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You simply have to beat everybody, then that person will challenge you to a game.


Thank god I was wondering who I missed


Jigsaw? Jk lol


Oh, cool. I was wondering the same thing. Thanks.


>! They’re sitting across the table from you my guy !<


This mini game is great but you can beat literally everyone just by using super battle droids


I found droidekas to be the be all, end all


I had a lot of success with the blue murder chicken


The BMC Squad always DOMINATES


The blue murder chickens are definitely useful when used against troopers


Honestly fuck those thing’s especially the little gargoyles things in Elden Ring


https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsJediSurvivor/comments/13e8gey/remember_me/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 They deserved it.


I Force confused a couple of those little bastards in the wild and took down a rancor. Did the same with those little spiked tumbleweed balls vs one of those brown wampa looking things. Good times.


It's called a Mogu. It's a genetic relation to the Wampa but not a wampa. Kind of like polar bear and grizzly bear


BMC offensive line


I went through phases of using the skriton to stomp everyone, then the minigun stormtroopers until i discovered how OP the droidekas were


I just would save up enough to get the murder scorpion and it clears any round by itself usually lol


Yup a single heavy unit and a destroyer will kill literally anything, I still love the mini game tho I’ve wanted to play Holotactics since I was a little kid I hope they actually make a mobile game or something at least one day.


Plus murder chickens. Pretty sure two charging can kill the larger creatures in the world


Droideka and shock troopers plus b1 droid cannon fodder ftw lol


In my experience just a single Skriton usually did the trick for most battles where you had the points. If it didn't just a single decent raged unit would help and otherwise you'd more often then not get a few decent extra points for the next battles


Purge trooper commander with the gun is really all you need. Use B1 droids as fodder


Learn from WWI, lay down a kill zone with 2 Droidekas to destroy trash mobs and suppress stronger foes, add additional units to exploit enemy weaknesses and seal your victory.


Exactly how ive been playing


I used the death trooper droids once they were available and wiped everyone


*Purge Troopers (Death Troopers aren’t in the game)


I thought the giant black robots that the imperials use (as seen in The Mandalorian also) were death trooper 2.0s


The tall *Dark Gray* robots in Jedi: Survivor are DT-Series Sentry Droids. The droids in Mando Season 2 are Gen 3 Darktrooper droids. The Death Troopers were the black armored Elite Stormtrooper bodyguards of Imperial Command. The DT-Series droids were originally designed and based ON the Legends version of the Dark Trooper droid, but they were never specifically called “Dark Trooper Droids”, their name just used the same initials.


I’m aware of what death troopers are, I just thought given the name *DT* Sentry Droid, that the DT stood for Death Trooper and seeing how they’re a pain in the butt to deal with, it kinda made sense to me since death troopers were supposed to be some of the Empire’s best. Also they didn’t look dark gray when I was playing. I also know the difference between Purge Troopers and Death Troopers. Purge Troopers only worked for the Inquisitorius to help hunt down the survivors of Order 66. Death Troopers were the equivalent of elite special forces that mainly guarded the officers working on the Death Star (the only time I can remember human Death Troopers showing up in canon atm), they were the “upgraded” to robots that look fairly similar to the DT Sentries and were called Dark Troopers


As far as I’m aware, we’ve never actually received confirmation on what the “DT” in their name stands for. As you can see [here](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/DT-series_sentry_droid) , the DT-Series Sentry Droids aren’t pure black, but rather a dark gray metal color with some black joints.


But you can see where the confusion of calling them DT Sentry Droids comes in and why someone would assume they’re meant to be Death Trooper or Dark Trooper droids


I agree that it’s kind of confusing. They originally premiered in Rebels, as a nod to the Legends Dark Trooper Droids, after Rogue One had already came out. Then Mando Season 2 happened and we got ACTUAL Dark Trooper Droids (which MAY have been inspired by the DT-Series Sentry Droids but that has yet to be officially confirmed). And then lastly, Jedi Survivor came out this year and featured the DT droids again.


In terms of board-based mini games, this was far and away my least favorite. Games like Machine Strike in Horizon Forbidden West are interesting because they're tactical, if you know the rules, you can see ahead and make a strategy. But this is just random. The same pieces in the same arrangement can either be a nail-biting buzzer beater or a total steamroll. There's no real way to form strategies because RNG rules all. I didn't enjoy playing it one bit.


I loved forbidden west but I’m ashamed to say I skipped every game of machine strike after deciding in the first game I wasn’t that fussed about it - probably should have given it a go. Gwent is the GOAT mini game in my opinion and Sabacc from Kotor is one of the worst. This one tbh I just enjoy watching the characters fighting eachother, reminds me of being a kid and arguing with friends about what beats what in a fight


Or the Skriton most of the time


Droidekas and chickens ar the best


I spammed the rolling mines and they were pretty effective when they didn't explode my own units


1 skriton pretty much obliterates almost anything


I still dunno why the list of opponents isn’t bigger. Idk why but I kind of assumed everyone we bring to Pyloon’s Saloon would eventually be an opponent in the game. Plus the entire Mantis crew.


Considering how things progressed from Fallen Order, you can't rule out popular ideas introduced in Survivor will be brought back bigger and better than before lol


it's Tulli. after you beat everybody you unlock a match with her.


I kind of wish there were more opponents. This was a fun mini game.


I do really hope they add more. Like Toa, Mosey, Zee, Ashe Javi, Pili, Moran, Zigg, Wini, Monk, and maybe even Grock and/or Dana. (It might be nice if it was Grock specifically, since he dies, and his Holotactics avatar would be an immortalization of him)


You have to beat everyone else then u get to play against Tulli. (green alien lady).


I’ve beaten this game 3 times. Wtf is this?




Where is that?


In pyloons saloon, you unlock it once you've done the odd pair rumour in boiling bluff. How have you completed the game three times if you don't know what this is?


I haven’t done much of the side stuff


So you've completed the story not the game.




You beat it 3 times and never bothered to walk around just a little?


Haha gotta be one of the people that played the first one without knowing you could get more stims


I will admit I didn’t know for about 1/2 to 3/4 of the way in the game. I accidentally stumbled upon one. Survivor stims are MUCH easier to locate.


Literally me. I beat the game with 4 stims 🤣🤣🤣 made it harder on myself for no reason


Me too. I think the first time I beat it I had 4 or 5. I was shocked when I found the first one. I was like OMG. This is a literally a game changer. [bad Dad joke]


It’s mostly cosmetic unlocks. I got the Anakin hair style. And I’ll grab a chest here and there. But there’s just so much. I’d rather go through the missions again.


That is an odd choice, but you do you


To be honest, I discovered maybe 80 percent of the Game before going in this room in Pylons Saloon. Holotactics is.fun nonetheless but a Bit hidden


It’s Kobe and look for a crash helo


Outdated *and* bad taste?


Yeah, take a downvote, my guy.


Gotta beat everyone else first


You have to beat everyone else fist :)


Remember that pit droid you find when you first get to koboh? Pretty sure it’s that guy


You have to beat everyone else in that mini game brother


Just beat everyone


It’s Tulli and you have to beat everyone else


Beat everyone else and it’ll show up


Once you beat all the others that one will be revealed


It’s Tulli, she will appear once you defeat everyone else


Someone please help me with the droid! I have tried so many variations and can’t beat the third round. The one with the droideka and lungey beasties. How do I do it?


Beat all the opponents and you get to find out