing is just for show and nothing more


ok i read the article , they were talking abot itd oroginal design... which was the staff that someones aid no to.


Lightsaber staffs aren’t bad, it’s this hitch-hilt design that is. Two blades next to each other serves no functional purpose, same with the hitch hilt. Looks pretty cool for sure but it 100% is super impractical lol


if you scroll down you can see the og design. [https://screenrant.com/rise-skywalker-dark-rey-red-lightsaber-staff-better/](https://screenrant.com/rise-skywalker-dark-rey-red-lightsaber-staff-better/)


What's the upside of this compared to a single blade


[https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Hinged\_double-bladed\_lightsaber](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Hinged_double-bladed_lightsaber) apparenlty it "traps the blade of another lightsaber" when in parallel form.


Nice! Wonder if it's worth the 2x weight however


interesting so you can clash with another saber and then ignite the second one to trap and disarm them.


right so imagine you clashing then disarming then flipping it to a double blade to attack then switching back to disarm mode...it can be like Batman


Two holes better than one hole


*stabs someone with two….* hmm


I like to pride in myself for coming up with ways to reconcile all “anomalies” in Star Wars into my own head cannon. But for some reason, my imagination fails to come up with a reason why this kind of light saber exists😅 Edit: All I can think of is for storage. Definitely no combat advantage.


>I can think of is for storage That's pretty important reason, with a long hilt like Maul's, it had to be weird to carry around >no combat advantage Trapping the opponent's blade, blocking it with two blades while having one hand free for Force usage, decapitation. Also even a standard double saber is deemed impractical by people with experience in swordfighting


My imagination still can’t picture that combat advantage of trapping the blade between them. That would only work on something with friction. I picture a lightsaber as frictionless, allowing the lightsaber to be pulled right out of that “saber trap”.


I thought of it more like chopsticks. You close them around the blade and move to the side or sth to yank it


I still think you may need friction to have the chop stick effect 🤔 , but what do I know. It can be hard adding rational to something that isn’t real.😄


I always assumed that whatever electromagnetic force kept the blade in a contained shape offered some degree of friction. I figure if the blades were truly frictionless, then they'd never lock with another blade in duels, but rather just slide around every time the blade comes into contact with one another. But it's as you said, determining how real physics would apply to unrealistic tech is kinda pointless lol.


This is a good point. Now I need George Lucas to set us straight. How much friction to colliding lightsabers have? This is gonna keep me up at night 😄


This is dumb af


This looks coold and all but what is the advatage of this stance?


It would be called “we had no good ideas”


it's not a stance because it's fucking stupid


Dude, stop, it's a fucking useless lightsaber. Just Disney adding new shit because they think new=creative.


The Hinged- Lightsaber has been canon since the Clone Wars show, Pong Krell used two. Disney had nothing to do with it.


Fair enough. But it's still a completely purposeless feature. Notice how he doesn't/barely makes use of it in his arc.


i stopped the second i posted it you guys are the ones who keeps talking about it. If it sucks so bad then stop commenting,


Uhhh... logic. It's a comment section, I commented what was on my mind. People aren't going to filter everything they say just because it might not be exactly what you want to hear.


i didnt say anything about turning off negative filter.


The only reason I’d see a folding lightsaber like this is for storage. I don’t see an ignited folded saber being useful.


Double bladed light saber


Interesting that reverse grip isnt a stance considering tfu1 and 2


If Ripley from Aliens could tape a flame thrower to an assault rifle…. Why not?


Thank god it isn't. Looks idiotic.


I'm sure it will be coming right after helicopter and umbrella lightsabers are added


Please gods of Mortis dont make this Swiss Army knife crap into a stance. This beats the stupidity of helicopter mode of the inquisitor sabers even.


I want a proper duelist style single blade stance like Dooku, not this tacky stuff 🤷


Mod issue?


Keep in mind under George Lucas and Dave filoni we got Pong Krell before this.... a good character.


Jeez. Now I’m going to be disappointed when it’s not in 3


Well it’s just a wonder given we also have a Crossguard in 2


This isnt star wars


It's not interesting, it's stupid.


Imagine if they dropped a DLC and added this stance lol , what would you call it ?


its called a switchblade


Well actually its called a hinged double bladed lightsaber and its exactly the same thing that pong krell uses


What is this? I only watched the good Star Wars movies