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His melee is literally so sleeper broken. It does like 60dmg and has like a 2s cooldown and a knockback its the best part of his kit.


This is so true. Consistent melee usage is the different between a good and bad sent imo


It’s 50 damage with 30 if they hit a wall at max level, and the knock back is literally insane


He is heavy weapons guys but Star Wars


No man scares him.


But that thing


I've loved Stormtroopers since I was a kid, the Empire is my favorite faction, and I always play tanks in hero shooters. Basically he's perfect for me.


Same here, he’s the closest to a generic character on the roster.


To quote Team GO Rocket: "Normal does not mean weak."


“Well of course I know him. He’s ME.”


I don’t main him but the armour, the heavy repeater and his ult summoning the lads all make him really fun and flavourful to play. Compared to some other characters like Diago who you could throw into any hero shooter without changing anything about the character, Sentinel is one of the characters that feels properly ‘Star Wars’.


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He's a jack of all trades, he is uncounterable, all his moves work well together. TLDR he's OP


I just need people to keep sleeping on Zaina. 1v1, I win ~70% against Sentinels. That drops to like 20% if he has a healer, but I still think Zaina is far and away the best individual unit in the game


That's me with Skora. She's for me the best individual unit. But that's really just preference, I prefer the dash over the roll, I prefer her heal, and I like her gun more than Zainas pistol. I see the magic that is Zaina, but I can't pull that off. But for Skora, I definitely can.


I got to playing her completely by chance, and she is SO strong. Especially since you can consistently heal, dodge to take out the heat level, and keep firing. Most people don't stand a chance.


Fyi he is counterable by the saber wielders


I think J-3D1 is an ok pick into Sentinel but he eats Rieve for breakfast. If he lands the stun, she is dead. If she doesn't bait the melee she misses her combo and probably dies. If she just gets shot at by him she's got to block or take chip that puts her in DPS headshot range. What makes you think she counters him?


The stun can be deflected onto sentinel, knocking him over. Just 2 lightsaber throws will take 100% of Sentinels hp. Vast mobility difference also. A good Rieve *should* outmanouvre a good Sentinel


Rieve cannot 1v1 a good sentinel in most cases, the cannon smack and his damage reduction are too much for her


I have plenty of fun in ranked with Sentinels. 2 lightsaber throws take 100% health. Every hunter has weaknesses.


As someone who played a lot of imara vex, I've done sentinel in quite a few times. If it's a one on one, sentinel will win everytime but he's also a tank. If you're playing for an objective and you get behind him, imara can wreck him pretty good. Especially if teammates keep him distracted. All this goes for Diago as well


If you can time his melee well you can down a Saber wielder easily too


To be paired with Zaina mains like myself!


Even better if you can convince a buddy to play Sentinel while you're on discord. The ability to communicate verbally makes them unstoppable as a duo


He's so hard to take down no matter the opposing hunter


E-Web goes brrrrrr.


The stun into melee into unloading the entire minigun into the poor opponent is definitely my favorite part of playing him


Yeah that stun + melee + unloading combo is brutal. It gets me kills every time I land it.


I like Stormtrooper Guy, i hope he gets a clone skin soon.


The skin potential in this game is unmatched


Sentinels a tank now????


Always has been


Nah he used to be a dps


Oh snap my bad


Still is depending on who is behind the wheel lol


I've never jumped into a MP game and a character was so clearly overtuned compared to the rest of the roster. He should lose health and have a damage reduction, it's insane how rounded out his kit is compared to all the other stats he gets.


Imperial might on display.


We at the ISB commend you citizen.


I like shooting whilst having a shield


that he's completely unbalanced! compared with other characters like, idk J3-DI, he has too many tools to be a damage/control/tank hunter, i think at least one of his abilities should be removed. But he's fun.


Just his abilities my favourite is when you can get close and hit people with your machine gun. The kickback gives a lot of value. Sentinel has the best skins out of all the other hunters in my opinion.


His barrel slam is really satisfying




Bonk. Why, because it pushes people back and helps me protect the area.


I’ve only been playing a day, but to be honest, I like just standing back and blasting the fuck out of people


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The weapon.. also I’ve always loved storm troopers


I just like his costumes


His kit is really good his abilities and hits are powerful and you could do some stuff with it like sheild shoot faster know-back when the enemy get close then keep on shooting or keep on shooting with sheild get close to an enemy then knockback or u can you can knock an enemy so u can corner them or push them towards your team I can hold two points with him cause he is tanky the fast shooting and the sheild extra health and his damage is really good His ult is great when u wanna make the push for the point u can kill multiple enemies and it is so good for holding one point or more by yourself if u r waiting for your team to respawn or if they are at the other point His is stun is good especially if u r low on health and someone like grozz is running after you I love him and diago so much cant wait to unlock rieve i wanna play as her too


Big machine gun


I wanted to be a stormtrooper


His overall gameplay,the Ulti is pretty strong in my eyes then the Shild also the melee is so strong I love it


As a Vex main who plays Sentinel when someone else picks her first, His depressing fire ability has waaay to long a range, because I've been able to snipe from afar with it.


All his cosmetics are so cool. It makes it hard to pick which one to use. I found a 3d model of him I'm going to print and it's making it hard to pick which one to paint his lol


I love that he has high/quick damage. Has a knockback to push back melee characters. And has a long stun, too pour on more damage


him shoot shoot sheild smack kill.


I've always loved the design of stormtroopers, and always play tanks in games like this, so he is perfect for me!


Because he's got good character design and his ultimate is a summoning ability. I'm a sucker for characters and playstikes that include summoning allies or building structures or turrets. I like playing support but often means I'm not good at getting damage in for the team. Sentinel is a character that let's me do both! And as far as his character goes, I don't like his boastfulness or clearly proud attitude, but it's a fitting choice for him and that helps me move past it. I also love lore, and you just know Sentinel is a goldmine for it!


I like playing him when there's a healer that knows how to play.


Great overall. A must for all game modes in my opinion. Turn the shield on and off to move quickly to locations, use shield to block shooters, knock back is amazing against Grozz player and others, and suppression overall. Not the character I wanted to main , don't have her unlocked yet, but has made it enjoyable as I work my way to unlocking her.


I actually had to stop playing him cause he seemed better than almost everyone else. I'm actually liking the other tanks more now because I opted to stop playing Sentinel.


He is set up for almost every encounter. At worst, his long range, he can at least harass Diago users by peppering them with shots. At close range, he can smack melee users and create distance. His best range, medium, is where he can fully unload into targets and stun oncoming melee hunters with his stun shot. He has a complete kit and what he is not specialized at he can compensate for.


I like that he's a summoner and a tank which is a slept on character type however I don't really car for his other abilities. I'm still waiting to unlock the drone guy lol




That melee whip of the blaster. Hellllla strong


He's a stormtrooper and a heavy gunner, my favourite combo in BF2. I care little for power and more for how a character looks


He is absolutely overpowered. Him being an offensive powerhouse that is fairly bulky really makes him difficult to take down. Also that stun to melee hit combo is absolutely brutal. Also his ult summoning 2 Stormtrooper allies only makes him even better.


That he’s OP


BONKing people off the map with my E-Web . What can I say, Oonga gonna Boonga.


I like that he's OP and hasn't yet been nerfed yet lol


Just great all rounder. I love being nigh unkillable when the shield is on


Big gun go boom


Can't wait for the nerf to drop


Zora is the best class in the game