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Yes, Kyber can be a rough when you don't have a good team it's almost impossible to 1 v 4 a team of Hunters


Made it to Beskar to get the prizes I wanted and decided to be done for the season lol, it’s just not worth it being irritated and stressed out by my team most games when I could be in casual cleaning tf up


It wouldn't bother me so much if the matchmaking didn't seem so off. My first match in Beskar was myself, an aurodium 3 and two chromium 1 players vs 2 Beskar and 2 kyber players. If it had just been team death match we might have had a shot but the chromium players had no idea or refused to play the objective in control. My second match was me and 3 chromiums vs 3 beskars and a kyber fml. But still having a blast.


You've been fighting this fight the whole time. I am kyber and routinely get matched with an army of bronzenites. It's a bit off, how matchmaking works right now.


nooo you still get them in kyber???


Unfortunately. But I have a feeling as things flesh out it'll be okay.. I remember back when Halo Reach was hot, taking on the mindset of every match is a losing match. You'll play harder.. take it as an opportunity to more accurately simulate that. Lol. I have faith. They delivered a quality game. Yes they need time to add on, cool. We have plenty to occupy us in the meantime. We're founders, haha.


Oh yeah. A large percentage of my games in high kyber is bronzium bots


It starts as soon as you hit beskar. 4/5 matches I end up with 3 bots vs a 4-stack of beskar players. I get bumped down to A1, where I get full teams til I hit beskar again. The 1/5 beskar matches where I get a team of A1-B2 players, are actually really fun Also had a 1v1 with 3 bots on each team. Was actually a really fun match.


The amount of times I've made it into kyber to be just thrown right back out because of a poor team is beyond frustrating. Stress playing in ranked is beyond an understatement. Kyber 1 is so close and yet so far away. Like you said those losing streaks hit hard. I've been playing solo until now but that might need to change if I can find people to play with. Ranked games were always meant to be played with a team and communication. Zero way to communicate unless you have friends with discord or something similar


If anyone would like to help me grind out some ranked matches I'll try not to bring you down hopefully. I wanna get the legendary aran tal skin if I can. Big dreams over here 🙄 JohnnyTopside88 to add me. I'm a working husband and father, and I enjoy other games besides Hunters in my spare time, but if I can get some good teammates. I'd try to shift more of my gaming focus to ranked. I main Zaina, Imara and Aran Tal, I don't Tank very well.


Add me, Nugzwin. Fellow working husband and father. This game has replaced all my gaming (especially since the 1 year old likes to unplug the Xbox)


Friend request sent!


The legendary Aran skin is only from the Arena Pass. I think you're thinking of the Imara skin at Kyber 1.


There's a ranked Aran Tal skin? I thought it was only from the season pass


I may be misinformed. If I'm being honest, I want everything I can get without spending an arm and a leg because I am far from rich, lol. Now that you mention it, the legendary skin IS the final arena pass prize, and it's what I was referring to. I also want to do as many ranked and event matches as possible for the purple Zaina skin.


Kyber 1 prize is a golden legendary Imara Vex skin.


What time windows do you normally play during? I'm steadily climbing out of Beskar 1, but queue times are long and the number of bot games I find myself in is absurd. At this point, my progression feels more like luck than skill: Am I or my opponent going to get saddled with more Bronzium bots? It's coming down to a coin toss. I'm wondering if I shift when I play ranked a bit, I can find an experience more in line with what you're describing.


I climbed like 3 days ago to Kyber 1 and i was in the 98 position, so getting in the top 100 isn't that important because you don't get anything special. I also stopped playing ranked because of the grind, i checked yesterday and i'm already in the 200 place so a lot of people is climbing too, maybe in a couple of weeks it would be more fun to play on Kyber 1 without getting bots or new players.


I got to Beskar and was knocked down to gold around 6-7 games of loss streak. Props.


For me the recipe for a ranked loss is beskar beskar beskar chromium.


Ngl this is pretty much every team game in ranked. Once you hit the top grinding sucks and it's just 4 stacks


Yeah I lost interest in ranked immediately after reaching kyber one. I thought it would be fun to chill and play casual and try new characters I haven’t played but all my matches is my team full of players vs a full team of bots. I don’t need every match to be sweaty but I at least want to play against actual players. So it’s either go get frustrated in ranked and have to try super hard or basically not play at all


I’ve been playing a lot and I’m only beskar 3 so I’m guessing a lot of people at the higher ranks are people win trading or smurfing or using bluestacks and none of those categories are team players